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Dr Thomas R. Verny is a clinical psychiatrist, academic, and author of eight books and 47 scientific papers, including The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, which was published in 27 countries.
He has taught at Harvard University, University of Toronto, York University (Toronto), and St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. Dr Verny lives with his wife in Ontario, Canada.
Here are the different topics we get into:
03:55 How Dr Verny got into psychiatry?
13:00 How does generational trauma get passed down?
18:30 How stress during your mother's pregnancy can get passed down?
20:50 How your cells can remember memories and trauma?
28:20 Which information or memory gets stored in the body?
30:25 How a network of cells can work as a network?
32:40 Where does consciousness come from?
38:30 How can you reprogram the body and mind?
43:05 Why somatic therapies are more effective to release emotions and trauma?
48:50 Where you can find Dr. Thomas Verny?