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Some Work, All Play

Latest episodes

May 2, 2023 • 1h 28min

152. Canyons 100k Lessons, 5 Rules for Fueling During Runs, and Lower Volume Training!

We did a happy dance for the most wonderful day of the week: Podcast Tuesday! The main discussion was on fun takeaways from racing the Canyons 100k. David stepped up into the unknown and was 5th place! But what made the day really special was hitting a low point when it seemed impossible, and finding out that there was more to give. Our suggestion is to try something really big and really scary, whether it's in athletics or something else. Shoot those shots! The race discussion led to tons of fascinating topics: the science of "deception" in hot conditions, drug testing, the role of ego, the power of subconscious expectations, inspiration from people pushing their limits, and so much more! We also discuss the wildly uncertain area of electrolyte consumption, and how population-wide recommendations may not apply to individual athletes. This race was the most fun experience OF ALL TIME, and we can't wait to do more of these. Hopefully this discussion will inspire you to try something that seems unthinkable! And that was just the start! Other topics: the US Mountain Championships and the legend of Grayson Murphy, 5 rules for fueling runs based on duration and intensity, a shocking revelation about our favorite grocery store, last week's news of a positive drug test from an elite triathlete, and a question from a listener on how to optimize fitness at lower training volumes. Our only concern is that the happy dances on this episode may lead to cheek cramping (faces and butts). Keep the salt pills close by. For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO! Support the podcast: Try Athletic Greens:
Apr 25, 2023 • 1h 25min

151. Blood Volume Science, Emotions and Performance, and Double Doctor Celebration!

We put our party hats on for the ultimate celebration: Podcast Tuesday! The main training topic was on lactate shuttles in the body, and the connection between lactate and fatigue at all intensity levels. It's so fascinating how this molecule connects what we all feel during training, from a professional athlete to someone who is going on their first hike! But the main discussion was on Megan's PhD defense and her research in female athlete health and performance. The study findings = IMPORTANT. The double doctor swag = ACTIVATED. We discuss takeaways from tackling big scary goals! The main one to remember is that wearing black prevents the pit stains from being too obvious. And you better believe we were just ramping up! Other topics: rapid protocols for heat adaptation and how that may impact performance in all conditions, a new study that connects blood volume to short-term fitness changes, emotional state and performance, our thoughts on a big scandal in ultra running, adaptation to downhill running, dopamine and perceived exertion, the interaction of running and cross training, and a follow-up on training the stomach for people with really bad stomachs. Your farts are not your destiny! We had such a great time with this one. May your races be cool and your fitness be hot! For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO! Support the podcast: Try Athletic Greens:
Apr 18, 2023 • 1h 23min

150. How To Improve Fueling, Boston Marathon Hot Takes, and Longevity and Running Science!

We turned our happiness meters to 100 for our favorite day: Podcast Tuesday! The main training topic was on the science of gut training. The stomach needs to be trained in a methodical way just like the aerobic system, but people rarely talk about how much this part of training theory plays a role in endurance. We discuss the mechanisms, studies, and considerations, ending with 4 tips to improve your performance and health. Your gut is beautifully unique and important! No matter what the pre-race porta potty says! We also did instant reactions to the Boston Marathon, including hot takes on Kipchoge's surprising fade, the wins from Chebet and Obiri, and our theories for why the race played out like it did. Plus some training takeaways from the incredible performance from Emma Bates! She uploads all of her data to Strava, which is automatic HERO STATUS. And that was just the start! Other topics: tapering for the Canyons 100k, reflections on the past and future, a story about friends and dudes, a discussion about the awesomeness of hiking, a breakdown of the science of running and longevity, and questions from listeners on dealing with fatigue and downtime. This one was so much fun! May your takes be hot and your guts be harmonious. For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO! Support the podcast: Try Athletic Greens:
Apr 11, 2023 • 1h 21min

