167 (Sell): Using Deal Friction to Drive Opportunities Over the Line (Alex Kremer, Founder @ Alluviance)
Oct 17, 2023
Alex Kremer, Founder of Alluviance, shares tips for successful sales meetings including using undeniable truths, engaging demos, and personalized follow-up questions. He discusses creating an engaging meeting experience, handling customers who need time to think, and embracing friction in the sales process. He also provides techniques for handling objections and setting clear expectations during a demo.
Encourage friction in your sales cycle as it signifies customer engagement.
When conducting demos, use the 'Tell Show Tell' technique to help prospects easily follow along and engage in the conversation.
Deep dives
Using Undeniable Truths to Generate Sales
In this episode, Alex Cremmer from Catalyst discusses the power of using undeniable truths to create engaging conversations with potential buyers. He explains the three-part structure of the initial meeting: naming an undeniable truth or trend, discussing the challenges faced in keeping up with the trend, and explaining how the product or solution solves those challenges. He emphasizes the importance of avoiding being too grandiose or irrelevant when presenting the undeniable truth. Instead, the goal is to create a shared understanding and establish credibility as an expert in the field.
The Tell Show Tell Technique for Demos
Alex shares a technique called the 'Tell Show Tell' for conducting demos. He advises against overwhelming prospects by showing too much information during demos. Instead, he recommends outlining the three key things that will be shown, then showing them, and finally summarizing what was just shown. This approach helps prospects follow along, ensures they understand the demo content, and makes it easier for them to engage in the conversation.
Engaging Prospects and Handling Inbound Leads
Alex discusses the importance of engaging prospects and avoiding a me-centric approach, especially when dealing with inbound leads. He suggests pushing back gently when prospects just want to see a demo, and instead, focusing on understanding their specific needs and challenges. By aligning with their perspective and showing genuine interest in their priorities, sales professionals can establish a partnership and improve the chances of a successful next step. Alex also emphasizes the value of involving the right people from the prospect's team in the conversation.
Running Engaging and Powerful Demos
Alex shares his insights on running effective and engaging demo meetings. He advises starting with a strong opening to set the tone, summarizing the previous conversation to catch up new participants, presenting the key highlights of the product or solution at a high level, and then conducting the demo using the 'Tell Show Tell' technique. He emphasizes the importance of being animated, energetic, and standing up during the demo. Alex also recommends allocating time at the end to discuss implementation and propose next steps, making sure to involve all relevant stakeholders and create a powerful conversation.
Leverage the power of 7-38-55: 7 percent of meaning is communicated through words, 38 percent through tone, and 55 percent through body language.
Encourage friction in your sales cycle; it means that your customer is engaged.
When showing a demo, tell your customers what you're gonna show, show 'em, then tell them what you showed.
The "Barack Obama Objection Response" - When you get hit with an objection, acknowledge factors impacting their perspective and ask if they would be open to hearing a different perspective.