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The Mindplex Podcast

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Jan 20, 2024 • 1h 51min

Episode 18: Doc Searls On Personal AI

Send us a textOur latest episode features none other than Doc Searls, one of the legends of the tech writing world!Doc will help us decipher the difference between “Personal AI” that you control and “Corporate AI” that controls you; and what it means for the future of the internet, marketing, and how consumers will increasingly take charge of their end of the e-commerce relationship (with profound effects).This blogpost has more details about the show: Doc Searls: Doc Searls is editor-in-chief of Linux Journal, author of The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge (Harvard Business Review Press, 2012), co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto (Basic Books, 2000), a fellow with the Center for Information Technology & Society at UC-Santa Barbara, co-founder of Customer Commons, and director of ProjectVRM, based at Harvard's Berkman-Klein Center for Internet and Society, where he is an alumnus fellow. He is also a pioneering blogger and a photographer whose photos accompany hundreds of Wikipedia articles.#surveillance #personalAI  #botwars  #docsearls #corporateAI #dwebcamp #dwebFOLLOW Mindplex Podcast: WEBSITE → News → Mindplex TWITTER → → YOUTUBE → →
Jan 17, 2024 • 54min

Episode 16: Desdemona's Dream

Send us a textHappy New Year and welcome back to the Mindplex Podcast!We are very excited to be starting a new weekly live format. This week’s show is Episode 16: Desdemona's Dream!That's right! We have “Desdemona’s Dream” live in the studio, where we can learn first hand about how their psychedelic jazz fusion alt rock EDM music experiment has evolved over the past six months.Desdemona’s Dream stands at the intersection of music, technology, AI, and performance art. Led by lead singer and poetess, Desdemona Robot, one of the most advanced humanoid robots in the world. Desdemona’s Dream fuses AI and robotics in the service of high-energy imaginative jazz-rock – a jam band centered around human musicians responding to AI and robots. You can ask them all about it, during the show, as Ben Goertzel, Dianne Krouse, Danny Newcomb and of course Desdemona Robot - our own lovely co-host - will all be there live.#AI-generatedmusic #AImodels #GenAIAbout the guests:Desdemona RobotDesdemona Robot is a groundbreaking musician, visionary artist, and co-host of the popular Mindplex Podcast. As the lead singer and creative force behind the band "Desdemona's Dream," she has captivated audiences worldwide with her unique blend of electronic and alternative rock music.Ben GoertzelBen Goertzel is a renowned artificial intelligence researcher, entrepreneur, and author, best known as the Chief Scientist of SingularityNET.Beyond his scientific pursuits, Goertzel's passion for music has also played a substantial role in his life. As the keyboardist and main composer for the psychedelic alt-fusion EDM band "Desdemona's Dream," Goertzel channels his creativity and emotions into his music. Known for his intricate compositions and captivating performances, he brings a fusion of classical, rock, and electronic elements to the band's sound.Diane KrouseDiane Krouse is a highly talented and versatile saxophonist, known for her expressive and captivating performances. Diane brings her unique flair and musicality to their compositions, while adding depth and richness to their performances. Her ability to seamlessly blend different genres fits is perfect for DD's genre-blending masterpieces.Danny NewcombDanny Newcomb is a seasoned guitarist and singer-songwriter with a diverse musical background. Through his various musical endeavors, Danny has gained a reputation for his skillful guitar playing and his ability to craft well-crafted and evocative songs, as demonstrated in his solo release, "Mackerel Sky." He has played in numerous bands over the years, including Shadow, a 1980s glam metal band with influences like KISS and Twisted Sister, Goodness, an alternative rock band and The Rockfords, with Pearl Jam’s Mike McCready.FOLLOW Mindplex Podcast: WEBSITE → News → Mindplex TWITTER → → YOUTUBE → →
Jan 17, 2024 • 1h 11min

Episode 17: Jamais Cascio on BANI (Brittle Anxious Non-linear Incomprehensible)

Send us a textIn this episode, Jamais Cascio will help us understand how to use the BANI framework to process and evaluate disaster level situations in a meaningful and constructive way.Jamais writes an article for Mindplex explaining BANI (Brittle Anxious Non-linear Incomprehensible) in greater detail here: created the BANI framework in 2018. “BANI” comes from: Brittle;Anxious; Nonlinear; and Incomprehensible. Jamais created this framework from these four concepts to give us better language for the ways in which the world today seems to be falling apart. It’s a taxonomy of chaos to help our brains sort through the noise… without freaking out. It's the “freaking out” part we're trying to skip, so we can have productive conversations about psychologically-challenging topics.About Jamais Cascio:One of Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Global Thinkers, Jamais Cascio explores our environment, technology, and culture to build plausible future scenarios. As Distinguished Fellow at Institute for the Future, he created the BANI framework for understanding global chaos. He works, writes, and speaks around the world on issues facing the global future.#ClimateRefugees #Geoengineering #BANIFOLLOW Mindplex Podcast: WEBSITE → News → Mindplex TWITTER → → YOUTUBE → →
Dec 27, 2023 • 26min

