Hedge: Use words that introduce uncertainty, like "sometimes," "occasionally," or "some people." Example: *"Some people may prefer working from home."
Emphasize agreement: Find common ground, even if you disagree on the main topic. Example: "We both want the company to succeed."
Acknowledge: Demonstrate that you've heard the other person's perspective using your own words. Don't just say "I hear you." Example: "I understand that flexibility is important to you because of your family."
Reframe to the positive: Avoid contradictions and negations. Express your point in a positive way. Example: Instead of "I completely disagree," say "I think..."
Episode notes
Disagreement and conflict may look the same on the surface, but the two concepts are, in fact, very different. According to Julia Minson, knowing how these notions differ is crucial to how you approach them.
In this episode of Think Fast Talk Smart, Minson and strategic communication lecturer Matt Abrahams delve into the intricacies of conflict and disagreement. Minson, an associate professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and Stanford University alumna, also shares her expertise on decision-making and conflict negotiation. Minson emphasizes the need for genuine curiosity and receptiveness in communication to foster productive dialogue.