Welcome to episode 12 of the UnSunday Show! I caught two of my friends at a weak moment and they both agreed to come on the show and talk with me about their individual journeys out of the institutional church. My conversation with Rocky Glenn and Jim Gordon centered around their reasons for leaving that religious environment, their experiences along the way, and what community looks like now, apart from religious influence and obligation.
Jim and Rocky's stories are indicative of millions who've left the institutional church environment in favor of a more authentic experience apart from it, me included. We haven't left the faith or the body of Christ. One cannot leave the body of Christ without walking away from Jesus. The two are mutually inclusive. Like so many others, we've simply discovered a more genuine expression of the body of Christ apart from religious obligation and conformity to institutional rules, expectations, and traditions.
Grab your favorite beverage, pull up your favorite chair and join our conversation.
Other Places You’ll Find Me
The Grace Cafe Podcast: https://www.gracecafepodcast.com
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Instagram https://www.instagram.com/unsundayshow
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/TheUnSundayShow
Music: Podcast Corporate, JD-Sound
Licensed for use via Audio Jungle and
Envato Pty, Ltd.
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