Dr. Kyle Gillett, a family practice and hormone optimization expert, dives into the nuances of male hormonal health. He discusses not only low testosterone levels but also the importance of hormone balance. Uncover the surprising societal factors linked to declining testosterone and explore effective strategies for hormonal optimization. Dr. Gillett highlights lifestyle changes and supplements that can help raise testosterone while addressing excess estrogen. He also demystifies testosterone replacement therapy, emphasizing the need for personalized approaches to achieve optimal health.
When men think about optimizing their hormones, they tend only to think about raising their testosterone. But while increasing T can be important, an ideal health profile also means having testosterone that's in balance with your other hormones as well.
Today on the show, Dr. Kyle Gillett joins me to discuss both of those prongs of all-around hormone optimization. We start with a quick overview of the different hormones that affect male health. We then get into what qualifies as low testosterone and how to accurately test yours. We also discuss what causes low testosterone in individual men, and how its decline in the general male population may be linked to both birth control and the world wars. In the second half of our conversation, we discuss how to both raise testosterone and get rid of excess estrogen, including the use of some effective supplements you may never have heard of. We then get into the risks and benefits of taking TRT, before ending our discussion with what young men can do to prepare for a lifetime of optimal T and hormonal health.