The universe demands an explanation, implying an external, transcendent cause like God.
Scientific evidence supports a cosmic beginning due to the challenges faced by an eternal universe model.
Fine-tuning in the universe's constants points towards a designed universe with intricate precision.
Objective moral values suggest a transcendent foundation, indicating a divine source for inherent moral principles.
Deep dives
Existence of Anything
Why anything exists is the profound question of philosophy. Everything must have an explanation, either in its own nature or from an external cause. The universe's existence implies it has an explanation, leading to the conclusion of an external, transcendent, personal cause like God.
Origin of the Universe
The idea of an eternal universe faces philosophical and mathematical challenges. An infinite past leads to contradictions, thus the universe must have had a beginning. Scientific evidence, like the Big Bang theory, supports the finite past of the universe, indicating a cosmic beginning.
Fine Tuning for Intelligent Life
Scientists have discovered intricate fine-tuning in the universe's constants and quantities essential for life. The precision is so exact that even slight adjustments would render life impossible. Theories proposing physical necessity or chance fail to explain this fine-tuning, pointing towards a designed universe.
Objective Moral Values
The existence of objective moral values suggests a transcendent foundation. Without God, moral values lack objectivity and become subjective human constructs. The recognition of absolute moral values implies an inherent moral realm guiding human conduct, indicating the existence of a divine source.
Possibility of God's Existence
The ontological argument posits that if a maximally great being like God is possible, then God exists. Philosophically, the coherence of the concept of God allows for the possibility of His existence. The argument concludes that if God's existence is even conceivable, then it entails His actual existence.
Historical Evidence of Jesus's Resurrection
Established historical facts around Jesus's resurrection, like the empty tomb and post-mortem appearances, point to a divine miracle. The disciples' transformation and belief in the resurrection despite contrary expectations present strong evidence. Such historical data supports the existence of God.
Immediate Experience of God
Direct personal experiences of God can transcend argumentative proofs. Belief in God is considered properly basic when grounded in personal encounters. Just as basic beliefs about the external world are rational, belief in God based on experience is seen as a valid foundation for faith.