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The MINDset Game® Podcast

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Jun 17, 2023 • 32min

151 Tips for Navigating Career Transitions: Interview with Katrina Villarreal

Given the rapid pace of change in today’s world, the average worker may expect to be laid off three times over the course of their career. While the experience of being downsized is no longer uncommon, it can elicit a range of emotions, from resentment and shame to excitement for the new opportunities ahead. If you find yourself facing a career transition – regardless of your unique circumstances – there are several steps you can take in order to ease the process and ensure that your next position will be well-suited to your goals, strengths, and interests.  As the Senior Vice President of Global Operations and Delivery at Lee Hecht Harrison, a leading global provider for career transition and mobility services, Katrina Villarreal has over 20 years of experience providing services in the areas of recruiting, workforce planning, leadership development, change management and outplacement support. She is passionate about helping people – at what is often a difficult time in their lives due to having lost their jobs – see what options may be available to them and helping them transition into what could be an even better opportunity than what they had previously. In Episode 151 of The MINDSet Game® podcast, Katrina shares the following insights: The importance of reflecting on where you currently are and your most recent position, including developing a strong “exit statement” to answer the common recruiter question of, “Why did you leave your last job?” How seeking guidance and support from a career coach or trusted friends, colleagues and community can help you discover the different opportunities that may be available to you and lead you to your ideal next step  The power of mindset, and how approaching your job search in terms of the mutual value that you and an organization can provide one another may help position you as a more attractive candidate  Tips for networking and helping your connections help you  To learn more about Lee Hecht Harrison’s services for both employers and job seekers, visit  To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit   
Jun 10, 2023 • 45min

150 Engaging Younger Generations in the Workforce: Interview with Paul Angone

Many organizations today have workforces that include up to four generations: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. With each generation tending to have different values and motivations (as well as stereotypes about members of the other generations), organizations may struggle to keep employees of all ages engaged. In particular, many employers are seeking strategies for how to attract, retain, and lead Millennials and members of Gen Z. As an organizational consultant, trainer, and Millennial influencer, as well as the best-selling author of “101 Secrets for Your Twenties,” “101 Questions You Need to Ask in Your Twenties,” and “25 Lies Twenty Somethings Need to Stop Believing,” Paul Angone is an expert in helping companies attract, retain, develop and harness the best strengths of the Millennial and Gen Z generations. He is also the host of the All Groan Up podcast, and has been featured in many publications such as Bloomberg, Business Insider, and Huffington Post. In Episode 150 of The MINDSet Game® podcast, Paul discusses the following: The concept of emerging adulthood, and how younger employees reaching traditional milestones (such as getting married, buying a house, and having kids) later in life can affect their career choices How the need to feel significant is a major motivating factor for Gen Z and Millennial employees, and simple techniques that managers and leaders can use to help younger workers feel that they are part of something important Tips for 20-somethings seeking to lay the foundation for a successful career How consistency and authenticity can help organizations not only hire, retain, and engage younger employees, but also attract Millennials and Gen Z as customers To learn more about Paul, visit To access his resources geared toward Millennial and Gen Z workers, visit  To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit   
Jun 2, 2023 • 36min

149 Tap Into Your Three Centers of Intelligence: Interview with Michelle Bennetts

When faced with a challenge or decision, are you more likely to take time to think it over thoroughly, consider how you feel about the situation, or take action as soon as possible based on your gut instincts? According to Enneagram philosophy, these options represent our three centers of intelligence: thinking, feeling, and action. While we each have a dominant center, the three are complementary – and understanding how each center operates in your life can help you achieve a greater sense of balance and clarity.  As a highly sought-after facilitator, speaker, management development coach, and Enneagram specialist, Michelle Bennetts has trained over 1,500 professionals globally in the Enneagram. With 20 years of experience in training and facilitation, Michelle coaches teams, leaders, and executives on how to lead themselves, others, and ultimately, the business to success. As our guest in Episode 149 of The MINDSet Game® podcast, Michelle discusses the following: Techniques for identifying your dominant center of intelligence and understanding when it may or may not be serving you Why it’s also important to identify the center you use the least, and to strengthen it in order to bring the three centers into balance How tapping into your intuition can help when your three centers are sending you conflicting messages Pitfalls that both individuals and organizations may encounter when they rely too heavily on one center – and how they can achieve better results by balancing out the three centers To learn more about Michelle and her work, visit, find her on LinkedIn, or email her at  To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit  
May 26, 2023 • 33min

