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Get Fast Podcast - Triathlon, Ironman & Cycling Coaching Advice

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Jul 5, 2021 • 1h 18min

The Perfect Training Program When Starting From Scratch with Shauna Donnelly

Today’s special guest is a little bit closer to home, a member of both the Donnelly and TriVelo family, Shauna Donnelly. In 2019 Shauna had a year from hell. At just 30 years old, she was faced with the news that no one ever wants to hear. What followed was a remarkable journey of resilience and perseverance, pain and trauma, but most importantly strength and willpower to just keep fighting and moving forward. You might think you can predict how this story will unfold, but I guarantee you Shauna will pleasantly surprise you from the very first question. The chat that follows is raw, emotional, painful at times but overwhelmingly touching and profound.   We have learned so much from Shauna, and we are grateful she was willing to come on the podcast and share her story. We hope that it may inspire you for when life inevitably does not go as planned. If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly email, just go to: The Get Fast Podcast is brought to you by TriVelo Coaching, where we help triathletes and cyclists like you, Train Smarter to Race Faster. You are joined as always by your hosts, Australian Triathlon Ironman Champion and HEAD COACH of TriVelo Coaching Gerard Donnelly, and his son Jordan Donnelly. Disclaimer: The Content in this podcast is in no way intended to be medical advice, treatment or diagnoses. None of our Content is intended to imply that any products mentioned, remedies or information provided are intended to prevent, diagnose, cure or alleviate a disease, ailment, defect or injury or should be used for therapeutic purposes. The Content is intended to assist you with running, cycling, swimming or triathlon and should not be substituted for medical advice by your healthcare professional. We do not accept any liability for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by the use or reliance on our Content.See for privacy information.
Jul 5, 2021 • 43min

Review: Le Tour De France Stages 6-9

We are LOVING all the action and drama Le Tour is bringing this year. We sit down to discuss the epic moments that have made up episodes 6 to 9. We hope you enjoy our review and analysis as Gerard puts his coaching hat on assessing the performance of certain riders throughout the race so far.   If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly email, just go to: The Get Fast Podcast is brought to you by TriVelo Coaching, where we help triathletes and cyclists like you, Train Smarter to Race Faster. You are joined as always by your hosts, Australian Triathlon Ironman Champion and HEAD COACH of TriVelo Coaching Gerard Donnelly, and his son Jordan Donnelly.See for privacy information.
Jul 1, 2021 • 43min

Our Review: Le Tour de France So Far!!

We're so excited that Le Tour is back that we're doing spontaneous Tour de France episodes over the next few weeks to talk about everything to do with the world's greatest bike race. We're 5 stages in already and there has been too much drama to be able to cover in one episode! Today we talk about everything that's happened so far, including the amazing breakaways performances, the fairytale story of the year, the greatest lessons to learn from a cycling coaching perspective and how the race will unfold over the coming weeks. This episode is audio only, our weekly Tuesday episodes will still be released as per usual.    The Get Fast Podcast is brought to you by TriVelo Coaching, where we help triathletes and cyclists like you, Train Smarter to Race Faster. You are joined as always by your hosts, Australian Triathlon Ironman Champion and HEAD COACH of TriVelo Coaching Gerard Donnelly, and his son Jordan Donnelly.See for privacy information.
Jun 29, 2021 • 1h 9min

How To Break Through A 9 Year Plateau (with Olympian David McNeill)

Today on the podcast are very excited to bring you an unbelievably insightful guest Dave McNiell is a professional runner from Melbourne, Australia He is a dual olympian, competing in the 10 000 metres at both the London 2012 and Rio 2016 olympics, with a best place of 16th in the 10000 final at rio with a blistering time of 27:51 He holds a blistering PB of 27:45 for the 10km, and recently ran a PB AND Olympic qualifier in the 5000m of 13:13, which he is hoping will get him a spot on the team to represent Australia at the Olympics for the 3rd time. What was most impressive about Dave wasn’t his athletic achievements, it’s the way he thinks about the sport and the way he goes about things. This was a truly enjoyable conversation. Keys to the episode: Why improving every session isn’t sustainable How to use others around you to lift you up The key factors that resulted in a PB after 9 years Why training less has resulted in improved performances You don’t have to keep changing your sessions up The ultimate contradiction for athletes: you need to be more relaxed to perform better Key mindset tricks to help performance and avoid sabotaging your performance How Dave reduced performance anxiety Two magic lessons to approaching your race You need to find a level of training that is repeatable (and enjoyable)   If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly email, just go to: The Get Fast Podcast is brought to you by TriVelo Coaching, where we help triathletes and cyclists like you, Train Smarter to Race Faster. You are joined as always by your hosts, Australian Triathlon Ironman Champion and HEAD COACH of TriVelo Coaching Gerard Donnelly, and his son Jordan Donnelly.See for privacy information.
Jun 21, 2021 • 1h 7min

