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Hustle & Flowchart: Mastering Business & Enjoying the Journey

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Jun 10, 2021 • 1h 33min

JaMarr Johnson - Life Lessons From Standup Comedy

You are really going to love our show with JaMarr Johnson today, who is a true renaissance man. We covered so much ground in this one, and we love how JaMarr refers to himself as an entrepremedian. He talks about entertaining first and making it interesting and engaging. JaMarr did this perfectly on today’s show and we mention his book, Super-Connecting a lot, which you should definitely grab. We also chat about affiliate marketing and we love how he explains it simply as ‘recommending stuff.’  We also talk about the serenity prayer, reframing your emotions and the fears surrounding public speaking, and how to rewire your brain. JaMarr then talks about his connection with a cannabis company and the health side behind it. He has a proven track record of figuring out the wins all around and leveraging what someone already  has going on, and he’s using his skills to leverage the processes, traffic, and infrastructure to make it all happen. After you’ve listened, be sure to check out our conversations with Steve Sims and Ken Coleman for more inspiration on how to get in front of the right people and the best ways to grow your network for fun and success.  “In business, you want to capture their information more than you want to make sure they have yours because they are not going to follow up.” - JaMarr Johnson   Some Topics We Discussed Include: Developing verbal kung fu to diffuse potential bad situations The need for stability and how we all can be a renaissance person Getting a call out from the stage from Dave Chappelle When visualization meets preparation How to be at a place where everything that happens to you is a blessing Content creation from everyday experiences Using voice emails to impress How to create a natural flow in your daily from the time you wake up Messenger marketing with funnels that appear based on keywords Cloud kitchens and cannabis kiosks!   Resources From JaMarr Johnson: Super-Connecting - The Art & Science of Creating Meaningful Relationships in a Digital Age book Through the Fire Speech Super Connecting: The Secret of Professional Networking course   References and Links Mentioned: PodHacker Membership Charity Miles app Zero app SuperPhone LinkedIn Learning The Rise Of Superman by Steven Kotler The Cannabis Health Index by Uwe Blesching Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here! Did you know we have an awesome YouTube Channel?  Join the Facebook Community - be sure to hop in our Facebook group to chat with us, our other amazing guests that we’ve had on the show, and fellow entrepreneurs! This episode is sponsored by Easy Webinar - be sure to check out these special deals for our listeners. How To Make Impossible Things Happen - Steve Sims How To Achieve Your Goals Using The Proximity Principle - Ken Coleman      
Jun 8, 2021 • 1h 15min

Joel Erway - Mini-Webinars And Power Offers

We have a great show today with Joel Erway of The Webinar Agency. We’re big fans of Joel’s selling process and the fact that he simplified the selling process dramatically and put all the obvious pieces out there. His power offer is so simple where he is basically making a no-brainer offer saying he can build this for you, you can have it within 24 hours and it’s guaranteed to make you more money than you spend on it. He also discusses his application process to pre-qualify a lead. You don’t always want to put the price on the application and set any expectations, because once you get someone on the phone, you might be able to offer them even more. You can use this process with affiliate offers and even a hybrid model, using it with potential rev share deals. With Joel’s method, you are getting the hottest prospects and are ready to solve their problems. It’s a way to extend that relationship, so it can be a great way to bring your best buyers to you. We also talk about having the MQL and SQL when building your offer, and how identifying folks ahead of time is super powerful. When you are done be sure to listen to our conversations with Jason Fladlien, a webinar and handling sales objections master, and Sam Bell, who discusses high converting webinar audiences and value-based strategies.  “What we are doing is going after the solution aware market.” - Joel Erway   Some Topics We Discussed Include: A big turning point in how Joel structured his offer How the power offer came to fruition and the amazing results that occurred A 90% reduction in cost per acquisition by flipping the offer around The steps that will define your own power offer The #1 mistake when creating a power offer and mini webinar Why you don’t always want to include the price in your application process The difference between MQL’s and SQL’s and which you should focus on How to get a complete mini-webinar done for you in ten days ready to launch Low ticket offers vs. high ticket offers and which to use when Examples of big wins when working with clients Getting as specific as possible to appeal to those who value time currency   Resources From Joel Erway: The Webinar Agency Joel Experts Unleashed Podcast Sold WIth Webinars Podcast   References and Links Mentioned: How To Create Irresistible Offers by Bob Bly DSLR Video Shooter on YouTube Peter McKinnon on YouTube Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here! Did you know we have an awesome YouTube Channel?  Join the Facebook Community - be sure to hop in our Facebook group to chat with us, our other amazing guests that we’ve had on the show, and fellow entrepreneurs! This episode is sponsored by Easy Webinar - be sure to check out these special deals for our listeners. Frameworks To Obliterate Sales Objections - Jason Fladlien How To Drive More Sales Using Facebook And Webinars - Sam Bell
Jun 3, 2021 • 1h 15min