148 Follow Your True Calling: Interview with Harvey Goldberg

Have you ever found yourself pursuing a career path or business that seemed “comfortable,” but you began to feel like it wasn’t the best fit for you? If so, you’ve probably realized that the process of finding and fulfilling your true calling involves several key steps – many of which are related to your own belief system. After enrolling in pharmacy school at his parents’ urging, Harvey Goldberg soon felt that it wasn’t the path he was supposed to be on in life. Although he persevered and graduated, a transformative week spent with his uncle inspired him to think more critically about what kind of lifestyle he wanted to lead. His uncle’s guidance – in conjunction with books Harvey read, such as “The Hero’s Journey” by Joseph Campbell and “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill – set him on the path to the successful career he has enjoyed since.  With more than 30 years of experience in company ownership and management and over 5,000 hours of direct coaching of CEOs and business owners, Harvey’s life work and passion is helping business owners grow and maximize both their business and personal potential. In Episode 148 of The MINDSet Game® podcast, Harvey discusses the following: How the people around you can either serve as engines or anchors, and why sometimes — although difficult — it may be necessary to avoid the anchors who may interfere with your own inner guidance system The importance of staying open to new ideas, beliefs, and the possibilities that may be available to you  How examining your beliefs (some of which may be based in fear) can help you overcome self-interference as you pursue your higher calling Why it’s crucial to approach all feedback – including failure – in a non-judgmental way To learn more about Harvey, visit his website at To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit  
May 20, 2023 • 35min

147 Find Your 'Fourth Option': Interview with Kaihan Krippendorff

By definition, innovation requires a departure from the way things have traditionally been done. However, due to factors such as fear of the unknown and social pressures, many leaders and organizations tend to rely on known solutions without even considering other options. This can lead to stagnation, which may be devastating for companies in a rapidly changing world.  Kaihan Krippendorff, our guest in Episode 147 of The MINDSet Game® podcast, urges leaders to explore the “fourth option.” He defines this concept by explaining that our brains have a tendency to sort things into groups of three – for instance, we may consider three different solutions and then stop looking, because three seems like a complete number. The fourth option represents the innovative ideas (which may seem bold or even crazy at first) that lie beyond the point at which most people have stopped thinking.  As an internationally renowned thought leader, consultant, and sought-after keynote speaker on the topics of strategy, growth, and transformation, Kaihan has been recognized by Thinkers50 and ranked by global gurus as among the top 20 management professionals of 2023. With a unique ability to transform difficult concepts into easy-to-understand ideas and practical tools, Kaihan is also the best-selling author of five books and a two-time TEDx speaker whose work has generated over $2.5 billion in annual revenue for many of the world's most recognizable companies. In this week’s episode, Kaihan shares the following: A helpful acronym that represents the 5 different conversations you need to have in order to find the fourth option: IDEAS, which stands for imagine, dissect, expand, analyze, and sell Simple shifts of mindset and language that leaders and their teams may find helpful when trying to explore new ideas and open the door for innovation An alternative framework using the elements of metal, water, wood, fire, and earth that can help explain the cycle of innovation and change  To learn more about Kaihan, visit his speaker website at or his company site at, or connect with him on LinkedIn.  To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit    
May 13, 2023 • 37min

146 The Power of Affirmations: Interview with Boaz Rauchwerger

Throughout life, we all face challenges and setbacks – some of which may seem devastating. However, one of the most important factors determining whether these challenges will “make or break” you is your attitude. While it can be difficult to stay positive at all times, there are several steps you can take on a daily basis to rebuild your attitude and approach life’s challenges with clarity and strength.  Boaz Rauchwerger, our guest in Episode 146 of The MINDSet Game® podcast, first learned about the importance of attitude from his mother. Despite tragically losing her parents and four of her siblings in the Holocaust, Boaz’s mom managed to maintain a positive attitude throughout her life. Drawing inspiration from her lessons and from his own experiences, Boaz has had a successful career as a consultant, author, and keynote speaker, including 20 years as a speaker with Vistage Worldwide. In this week’s episode, Boaz shares several insights about how to achieve happiness and success through building a positive attitude, including: The value of reading, and two classic books Boaz recommends that everyone read at least three times: “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie, and “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill Several specific affirmations to repeat at the beginning and end of each day, such as “everything I touch prospers and succeeds” and “I make amazing things happen daily.” The concept of “goal cards” as a way to change habits and achieve your goals Techniques for handling negative emotions that may compromise your attitude and take you further from your goals To connect with Boaz, he invites listeners to call or text him at (619) 723-3007. He also offers a complimentary session for his consulting services, through which he helps organizations change employees’ attitudes and thereby raise the culture of the whole company. To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit  
May 5, 2023 • 34min

145 The Biology of Change: Interview with Susan Britton

Have you ever set a goal that would require you to adopt new behaviors or patterns, and despite knowing the steps you would need to take in order to achieve your goal, you found it difficult to implement the necessary changes? Whether in our personal or professional lives, most of us have struggled with change at some point. This is because change can feel threatening, even when it’s something we truly want. Therefore, to successfully adapt to change and achieve our desired results, it’s important to address both the physiological and emotional components that may cause us to resist change.  As the founder and president of the Academies for Coaching, Inc. – an organization with a mission of “Changing Minds, for Good” – Susan Britton is passionate about how brain-body biology can bring insight to the invisible forces that thwart change. In training thousands of leadership and career coaches on six continents over the past 20 years, Susan and her team show how a brain-friendly approach can drive engagement, creativity, and productivity in leaders and their teams. As our guest in Episode 145 of The MINDSet Game® podcast, Susan discusses the following: Why successfully implementing change involves both our neural chemistry (including dopamine, cortisol, etc.) and our circuitry, which refers to the neural networks that began forming in early childhood and may continue to influence our beliefs and behavior How finding ways to make change fun or even playful can help us – and by extension, those around us – become more comfortable with the process How embracing the “3 C’s” – compassion, curiosity, and creation – can be helpful in overcoming resistance to change  To learn more about Susan and her neuroscience-based coaching programs, visit  To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit  
Apr 29, 2023 • 41min

