Agencies vary greatly, so finding helpful advice can feel daunting. With so many different agencies and approaches to running them, where do you turn to find reliable advice that has been tested thoroughly? Someone like Jason Swenk, who has worked with over 10,000 agencies in the last decade, fits that perfectly. This week, episode 204 of The Digital Agency Growth Podcast is about lessons learned from working with 10,000 agencies!
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In this episode of The Digital Agency Growth Podcast, Jason Swenk shares the importance of having a plan in place before selling an agency and actionable steps you can take right now to get clear on your business goals.
Jason Swenk is the agency advisor & coach who guides marketing agencies through a proven framework for growing their agency faster. Jason has literally written the book for growing an agency from nothing to two 8 figure agencies. He is one of the most sought out advisors to agencies in the World, by showing them an 8 system framework that worked for growing his agency, working with brands like AT&T, Hitachi, Lotus Cars, and eventually led to selling his agency.
In this episode, Dan and Jason discuss the following:
- The importance of trust with clients and employees.
- AI isn’t replacing agencies, it’s helping them be more effective.
- Jason’s ‘offer ladder’ approach which de-risks the commitment of working with your agency.
- Agencies should focus on solving clients' biggest challenges the fastest.
Don’t forget to visit Jason’s website to learn more about his upcoming book!
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