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The Peter Attia Drive

#270 ‒ Journal club with Andrew Huberman: metformin as a geroprotective drug, the power of belief, and how to read scientific papers

Sep 11, 2023
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Neurobiology professor Andrew Huberman joins Peter Attia for a journal club discussing metformin's potential as a geroprotective drug and the power of belief. They analyze metformin's role in glucose regulation, compare it to berberine, and explore the Targeting Aging with Metformin trial. They also delve into how beliefs influence performance and weight loss, and the impact of beliefs on the brain's response to nicotine. They discuss the influence of beliefs on drug side effects and highlight the benefits of becoming a premium member.
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Quick takeaways

  • The Banister study sparked interest in metformin as a geroprotective drug, but its limitations call for further research.
  • The Keys study replicated the Banister study findings, indicating higher mortality rates in individuals with type 2 diabetes taking metformin.

Deep dives

Metformin as a possible geroprotective drug

The Banister study in 2014 initially sparked interest in metformin as a potential geroprotective drug, as it showed a reduction in all-cause mortality in individuals with type 2 diabetes who were taking metformin compared to controls without diabetes. The effects of metformin were thought to go beyond glucose regulation, possibly involving inhibition of mTOR, reduction of inflammation, and targeting senescent cells. However, key limitations of the study included the exclusion of individuals who progressed to other medications and the lack of randomization. Newer studies, such as the Keys study, aim to replicate and expand on these findings.

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