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The Hoffman Podcast

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Dec 10, 2020 • 28min

S2E8: Cara Jones – Finding My Own Inner Messiah

In today’s episode, Cara Jones shares her powerful life story. Cara is a filmmaker, former Emmy Award-winning journalist, and a story coach. She grew up in the Unification Church, often called the ‘Moonies’, and adopted this spiritual belief system. Cara’s real journey began when she left this religious movement. As she did, everything she’d been taught and had come to believe in about the world fell out from under her. In completing the Hoffman Process, Cara found great healing. She came to see that, “You can’t be haunted by a ghost you know.” Listen in as Cara shares about finding her inner messiah, healing her relationship with her family, and the freedom that comes when you own your story. Cara Jones’ work in the World: After completing the Process, Cara was finally able to tell her story to the world in her feature-length film, Blessed Child. Cara’s film production company, Storytellers for Good, produced this personal journey documentary. The seven-year journey of making the film inspires her current coaching work helping entrepreneurs untether their voices and get visible with their stories and bold messages. She works with people to guide them to own their stories. She invites you to “own your story so your story doesn’t own you.” Cara is also a MOTH story slam winner. Her writing has been featured in the Washington Post, HuffPo, and the Boston Globe. You can find out more about Cara here or follow her on Instagram.
Dec 3, 2020 • 31min

S2e7: Jen Atkin – Blowing My Way to the Top

Jen Atkin is a hairstylist, influencer, and entrepreneur. Just over a year ago, she had a powerful Process that changed her life. Jen grew up in a religious family in a small town in Utah. Listen in as she shares about moving to Los Angeles and her rise to the top of her field. With candor and vulnerability, Jen tells us what she’s discovered working in the world of fashion and celebrity. Jen is building a beauty empire with her award-winning hair care line, OUAI, and editorial destination Mane Addicts. Named “the most influential hairstylist in the world” by The New York Times, Jen has more than five million social media followers. Jen has worked for over fifteen years in salons and backstage at Paris and New York Fashion Weeks. She’s also worked on set with some of the world’s biggest celebrities. These include the Kardashian-Jenners, the Hadids, Gwen Stefani, Chrissy Teigen, Katy Perry, and Jennifer Lopez. Jen’s new book, Blowing My Way to the Top: How to Break the Rules, Find Your Purpose, and Create the Life and Career You Deserve, was released on December 8th, 2020. When she’s not juggling clients and her thriving companies, Jen tries to maintain a personal life at home with her husband and dogs. She enjoys hiking, meditating, and using funny memes to inspire her followers not to lose their sh*t. Photo of Jen by Mike Rosenthal.
Nov 26, 2020 • 29min

S2E6: Anat Baniel

Our guest this week is Anat Baniel. Anat is a trained clinical psychologist, and dancer, and was a close professional associate of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for over a decade. She is perhaps best known today as the founder of Anat Baniel Method®NeuroMovement®. Listen in as Anat shares a fascinating story of how she came to work closely with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, as well as how she feels about the Hoffman Process. Anat’s work is at the forefront of movement sciences and brain change. Her work provides breakthrough outcomes to athletes, musicians, those suffering from pain and injury, and children with special needs. She worked closely with Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais, learning from him while planting the seeds of her own emerging work. Anat’s work has evolved from over 30 years of experience with thousands of clients using practical applications of brain plasticity principles. Anat is the author of the bestselling books, Move Into Life: The Nine Essentials for Lifelong Vitality and Kids Beyond Limits: The Anat Baniel Method for Awakening the Brain and Transforming the Life of Your Child With Special Needs. She is a longtime member of The Hoffman Institute’s Advisory Council. Find out more about Anat here.
Nov 19, 2020 • 26min

S2E5: Anita Sanchez – Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times

Anita Sanchez, Ph.D., Aztec, and Latina, is devoted to bridging Indigenous wisdom and modern times. In this episode, Anita shares the four sacred gifts she offers in her book, The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times. Anita then tells a story from her childhood that shows the power of The Gift of the Power to Forgive the Unforgiveable. She also shares a big AHA moment during her Process. She learned of the power that a pattern of rebellion ‘against another’ can hold. It takes a lot of energy to stay connected through rebellion. Anita speaks of how we are all indigenous in the anthropological sense. We are all “from the Earth”, she tells us. She goes on to say that “some of us have, for thousands of years, consistently lived the tradition of the original knowledge.” She invites us to learn about who we are and where we came from. Anita Sanchez is an author, trainer, and speaker. She works with Fortune 500 corporations, businesses, educators, and non-profit organizations.  Her work focuses on cultural transformation, diversity and inclusion, and empowerment of women. She also focuses on bridging indigenous wisdom and science for business and societal renewal. Anita’s international award-winning book, The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times, is published by Simon & Schuster. You can download the free song based on Anita’s book at Anita leads an annual journey into the sacred headwaters of the Amazon to learn from the Achuar and Sapara people and reconnect to nature. She is a member of the board of Directors of Evolutionary Business Council, Bioneers, and the Pachamama Alliance. Find out more about Anita here.
Nov 12, 2020 • 33min

