12. Leaving Religion, Finding Ekklesia: A Conversation With Rocky Glenn and Jim Gordon
Apr 11, 2019
Rocky Glenn and Jim Gordon share their journeys out of the institutional church, finding a new community void of religious influence. They discuss the authenticity of their experiences, the importance of community apart from religious obligation, and the value of finding a more genuine expression of the body of Christ.
Leaving the institutional church setting can lead to finding community outside traditional walls through everyday interactions.
Stepping outside the institutional church may bring loneliness and challenges, requiring patience for genuine community connections to naturally evolve.
Genuine community post-institutional church is not confined to specific gatherings but thrives in authentic interactions based on love and acceptance.
Deep dives
Community Outside Institutional Church Settings
Leaving the institutional church setting led Rocky Glenn and Jim Gordon to find community by connecting with people outside traditional walls. They emphasize that community can happen in everyday interactions, such as conversations with cashiers or fellow sci-fi enthusiasts. Breaking free from institutional norms allows for genuine connections and true community engagement beyond organized services.
Challenges and Isolation Outside the Institutional Church
Rocky Glenn and Jim Gordon discuss the loneliness and challenges that can arise when stepping outside the institutional church. They share personal experiences of feeling isolated, questioning their decision, and facing uncertainty in the absence of structured church gatherings. Despite initial struggles, they highlight the importance of relying on God's guidance and being patient for community to naturally evolve.
Reevaluating Community Definition Post-Exit
Upon exiting the institutional church, the concept of community is redefined for Rocky Glenn and Jim Gordon. They emphasize that genuine community is not confined to church services or specific gatherings but rather flourishes in everyday life interactions. Building relationships based on authenticity, love, and acceptance beyond religious labels becomes a key aspect of their newfound community experiences.
Embracing Unexpected Community Bonds
Rocky Glenn, Jim Gordon, and Mike Edwards highlight the unexpected formation of a supportive community bond through their shared writing endeavors. Beyond publishing articles, they enjoy meaningful communication and brotherhood, which has fostered a deep sense of community and connection. Their experiences underscore the significance of organic relationships that transcend professional collaborations, leading to mutual encouragement and support.
Fostering Genuine Connections Beyond Traditional Norms
Rocky Glenn, Jim Gordon, and Mike Edwards advocate for fostering authentic connections that transcend traditional institutional church norms. By engaging in thought-provoking conversations, embracing diverse perspectives, and embodying genuine love and acceptance, they stress the importance of cultivating meaningful relationships that reflect the essence of true community. Their shared journey highlights the transformative power of genuine connections outside structured religious settings.
Welcome to episode 12 of the UnSunday Show! I caught two of my friends at a weak moment and they both agreed to come on the show and talk with me about their individual journeys out of the institutional church. My conversation with Rocky Glenn and Jim Gordon centered around their reasons for leaving that religious environment, their experiences along the way, and what community looks like now, apart from religious influence and obligation.
Jim and Rocky's stories are indicative of millions who've left the institutional church environment in favor of a more authentic experience apart from it, me included. We haven't left the faith or the body of Christ. One cannot leave the body of Christ without walking away from Jesus. The two are mutually inclusive. Like so many others, we've simply discovered a more genuine expression of the body of Christ apart from religious obligation and conformity to institutional rules, expectations, and traditions.