187: Principles and Tactics with Creativity Dominates All. MCDP 1-3 Tactics, with Dave Berke
Jul 24, 2019
Former Marine Corps officer Dave Berke discusses principles and tactics with creativity dominating all. They explore the importance of leadership and creative problem-solving in combat, reflect on the realities of war and the importance of fundamental navigation skills, and explore concepts like adapting and exploiting success, tactical indecisiveness in World War II, and developing intuition. They also discuss the influence of jujitsu on life and parenting, the benefits of discipline and healthier alternatives to sugary drinks, and the power of storytelling in teaching life lessons.
Recognizing and seizing opportunities in the chaos of combat is crucial for achieving victory.
Technology can both reduce and increase uncertainty in the tactical environment.
Experience and knowledge play a crucial role in tactics and leadership.
Achieving a decision in battle is crucial for wider impact in the overall war.
Tactical proficiency requires ruthlessly opportunistic and flexible decision-making.
Combat is not predictable, but chaotic and leaders must embrace complexity.
Deep dives
Recognizing Opportunity in Chaos
In combat, the objective is to recognize and seize opportunities in the midst of chaos and uncertainty to achieve a clear victory. The experienced tactician looks for recurring patterns that can be exploited to their advantage. The chaos and unpredictability of combat require the ability to think creatively and act decisively. Through education, practice, and experience, tactical leaders develop the capacity to creatively form and apply military force in various situations. They understand that combat is a collision of opposing forces, and success depends on their ability to navigate the chaos and make the right decisions.
The Dynamic and Uncertain Environment of Combat
Combat is a dynamic and ever-changing environment that brings complexity and uncertainty. The tactical arena is characterized by chaos and unpredictability, making warfare a challenging and fluid experience. The interactions between enemy forces, diverse external conditions, and the behaviors of individuals and units add to the complexity. Despite advances in technology, the tactical environment can still be chaotic, as seen in historical battles like Tarawa and Iwo Jima. The future of warfare may see opponents intentionally choosing to fight in a dispersed and hidden manner to counter our overwhelming firepower. Success in this chaotic environment requires recognizing patterns, creatively adapting, and seizing opportunities.
The Impact of Technology on Tactics
Technology can both reduce and increase uncertainty in the tactical environment. While it may improve our ability to navigate and gain advantages, it can also introduce new challenges and limitations. The Spartans fighting in close formation relied on the visible organization of their forces, while modern-day tactics are less well-defined due to the increased distances between units. Technology has made warfare more rapid and free-flowing in some instances, but it has also forced forces to disperse over greater distances, complicating command and control. Leaders must understand and adapt to the impact of technology on tactical operations.
The Importance of Overlapping Experience and Knowledge
Experience and knowledge play a crucial role in tactics and leadership. Knowledge gained from previous encounters and patterns of success can be overlaid onto new situations, enabling tacticians to anticipate outcomes and make informed decisions. Overlapping experience allows leaders to see through the chaos and recognize opportunities. However, it is important for leaders to avoid becoming complacent or relying solely on past experiences. Each situation is unique, and leaders must adapt and make creative choices based on the specific circumstances they are facing.
The Importance of Achieving Decisiveness
Achieving a decision in battle is crucial as indecisive battles waste lives and resources without significant gain. The goal is to go beyond incremental gains and achieve a result that has a wider impact in the overall war. Leaders must recognize that combat should not be a series of isolated battles, but rather a campaign with a long-term perspective.
The Need for Tactical Proficiency
Tactical proficiency is essential to succeed in combat. It requires making decisions that go beyond the immediate battle and considering the larger strategic picture. Leaders must be able to cut to the heart of a situation, recognize decisive elements, and base their actions on them. Being ruthlessly opportunistic and flexible is important to exploit opportunities and adapt to changing circumstances.
The Complexity of Combat
Combat is not a predictable closed system but instead is chaotic and uncertain. There are two competing views of combat: one that sees it as predictable and the other that sees it as complex and probabilistic. The probabilistic viewpoint recognizes the need to interact and adapt to the environment and sees combat as unpredictable. Leaders must embrace the complexity and understand that there are no fixed rules that can be applied automatically.
Seeking Victory Beyond the Battle
The ultimate goal of combat is not just to win individual battles, but to achieve larger successes in the war as a whole. Battles should be part of a strategic plan that leads to significant gains for the entire force. Leaders must avoid seeking victory for victory's sake and focus on accomplishing the assigned mission that contributes to operational and strategic objectives.
The Importance of Military Judgment and Developing Skills
Military judgment and the ability to understand the battlefield and act decisively are crucial skills developed through wisdom and experience. The Marine Corps recognizes the importance of teaching people decisiveness and judgment. These skills are not innate but can be learned and honed. They are not only important in the military but also in the private sector.
Understanding the Situation and Making Decisions
The first requirement of a commander is to understand the situation, which involves studying the situation, discerning critical vulnerabilities, and thinking through potential actions. The successful tactician uses pattern recognition to understand the dynamics of the situation. Decision-making is crucial, and leaders must have the ability to decide in constantly changing and uncertain environments.
Exploiting Critical Vulnerabilities and Concentrating Combat Power
To achieve victory on the battlefield or in any endeavor, it is important to identify and exploit critical vulnerabilities that will bend the enemy to your will. This requires concentrating combat power on those vulnerabilities and striking when the enemy is not prepared. By doing so, you can cause maximum damage to the enemy at the lowest cost to yourself.
Boldness, Ruthlessness, and Strong Leadership
To achieve decisive outcomes, commanders must demonstrate boldness and ruthlessness. This means daring to try for victory, pursuing the established goal relentlessly and single-mindedly, and exploiting every advantage. However, boldness and ruthlessness must be tempered by strong leadership and sound judgment to avoid becoming recklessness or cruelty.