149. The Art and Science of Strides, High Carbohydrate Intake Principles, and Hormonal Tracking!

The most exciting time of our week is here: podcast Tuesday! The main training topic was on the trend of increasing carbohydrate intake during activity, sometimes to extreme levels around 120 grams per hour (480 calories!). We review some of the science of how glycogen levels relate to fatigue processes, along with GI considerations and our own personal experiences. Is it the next frontier of fueling, or a passing fad that will cause more DNFs than breakthroughs? The jury is out, but the carbs are in. We also talked about the principles of strides: what they are, how they work, and why they can lead to astronomical progress. There is a speed beast within all of us! And that speed beast may be farting a lot from all those carbs. Plus, we did something extra special with this episode and answered lots of listener questions! Our podcast audience is so smart, so kind, so awesome. Topics: pre-race nerves, the Lake Sonoma 50 Miler, the physiology of celebrating yourself, the Paris Roubaix bike race, on-course nutrition, cross training doubles, how to approach injuries during training, and considerations for hormonal tracking. There were tons of deep dives into the coolest concepts! And as usual, there were some extra shallow dives as well. Remember: Overnight success stories are years in the making. Let's make those years full of celebration! And sweet dance moves! But you gotta keep the glycogen high in the hips to avoid booty cramps. For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO! Support the podcast: Try Athletic Greens:
Apr 4, 2023 • 1h 24min

148. Zone 2 Training Explained, The Importance of Iron, and Overcoming Fatigue!

The most fun time of our week is here: podcast Tuesday! The main training topic was on Zone 2, focusing on what it is and how to find it for yourself. If you're anything like us, understanding the metabolic and aerobic physiology will explain so much about training theory, and you'll get way faster in the process. Zone 2 is like Hansel, it's so hot right now. We also talked about some nuances of iron intake, and how appropriate supplementation can CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Did we give a multivitamin containing iron to our baby Leo as a case study? Yes! Is he is ready to take on the baby Tour de France? You betcha! Get the padded baby shorts ready. And you better believe that was just the beginning! Other topics: 3 TV show recommendations, how to encourage adaptation through fatigue, what comes after overload training, a bunch of thoughts on the Gorge trail races, why philosopher Eckhart Tolle is our favorite running coach, some thoughts on artificial intelligence (it makes a great DJ!), the importance of celebrating yourself, and so much more. The episode finishes with a beautiful listener email, so make sure you stick around for that inspiration! As Coach Eckhart says: "On a deeper level you are already complete, and when you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy behind what you do." Do you think he likes hill strides and pizza? We bet he does! Does he coach babies for bike races? He does now! YOU ALL COMPLETE US. For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO! Support the podcast: Try Athletic Greens:
13 snips
Mar 28, 2023 • 1h 18min

147. The Science of Overload Training, High-Carb Fueling, and New Caffeine Study!

We brought a jubilant energy to this episode, countering a lack of sleep with a surplus of caffeinated gels! The main training topic was on overload training blocks, which consist consist of volume and/or intensity increases that last anywhere from a couple days to multiple weeks. We review some fascinating studies indicating that overloads may spur breakthroughs, but can also lead to disaster. How do you thread that needle? That's where the science meets art, and where things get REALLY FUN. Rules are meant to be broken! We also discussed how endurance limitations are often just fueling limitations, and why experimenting with higher carbohydrate intakes during activity could change how you think about your physiology. Carbs make champions! And that was just the start of the excitement! Other topics: a new study on caffeine and health, the relationship between running cadence and endurance, the importance of inclusion, how to think about cross-training, the 48-hour world record, bloodwork and the relation with intensity distribution, why you need to dial in your Zone 2 effort, a question on shoe cushioning for long races, a book recommendation, and much more! We also discuss the very real, very scientific evidence for why we are entering the GREATEST TIMELINE in the multiverse. It involves kung fu... and something else we probably shouldn't type in an episode description. You'll see, and we think you'll agree. For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. WOOHOO! Support the podcast: Try Athletic Greens:
19 snips
Mar 21, 2023 • 1h 20min

