When Suleika Jaouad received a devastating leukemia diagnosis at the age of 22, her life took a very unexpected turn into adulthood. Viewing her long hospital stay from the lens of a journalist, Suleika began a daily diary, ultimately fashioning her own reflective world. Through her writing, she found not just a lifeline, but a sense of purpose and agency, living out the essence of post-traumatic growth. Suleika's commitment to actively seeking meaning amidst her significant health challenges is an inspiration for anyone dealing with uncertainty in life.
In this episode, you'll be able to:
- Understand how transformation comes with hardship and unpredictability
- Appreciate the role of vulnerability and love in conquering life's hurdles
- Discover how doing something creative can be the key to unlocking suffering
- Know the significance of developing a network built on loving support and empathy
- Learn how to skillfully navigate the ‘in-between’ spaces in life’s journey
To learn more, click here
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