Have you ever ask yourself "Why Are You Consuming Porn?" 🤔 💭
Do you know that your social media consumption can also be considered as porn consumptions? 😱
Which media that can be considered as sexual media? 🫣
Find the answer through this full podcast video with Dr. Trish Leigh and Zack Carter 🙌🏼
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Hi. I am Dr. Trish Leigh, a Cognitive Neuroscientist, and Sex Addiction Recovery Coach. I am on a mission to help people heal their brains from porn use.
My podcasts are designed to help you learn that:
🎯Porn Damages Your Brain,
🎯Porn Impairs Your Mental and Physical Health, and
🎯Porn Destroys Your Relationships.
Subscribe to this channel for 🧠 tips to:
✅Quit Porn for Good
✅Heal Your Brain from Porn
✅Get Motivated in Your Life
✅Repair Your Mental & Physical Health
✅Heal Erectile Dysfunction
If you need more help, I can work directly with you.
Check out the programs below.
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