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The Good Life with Michele Lamoureux

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Jan 5, 2022 • 43min

Kathy Vines: How to be Prepared In Case of an Emergency like a Lock Down or Having to Flee Your Home

Most of us have experienced a brief power outage at some point but what if the power in your home went out for days, would you be prepared? What about a lockdown and going to the market with empty shelves and no access to things like toilet paper? We’ve experienced this with the pandemic but are you prepared in case something like that happens again without warning? What about wild fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, or some other natural disaster or emergency situation? If you needed to flee your home, would you be ready to leave safely and with the items you need to survive until the situation is better? Do you know what to have on hand at home or in order to flee? These are some of the questions that get covered in today’s interview. In my opinion, this episode is important for everyone and definitely worth your time. Joining us is Kathy Vines, Certified Professional Organizer, who has combined her organizational expertise with emergency preparation tips. She walks us through her 3-part emergency preparedness framework. You will learn so much useful information from this episode! Show notes can be found at WE DISCUSS: Emergency Prep for: 1. At home – shelter in place with limited access to supplies and services. 2. Fleeing your home but only for a certain amount of time. For ex. to avoid a hurricane. 3. Fleeing your home when it might be permanent because there are wild fires that destroy your home.  4. Each of these scenarios and how they require different supplies and preparedness. 5. How to approach it without being panicked but being prepared. 6. The importance of having a plan for the household. 7. Ways to mitigate risks. Core list of supplies: Water  2. Food 3. Medications 4. Toilet paper 5. Personal hygiene 6. First aid 7. Pet food 8. Camp stove + matches 9. Pot to boil water 10. A fuel source  11. Camping backpacks – old clothes that you could grab and go with warm clothes 12. Durable duffel bag 13. Tent 14. Make sure your devices are charged.  Phone or laptops especially to have communication.   15. Flashlights, glow sticks 16. Hand crank radio 17. Glasses or contacts What information you need on hand. Doctors number 2. Know how to turn off the water for your house 3. Copies of the insurance for your home 4. Being able to grab your most important life documents easily and have copies somewhere safe.  Passports, Birth certificates, and cash in smaller bills. Show Notes & Resources: Interviews with Michele: –Episode #9 with me and Kathy on Home Organizing –Episode #62- Kathy giving us organization tips to begin a New Year Kathy’s Resource Blog Post she referenced Website: clevergirlorganizing.comInstagram: Michele on Instagram Book: Clever Girl’s Guide to Living with Less: Break Free from Your Stuff, Even When Your Head and Heart Get in the Way by Kathy Vines KATHY VINES BIO: Kathy Vines is a Certified Professional Organizer, Productivity Specialist, and the owner of Clever Girl Organizing. Kathy launched Clever Girl in early 2013 after a 20-year career in Human Resources. She works with people across the country through Virtual Organizing and in her annual Clever Girl Organizing Challenge, helping to untangle their relationship to stuff and create the systems to conquer the chaos around them. She is the author of the book, “Clever Girls’ Guide to Living with Less: Break Free from Your Stuff, Even When Your Head and Heart Get in the Way”. Kathy’s ideas have been featured in the Boston Globe, Washington Post, Better Homes and Gardens and Real Simple magazines. She appeared in a national segment on “Inside Edition”, and that video has been viewed over 2.5 million times on YouTube, though admittedly, she can’t imagine how why 2.5 million people need to see her help a family organizer their refrigerator.  This episode was sponsored by Design a Life You Love, A Woman’s Guide to Living a Happier and More Fulfilled Life. My book includes 52 inspirations, one for every week of the year, each with practical tips to guide you to self-love and success on your own terms. It’s a short book that you can read in about an hour, but includes life lessons that will last a lifetime. Thank you for listening to the show!
Dec 29, 2021 • 1h 1min