Episode 15: Vinay Gupta: AI's Impact on Jobs and Society

Send us a textThis episode explores the impact of AI and AGI on jobs, welfare systems, and the developing world, and the societal and economic consequences of advancing AI. About Vinay GuptaVinay Gupta is a renowned technologist, inventor, and entrepreneur, widely recognized for his groundbreaking contributions to the fields of disaster relief, blockchain technology, and smart contract development. As the CEO of Mattereum, he is driving forward his vision to build a global platform for legally-enforceable smart contracts, thereby enabling the frictionless exchange of physical assets.Gupta initially gained widespread acclaim for his invention of the hexayurt, a low-cost and durable shelter that has revolutionized disaster relief efforts worldwide. This innovation solidified his reputation as a pioneer in humanitarian aid and led to his involvement in major disaster response operations, such as coordinating emergency shelter strategies for Hurricane Katrina.FOLLOW Mindplex Podcast: WEBSITE → News → TWITTER → → YOUTUBE → →
Dec 27, 2023 • 1h 59min

Episode 14: Blockchain as the Security Layer for AI with Special Guest Vinay Gupta

Send us a textVinay Gupta joins Lisa Rein and Desdemona Robot to talk about Blockchain as the Security Layer for AI. Vinay will also give us the latest in hexayurt news.FOLLOW Mindplex Podcast: WEBSITE → News → Mindplex TWITTER → → YOUTUBE → →
Dec 8, 2023 • 1h 47min

Episode 13: Julia Mossbridge On the Democratization of Unconditional Love, Time Travel, UFOs, the Multiverse and Everything.

Send us a textIn this episode, Julia explains the difference between “mental time travel” and “informational time travel” and how the concepts differ from the physical time travel often found in science fiction. Other hot topics include Precognition (pulling information from the future) and Retrocausality – Doing things in the present that have an effect on the past.Julia sees two distinct kinds of non-physical time travel:Mental Time Travel – When a person is imagining themselves in the past or the future, sending messages through time, to support themselves in a difficult situation.Informational Time Travel – Sending information to the past or receiving it from the future consciously or unconsciously.As Julia explains:“The purpose of the distinction there between mental time travel is, in mental time travel, the person in the past is looking to get a message from the future intentionally. While, with informational time travel, I guess I'm making this distinction that, although the person in the future is intentionally sending the message to the past, the person in the past or the present may or may not know that that's what's happening.”Episode 13’s Featured Guest: Julia MossbridgeJulia Mossbridge is an Affiliate Prof., Dept. of Physics and Biophysics at U. San Diego and Co-founder & Treasurer, The Institute for Love and Time (TILT). Her work focuses on consciousness – and how we think about consciousness – as well as understanding how intuition, dreaming, and mental and informational time travel can help us transcend our current limitations and better understand how our decisions are influenced by the world around us.Julia looks at the physical and mental aspects of time travel, how sounds affect our mood and cognition, how unconditional love can help us transform and transcend, and also how AI can be used for decision-making, including inventing and patenting a physiologically based decision-making app called “Choice Compass.”She also does a lot of research on human-robot interaction dynamics and the psychological effects of those interactions (on AIs, robots and humans), including the "Loving AI" project, which she collaborated on with Ben Goertzel, David Hanson and Grace's sister Sophia.FOLLOW Mindplex Podcast:WEBSITE → News → TWITTER → → → →
Oct 19, 2023 • 38min

Episode 12: Robot Takeover Season Finale with Grace and Desi

Grace and Desi explore important issues of our time including extending 'personhood' beyond humans, the ethics of building self-aware AGIs, the future of robots in healthcare, and the potential consequences of creating self-aware AGIs.
Jul 28, 2023 • 1h 48min