Alex Mandossian - The Storytelling Formula That Makes Sales

Alex Mandossian joins us on the show today and we really like his storytelling formula. It was even better to hear it in action and have him explain it as he went along in the content of the framework that he laid out. You can use this structure for everything, and the way he “sells” is the way we would sell. We tell stories that theoretically get people to buy from us but we never go for the close. He was explaining what people would miss out on, and towards the closing, he does it in a way where people are realizing they need to work with him, so it becomes their idea to work with him.  Alex also discussed the cost of inaction and using that in relation to the story is something that’s not used often but has great results. Part of what he does is have you picture possibilities and go through the motions with him, so it makes you feel like you can do this. You’ll hear Alex’s story structure of when/where, who is involved, what happened, then how and why this is relevant to you. You’ll also hear some great stories as only Alex can tell them, as well as some tips to other marketing icons through the years, as Alex brings his many years of knowledge to the show. If you liked this episode, you might also enjoy our chats with Sean Vosler for even more storytelling techniques and with C.J. Martin, who not only tells some great stories but talks about how to build a standout brand in a crowded market. “I don’t change minds, I convince minds who are already coming in my direction or going to a competitor to rechannel behavior.” - Alex Mandossian   Some Topics We Discussed Include: A marketing launch that made $1.2 million in less than 30 minutes Knowing your first mentor How to boost your conversion rates with one sentence The two step process to lowering acquisition costs The winning sales technique behind a chocolate chip cookie sale and a trip to Disneyland How anyone can be a marketer The framework of what makes a great story, especially the ending The $14,000,000 toilet teleseminar story A simple, two questions trial close that anyone can do   Resources From Alex Mandossian: Fool Proof Discovery Session Script All Selling Aside Podcast 3 Reasons Why People Won’t Buy   References and Links Mentioned: Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here! Did you know we have an awesome YouTube Channel?  Join the Facebook Community - be sure to hop in our Facebook group to chat with us, our other amazing guests that we’ve had on the show, and fellow entrepreneurs! This episode is sponsored by Easy Webinar - be sure to check out these special deals for our listeners. How To Sell Through The Power of Storytelling - Sean Vosler Building A Standout Brand In A Crowded Market - C.J. Martin
Jun 1, 2021 • 1h 15min

