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Death Of 1000 Cuts

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Apr 15, 2019 • 41min

S3E19 - 1st Page Feedback - Untitled by Dan

In this episode I look at a listener's first page and offer robust, honest feedback. I talk about first sentences, the art of parallel construction, pronoun confusion, character crush and much more. This is a great episode to listen to if you want to know: - what makes a great first line? - how can I open a scene? - how can I arrange information to make it easy for the reader to follow? - how many named characters can I have in a first scene? - how can I think about the cadence of a sentence? If you'd like to support me, the podcast and all the things I'm putting out into the world, if you like what I do and would like me to do more of it, and if you'd like to be the first to read my brand new novel, please help me by pre-ordering a copy of THE ICE HOUSE. It's got an old lady pulled out of retirement for one last job, a 400-year-old forensic pathologist field medic battle nun looking to bring down an empire, psychedelics, dungeon crawls, jungle adventures, a locked-room murder mystery, intrigue, romance, minotaurs, a secret testing facility, giant sentient beetles, immortal mutant aristocrats, knife fights, an angel, larceny and ancient menaces rising from the depths. You're going to dig it and it helps me so much. Here are some places you can order now: Mr B's Emporium are an indie bookstore who deliver worldwide - I'll sign all pre-ordered copies from here: Wordery: Amazon: Or ask at your local bricks and mortar bookshop. If you'd like to read a story about a 13 year old girl investigating a secret society in 1930s Norfolk, grab a copy of my novel, THE HONOURS: If you'd like to sign up to my free Weekly Writing Workout, here's the sign up form: Here's my author page on Facebook: Here's my Twitter page: And here's my website where you can submit your first pages or just get in touch and say hello: And if you'd like to support the podcast, here's my Ko-fi page:
Apr 8, 2019 • 1h 54min

S3E18 - Chatting With Emma Newman

In this episode I chat to celebrated SF & Fantasy author Emma Newman about fae, fabulism, fear and finding futures. Emma talks about her early love of stories, why she stopped writing for a decade, and how she got over it. We chat about faeries and patriarchy, inventing future technologies, and writing good characters who manage mental health challenges like anxiety or post-natal depression. We also cover roleplaying (because I will take literally any excuse to gab about RPGs) and ways to beat procrastination and creative fear. This is a great episode to listen to if you want to know: - how can I get writing again if I've stopped? - how can I create believable new technologies in Science Fiction? - how can I use SFF to explore themes? - can I turn my roleplaying sessions into a book? I really enjoyed this one! If you'd like to check out some of Emma's work, here's a - not even exhaustive! - list of her novels. Her latest is ATLAS ALONE, which is due out in a couple of weeks so you can either pre-order or buy below depending on when you're reading this. Try her fae Fantasy quintet, THE SPLIT WORLDS: BETWEEN TWO THORNS: ANY OTHER NAME: ALL IS FAIR: A LITTLE KNOWLEDGE: ALL GOOD THINGS: Or if SF is more your thing, try the PLANETFALL books: PLANETFALL: AFTER ATLAS: BEFORE MARS: ATLAS ALONE: If you'd like to support me, the podcast and all the things I'm putting out into the world, if you like what I do and would like me to do more of it, and if you'd like to be the first to read my brand new novel, please help me by pre-ordering a copy of THE ICE HOUSE. It's got an old lady pulled out of retirement for one last job, a 400-year-old forensic pathologist field medic battle nun looking to bring down an empire, psychedelics, dungeon crawls, jungle adventures, a locked-room murder mystery, intrigue, romance, minotaurs, a secret testing facility, giant sentient beetles, immortal mutant aristocrats, knife fights, an angel, larceny and ancient menaces rising from the depths. You're going to dig it and it helps me so much. Here are some places you can order now: Mr B's Emporium are an indie bookstore who deliver worldwide - I'll sign all pre-ordered copies from here: Wordery: Amazon: Or ask at your local bricks and mortar bookshop. If you'd like to read a story about a 13 year old girl investigating a secret society in 1930s Norfolk, grab a copy of my novel, THE HONOURS: If you'd like to sign up to my free Weekly Writing Workout, here's the sign up form: Here's my author page on Facebook: Here's my Twitter page: And here's my website where you can submit your first pages or just get in touch and say hello: And if you'd like to support the podcast, here's my Ko-fi page:
Apr 1, 2019 • 53min

S3E17 - New Ways of Seeing (Writing Ramble)