Dr. Sara Gottfried, New York Times best-selling author of numerous books geared to empower women with the information they need to live healthier lives joins us to shed light on the relationship between our hormones and food. We discuss her most recent book, Women, Food, and Hormones: A 4-Week Plan to Achieve Hormonal Balance, Lose Weight, and Feel Like Yourself Again. If you want to understand your hormones and how to be healthy, strong, and to create balance in your life – you are going to love this conversation! All of the show notes can be found at While on the show notes page, I’d love for you to join our community. You’ll receive more inspiration and tips to love yourself and your life. You’ll get a FREE copy of Michele’s Book, Design a Life You Love. WHAT WE DISCUSS: 1️⃣ What is precision medicine and why it is way she practices medicine. 2️⃣ How healthcare should focus more on personalization and bio-individuality, rather than focus on the population, which is the medicine of the average. 3️⃣ Why women need to demand better care and ask doctors to look at root cause. 4️⃣ Why we need to eat in a way that regulates our hormones, from insulin to estrogen. 5️⃣ How anxiety and depression can be impacted by hormones being out of balance. 6️⃣ Why classic keto doesn’t work for many women. 7️⃣ The Gottfried Protocol and how to approach eating for metabolic health. 8️⃣ The important role testosterone plays in women’s health. 9️⃣ Dr. Gottfried’s daily morning routine and one thing not to do to begin your day, and much more! RESOURCES MENTIONED Website: Dr. Gottfried’s website with more resources Book: Women, Food, and Hormones – Book Instagram: Dr. Gottfried Integrative Practice: Dr. Gottfried Michele on Instagram MORE ABOUT DR SARA GOTTFRIED: Sara Gottfried, MD is a board-certified physician, researcher, educator, and NYT bestselling author. She graduated from Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and completed residency at the University of California at San Francisco. Over the past 25 years, Dr. Gottfried has seen more than 25,000 patients and specializes in identifying the underlying cause of her patients’ conditions to achieve true and lasting health transformations, not just symptom management.Dr. Gottfried is a global keynote speaker who practices evidence-based integrative, functional, and precision medicine. She is Clinical Assistant Professor in Dept. of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences at Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, and Director of Precision Medicine at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health.Her three New York Times bestselling books include: The Hormone Cure, The Hormone Reset Diet, and Younger. Her new book just came out in September 2021, called Women, Food, and Hormones. Learn more at
Dec 22, 2021 • 40min

Debbie Millman: On Branding and Creating a Vision for Your Life that Matters (re-run)

The iconic Debbie Millman is on the show. I have been an admirer of her work for years. For 20 years, Debbie was the President of Sterling Brands, one of the world’s leading branding consultancies. Under her leadership, Sterling grew to 150 employees in five offices. While there, she worked on the logo and brand identity for Burger King, Hershey’s, Haagen Dazs, Tropicana, Star Wars, Gillette, and the No More movement. Debbie is currently working with Law & Order SVUactor and activist Mariska Hargitay’s Joyful Heart Foundation to eradicate sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, and the rape-kit backlog. In 2009 Debbie co-founded the world’s first graduate program in branding at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Today we discuss branding as well as how to design our lives intentionally. All of the show notes can be found at WE DISCUSS: The difference between design vs. branding “Branding is about manufacturing meaning through symbols and objects, and design is the expression of that meaning.” What it takes to create a new brand or rebrand. You have to ask one crucial question when working on a brand: “Why does the world need this?” Her work for the Joyful Heart Foundation and how she got involved as the Chairman of the Board. Why she believes a person shouldn’t aspire to be a brand. What drives her to impact others. Her 5 Year Life Plan that she took with Milton Glaser that transformed her life. Big dreams all manifested within 13 years, within ten years, 80%-90% of it was achieved. The importance of declaring your wants. Declaration of intention. Debbie teaches her students the 10 Year Life Plan at the School of Visuals Arts. How at the age of eight she created a picture that turned into her adult reality – like a vision board. Her advice on how to live a creative life. Her thoughts on advertising during COVID, and much more! DEBBIE’S 3 BEST TIPS FOR DESIGNING A GOOD LIFE: “Continually think if not now, when?” “If you want a remarkable life, you have to commit to doing it.” Don’t edit your dreams before you try. We often determine what’s impossible before you determine if it’s possible. “Try before you decide you can’t. You get over failure and rejection, but you don’t ever really get over regret.” “Don’t give up on love.” RESOURCES MENTIONED – website Debbie on IG @debbiemillman on Twitter Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits by Debbie Millman Brand Bible: The Complete Guide to Building, Designing, and Sustaining Brands by Debbie Millman Debbie talked about writing out an ideal day 10 years from now. Dream big and write down everything you want to have happen and review the entry once a year. This is the website she referenced with detailed notes. Michele on Instagram
Dec 15, 2021 • 51min

