๐ Gift for All Podcast Listeners Below ๐| Hi, I'm Chris Williams, I work with entrepreneurial and business experts, speakers, coaches, and leaders helping them market, monetize, and lead their own high-ticket mastermind (or group coaching) programs. As the world continues to shift, many experts are trying to build high-ticket groups for additional income, lead generation, or impact. I love, Love, LOVE teaching experts how to generate leads, close high-ticket deals, and build strong, transformational groups. I have my own digital agency, lead two masterminds of my own, and have learned many of these lessons the hard way, so sharing my journey and offering strategies to avoid the problems I had to overcome is why Iโm here.
Connect with Chris:
๐ REDEEM GIFT ๐ We have open enrollment for our exclusive Be Uncommon Mastermind (never before open to the public) where you can get 1 on 1 mentorship & personal insight from top 8 & 9 figure CEO, founders, business owners.....to help you grow, scale, increase revenue & avoid business pitfalls on your path to LEVELING UP!
(Featured 8 & 9 figure Members: Pascal Bachman who has worked with people like Ed Mylett, Nick Cavuoto who worked closely with Gary Vee & Tony Robbins, Mandi Ellefson, 4X 8 Figure Business Owner Vinnie Fisher, J.C Granger, David Valentine & so many more...)
Apply to the Be Uncommon Mastermind:
Learn More @ https://calendly.com/nickcavuoto/20-minute-meeting-mentormind
Mention: Journey with Christian D Evans Podcast
Create and Launch a Successful eLearning Program, Online Course, New Client or Employee Onboarding or Virtual Training --> where you will learn the biggest mistake most people make with eLearning, the #1 reason most eLearning programs fail, the 3 Pillars to create extraordinary value for your learners every time, how to streamline your client & new hire onboarding and much more!
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๐ REDEEM GIFT ๐ Free 7-day Trial of BizableTV (Top Rated Business Content From High Level Entrepreneurs)
Learn More @ https://bizabletv.com/pages/bizabletv-christian-d-evans
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christian_d_evans/?hl=en
Journey with Christian Podcast:
#mastermind #groupcoachnation #christiandevans #journeywithchristiandevans #highticketsales