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My First Million

Business Tricks We've Learned From Gamblers, Pickup Artists, & Feynman

Jun 28, 2024
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Entrepreneurs Sam Parr and Shaan Puri discuss leveraging strategies from gamblers, pickup artists, and Feynman to boost business success. They cover topics like the Feynman learning technique, the Roger Bannister Effect, and the importance of believing in success. The podcast highlights how to excel in business by playing the game smartly and switching to better games for achieving breakthroughs.
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Quick takeaways

  • Applying mathematical strategies from gambling can enhance business success.
  • Emulating successful actions of others can boost individual achievements.

Deep dives

Ed Thorpe: From Math Prodigy to Pioneer in Probability and Statistics

Ed Thorpe, a math prodigy since childhood, defied financial limitations to pursue higher education. Transitioning from academia to practical applications, he applied his theories in beating the odds in Blackjack, demonstrating that with card counting, players could gain an edge over the house. Thorpe's experiments led to successful gambling ventures, ultimately publishing a groundbreaking book on Blackjack strategies that garnered widespread attention.

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