First, we hear from Presh Dineshkumar (LAUNCH), who walks us through how to write a compelling blog post that will rank in search engines. You'll learn how to structure your blog post, and some SEO tips and tricks!
After that, we have a talk from Ben Jennings (Embroker), who runs us through a startup strategy playbook for 2023. Specifically, you will learn about business transformations in the past two years, and how adjust your business for the new economy.
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How to Write a Blog Post that Ranks in Search Engines (SEO) - Presh Dineshkumar
- 1:03 Where should you publish your blog?
- 1:57 How to create a compelling blog post headline
- 3:58 How to write a compelling introduction in your blog post
- 5:17 SEO checklist -- things to include in your blog post
- 7:11: Get started today with your first blog post!
Startup Strategy in 2023 - Ben Jennings (Embroker)
- 8:15 Business transformations in the past two years
- 9:05 When to make changes in your company
- 13:50 creating a step-by-step plan
- 18:55 Building an organization that is aligned
- 20:55 How to measure success