131: Finish Strong: Strategies for Achieving Your Year-End Goals
Oct 9, 2017
Explore strategies for achieving year-end goals, including planning in advance and practicing discipline during Thanksgiving. Learn about the importance of Thanksgiving planning, healthier choices, and setting a budget for holiday spending. Discover the benefits of therapy and how it can bring about changes in the brain, as well as the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) in replacing negative thought patterns.
Practice discipline with eating during the holidays to avoid overindulging and feeling guilty.
Set a spending limit for holiday gifts and communicate your budgetary concerns to prevent overspending.
Deep dives
Tips for Practicing Discipline with Eating During Thanksgiving
One recommendation for finishing the year strong is to practice discipline with eating over Thanksgiving. Instead of indulging in everything, plan to make or take some healthier side dishes. By doing so, you can go through the rest of the holiday feeling proud and avoiding the guilt that often follows overeating. This also connects to the idea of teaching ourselves to do the right thing even when we don't feel like it or when no one is watching.
Strategies for Managing Holiday Spending
Another key point to finish the year strong is to set a spending limit for holiday gifts and not exceed it. By deciding on a personal holiday gift for yourself and sticking to it, you can prevent overspending on additional items. If buying for yourself is not within your budget, consider planning something special for yourself later in the year as a reward. Additionally, it is advised to communicate your budgetary concerns and preferences to your family, friends, or gift exchange participants to avoid overspending.
Tips for Professional and Entrepreneurial Growth
To finish the year strong professionally, it is recommended to review your accomplishments for the year and prepare a list of major achievements to discuss during meetings or performance reviews. This highlights your contributions and demonstrates your value to the organization. Furthermore, it is suggested to use the holiday downtime to research potential new career opportunities for the following year. Updating your resume and negotiating your work schedule or additional benefits are also advised. For entrepreneurs, it is crucial to analyze and plan your finances, show gratitude to top clients, revamp your creative efforts, set clear goals, and commit to personal growth.
In this special holiday episode, we're turning the festive season into a powerful catalyst for positive change. Join me as we explore the art of "Using the Holidays as a Jump Start," delving into strategies that can elevate both your professional and personal life.