Scientific and clinical evidence suggests that true recovery from mental illness can be facilitated by acceptance rather than attempts to fix the individual.
This counterintuitive approach involves accepting the person completely for who they are, without trying to change them.
Family members often struggle with this concept, as their natural inclination is to help and fix the perceived problem.
However, studies indicate that not trying to fix the person can lead to better recovery outcomes.
The author's sister felt rejected by her family's attempts to fix her, highlighting the importance of acceptance.
Episode notes
In this episode we find that the solution can be the problem. The hour begins with a charming couple from Utah who stumble across a clever fix to their clogged drain problem one day while they are showering together. For them, the impulse to fix the problem leads to a happy adventure into the world of patenting and manufacturing a new product. From there, the hour takes a turn to explore how this very same impulse to fix a problem — the impulse that has led the human species to invent telephones and bicycles and rocket ships — has surprising consequences when it comes to the problem of mental illness.