Brian Moran: NYTimes Best-Selling Author - How to Use The 12 Week Year to be More Productive and Live In Alignment with Your Life's Vision

“If the average person just more consistently did what they already know they’d be healthier, happier, and be making more money.” – Brian Moran Brian Moran the New York Times bestselling author of “The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months” is going to share how to get more done in less time. He will take us into this execution system he developed while also sharing easy to implement time management strategies. He also connects the dots back to why it is important to create our life vision so we can structure our time and goals around that vision.  You will learn tactical steps that you can use today to move closer to the life you desire. Loved this conversation so much! Tune in now and you can access the show notes with resources at Join my weekly Newsletter to get more tips and inspiration to design a life you love and you'll get a free copy of my book by the same name! There are 52 inspirations - one for every week of the year! WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: Why the 12 week year is an execution system and how that helps you get more done in less time. Why it’s not enough to know.  "You have to execute.  Knowledge is only powerful if you act on it." Get out of the annual environment.  With this program, you are going to stop after 12 weeks and that is your year.  Measure your success or failure and measure the progress and then go again.  It’s a fluid process.  You can use  this professionally or personally.  You can do  anything for 12 weeks and then decide is that somethingI want to do again. Your vision is you’re why.   Your goals NEED to align with the vision. At the goal level, know the difference between goals and tactics and outcomes and actions.  The actions we have control over.  Goals are outcomes.  Make sure at the goal level that is measurable – it’s an outcome. Determine what are the most important actions.  Most plans are conceptual not tactical.  You need to spell out the specific actions and focus on “less is more”. Stay connected to your vision by putting the longer term vision in front of you – laminate a card you can look at every day. Create visual reminders. The difference between a habit and routine is key.   Ex, going to the gym is a routine not a habit and routines are what drive success.  How you begin and end your day needs a routine.  The key is to start off positive.   End your day with gratitude.    How to manage time.  Time blocking – 3 core blocks: A. Strategic Block -3 hours blocked during the week.  No interruptions – working on the business not in the business. THIS CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE.  B. Buffer Blocks – these are designed to deal with the emails/low level stuff.  Ex, I return calls between 4-5pm.  Don’t check your emails when they come in. Block time in to address it. C. Break out blocks – schedule time away from work to do something just for you to recharge. The Four Disciplines of the 12 Week Year  Vision – You have to know what you want. Planning – You have to ask – “What matters most?” Execution – Then ask, “Am I doing it?” Measurement – “Is it producing?” RESOURCES MENTIONED The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months – Brian’s NYTimes best-selling book – Brian’s website and more resources Michele on Instagram ABOUT TODAY’S GUEST: Brian Moran, President and Founder of The 12 Week Year, has thirty plus years of expertise as a corporate executive, entrepreneur, consultant and coach. Brian is a recognized expert in the field of leadership and execution. His realization that most people don’t lack ideas, but struggle with effective implementation led him to the development of ‘The 12 Week Year’. His client list includes industry leaders like Allstate, Aon, Becton Dickinson, Dunkin’ Brands, Keller Williams, Mass Mutual, Medtronic, Merrill Lynch, Meritage Homes, Nationwide, New York Life, Papa Johns Pizza, Prudential State Farm and Taylor Made just to name a few. Brian resides in Michigan with his wife Judy and two daughters.
Dec 8, 2021 • 53min