The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Power/Data

Here at TriVelo we talk a LOT about “power” numbers and data...But many beginner/intermediate athletes say to us they’re still a bit confused by it all. It’s okay to be confused by this, because it’s a confusing subject. But we’re here to change all this. So... Have you ever wondered...How do I actually get MY DATA? And how do I even use these numbers? Have you seen power/watts on zwift but not sure how to use it?Or have you heard that FTP is important but still wondering how it works? We’ve noticed that many athletes have no idea where to even start with power, what an FTP test is or how to do it, or how to use data properly and use it to your advantage… Instead it becomes this complex monster that just feels too scary and overwhelming to even look at, let alone attempt to understand. And don’t worry, this isn’t just beginner athletes, we have intermediate and even advanced athletes who are still perplexed by it all.  And this is a shame, because once you understand it, it will literally change the way you train and race foreverSo, we’d like to fix this problem. Today, not only are we going to be giving a beginners guide to data and power, we also have an exciting announcement. We're opening up our doors to our home/training studio in Belgrave, Victoria and inviting 4 triathletes for a VIP Coaching Day with Gerard; where you will get a day of personalised data testing and coaching. If you’d like to join us on this day and get some help with your numbers, go to: Keys to the episode: How to set yourself up with your own numbers Let’s start from scratch, what is power and how does it work? What power meter should I buy? How hard is it to understand? How to read your power meter once you get it How to find your training data/numbers How to find your racing data/numbers How to understand your own zones The biggest mistakes beginners make when it comes to data The major things to watch out for when starting with power So if you're new to testing and understanding data. And want to come and learn first hand how it all works And more importantly, want a change to come and spend a day with the Supercoach!  Then this workshop is for you. You can go to to register.  The day is held in Belgrave, Victoria. So either you’re in Victoria or prepared to travel! The first date of this is Sunday August 1st.  Generally a power meter is non-negotiable. You could come without it but what are you going to do after? It doesn’t matter what level you are! This will benefit you if you’re an absolute beginner triathlete who is brand new to all of this, or if you’re an experienced triathlete who wants to go to another level.   If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly email, just go to: The Get Fast Podcast is brought to you by TriVelo Coaching, where we help triathletes and cyclists like you, Train Smarter to Race Faster. You are joined as always by your hosts, Australian Triathlon Ironman Champion and HEAD COACH of TriVelo Coaching Gerard Donnelly, and his son Jordan Donnelly.See for privacy information.
Jun 14, 2021 • 1h 10min

10 Deadly Sins Of An Ironman

The Ironman. Truly one of the toughest challenges you will ever undertake, should you choose to take that leap and fill out that entry form.  And despite the insane difficulty in swimming 3.9kms, then riding the toughest 180 kms you may ever undergo, getting off that bike after 5-7 hours, exhausted, and only then beginning your marathon...  thousands of people continue to sign up, year after year. You cannot overestimate how difficult the Ironman is.  The toll a 10-13 hour event puts on your body is extreme, and it’s an event that despite its insane difficulty, has become somewhat of a commonplace challenge, a normality among punters to give the Ironman a crack. However it’s important to remember that this is an event that is far from normal.  Key points of the episode: Even pros mess up their execution Warm up drills for a running session? Why going for a PB time doesn’t work Secret power trick: The Ruler of Truth Should you push higher power in a head wind or tail wind? The mistake 99% of athletes make (are you in the 1%?) The magic word that starts with P... How to take into account different conditions on race day When you shouldn’t use power or testing numbers What to do if you stuff your nutrition in the race The 1 thing you need to be prepared for in any Ironman The final piece of the puzzle that will stop you making future mistakes If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly email, just go to: The Get Fast Podcast is brought to you by TriVelo Coaching, where we help triathletes and cyclists like you, Train Smarter to Race Faster. You are joined as always by your hosts, Australian Triathlon Ironman Champion and HEAD COACH of TriVelo Coaching Gerard Donnelly, and his son Jordan Donnelly.See for privacy information.
Jun 7, 2021 • 1h 10min

Why Core Strengthening Makes You Slower! Do This Instead (With Dr Jordan Moncrieff)

