010 - The Coach Up: We're Talking About Practice(s)!
Feb 5, 2024
Explore the importance of finding a middle ground between goals and routines for effective time management and progress. Brad shares his holistic practices for well-being and success, including physical activity, deep focus work, prioritizing sleep, and socializing. Discover the significance of incorporating daily, weekly, and monthly practices for personal well-being. Learn about the value of routines and practices in achieving success and raising the floor.
Having three specific and achievable daily, weekly, and monthly practices can strike a balance between goals and routines for optimal well-being and productivity.
Tailoring the framework to individual needs and preferences, prioritizing critical practices like physical activity and sufficient sleep, and incorporating flexibility are essential for consistency and accomplishing what matters most.
Deep dives
Balancing Goals and Routines
Brad Stalberg introduces a framework that strikes a balance between goals and routines for effective daily, weekly, and monthly practices. While goals can be discouragingly broad, routines can become rigid and easily disrupted. The key is to have three daily, weekly, and monthly practices that are specific and achievable. Daily practices may involve physical activities, deep focus work, and prioritizing adequate sleep. Weekly practices include long walks, socializing with friends, and taking a digital Sabbath. Monthly practices might involve meditation, connecting with nature, and engaging with the community. These practices form the foundational habits that yield positive well-being and productivity.
Simplifying and Personalizing the Framework
The framework can be tailored to individual needs and preferences. Starting with the most critical practices for an individual's well-being, such as daily physical activity and sufficient sleep, establishes a strong foundation. Weekly practices like socializing with friends have a significant impact on overall well-being. Monthly practices, such as contemplation or listening to an album with no distractions, can be more flexible and schedule-oriented. Ritualizing these practices, keeping schedules, and employing flexibility are important for maintaining consistency. The framework offers flexibility, allowing individuals to focus on the essential building blocks for their life and accomplishing what matters most.
When it comes to thinking about how to design your days, weeks, and months, to get done everything you want to get done, we often think in terms of goals and routines. In the long-term, goals give you a North Star to aim towards; in the shorter term, routines help you knock out the tasks you need to do on a daily basis. Sometimes that works great. But sometimes it doesn't. We can feel too loosely connected to a goal that's far away—or too rigidly attached to a routine that, when it gets disrupted, throws off our whole day. So, on today's episode, Brad presents another way of thinking about how to get it all done.