Today's episode is an unscripted talk from me about the ways writing changes the way you see the world, and how, by changing what your characters notice or ignore, you can tell us powerful things about their personality and the world they inhabit. If you'd like to support me, the podcast and all the things I'm putting out into the world, if you like what I do and would like me to do more of it, and if you'd like to be the first to read my brand new novel, please help me by pre-ordering a copy of THE ICE HOUSE. It's got an old lady pulled out of retirement for one last job, a 400-year-old forensic pathologist field medic battle nun looking to bring down an empire, psychedelics, dungeon crawls, jungle adventures, a locked-room murder mystery, intrigue, romance, minotaurs, a secret testing facility, giant sentient beetles, immortal mutant aristocrats, knife fights, an angel, larceny and ancient menaces rising from the depths. You're going to dig it and it helps me so much. Here are some places you can order now: Mr B's Emporium are an indie bookstore who deliver worldwide - I'll sign all pre-ordered copies from here: Wordery: Amazon: Or ask at your local bricks and mortar bookshop. If you'd like to read a story about a 13 year old girl investigating a secret society in 1930s Norfolk, grab a copy of my novel, THE HONOURS: If you'd like to sign up to my free Weekly Writing Workout, here's the sign up form: Here's my author page on Facebook: Here's my Twitter page: And here's my website where you can submit your first pages or just get in touch and say hello: And if you'd like to support the podcast, here's my Ko-fi page:
Mar 25, 2019 • 30min

S3E16 - 1st Page Feedback - Untitled by David

Ooh! Look! It's a first-page critique! On today's episode I look at the first page of a listener's novel and offer suggestions on how to make it better. We get into the willing suspension of disbelief as conceived by Coleridge and the problems therein, similes and metaphors, and our old foe pounding upon the fortress gates, show, don't tell. If you'd like to support me, the podcast and all the things I'm putting out into the world, if you like what I do and would like me to do more of it, and if you'd like to be the first to read my brand new novel, please help me by pre-ordering a copy of THE ICE HOUSE. It's got an old lady pulled out of retirement for one last job, a 400-year-old forensic pathologist field medic battle nun looking to bring down an empire, psychedelics, dungeon crawls, jungle adventures, a locked-room murder mystery, intrigue, romance, minotaurs, a secret testing facility, giant sentient beetles, immortal mutant aristocrats, knife fights, an angel, larceny and ancient menaces rising from the depths. You're going to dig it and it helps me so much. Here are some places you can order now: Mr B's Emporium are an indie bookstore who deliver worldwide - I'll sign all pre-ordered copies from here: Wordery: Amazon: Or ask at your local bricks and mortar bookshop. If you'd like to read a story about a 13 year old girl investigating a secret society in 1930s Norfolk, grab a copy of my novel, THE HONOURS: If you'd like to sign up to my free Weekly Writing Workout, here's the sign up form: Here's my author page on Facebook: Here's my Twitter page: And here's my website where you can submit your first pages or just get in touch and say hello: And if you'd like to support the podcast, here's my Ko-fi page:
Mar 22, 2019 • 53min

S3E15 - What's In The Hat Box? (Writing Ramble)

It's another Writing Ramble episode, where I, your host Tim Clare, 'go off on one' about writing, life and the universe. Even by the standards of Writing Rambles this episode is rangy and digressive, going from procrastination to French experimental literature movement the Oulipo, to discovery writing to brain training to the heat death of the universe. It's gooey and unfettered, like liberating blancmange. I hope you enjoy, but if my gabbing freeform into a mic isn't your cup of tea, please do check out other episodes where I interview authors or critique listeners' first pages. If you'd like to support me, the podcast and all the things I'm putting out into the world, if you like what I do and would like me to do more of it, and if you'd like to be the first to read my brand new novel, please help me by pre-ordering a copy of THE ICE HOUSE. It's got an old lady pulled out of retirement for one last job, a 400-year-old forensic pathologist field medic battle nun looking to bring down an empire, psychedelics, dungeon crawls, jungle adventures, a locked-room murder mystery, intrigue, romance, minotaurs, a secret testing facility, giant sentient beetles, immortal mutant aristocrats, knife fights, an angel, larceny and ancient menaces rising from the depths. You're going to dig it and it helps me so much. Here are some places you can order now: Mr B's Emporium are an indie bookstore who deliver worldwide - I'll sign all pre-ordered copies from here: Wordery: Amazon: Or ask at your local bricks and mortar bookshop. If you'd like to read a story about a 13 year old girl investigating a secret society in 1930s Norfolk, grab a copy of my novel, THE HONOURS: If you'd like to sign up to my free Weekly Writing Workout, here's the sign up form: Here's my author page on Facebook: Here's my Twitter page: And here's my website where you can submit your first pages or just get in touch and say hello: And if you'd like to support the podcast, here's my Ko-fi page:
Mar 18, 2019 • 1h 16min

