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Hustle & Flowchart: Mastering Business & Enjoying the Journey

Latest episodes

May 17, 2022 • 44min

Brendan Wong - How Gaming Guilds Are Built

Ready for a deep-dive into the intricacies of gaming guilds and how they're built? Today we're talking with the founder of the largest gaming guild in the blockchain space. Brendan Wong is the co-founder of Avocado Guild and he generously unloaded a ton of wisdom on the current state of blockchain-gaming! We'd love to hear your thoughts about this one over in the community Discord. Join us for free at! Some Topics We Discussed With Brendan Include: What exactly a gaming guild is and does An explanation of the Avocado Guild The wide-range of guild sizes How to start building a guild full of assets How the community is your moat The life-changing impact of guilds Why we are so early in this space "Play-to-earn" vs "Play-AND-earn" The games that currently have the best traction Onboarding new gamers into blockchain Inflation of gaming tokens and how we might solve it The game that's doing it right at the moment The future of gaming guilds and why most will perish And much more! References and Links Mentioned: Avocado Guild on Medium Avocado DAO Avocado on Twitter ----------------------------------- Subscribe To The Hard Fork Gaming Channel  Join the Discord Community Matt on Twitter | Joe on Twitter Hard Fork Gaming on Twitter ----------------------------------- Brycent - Is Play-To-Earn Gaming Dead Already? Peter Ing - The Massive Business of Play-To-Earn Guilds Subscribe & Review To The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Hustle & Flowchart Podcast! If the information in our weekly conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!
May 3, 2022 • 51min

Rich Robinson - How Tokenization Changes The World (Animoca)

Everything is changing and innovating at breakneck speeds. And today we have a seasoned entrepreneur and world adventurer who shares his wild stories and where he sees technology and society going. Rich Robinson is on the show today and he is beyond passionate about Web3 and where gaming is going. He is the Entrepreneur In Residence for Animoca Brands, the unicorn blockchain technology and investment company worth over $5 billion. Rich breaks down his experience before Web3 and how he’s blown away everyday with the innovations of this space. Learn how he navigates this space as an entrepreneur, strategic advisor, and leader of the biggest company in this space. We'd love to hear your thoughts about this one over in the community Discord. Join us for free at! Some Topics We Discussed With Rich Robinson Include: Wild adventures in traveling the world How China is the biggest story of our lives with technology The high highs and low lows of entrepreneurship (it’s a sick disease!) What the new wave of entrepreneurs getting into blockchain should be aware of Rich’s story of joining Animoca and the wild ride he’s been on since Animoca’s vision of creating an open metaverse where there is ownership throughout The big picture of Web3 gaming, how it’s begun and where it’s going (quick!) How tokenization is going to change everything for businesses and give ownership to many What Animoca looks for when they invest in companies and games How tough it is to run an in-game economy and how it relates to the real world What’s coming up with Animoca Brands And much more! References and Links Mentioned: Rich on LinkedIn Animoca Brands ----------------------------------- Subscribe To The Hard Fork Gaming Channel  Join the Discord Community Matt on Twitter | Joe on Twitter Hard Fork Gaming on Twitter ----------------------------------- Justin Kan - Selling Twitch For $970m And Starting A Web 3 Gaming Company Peter Ing - The Massive Business of Play-To-Earn Guilds Subscribe & Review To The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Hustle & Flowchart Podcast! If the information in our weekly conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!
Apr 19, 2022 • 60min

Cypto Buffalo - WTF Is Hard Fork Gaming?

In this episode we're chatting with our new business partner at Hard Fork Gaming, Crypto Buffalo.  This is a wide-ranging conversation around Buff's journey into crypto, the current state of crypto, NFT gaming, marketing in the crypto space, and much much more. You're really going to enjoy this high-energy conversation that revolves around what we're trying to build with Hard Fork Gaming. We'd love to hear your thoughts about this one over in the community Discord. Join us for free at! Some Topics We Discussed With Crypto Buffalo Include: A history in video production Traveling the country in an RV with Jason Moffatt The genesis of Buff's crypto enthusiasm The big wins from metaverse land sales The current state of play-to-earn gaming The big marketing gaps that exist in crypto How you can get involved right now The reason Hard Fork Gaming exists And much more! References and Links Mentioned: Crypto Buffalo on Twitter ----------------------------------- Subscribe To The Hard Fork Gaming Channel  Join the Discord Community Matt on Twitter | Joe on Twitter Hard Fork Gaming on Twitter ----------------------------------- Brycent - Is Play-To-Earn Gaming Dead Already? Cagyjan - What You Need To Know About Play-To-Earn Games Subscribe & Review To The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Hustle & Flowchart Podcast! If the information in our weekly conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!
Apr 12, 2022 • 41min