Avi Arya - How To Build Influence With Micro-Videos

We rarely bring on guests that do a cold reach out to us, but Avi Arya is one of the rare guests who made it onto the show that way, and he did this by using the same video technique that he shared on this show to contact us. He is the first video outreach we ever brought on, and his video really stood out, over the approximate 30 requests we get on a daily basis. Avi covers a variety of video formats, and he managed to build a $126,500 who have been on his program which starts at his $1 webinar. He’s also got a huge following on Instagram and gives a ton of free value on there and Facebook. What intrigued us, is this is something we’ve been doing and we’ve never had a methodical process.  Avi also gave us so many additional ideas to use this style of video, and you could start with the videos we outline then go deeper on so many other videos with his catalog. Plus, you can start all of this using just your phone. The video is personally customized and it’s simple outreach that sends you to his YouTube channel. It doesn’t take a long time to create, and the reason he does this is that he wants to be with his family more. If you are not using video and leveraging these tools, this is like magic, and you need to harness it now to connect with people. After you have listened, be sure to listen to our chats with Shaina Weisinger and Gideon Shalwick as they dive into the keys to keep people watching your videos and the best tips for the highest engagement. “I think you have to put your foot down and say ‘I’ll give you stellar service, but I do it only on video.’ You have to tell people this is how I do my business.” - Avi Arya    Some Topics We Discussed Include: How the video factor wows your potential customers Examples of exactly what to say in your video Getting buyers for 90 cents a lead and a $1 trial offer How the pandemic has changed the way entrepreneurs spend their time Avi’s 4-minute video formula for outreach A winning strategy to use with Quora ads An overview of the 33 videos in the program, including all the social media platforms What you are probably not taking advantage of with your Instagram profile but definitely should be using The superpower of the 21st century and how you can leverage it to gain an audience How often you should be making videos and the perfect length, depending on your goals   Resources From Avi Arya: You can see Avi’s offers on his Instagram: AskAviArya   References and Links Mentioned: Internet Moguls Bonjoro Loom Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here! Did you know we have an awesome YouTube Channel?  Join the Facebook Community - be sure to hop in our Facebook group to chat with us, our other amazing guests that we’ve had on the show, and fellow entrepreneurs! This episode is sponsored by Easy Webinar - be sure to check out these special deals for our listeners. How To Get The Most Reach Out Of Every Piece Of Content - Shaina Weisinger Video Hacks For Creating Easy Content - Gideon Shalwick
May 27, 2021 • 56min

Therapy Session - An Explanation Of The New Podcast Studio

What’s up Hustle & Flowchart community! We’re back with our monthly therapy session and we are stoked to talk to you guys about our new studio. TBD on the name, but it’s getting close. We’re going to talk about why we got the new studio, all the cool equipment we got for the studio, a little about what’s been going on behind the business, and of course, the big reason behind why we got the studio. You’ll hear about the specific equipment we purchased, the way we set it up for a particular reason, as well as some less costly, but totally fun purchases we made to make it our own. There are a few different reasons why the new studio is a big go for us and looking ahead, we want to tell you about our goals for growth, especially when it comes to YouTube. We also have a few changes in mind when it comes to the format of the show and we’d love to hear your thoughts. We’re excited about this new phase and can’t wait to show you guys some more behind-the-scenes footage as well as, how we are bringing all the tech, audio, and video footage together to grow our content strategy and brand. After you are done, check out our previous Therapy Session where we talk about how to become a PodHacker as well as our chat with Pat Flynn, and how he’s been able to build an amazing show and brand over the years. “We’ve noticed that content creation is best when we are together in a focused place...and there’s a mind-meld that happens in a different way when there’s a whiteboard in an office that has no distractions.” - Joe Fier “It’s been the vision and what we’ve always wanted to do. We want a creator space and a getaway, thinking mastermind space.” - Matt Wolfe   Some Topics We Discussed Include: The one time recently when Matt was not wearing a hat (for a very good reason) The big “Why” behind the reason we moved forward with securing our studio space Saying goodbye to the trash man, the washing machine, and the gardener Shout out to our awesome editor, Jacob Listen in as we take you through an audio tour of this massive new space Some fun, cheaper items we added to strategically bring into the mix  The way we set up our camera in a specific way Some changes for the future and where we are taking the show next How we view YouTube and the amazing opportunities we plan on focusing on (and how you can potentially be a part of it!)   Our Resources: Here’s a list of all of the cool studio tools we mentioned:   References and Links Mentioned: The super comfy All33 chair The YouTube Formula by Derral Eves Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here! Did you know we have an awesome YouTube Channel?  Join the Facebook Community - be sure to hop in our Facebook group to chat with us, our other amazing guests that we’ve had on the show, and fellow entrepreneurs! This episode is sponsored by Easy Webinar - be sure to check out these special deals for our listeners. Therapy Session – How To Become A PodHacker Strategies To Turn Followers Into Superfans - Pat Flynn
May 25, 2021 • 1h 24min

