I'm sitting down with Sara Curry, owner of Blaze Yoga & Pilates in New Hampshire. We're talking about habits. It was tipped off by one of my clients who had a lot of health problems going on, and through working together we unlocked one of the secrets to her success - which was hard to stick to when the holidays came, and her habit fell apart. Tune in as we discuss how to create awareness to effect change, the best place to start, how to get the best support for YOU, and what to do when life happens (and it WILL)
We also answer questions like: Are your lofty goals setting you up for failure? What are your tendencies and why does it matter? BUT WHAT IF YOU DON’T HAVE TIME?!
In this episode:
-How to become aware of our habits
-Alignment based yoga & eating disorder recovery
-Where do I start?
-Are your goals too lofty?
-Sustainability & longevity of habits
-What are your tendencies and why does it matter?
-Overcoming obstacles
-How to get the best support for YOU
-What to do when life happens (and it will)
-What if I don’t have the time// how to find the time
-Creating the time to build new habits
Sara Curry, Blazy Yoga and Pilates in Portsmouth, NH https://www.blazenh.com/
Steamhouse Hot Yoga + Pilates in Epping, NH https://www.steamhousenh.com/
Episode 19: How to Feel Better https://www.erinholthealth.com/funktional-nutrition-podcast/2018/2/8/episode-19-how-to-feel-better-interview-with-sara-curry
Four Tendencies Quiz: https://quiz.gretchenrubin.com/
Work with The Funk'tional Nutritionist https://www.thefunktionalnutritionist.com/services
Find Erin on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.funktional.nutritionist/