Peter Ing - The Massive Business of Play-To-Earn Guilds

The topic of gaming guilds is one that we've discussed quite a bit lately. Today, we have someone that likely knows more about gaming guilds than anyone else on the planet. We're talking to Peter Ing of Blockchain Space, a company that collects and aggregates data on over 20,000 gaming guilds. We'd love to hear your thoughts about this one over in the community Discord. Join us for free at! Some Topics We Discussed With Peter Ing Include: How Blockchain Space came to be The recent Ronin Bridge hack The income that guilds bring to developing nations How scalable are play-to-earn games? The different between guild sizes How gamers can create income through gaming The future of play-to-earn gaming How to innovate in this space when others copy And much more! References and Links Mentioned: Peter on Twitter Blockchain Space on Twitter Blockchain Space Blockchain Space One-Pager ----------------------------------- Subscribe To The Hard Fork Gaming Channel  Join the Discord Community Matt on Twitter | Joe on Twitter Hard Fork Gaming on Twitter ----------------------------------- Brycent - Is Play-To-Earn Gaming Dead Already? Cagyjan - What You Need To Know About Play-To-Earn Games Subscribe & Review To The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Hustle & Flowchart Podcast! If the information in our weekly conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!
Apr 5, 2022 • 40min

Ivan Santana - What Goes Into Launching 10,000 NFTs At Once

In this episode we chat with a good buddy of Joe. They go way back to the college days. Ivan Santana is one of the head guys over at West Coast NFT, a company that helps launch generative NFT projects with up to 10,000 unique images. These projects are quite the undertaking. So we sat down with Ivan to break down exactly what goes into this type of launch. We'd love to hear your thoughts about this one over in the community Discord. Join us for free at! Some Topics We Discussed With Ivan Santana Include: The current state of the NFT market The most important aspects of a successful NFT launch The role that community plays in NFT projects How 10,000 unique images are generated How to approach investing in NFTs What projects you should be paying attention to References and Links Mentioned: West Coast NFT Ivan on Twitter ----------------------------------- Free Course: Engineering Attention Subscribe To The Hard Fork Gaming Channel  Join the Discord Community Matt on Twitter | Joe on Twitter Hard Fork Gaming on Twitter ----------------------------------- Jason Moffatt& Dave Tatera - Flipping NFTs For A Fun And Profitable Side-Business Joel Comm- Understanding NFTs and Cryptocurrencies Subscribe & Review To The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Hustle & Flowchart Podcast! If the information in our weekly conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!
Mar 29, 2022 • 47min

Brycent - Is Play-To-Earn Gaming Dead Already?

In this episode, we’re chatting with Brycent from The Loot Squad about the current state of Play-To-Earn Gaming. It’s a relatively new industry and it’s already seeing some major roadblocks in its growth. We discuss the biggest issues in the space as well as some ideas to improve and steer things in the right direction. If you’re interested in investing in some game assets in the space, this is the episode to listen to in order to hear both the pros and the cons of the current state of the industry. We’d love to hear your thoughts about this one over in the community Discord. Join us for free at! Some Topics We Discussed With Brycent Include: The opportunities in Play-To-Earn How the industry is creating new careers Why Play-To-Earn gaming could be dying How lending is counterproductive to the greater goal How to actually stand out as a guild The most needed services in the space Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch growth ideas Fun games to play right now that can earn Upcoming games that you should  be excited about References and Links Mentioned: Brycent on Twitter Brycent on Twitch Brycent on YouTube ———————————– Free Course: Engineering Attention Subscribe To The Hard Fork Gaming Channel  Join the Discord Community Matt on Twitter | Joe on Twitter Hard Fork Gaming on Twitter Subscribe & Review To The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Hustle & Flowchart Podcast! If the information in our weekly conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!
Mar 22, 2022 • 37min