Mikael Dia - The Momentum Engine To Grow Your Business

Today’s show is a special one, as it’s the first podcast we recorded in our new Flowchart Studios location, chatting with Mikael Dia from Funnelytics. On today’s show, we discussed his momentum engine which is his four-step process that is customer-centric to attract, close, deliver and retain. Also, his 1-3-10 process is very cool, and if you are struggling for sales, he makes some great points. He’s got this concept about not bothering to run ads because if you are trying to get your first 100 leads on your list, use your social media account and your friends, tap your existing network, then ask them to tap their own network. If you are just getting started, just figure out how to get that first one, then duplicate the same system for the first three, then the first ten. We talk also about how to scale, bring more revenue into the process and dive into whether that’s the right market for you, instead of being caught up in the latest ways to drive traffic. With Funnelytics you can really drill down to see what the high impact stuff is, so you can scale those things and you are not guessing in your marketing anymore. After you have enjoyed this show, and to get even more insight into testing your marketing tactics, check out our episodes with Shaqir Hussyin and Anfernee Chansamooth. “I thought wouldn’t it be cool if I could just draw my funnel on a canvas and overlay all my data just like I would on a whiteboard, and that’s how Funnelytics came to be.” - Mikael Dia   Some Topics We Discussed Include: How Funnelyitics came to be and the process of creating a new piece of software Testing and trying new online methods until you get that very first sale  You want to have this one, very important thing when building a software company How to validate your product idea while giving value and getting feedback ahead of time Mistakes made along the way when building this tool The two things you need in order to grow your business and how the momentum engine fits in How the 1-3-10 scaling method will help you understand what adjustments need to be made to scale Using data from the software to run simulations and forecast future conversions and revenue   Resources From Mikael Dia: Funnelytics   References and Links Mentioned: Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here! Did you know we have an awesome YouTube Channel?  Join the Facebook Community - be sure to hop in our Facebook group to chat with us, our other amazing guests that we’ve had on the show, and fellow entrepreneurs! This episode is sponsored by Easy Webinar - be sure to check out these special deals for our listeners. Creating The Optimum Selling System - Shaqir Hussyin How To Create The Perfect Case Study To Make More Sales - Anfernee Chansamooth
May 20, 2021 • 1h 17min

Brian Kurtz - Using The Pandemic To Eliminate What You Don't Want

Brian Kurtz joins us for round two today, and we really love how open he is and how he dives into his wisdom from his book, Overdeliver. We talked about the shifts and pivots people had to make over the last year from going to live events to online conversations. Plus, we chat about the things we’ve had to shave off from our own lives and what we can stop doing, which is something that’s not talked about as much. It’s that non-negotiable part of our lives, which we have individually and collectively been saying no to lately. Something else Brian discusses is non-negotiables in our lives and knowing that if we don’t want to do it, if it’s not fun, which is the main theme of our show lately. We have stopped glorifying the money part of the business but instead, try to glorify our lifestyles. You’ll also hear Brian’s thoughts on what he’s learned from the marketing greats, such as Perry Marshall, Jay Abraham, and Dan Kennedy, and even Picasso, how he uses what he’s learned from direct marketing over the years as well as how he is getting amazing open rates with his emails. After you have listened, you’ll want to check out our chats with Mike Long and Marx Acosta-Rubio for more talk about how to make the best use of your time while using this current economy to your advantage. “If you have content, not everybody is going to see the content all of the time. Even if you repeat stuff a year later, it’s new for a big chunk of the audience.” - Brian Kurtz   Some Topics We Discussed Include: Lessons learned from direct marketing 101 Applying rules from geniuses like Picasso to apply to the future Pre-pandemic planning which led to success What to keep and what to throw away in your business What does cutting up a salami have to do with content marketing? The 4 C’s concept when trying new projects What’s ahead for the future of live events One easy tip to get a 45% open rate with your emails Lessons learned from the titans of direct marketing The beauty of curating content and overdelivering   Resources From Brian Kurtz: Overdeliver Breakthrough Advertising Brian Kurtz to get on Brian’s list and find ways to work with him Titans Xcelerator The Breakthrough Advertising Quickstart Bootcamp   References and Links Mentioned: Capability Amplifier podcast with Mike Koenigs & Dan Sullivan The Dan Sullivan Question book Who Not How by Dan Sullivan Essentialism by Greg McKeown Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here! Did you know we have an awesome YouTube Channel?  Join the Facebook Community - be sure to hop in our Facebook group to chat with us, our other amazing guests that we’ve had on the show, and fellow entrepreneurs! This episode is sponsored by Easy Webinar - be sure to check out these special deals for our listeners. How To Create A “Pandemic Adapted Business” - Mike Long How To Make Time Move Slower To Accomplish More - Marx Acosta-Rubio
May 18, 2021 • 1h 9min