144 Ways To Build Influence at Work: Interview with Lion Goodman

From the time we are infants, we begin learning techniques to control others. For instance, a baby may realize that crying is an effective way to get attention and have his or her needs met. As adults, many people still seek ways to gain control, which is often driven by our inherent need to feel safe. However, when it comes to motivating others and bringing out the best in them, influence tends to be a far more effective mechanism than control – particularly in the context of teams and organizations navigating change.  As a professional Certified Therapeutic Coach and the creator of the Clear Beliefs Method for deleting limiting beliefs, healing childhood wounds, and resolving traumas, Lion Goodman has over 40 years of experience as an executive teacher, healer, and subconscious pattern detective. He is also the author of five books, including “Clear Your Clients’ Limiting Beliefs” and “Creating on Purpose,” has taught workshops on four continents, and has been a featured speaker at summits and on radio programs, podcasts, and television shows. In Episode 144 of The MINDSet Game® podcast, Lion discusses the following: Why hierarchies – in which leaders tell their teams what to do and think, and expect them to comply – are no longer the most effective structures in today’s world, and why organizations that prioritize collaboration are more likely to thrive Why it’s important for everyone (particularly leaders) to become more aware of their own beliefs, and strategies for how to do so How getting curious about others’ beliefs can foster a more collaborative, productive environment  The value of encouraging people to shift their beliefs from the inside out, rather than simply telling them what they should change  Lion offers a few websites if you’d like to learn more about him and his work: for leaders and organizations if you are interested in his methodologies and trainings for Lion’s personal website, where you’ll find his articles on control vs. influence and more  To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit  
Apr 22, 2023 • 39min

143 How to Change Your Beliefs: Interview with Tony Burgess

Beginning in early childhood, we all form beliefs – which are simply ideas that seem true and real to us – based on a variety of sources, such as our parents, schooling, friends, and firsthand experiences. Unfortunately, however, some of these beliefs may be harmful, allowing self-doubt to creep in and holding us back from reaching our full potential. Therefore, it’s crucial to shift these limiting beliefs — but how can we go about doing so? Tony Burgess, our guest in Episode 143 of The MINDset Game® podcast, has outlined several practical steps for changing beliefs that may be keeping you from reaching your goals. As the co-founder of the Academy of High Achievers (along with his partner, Julie French), Tony has trained and coached business leaders, entrepreneurs, and teams on powerful mental and emotional fitness techniques to help them tap into their full potential. He is also recognized for his expertise in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), DiSC and Havening techniques, and is the co-author of “Pink Bucket Thinking” and “Beliefs and How to Change Them…for Good!”  In this week’s episode, Tony discusses the concept of beliefs (including those that are self-limiting) and walks us through several steps in the belief modification process, including: Getting clear on what exactly you want to achieve when changing your beliefs Conducting a “beliefs audit” to distinguish those that are helpful from those that are no longer serving you  Asking “what if?” questions, and most importantly, using them as a way to expand rather than limit possibilities  Supporting this empowering thought process with cognitive evidence and experiential tactics   To learn more about Tony’s techniques by downloading free PDF versions of his books, visit and  To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit  
Apr 14, 2023 • 28min

142 The Leadership Lessons of Mount Everest: Interview with Dr. Sara Safari

In our personal and professional lives, we all face figurative mountains: obstacles that may seem insurmountable, but that ultimately present some of the most powerful opportunities for growth. To overcome these obstacles and reap the benefits they can offer, it’s crucial to develop a mindset of courage, persistence, and resilience.  As the first Iranian in history to climb the Seven Summits – the seven highest peaks in each continent – Dr. Sara Safari has extensive experience with conquering both literal and figurative mountains. Sara is also an author, speaker, college professor, electrical engineer, and the founder and president of a nonprofit organization called “Climb Your Everest,” which aims to empower marginalized young women through educational programs. The recipient of multiple awards, including the Global Citizen Award from the United Nations Association in 2015, Sara now helps organizations develop highly productive teams that deliver profit performance and engagement. In Episode 142 of The MINDSet Game® podcast, Sara shares some of the lessons she learned through her incredible mountain climbing experiences, including: The importance of having a “big why” – particularly one that will serve others – when taking on a major project How going backwards or even failing sometimes can be an essential step in achieving greater goals The power of servant leadership, in which leaders support their team members’ growth and development and encourage them to discover their own strengths To learn more about Dr. Sara Safari, visit To learn more about Climb Your Everest or support its mission to help marginalized women and girls, visit  To subscribe to The MINDset Game, visit  

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