🎮 Game Breakdown: Psyker

In this episode, we’re doing our first “game breakdown.” From time-to-time, we’re going to bring on the teams behind some of the games that we’re most excited about in the blockchain-gaming space. We’ll be breaking down the team behind the game, the tokenomics of the game, how the gameplay works, how people can make money or earn NFTs by playing, and how you can get involved in the NFT and token sales so that you can potentially capitalize on the growth of these games as well. Today’s game breakdown is Psyker. Psyker is a fighting game, similar to Tekken, with a cyberpunk theme. Players can customize and upgrade their fighters with NFTs and battle other players head-to-head. Players can also play against the computer in player-vs-environment (PVE) scenarios… And that’s just scratching the surface of this unique and innovative game in the blockchain-gaming space. We’d love to hear your thoughts about this one over in the community Discord. Join us for free at! Some Topics We Discussed With The Psyker Team Include: The team behind Psyker and how they got started A deep-dive break breakdown of the gameplay How people can earn money through playing Psyker How the play-to-earn mechanics are different The utility of the various in-game NFTs How hideouts (land) work in Psyker The timeline for release of the game How you can invest and get involved yourself The Psyker team’s favorite upcoming game References and Links Mentioned: Psyker Buy a Psyker Character (Fractal) Psyker on Discord Psyker on Twitter Psyker White Paper Subscribe To The Hard Fork Gaming Channel  Join the Discord Community Matt on Twitter | Joe on Twitter Hard Fork Gaming on Twitter Subscribe & Review To The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Hustle & Flowchart Podcast! If the information in our weekly conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!
Mar 15, 2022 • 43min

Justin Kan - Selling Twitch For $970m And Starting A Web 3 Gaming Company

In this episode we speak with a legendary founder! Justin Kan started, which eventually became Twitch, and then sold to Amazon for $970 million... Justin's gone on to become a successful investor and, most recently, the co-founder of, a platform that helps launch video games on the Solana blockchain. We had the opportunity to sit down with Justin and chat about, Twitch, plant medicines, Web3, play-to-earn, gaming, his new platform, and much much more. We'd love to hear your thoughts about this one over in the community Discord. Join us for free at! Some Topics We Discussed With Justin Kan Include: The stories behind and Twitch What is was like to sell Twitch for $970 million Justin's Ayahuasca journey Why Web3 is bigger than the gaming industry before it The reason behind the creation of How they vet out the best blockchain games Why they sell Fractal NFTs The upcoming game that Justin's most excited about References and Links Mentioned: Justin on YouTube Justin on Twitter Subscribe To The Hard Fork Gaming Channel  Join the Discord Community Matt on Twitter | Joe on Twitter Hard Fork Gaming on Twitter Subscribe & Review To The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Hustle & Flowchart Podcast! If the information in our weekly conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!
Mar 8, 2022 • 45min

♻️ How To Be A Successful Evangelist (Featuring Guy Kawasaki)

We're bringing back another favorite from the archives today while Joe's on vacation in Maui. In this one, we're talking to Guy Kawasaki about podcasting, Clubhouse, working at Apple, how to build a career as an evangelist, and why Guy is just always so smiley.  This is just a really fun conversation that takes us into the way Guy's brain works and changed some of our thinking on how to properly promote other products. We'd love to hear your thoughts about this one over in the community Discord. Join us for free at! Some Topics We Discussed Include: Guy’s secret to starting a podcast episode off right Will Clubhouse succeed or be the next social media flop? Trixie, Biff & Joe Blow making money from Clubhouse? How to become a brand evangelist The key to life  - do you have these qualities? Would you buy a car from Apple? A great use case for the Remarkable tablet References and Links Mentioned: Subscribe To The Hard Fork Gaming Channel  Join the Discord Community Matt on Twitter | Joe on Twitter Hard Fork Gaming on Twitter Resources From Guy Kawasaki: Remarkable People Podcast The Art of the Start 2.0 Spaces on Twitter Descript Guy interviews Tim Ferriss on his podcast Remarkable Tablet Subscribe & Review To The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Hustle & Flowchart Podcast! If the information in our weekly conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!
Mar 1, 2022 • 45min

Lisa Buyer - Branding in the Metaverse

In this episode, we chat with our long time friend, Lisa Buyer. Lisa has helped us so much over the years with PR and she happens to be the person who introduced us to concept of the Metaverse in the first place. Be a fly on the wall as we chat Web3, branding, NFTs, the Metaverse, virtual reality, digital influencers, and so much more! We'd love to hear your thoughts about this one over in the community Discord. Join us for free at! Some Topics We Discussed With Lisa Buyer Include: The difficult journey into Web3 How branding has worked in the Metaverse so far Where branding is going for the Metaverse How to onboard yourself into crypto The future of the Metaverse in general The direction we see NFTs going NFTs for Real Estate? Creating digital influencers and support staff The pros and cons of Oculus References and Links Mentioned: Modern PR Secrets (Affiliate Link) Female Disruptors  Subscribe To The Hard Fork Gaming Channel  Join the Discord Community Matt on Twitter | Joe on Twitter Hard Fork Gaming on Twitter Subscribe & Review To The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Hustle & Flowchart Podcast! If the information in our weekly conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!

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