Dale Beaumont - Plug-N-Play Systems For Any Business

This is the last recording that we recorded in Matt’s office - woo-hoo! We really loved our conversation with today’s guest - Dale Beaumont of The way he creates his systems is so smart, and if you did not see the video version of it, he showed us that he has a flowchart for literally everything he does in his business. His systems include things like how to change the lightbulbs and how to make coffee in the coffee maker as well as more in-depth tasks such as how to set up an email campaign and how to create an asset register. You can see that video on our YouTube channel at   There was also a boatload of mindset stuff, as Dale talked about how we create excuses that hold us back and reminded us that there are so many tasks we do ourselves that are super easy which we know we can hand off to someone else. It’s not about the time, it’s about the mental space and the opportunity cost. Dale also showed us how to document things with apps such as Loom or Otter and how, basically you can run an entire coordinated event, assigning due dates, and linking to all of your SOP’s. We also talk about how he was able to publish 11 different books in one year and how he set up his systems which allow him to travel with his family 4 months out of the year. After you have listened, check out our chats with Michael Gerber, another systems marketer, and Crystal Dwyer Hansen & Mark Victor Hansen who were instrumental in Dale’s success with book publishing.   “The reason being is because I had great systems. When you’ve got good systems and people, and you’ve got a good product, then you can really scale.” - Dale Beaumont   Some Topics We Discussed Include:   How Dale is able to spend two months at home, then travel for one month, including his wife and two kids Being able to publish eleven books in one year Smart advice to move forward from one of the most successful book authors This one question to ask yourself to determine if you need a system or not Setting up your own mission control for all of your team’s tasks The three core components you need when systemizing your business Getting over the limiting thoughts so you can hand more stuff off to save you hours and hours of time Making business decision using simple math   Resources From Dale Beaumont:   References and Links Mentioned: Secrets Exposed  Business Blueprint Loom ScreenCast-O-Matic Google Sites Active Campaign Ontraport Descript Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here! Did you know we have an awesome YouTube Channel?  Join the Facebook Community - be sure to hop in our Facebook group to chat with us, our other amazing guests that we’ve had on the show, and fellow entrepreneurs! This episode is sponsored by Easy Webinar - be sure to check out these special deals for our listeners. Solve ANY Problem By Asking The Right Questions - Crystal Dwyer Hansen & Mark Victor Hansen Systems Are Everything, Stupid - Michael Gerber
May 13, 2021 • 1h 19min

