What do we get wrong about happiness? [Stephanie Harrison]
Jul 4, 2024
Stephanie Harrison, expert on happiness, challenges the traditional belief that success leads to happiness. Delving into societal values, individualism, emotional expression, and the impact of relationships on genuine fulfillment.
Happiness is not found in individual success alone but in mutual support and connection.
Ancient teachings from various cultures emphasize interconnectedness as foundational to genuine happiness.
Deep dives
Discovering the Core Idea of Happiness
The surprising revelation in exploring the new paradigm of happiness was the alignment of this philosophy with teachings found across various ancient religious and spiritual traditions. Despite thousands of years of existence, common threads in Buddhism, Greek philosophy, and indigenous thought all emphasize interconnectedness and togetherness as foundational to true happiness. This discovery provided a sense of reassurance and confidence in sharing this message, highlighting the enduring nature of human pursuit of happiness.
Togetherness as the Key to Happiness
One of the central concepts of the new happy paradigm is the importance of togetherness and interconnectedness in fostering genuine happiness. By shifting the focus from individual achievement to mutual support and kindness, individuals can experience a deeper sense of fulfillment. Embracing the idea that happiness is not a zero-sum game but a shared experience enables people to celebrate each other's joy and progress, creating a more harmonious and joyful world built on compassion and empathy.
Breaking Free from Individualistic Notions of Happiness
Challenging prevalent individualistic beliefs about happiness, the new approach emphasizes the fallacy of achieving happiness solely through personal accomplishments or possessions. By recognizing that happiness is not a solitary pursuit but a collective endeavor, individuals can transcend the limitations of self-centered happiness ideals. This shift encourages people to seek joy in supporting others, fostering a deeper connection to community and shared well-being.
Rooted in Ancient Wisdom, Realizing Universal Truths
A key revelation in the journey towards understanding happiness is unearthing the universal truths embedded in ancient wisdom across diverse cultural and religious traditions. Delving into Buddhism, Greek philosophy, indigenous beliefs, and other spiritual practices reveals a timeless message of interconnectedness and kindness as the essence of true happiness. This discovery reinforces the enduring quest for happiness that transcends individual experiences and underscores the shared human desire for fulfillment and joy.
There’s a simple playbook for happiness. One we’ve been taught since we were kids. Study hard, get a good job, climb the ladder, make a bunch of money and then you’ll be happy. So why do so many of us feel unfulfilled, lost and rudderless? This week we speak with Stephanie Harrison, an expert on the psychology of happiness and the author of New Happy. We discuss our rugged individualism, obsession with money, emptiness and disconnection, helping others and understanding our emotional pain. [Episode 56]