Don't overcoach shooting form with very young players. Let them explore and develop their natural shooting motion.
Focus on basic principles like avoiding travels (stopping or jump-stopping before shooting) and generating power from the legs.
Use age-appropriate equipment (size 5 ball and lowered hoops of 7-8 feet for this age group).
Only offer minimal guidance on form if a child is using a completely ineffective technique (e.g., underhand scooping or baseball throwing). In such cases, gently suggest they generate power from in front or underneath, bend their knees, and jump.
Episode notes
In this episode, Alex Sarama is joined by Sam Funnell to discuss her innovative use of the Constraints-Led Approach (CLA) in youth basketball. Sam addresses the misconception that the CLA cannot be applied to younger age groups and emphasizes the importance of patience, creativity, and playfulness when working with beginners. She explains how she incorporates constraints and games to help her U7 and U9 teams develop skills and have fun. Sam also discusses the engagement of young players, the use of age-appropriate equipment, and the challenges of managing a practice with this age group.