S2e4: Dr. Jennifer Ashby – Bringing Humanism Back to Medicine

Dr. Jennifer Ashby was raised between NYC and Appalachia by parents who were exotic animal trainers. She moved away from her family at the age of 14 and has been on her own ever since. She’s now a city girl who’s worked in traditional Chinese medicine in the medical healing arts for 25 years. In this episode, Jennifer shares her Process experience vulnerably and evocatively. In her words, the Process was the greatest gift that “has ever been afforded to me besides the birth of my kids. I found myself based on allowing myself to become empty…I just let it all go.” Jennifer is passionate about bringing humanism back to medicine. She’s been actively fighting COVID since the pandemic first hit. In March, she was a front-line worker screening for COVID cases. She shares her stories about treating people during this time and how Chinese medicine can help fight this disease. Jennifer finds she can be a grounding presence in her patients’ lives. Jennifer received her master’s degree in traditional Chinese medicine in 1995 and has had her own private practice for 25 years. As part of her work, she’s taught women’s health to master’s students for 10 years. She also works as a clinician and in research at UCSF for the past six years. Jennifer’s specialties are women’s health, oncology, and polycystic kidney disease. Jennifer is a mother of three fabulous folks and a friend to all. She’s lived in California since 1981 and has owned a bar, a nightclub, and a wine bar. She loves riding motorcycles and still likes good, ole punk music. Nature is her church. Jennifer says, “through it all, she remains ‘counter to all culture.’
Nov 5, 2020 • 35min

S2E3: Emmanuel Fortune

Emmanuel Fortune grew up in the Little Haiti community of Miami Florida, a child of Haitian immigrants. His family was 12 – a single mom and 11 siblings (including him). He learned to work hard and to do whatever was needed to help his family. Listen in as Emmanuel shares stories of what this was like and how it impacted his childhood and adolescent years. During a particular moment in his Process, Emmanuel could feel a breakthrough was possible. He stayed with himself as that moment unfolded into a profound understanding and deep healing took place. By transforming patterns deeply rooted since childhood, Emmanuel’s vision for his life and his professional path is blossoming. His story reflects the power of the Process to create real change within ourselves and in our lives. Emmanuel completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Florida. He completed his graduate studies at Stanford University. He is a lifelong educator with a belief in people’s ability to learn and grow. As you listen to this episode, you will see Emmanuel, himself, is a beautiful example of this. Emmanuel’s professional career spans time working in education, the social sector, management consulting, and most recently six years in philanthropy. He is passionate about economic justice. An educator at heart, his vision is to pursue a Ph.D. He plans to study a business-related discipline to research its relationship to justice and social change. Emmanuel Fortune is a family man, in all its forms. A giving and compassionate man, Emmanuel knows the power of the heart. He sees the wisdom that lies within each of us.  
Oct 29, 2020 • 33min

S2E2: Tamar Geller

Enjoy this lively episode with Tamar Geller, dog trainer, behavior expert, and New York Times bestselling author, and our new co-host Sharon Mor, Hoffman teacher. Listen in as Tamar shares about living from Spirit and training dogs in a whole new way.  Tamar developed the “The Loved Dog” method of dog training. It’s an innovative method based on the intersection of brain science, personal development, and a deep understanding of dogs’ behavior. Tamar’s work is popular with clients such as Oprah, Lady Gaga, the Kardashians, Tony Robbins, Reese Witherspoon, and many others. How It All Began After serving as an intelligence officer working with the Israeli Special Forces, Tamar spent time observing wolves in the wild. She studied the role of the leader as a parent and protector of his pack. By using similar techniques as the wolves, she created a method to train dogs that doesn’t involve aggression, dominance, or choke chains. In her training, Tamar goes beyond positive reinforcement. She emphasizes building a solid relationship with the dog by understanding the dog as an individual. She coaches them through games and fun to become the best version of themselves. Tamar helps PAWrents build a relationship with their dogs based on mutual devotion and love. She founded the first cage-free doggy boarding and daycare center in southern California, called The Loved Dog. Her first book of the same name teaches dog-owners how to train their dogs in a nonaggressive way. Tamar works closely with the animal rights organizations Humane Society of the United States, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and various rescue organizations. She conducts programs for rescue organizations and offers lectures in dog behavior. She has appeared on a variety of television programs and media outlets, including The Today Show, Oprah, Ellen, and Animal Planet. You can find out more about Tamar and her method of training puppies and dogs here, as well as on Instagram. Subscribe on Apple/iTunes
Oct 22, 2020 • 47min