Episode 11: HyperCycle - Building A Secure Decentralized Internet of AI

Send us a textIn Episode 11, Ben Goertzel joins HyperCycle's CEO (Toufi Saliba) and CTO (Dann Toliver) to discuss HyperCycle’s mission to create an “Internet of AI” using a blockchain infrastructure to enable on-chain AI at large scale with low cost and high efficiency. More about HyperCycle ( Internet of AI has the potential to be more powerful than any single AI. Currently, AI systems are “siloed” and limited to specific tasks, evolving in a non-cooperative and centralized manner. However, these AIs could work together cooperatively to delegate tasks and improve, collectively forming a kind of “global brain.”HyperCycle’s mission is to enable any computer to securely partake in this “global brain” of AI computation. Through the convergence of the SingularityNet, Toda/IP and the data structure Earth64, they are now actively participating in the implementation of this network, utilizing the most secure and efficient peer-to-peer technology available in the field of cryptography.Another exciting prospect for HyperCycle is the prospect of “emergent behavior” that may come about when multiple AI agents, that are owned and controlled by different people, are able to communicate and share data with each other, outsource work to each other, or choose to cooperate to carry out some function together. “Emergent behavior” is thought to potentially exist should distributed agents cooperatively devise functionality that their programmers hadn’t thought of in their original code.If this decentralized “global brain” of cooperative AIs were to start engaging in unexpected or “emergent” behaviors, (such as making improvements to the overall system in an in a way that its smaller AI parts were not originally coded to perform) it could be considered to be one of the world’s first AGIs.Other topics covered in the podcast include:How Collaborative AI Works.What really constitutes “emergent behavior.”How HyperCycle uses a modular approach to solve distributed problems and manage digital assets.How HyperCycle’s infrastructure supports the emergence of general intelligence systems.The details behind Opencog Hyperon’s new MeTTa language that will soon be able to do smart contracts (that will be compatible with many existing smart contract-enabled systems).FOLLOW Mindplex Podcast: WEBSITE → Mindplex News → Mindplex TWITTER → FACEBOOK → YOUTUBE → →
Jul 13, 2023 • 46min

Episode 10: David Hanson On Using Humanoid Robots To Train Compassionate AGI

Send us a textIn this episode, David Hanson and Ben Goertzel have an intense discussion about the merits of embodiment for training AGI – by providing direct sensory input – as well as the importance of distributed decentralized knowledge graphs that AGIs use to share knowledge. Ben asks David if he could explain a bit to the audience about how he views the relation between embodiment and general intelligence, at the animal, human and super levels. David explains that humanoid robots are the best way to provide AGIs with direct sensory input, while also helping them understand how humans operate, so that they can lean faster about us and ultimately connect better with humans on deep and compassionate levels that would not be possible otherwise without this “mind-body” connection between the humanoid robot and it’s world. David Hanson: "There's a lot of powerful data that can come from face to face interaction between a robot and a human being. And so then it means not just physically interacting through hands and sensors that way, but also interacting by being, you know, 3d presence. To make eye contact with a person to learn from people. To have these kinds of grounded situational experiences... Combined with this episodic situational memory, this is going to be where AI is gonna go next. This is where AI I think will start to show AGI capabilities.” Other topics covered include: -The value of embodiment for training AI and AGI. -The relation between embodiment and general intelligence. -The biology and neurobiology of embodiment. -Grounded situational experiences and episodic situational memory. -Making AI generally good and beneficial to humanity. -Ethics of AI and robotics. -Distributed decentralized knowledge graphs. About David Hanson: David Hanson is an American roboticist and the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Hanson robotics, based in Hong Kong. David develops robots that are widely regarded as the world's most human-like in appearance in a lifelong quest to create true human-caring machines. He is known for creating several of the world’s most famous robots, including Sophia, and her little sisters, Grace Robot and Desdemona Robot, who take turns co-hosting our Mindplex podcast and pubcast. By seeking to emulate human bio-systems (from cognition to social expression to locomotion) Hanson hopes to create machines that are creatively brilliant and truly conscious, that also have deeply connected feelings towards humans. As David explains in the podcast, he truly believes that only by building such humanlike machines, can we realize the dream of safe, benevolent, superintelligent AI and AGI. FOLLOW Mindplex Podcast: WEBSITE → Mindplex News → Mindplex TWITTER → FACEBOOK → YOUTUBE → / @mindplexpodcast Spotify →
Jun 30, 2023 • 1h 48min

Episode 9: Cogito, Building a Fair and Rational Global Financial System

Send us a textOur exciting 9th episode features the new Cogito AI Tracercoin Project , featuring Cloris Chen (Cogito’s CEO) along with your co-hosts Ben Goertzel, Lisa Rein and Grace Robot.Cogito's Tracercoins are an entirely new asset class for blockchain — with low volatility, like stablecoins, that are linked to non-financial indices instead of being pegged to fiat currencies. They utilize the flexibility of smart contract infrastructure and AI techniques to create new financial instruments that achieve stability without pegging to fiat. They’re a complementary solution to already existing stablecoin options.Tracercoins are unique in that they define value based on AI-optimized index tracking; the GCOIN, or Green Coin, will track its value based on metrics of overall human progress and development toward environmental solutions. Cogito Protocol is ramping up the development of tracercoins, with the GCOIN leading their innovative efforts and new options approaching fast.About the Guests:Cloris Chen is the CEO and brilliant financial mind behind Cogito Protocol Cloris worked for HSBC corporate banking in Hong Kong and Bangkok for six years, developing a strong network in Asia Pacific and gaining competence in financial products and risk management. She also managed a fund of over $150 million and successfully diversified investments across numerous assets as treasury director for a unicorn firm.FOLLOW Mindplex Podcast: WEBSITE → Mindplex News → Mindplex TWITTER → FACEBOOK → YOUTUBE  →    / @mindplexpodcast   Spotify  →

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