Meditation, contemplation, all the spiritual practices, even therapy is all asking you to look within. You're not looking out there to solve your problem, you're looking within.
RJ Singh is all about Ultra Habits and the power of implementing positivity into your daily routine. His early life was one of violence, crime, jails, and addiction. With the support of mentors and supportive frameworks Singh embarked on the path of overcoming the pull of living in the shadows. Through his experiences he developed a system which empowers individuals to embark on the journey of living in awareness of mind, body, and spirit.
RJ Singh believes in limitless possibilities. He is a corporate and ultra-endurance athlete, family man and is dedicated to the pursuit of self-mastery. His life mission is to lead by example and share what he has learned about the power of habit and choice.
“As a person stays sober longer, and they're doing the work. They move into a place where they've read all the books, they've accumulated all the information, and you kind of realize that all that information is saying the same thing. Ultimately, within our heart and soul and being, we know the answers.”
- RJ Singh
Key Takeaways:
Sitting with Yourself: Being able to sit alone in a room and do nothing except be present to yourself in the moment is challenging for many. Learning to be with your thoughts, feelings, and the space inbetween is foundational to being present with life and others.
The Levels of the Mind: There are layers to the mind's activity and stories. Observation, engagement, identification, and witnessing. When all the thoughts settle and you have become a witness to how your mind functions a deep understanding is discovered.
Recovery: Addictions that undermine our health, relationships, and professional goals are like mold inside a wall. Unless you eradicate the root cause, identify the triggers, and build a solid community of support it is challenging to overcome the behaviors. Creating positive habits to replace the negative addictions is an important step to recovery.
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Ultra Habits Podcast