How to Invite in Abundance: The Connection Between Energy + Money w/ Polly Alexandre

Would you like to invite in more abundance? Do you believe you can shift your energy in order to manifest money? Do you struggle with self-worth and feel that is your block to gaining wealth? These are just some of the areas we cover today with Polly Alexandre, money coach and intuitive healer, who overcame decades of self-limiting beliefs about money to become a multi-six figure entrepreneur who shares her powerful insights internationally.   Soulful conversation with many tactical tips in this episode. All of the show notes can be found at
Dec 1, 2021 • 45min

Deborah Heiser: How to Cultivate a True Support System of Women to Champion You in Business + Life

Navigating the challenges of life requires support. Two years of living through this pandemic created another level of needing meaningful connection. Deborah Heiser, is on the show to discuss how to cultivate a true support system of women to champion you in your business and personal life. Deborah is an Applied Developmental Psychologist and this is a must listen for all women. Be sure to share it with a friend. All of the show notes can be found at Sign up for weekly inspiration while on my website. Look forward to connecting!
Nov 24, 2021 • 45min

Jacqueline Whitmore: Learn Etiquette Tips for Travel, Holiday Dinners, Handling Polarizing Conversations, and More

Using proper etiquette is very important in relating to others but something we aren't always sure how to navigate. Jacqueline Whitmore, International Etiquette expert is going to help us with etiquette tips for traveling during the holidays and how to handle difficult conversations during this polarized time where even family and friends aren't on the same page. She also explains how to greet people when heading back to work events or at the office and even how to raise kind children. If you want to bring kindness and your best self to these situations, you'll want to tune into to this conversation. I particularly appreciated Jacqueline's definition of etiquette as it goes way beyond which fork to use. Tune in now. The show notes and freebie mentioned are at
Nov 17, 2021 • 49min

Geralin Thomas: How to Organize Your Closet to Make Getting Ready Easy and Joyful

Are your closets cluttered? Do you have plenty of clothes but nothing to wear that you are excited to put on? Would you like help getting organized so you can get ready easily and feel more in control of what you are putting on? If you answered yes to any of these questions, or you simply enjoy learning more organizing techniques, then you will love this interview with Geralin Thomas. Geralin is a naturally gifted professional organizer. For 19 years, she's helped people around the world get organized and become more productive so they can pursue their passions. You may have seen Geralin on the Emmy nominated television show, Hoarders, where she worked in some of America's most cluttered homes. She is the author of Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets, and is a wealth of information. The show notes and links mentioned are at
Nov 10, 2021 • 51min

Terri Trespicio: How to Get Unstuck to Create a Life that Matters to You

If you want to live a more meaningful life, then you’ll want to tune in to learn from Terri Trespicio. She teaches us how to get unstuck and reframe the idea of following our passion to unfollowing our passion! Why? Terri believes that we don't follow our passion, rather it follows us. We dive into her soon to be released book, Unfollow Your Passion, How to Create a Life that Matters to You. Terri is an award-winning writer, speaker, and brand advisor. Her TEDx talk, "Stop Searching for Your Passion" has surpassed more than 7 million views and she was named by Hubspot as one of the “Top 18 female speakers who are killing it” (she came in at #2—Oprah was #8), and one of the world’s leading creatives by Creative Boom magazine. The show notes are at
Nov 3, 2021 • 56min

Mark Metry: Learning to Overcome Social Anxiety and Be Your Authentic Self

Mark Metry lived most of his life with social anxiety and not only overcame it, but has learned how to thrive. He hit such a low that he considered taking his life until he realized that all of his pain may actually be a gift that he can help others overcome. With over 15 million people suffering from social anxiety, Mark shares what he has learned about how to own your voice and be your authentic self. Mark hosts the Social Anxiety Society podcast and is the author of Screw Being Shy: Learn How to Manage Social Anxiety and Be Yourself in Front of Anyone! If you or someone you know suffers from social anxiety, this interview is for you. All of the show notes can be found at

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