Trauma, whether acute, chronic, or vicarious, leads to similar brain changes, like increased vigilance and biased threat perception.
Chronic trauma, like constant denigration, can be as impactful as acute trauma.
Vicarious trauma, from news or helping professions, also affects the brain.
Constant exposure to others' suffering through news can cause vicarious trauma.
Limiting news intake can mitigate vicarious trauma.
Episode notes
Dr. Paul Conti is a Stanford and Harvard trained psychiatrist and author specialising in unconscious trauma.
If our mind was an iceberg, our conscious thoughts are the tip, and the huge mass below the surface are our unconscious thoughts. Dr Conti's research works on bringing the, forgotten, traumatic, painful and unseen into the light so you can heal and improve.
Expect to learn what people mean when they refer to the unconscious mind, what Paul wished people understood about how trauma works, whether ancestral trauma is something that can actually be passed down through genetics, what happens to your brain and body after experiencing trauma, what we can learn from the little voices in our head and much more...
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