In today’s episode we got to speak to Expert Movement Specialist, Injury Prevention Coach and Osteopath Dr Jordan Moncrieff, who is a great friend of TriVelo and someone that we put ultimate trust in with our own bodies as our movement coach. As a young, highly talented footballer, chronic injury limited Jordan's capacity to train and compete at the highest level. It also gave him the biggest gift – a powerful reason to explore effective movement & training. Jordan helps his clients identify their movement, posture, breathing, and/or stability gaps, and together help them fill those gaps with a combined approach, using both Osteopathy and Exercise Rehabilitation for the most effective & long-term results.   Dr Moncrieff has worked with professional athletes across multiple sports to help them achieve peak performance. Athletes including AFL footballers Dylan Shiel, Dan Hannebery and brownlow medalist Tom Mitchel. And more specifically to us, helping cyclists and triathletes, especially with the most common problem, back pain.  Keys to the episode: How Jordan spent years with groin pain unable to fix his injury The “left of field” method that was finally the solution (the same method that had helped AFL legends Chris Judd and Luke Hodge) Exactly what is this “unconventional” method? How is it different from a traditional strength and conditioning program? Why squeezing or tightening your core is actually worse for you How you can use this method to improve your efficiency in all movements (swimming, cycling, and running) Why having more “abs” could actually be worse for your performance The unexpected benefits of this approach for your long term health Why we need to model infants for effective strength and conditioning programming And a whole lot more wisdom. If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly email, just go to: The Get Fast Podcast is brought to you by TriVelo Coaching, where we help triathletes and cyclists like you, Train Smarter to Race Faster. You are joined as always by your hosts, Australian Triathlon Ironman Champion and HEAD COACH of TriVelo Coaching Gerard Donnelly, and his son Jordan Donnelly.See for privacy information.
May 31, 2021 • 59min

11 Hacks To Stay Strong On Race Day

The big race has finally come, you want to perform at your best, and you want every little advantage that’s going to help you feel good and stay strong. Because when you're halfway into the race, and everything is starting to really hurt, every minor detail can help or hinder your performance.  In today’s episode, we’re discussing 11 hacks to stay strong on race day and give you the best chance at a good performance. And with Ironman Cairns coming up, this is a very topical episode. Keys to the episode: Making it to your race no matter what Measuring your effort Did Bernal ruin his Giro d'Italia The most obvious hack to race performance When Gerard made his biggest ironman mistake The swimming hack vital for the first leg Don’t make this mistake in transition The most obscure thing to ever go wrong in a race Our most contradictory bike advice The most important leg of a triathlon The common mistake even pros make The most embarrassing thing to do in a triathlon The 1 thing you want to avoid in the run leg The final piece of advice to remember for your entire race If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly email, just go to: The Get Fast Podcast is brought to you by TriVelo Coaching, where we help triathletes and cyclists like you, Train Smarter to Race Faster. You are joined as always by your hosts, Australian Triathlon Ironman Champion and HEAD COACH of TriVelo Coaching Gerard Donnelly, and his son Jordan Donnelly.See for privacy information.
May 24, 2021 • 1h 10min

Getting The BEST Out Of Your Bike

In today's episode, we are talking about getting the BEST out of your bike. And to help us we have a very special guest, a very good friend of TriVelo, Mr. David Ross. “Rossy” is not only a bit of a bike expert, but he’s also one of TriVelo's most successful athletes, a 2 x National Master Time Trial Champion, so he knows a thing or two about going fast, getting more aero on a TT bike and all things bike mechanics. Keys to the episode: Why the weather should never stop you from training What’s more important:  The bike itself? Your position on the bike? The component upgrades and equipment on the bike? The keys to a good bike position The differences between a Time Trial position and a Triathlon position The most common fixes of your bike position Bike maintenance: tips for taking good care of your bike  Understanding the fundamental components of your bike: Handlebar position Crank length Front and back gearing Value for money with your bike What wheels you should be using for your ability If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly email, just go to: The Get Fast Podcast is brought to you by TriVelo Coaching, where we help triathletes and cyclists like you, Train Smarter to Race Faster. You are joined as always by your hosts, Australian Triathlon Ironman Champion and HEAD COACH of TriVelo Coaching Gerard Donnelly, and his son Jordan Donnelly.See for privacy information.
May 17, 2021 • 49min

Bike/Run Training Differences You Need To Know

Should you train the run leg and bike leg differently? What sort of sessions are best suited for running, and what sessions are better on the bike? We see a lot of athletes doing what we call “over/under” sessions all the time on the bike, and not doing any sustained threshold riding.  We also see a lot of athletes do a lot of threshold running, but not a lot of “over/under” sessions, so today we’re going to explore the different types of sessions you can do and what’s best for your program. Keys to the episode: Never take recovery sessions for granted Will our predictions for the Giro come true again? Professional athletes are STILL not using power What are the best type of BIKE sessions to do? What are the WORST type of bike sessions to do? What are the best type of RUN sessions to do? What are the WORST type of run sessions to do? The number 1 factor to consider when picking a session The 4 key ingredients to picking the right training session How many hours should you spend at high intensity per week How many hours should you spend between zone 2 and 4 per week If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly email, just go to: The Get Fast Podcast is brought to you by TriVelo Coaching, where we help triathletes and cyclists like you, Train Smarter to Race Faster. You are joined as always by your hosts, Australian Triathlon Ironman Champion and HEAD COACH of TriVelo Coaching Gerard Donnelly, and his son Jordan Donnelly.See for privacy information.

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