Rob Henderson, a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge and a US Air Force veteran, dives into the fierce dynamics of male competition for status. He shares how men's evaluations of physical ability predict relationship success better than women's views on attractiveness. Henderson also explores the intriguing 'dad bod' phenomenon and why men might bristle at it. He highlights the contrast between male overt aggression and female indirect strategies in competition, and discusses the biological roots of these behaviors, shedding light on our complex social interactions.
Rob Henderson is a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge and a US Air Force Veteran.
Men fight. Sometimes they look silly when they fight. But they also collaborate and team up to take on common enemies. Women fight in very different ways that are less obvious, but no less vicious, and they sometimes try to even scupper their own teammates.
Expect to learn how men's judgements of formidability are better at predicting future sexual partners than women's judgements of attractiveness, why male intrasexual competition is so much more obvious, my theory around why men hate to hear that women like dad bods, why there are rules in a "no rules" street fight, what happens if you get kidnapped by an Amazonian tribe and much more...