#526 - William Costello - Are Incels A Threat To Society?
Sep 15, 2022
William Costello is an evolutionary psychologist and Ph.D. student who dives into the complex world of incels. He shares eye-opening statistics about the future of single women and explores the psychological profiles of incels, revealing their struggle with social isolation. The discussion also touches on gender dynamics, including the challenges women face in the dating scene and the evolving standards in relationships. Costello emphasizes the need to understand the diverse backgrounds and mental health challenges within the incel community, urging for a deeper societal dialogue.
William Costello is an evolutionary psychologist, writer and Ph.D. student at the University of Texas.
Men being hopeless with women is not a new phenomenon. But them self-identifying and creating a subculture around being "genetic dead ends" definitely is. William conducted some of the world's first research into the underlying psychological profile of incels to find out just what's going on.
Expect to learn why 45% of working age women will be single and childless by 2030, why many incels would rather bond over failure than over trying to improve, why women dating down is causing huge problems, whether Leonardo DiCaprio should date people his own age, whether incels are alt-right, why the claim that incels are all white men is superbly wrong and much more...
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