Dr. Jade Teta, Naturopath, author and podcast host, joins our ambassador Emma Sutherland, as he describes the connection between metabolism, hormones and weight management. Working to define metabolism, Jade debunks the calorie-in vs calorie-out paradigm often relied on for weight management, replacing it with a holistic view of metabolism as a sensory apparatus within the body operating to respond to multiple stimuli including stress, hormones and temperature. Describing the difference between metabolic flexibility and inflexibility, Jade highlights the benefits of both a short and extreme diet and a gentle and prolonged diet for weight management.
Turning to hormonal influences, Jade and Emma discuss the role of leptin, insulin, oestrogen and progesterone on metabolism and in turn, weight management.
Find today's transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/podcast/metabolism-hormones-and-weight-management-emma-sutherland-and-dr-jade-teta
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