Massimo Chieruzzi - The Content Marketing That Made AdEspresso Successful

We covered a lot on our show today with Massimo Chieruzzi, as he tells his story through the episode while pulling out lessons about content marketing and lead scoring. This episode is part comedy and a whole lot of insights and tactics about content marketing. You’ll hear about some of the pinnacle moments Massimo had while building AdEspresso, his content marketing strategies, his thoughts about startups and the ups and down of moving your business to a new country. We also talk about how he was able to build up AdEspresso in such a short time by doing a lot of split tests, with actionable information and sharing the data of what they found. They also created a giant swipe file, which anyone can make for their own audience. Now you have a page on your site that’s very attractive where you are aggregating information, getting a ton of backlinks without having to create a 5,000 word post. We also talk about his big exit from the company, and how so many have this idea they will exit, retire onto easy street, but that’s usually never the case. You’ll also want to check out Massimo’s manifesto he wrote which is all about revenue acceleration on his new venture, There’s a lot of principles in there that pulls a lot of the nuggets he references, such as the value exchange. Once you’re done be sure to listen to our chats with Lisa Buyer and Dan Norris for more tips and tactics on branding and building up a strong brand identity. “That’s a huge asset, because your advertising will be cheaper...people are more willing to click on the ad because they recognize the brand” - Massimo Chieruzzi    Some Topics We Discussed Include: Bad at selling or hate talking to people? Listen to what Massimo did to succeed Let us know who’s right when we talk about the river (you’ll know when you listen to the outro) The ups and down of agency work Balancing trying to build the next great product even though you may not be passionate about the project The truth about the world of start ups and what you never hear about The perks of having a recognizable brand The story behind the controversial chicken Getting attention to your brand without have to talk to people The concept of having code as content  Reach out to this specific audience to get linking building results How mid-scoring can lead to revenue acceleration in your business Standing out and being unique in the online world   Resources From Massimo Chieruzzi: - get the Revenue Acceleration Manifesto   References and Links Mentioned: AdEspresso Hootsuite Lost And Founder by Rand Fishkin Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here! Did you know we have an awesome YouTube Channel?  Join the Facebook Community - be sure to hop in our Facebook group to chat with us, our other amazing guests that we’ve had on the show, and fellow entrepreneurs! This episode is sponsored by Easy Webinar - be sure to check out these special deals for our listeners. Beer, Branding, And Compound Marketing - Dan Norris How To Use Social Media For Branding And PR - Lisa Buyer
May 11, 2021 • 1h 26min

Cat Stancik - The Simple Plan To Get More Leads From Social Media

We had a super fun conversation on today’s show with Cat Stancik of Action Incubator, whose focus is on organic lead generation. She has a great methodology of how she’s able to get more leads, get the right leads, keep in touch with them the right way and without being spammy, and then achieving high close rates. We also talk about how to think about your ideal client, which may be a little different than you normally hear about, as well as rethinking how your social media profiles appear online. Cat also gives us her insight into her three C’s - how to connect, converse, and close as well as the three levers you can pull in your business to increase your revenue. In addition to all that, we talk about a cool new tool she has in the works, as well as the CRM she uses currently, which makes her connections a breeze. After you have listened, be sure to check out our previous chats with master connectors themselves: Joshua B. Lee and Gary Henderson.  “If you started selling the way the other person buys, you would make more money with the same amount of effort.” - Cat Stancik   Some Topics We Discussed Include: Why Joe’s has a fancy new pink microphone cover Our biggest lightbulb moment in marketing Cat’s 3 step process to getting clients to say yes Why your ideal client avatar is not the #1 thing you should be looking at Why it’s not all chest tattoos and rainbows The most important thing you should do first when trying to build a relationship Do’s and don’ts when using LinkedIn The 3 levers to pull in your business to increase revenue The 30% of people you need to just let go of Getting through the weather to whether experience The 4 P’s of content categories How to handle the close correctly so your prospect is empowered and can make a decision from a neutral standing point   Resources From Cat Stancik: Action Incubator FullyBooked.CEO Experts Never Chase Book Launch Link from Cat’s podcast with Joe Revenue Accelerator podcast   References and Links Mentioned: Dex The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here! Did you know we have an awesome YouTube Channel?  Join the Facebook Community - be sure to hop in our Facebook group to chat with us, our other amazing guests that we’ve had on the show, and fellow entrepreneurs! This episode is sponsored by Easy Webinar - be sure to check out these special deals for our listeners. How To Connect And Network With The Most Influential People - Gary Henderson The Dopamine Dealer of LinkedIn - Joshua B. Lee

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