In this engaging and thought-provoking conversation Nick Cady and Mike Neglia speak with Robert Fergusson about the value of storytelling in preaching. Our postmodern world cherishes stories of individuals yet is skeptical of an overarching metanarrative - Robert helps us to use the former to communicate the latter.
They also speak about what it means to follow the example of Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:5 “For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.”
This was recorded in December 2020 and originally broadcast in February of 2021
Robert's book "Are you getting this?" is available at Hillsong's website [ ] or anywhere books are sold.
Robert Fergusson has been part of the teaching team at Hillsong Church for the last thirty years. He is English by birth, Australian by choice and European by taste. He has seven growing grandchildren, three married children and one patient wife. He is a biologist by training, but dislikes the colour green. He is a teacher by calling, but hates marking. He loves travelling, reading, photography and coffee. For over forty years he has taught people how to live in order to please God. He and his wife currently live in the parrot-filled suburbs of Sydney.