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Modern Wisdom

#662 - Gurwinder Bhogal - 18 Psychology Lessons To Understand People Better

Aug 3, 2023
Snipd AI
Gurwinder Bhogal, a programmer and a writer, discusses 18 shocking psychology lessons. They cover topics such as debates about word definitions, the allure of medieval times, over-analyzing tweets, curating social media feeds, the elusiveness of happiness, the history and symbolism of pineapples, hedonic adaptation and setting goals, existential crisis, the concept of karma, outcomes mismatch theory and tribalism, TikTok's trend of pretending to have Dissociative Identity Disorder, and unpredictability, presentism, and the treatment of animals.
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Quick takeaways

  • Curate your social media feed to filter out hasty and thoughtless posts.
  • Desire for external achievements can hinder true happiness; find contentment in appreciating the small things.

Deep dives

Twitter and the Avalanche of Garbage

Many social media posts are impulsive and not well thought out due to the ease of posting. It is important to curate one's feed to filter out hasty and thoughtless posts.

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