Dr. Jen Gunter, a renowned physician specializing in women's health, tackles health myths in a fascinating discussion. She delves into whether we can really boost our metabolism and how blue light affects our sleep. Gunter also explores vaginal health, addressing how much yeast is considered normal. With a focus on demystifying opioid misconceptions and shedding light on our body's sensory functions, she offers insightful truths that challenge common beliefs about personal health.
Can you really boost your metabolism? Is blue light actually ruining your sleep? How much vaginal yeast is healthy, and when is it ... too much? Body Stuff is back for a second season to bust the lies you're told -- and sold -- about your personal health. Join Dr. Jen Gunter as she addresses common myths, from the incredible ways your sense of taste and smell work to some harmful misconceptions about opioids and the biggest pain on our backs (literally). Whether you're curious to learn more about the world inside you or want to escape the online hot takes that promise to tell you how to optimize your health, this season dives even deeper into how your body really works. Produced in partnership with Transmitter Media. Listen to Season 1 and other podcasts from the TED Audio Collective now at youtube.com/tedaudiocollective.