146. Barkley Marathons, 4 Training Principles for Peak Performance, and Shoe Reviews!

This episode was full of Spring joy! The main training topic was on 4 key principles as athletes transition from winter training, which apply anytime an athlete is pursuing peak performance. The primary physiological discussions: how increased climbing affects adaptation and fatigue, heat acclimation and fitness benefits, sustainable strength work, and dialing into effort instead of metrics. Lots of fun studies in that discussion, plus plenty of semi-related digressions. You know, the usual! We also broke down the 2023 Barkley Marathons, one of the most bonkers races on the planet! It was a remarkable year, and the takeaways can apply to everyone. And there was so much more fun! Other topics: Kara Goucher's incredible book "The Longest Race," the power of unplanned rest days, balancing rest with putting in the work, shoe reviews from podcast hosts who barely understand shoes, Vitamin D intake, wrong turn calculus, a new study on hopping (we're skeptical), and dealing with trauma and grief. This week's Listener Corner is so touchingly beautiful, and we hope it feels like a warm hug in a complex world. Also, we have a VERY SPECIAL RACE ANNOUNCEMENT. It's like LeBron James and "The Decision," except almost no one cares. Are we also taking our talents to South Beach? Listen and find out. For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. WOOHOO! Support the podcast: Try Athletic Greens:
11 snips
Mar 14, 2023 • 1h 10min

145. Joe Gray Interview! G.O.A.T. Mountain Runner on his Life and Journey!

It was such a joy to talk to one of our heroes, Joe Gray! Over his legendary career, Joe has won 22 US National Championships across mountain running, trail running, and cross country. Plus 9 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS! He is one of the best mountain runners of all time, with a legacy of sustained dominance that might never be matched. We have gotten to know Joe over the years at races, and he always takes his time to uplift young athletes, including us when we started out. He is an inspiration on and off the trails!  We talked about what drives him after all of these years and his thoughts about the future of the sport. Joe also talked about the challenges of being a Black athlete in America, starting with a terrible experience when he was a young runner, and how racism affected his journey as a professional athlete. Now, he mentors Black athletes on and off the trails. We discuss how things have changed, and the problems that remain. You may also learn a thing or two about his favorite food, Oreos. He said he "only" likes 7 of the varieties of Oreos, which implies there are more varieties than 7. We learn something new every day! Joe is a running and life BEAST, and we can't wait for you to hear his story!  For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO! Support the podcast: Try Athletic Greens:
27 snips
Mar 7, 2023 • 1h 25min

144. Threshold Training Explained, New Studies on Supershoes, and HILL BEASTS!

This episode got down and dirty with the most fun topics! The main training topic was on a new narrative review study describing the evolution of training theory, and why different approaches have converged on the benefits of lower-intensity training with relatively high doses of moderate threshold running, plus VO2-style speed in small doses. Figure 3 from that study is our love language, and we can't wait to tell you about it! We next discuss the implications of that approach for athletes who run uphills in training, which could change intensity distributions and present a MASSIVE opportunity for fitness improvements. Hills pay the bills. That's a STONE COLD SCIENCE FACT, and we explain how to use the principles in less structured training. And we were just getting started! Other topics, in loose chronological order: follow-ups on relationships and jealousy, reviewing our microbiome testing experience, a wrist-based heart rate discussion, the hydration/fueling option that is BLOWING OUR MINDS, Megan's trip to a sports performance conference, studies on supershoes, a cool analysis of how perception of "talent" changes outcomes independent of actual genetics, and a new study on artificial sweetners. That last topic is Megan's opportunity to roast the heck out of David and his love of gum.  Plus lots more! The vibes are strong in this one. We love you all!  For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. WOOHOO! Support the podcast: Try Athletic Greens:
13 snips
Feb 28, 2023 • 1h 10min

143. Lauren Fleshman Interview! Best-Selling Author, Great Athlete/Coach, Best Human!

We had SO MUCH FUN talking to Lauren Fleshman! Her book "Good For A Girl" just debuted as a New York Times Bestseller, and we think it's one of the best books ever written. The book is part-memoir, part-manifesto, fearlessly confronting cultural problems in running and beyond, while also being a beautiful and funny reflection on her life journey. In this interview, we talked about how we can change the incentive structures in athletics to put health (and longer-term performance) at the forefront. Topics included youth sports, college and professional coaching, fueling and body image, jealousy and comparison, and so much more! Then we left the pages of the book to talk about her personal journey with mental health and identity. We simultaneously had life-affirming chills run down our spines as Lauren described how she has explored her true self, and how athletics and fueling played a role in that process.  Lauren is a superstar. We think you'll finish this interview feeling inspired to step up to the start line of something big and scary. LET'S DO THIS! For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO! Support the podcast: Try Athletic Greens:

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