The Asia Tech Podcast reached out to Paul Meinshausen again after seeing an interesting post he made on LinkedIn.
Paul is one of the most thoughtful people I know. Please read the article referenced above and then listen to this episode...
The title of the Michael Lewis book I could not remember is "Liar's Poker".
Paul references this blog post by Andrej this as well.
It would not hurt to know a bit more about logistic regression.
I agree with Paul's assessment that we are moving from a deterministic world to a probabilistic world.
Some other titles we considered for this episode:
- The Pace Is Extremely Fast
- The Explore-Exploit Tradeoff
- The World Is Dynamic and Chaotic
- God Does Not Play Dice
- We All Have the Right Degree of Change That We Can Absorb at a Given Time
- Everything Is New for a Three-Year-Old