S2E1: Stan Stefancic

Welcome to Season Two! We are thrilled to open with Stan Stefancic, retired Hoffman teacher and former Director of Special Projects for the Institute. Stan shares his stories of the Process (including working with Bob Hoffman), as well as his life’s work in helping to create a more socially just and caring world. For Stan, “…the Hoffman Process was a life-changing experience. I made many profound discoveries. I also encountered my Spiritual Self, and my own intrinsic worth and value. This meant that I could enjoy what I was doing for its own sake rather than proving through achievement that I was lovable.” Stan initially studied Civil Engineering while working as a bricklayer/stonemason apprentice. Upon completion of his apprenticeship, he changed direction, earning a BA in English and American Literature. Stan became active in politics and social change in college. He then earned an M.Div. degree at Harvard Divinity School. While studying for a Ph.D., he began working with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King inspired Stan to leave his graduate study and become a Unitarian Universalist Minister. He became deeply involved with the Civil Rights Movement and participated in meaningful social and political change. A minister for more than 40 years, Stan has served churches in six states. He served on many nonprofit Boards, including Common Cause, ACLU, and Planned Parenthood. Stan has also served as a citizen lobbyist focusing on Campaign Finance Reform and ethics and conflict of interest legislation. Stan was honored as Citizen Activist of the Year in 1998 for his contributions to the passage of a Citizen’s Initiative resulting in Arizona being one of four states to pass Public Funding of all elected State Officials. Bob Hoffman & Stan Stefancic in 1986 A Major Life Turning Point A major turning point in Stan’s life occurred when he participated in the Hoffman Process. He had recently resigned his position as Senior Minister after five tumultuous years and was trying to determine what to do next. Then a friend introduced him to Bob Hoffman, who invited him to experience the first 8-day residential Process and become Vice-president of the Institute. Immediately after completing the Process, Stan also began training as a Teacher. After teaching and training teachers for six years in the USA, Europe, and Australia, Stan left the Institute for a time to pursue other interests. He was a business consultant and did “crisis interventions” with churches where he was able to heal the wounds, repair the organizations, and stimulate growth. “I could not have been successful in those crisis situations had I not done the Process and learned how to stay present, authentic, focused, and deal with transference and projections.” Stan rejoined the Institute in 2000 as Director of Special Projects and Process teacher. He retired in 2011. Presently, he is writing a Memoir. Stan and his wife Marianne, who is a psychotherapist, live in San Rafael, CA.  
Sep 10, 2020 • 0sec

S1e21: Raz Ingrasci – Husband, Father, Son

In our finale episode of season one, Raz Ingrasci shares stories from many parts of his life. He offers some deeply moving stories about his own life as a husband, father, and son. Raz also shares an early history of, and fascinating wisdom about, the Hoffman Process. He speaks of his relationship with Bob Hoffman and the early days when the roots of the Process were first taking hold. You won’t want to miss this one! Listen in to find out why the Process is so effective in facilitating the change and transformation in people so needed in our world today. Raz shares about the Negative Love Syndrome and how doing the work in the Process, and in our new Hoffman Essentials, heals. Our times call for us to embody love and us to share it in our ‘everyday radius‘. Raz began his spiritual journey as a new graduate of UC Berkeley. He founded the Hoffman Institute Foundation in 1998 and has been an executive, consultant, and facilitator within the “Human Potential Movement” since 1972. Raz is also a Hoffman teacher of many years and Chairman of Hoffman International. Season two will begin in mid-October. In the meantime, make sure to catch up on all of our season one episodes.
Sep 3, 2020 • 0sec

S1e20: Jake Tarr – The Light of Forgiveness

Jake Tarr had a profound spiritual experience during his Process. When he turned the light of forgiveness toward himself, something incredible occurred. As Jake says, what happened isn’t ‘on the menu’ of the Process, but spiritual experiences and profound awakenings can and do happen at the Process. Listen in as Jake shares with us what happened and how it unfolded. Since his Process, this experience has deepened within him and has transformed his life and his relationships. Jake is a Managing Director at Kinetic Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm. He received his BA from Roanoke College and his MBA from Harvard Business School. Jake serves on the Hoffman Institute’s Board of Directors. He is the former Board Chair of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, one of the largest meditation communities in the country. Jake and his wife, Carrington, both Hoffman graduates, live with their three children in Washington, DC. They both have several siblings and friends who have also done the Process.

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