S3E14 - Chatting With Inua Ellams

On today's show I chat to poet, playwright and storyteller Inua Ellams about myths, gods and how stories build people. Inua talks about the mentors who shaped and inspired him when he was growing up, his love of story and poetry, and how he turned that into a creative career performing on stage and writing for others. We discuss his new book, THE HALF-GOD OF RAINFALL, the story of a basketball-playing demigod and his mother, generational trauma and revenge. This is a great episode to listen to if you want to know: - how can I use myth in my fiction? - what's the difference between theme and subject matter? - how can I tell stories with poetry? - why tell stories? I loved recording this one. I really hope you enjoy it and get as much of a bang out of it as I did. Ah but of course you'd like to read Inua Ellams' book, THE HALF-GOD OF RAINFALL. Here it is with free delivery: THE HALF-GOD OF RAINFALL hits the stage in April and May. You can get tickets to see it in London here: Or in Birmingham in April here: If you'd like to support me, the podcast and all the things I'm putting out into the world, if you like what I do and would like me to do more of it, and if you'd like to be the first to read my brand new novel, please help me by pre-ordering a copy of THE ICE HOUSE. It's got an old lady pulled out of retirement for one last job, a 400-year-old forensic pathologist field medic battle nun looking to bring down an empire, psychedelics, dungeon crawls, jungle adventures, a locked-room murder mystery, intrigue, romance, minotaurs, a secret testing facility, giant sentient beetles, immortal mutant aristocrats, knife fights, an angel, larceny and ancient menaces rising from the depths. You're going to dig it and it helps me so much. Here are some places you can order now: Mr B's Emporium are an indie bookstore who deliver worldwide - I'll sign all pre-ordered copies from here: Wordery: Amazon: Or ask at your local bricks and mortar bookshop. If you'd like to read a story about a 13 year old girl investigating a secret society in 1930s Norfolk, grab a copy of my novel, THE HONOURS: If you'd like to sign up to my free Weekly Writing Workout, here's the sign up form: Here's my author page on Facebook: Here's my Twitter page: And here's my website where you can submit your first pages or just get in touch and say hello: And if you'd like to support the podcast, here's my Ko-fi page:
Mar 15, 2019 • 1h 1min

S3E13 - Why Write At The End Of The World? (Writing Ramble)

What's the point of writing when there's so much suffering in the world? When there might not even *be* a world in not so many years time? Is it indulgent? Pointless? A form of denial? Why write at the end of the world? This is an unscripted, unplanned 'writing ramble' episode where I just talk about what's on my mind. I've been struggling a bit, and so I talk about that, in the context of how horrendous the world seems at the moment. Don't expect any neat conclusions in this one. I'm just working through some difficult things, and relating them to writing, which I'm finding it hard to do. I try to be honest, probably at the expense of brevity or crisp rhetorical flourishes, so if this doesn't sound like your cup of tea, don't worry! Plenty of lighter episodes to engage with. If you'd like to support me, the podcast and all the things I'm putting out into the world, if you like what I do and would like me to do more of it, and if you'd like to be the first to read my brand new novel, please help me by pre-ordering a copy of THE ICE HOUSE. It's got an old lady pulled out of retirement for one last job, a 400-year-old forensic pathologist field medic battle nun looking to bring down an empire, psychedelics, dungeon crawls, jungle adventures, a locked-room murder mystery, intrigue, romance, minotaurs, a secret testing facility, giant sentient beetles, immortal mutant aristocrats, knife fights, an angel, larceny and ancient menaces rising from the depths. You're going to dig it and it helps me so much. Here are some places you can order now: Mr B's Emporium are an indie bookstore who deliver worldwide - I'll sign all pre-ordered copies from here: Wordery: Amazon: Or ask at your local bricks and mortar bookshop. If you'd like to read a story about a 13 year old girl investigating a secret society in 1930s Norfolk, grab a copy of my novel, THE HONOURS: If you'd like to sign up to my free Weekly Writing Workout, here's the sign up form: Here's my author page on Facebook: Here's my Twitter page: And here's my website where you can submit your first pages or just get in touch and say hello: And if you'd like to support the podcast, here's my Ko-fi page:
Mar 11, 2019 • 52min

S3E12 - Chatting With Martin Lotze

Today I chat with Martin Lotze, neuroscientist at the University of Greifswald, about his research into the brains of writers. Martin has researched how the minds of writers and non-writers operate, using fMRI scans to observe which areas of the brain are activated during the writing process. His fascinating work demonstrates that wholly different parts of the brain are used by experienced writers and novices when undertaking creative writing. I ask him about how he came to study this area, discover many of my assumptions are wrong, and ask him the implications of his findings for writers like us. This is a great episode to listen to if you want to know: - can writing be taught? - what happens in our brains when we write? - does writing change the brain? - how can I train myself to be a better writer? If you'd like to support me, the podcast and all the things I'm putting out into the world, if you like what I do and would like me to do more of it, and if you'd like to be the first to read my brand new novel, please help me by pre-ordering a copy of THE ICE HOUSE. It's got an old lady pulled out of retirement for one last job, a 400-year-old forensic pathologist field medic battle nun looking to bring down an empire, psychedelics, dungeon crawls, jungle adventures, a locked-room murder mystery, intrigue, romance, minotaurs, a secret testing facility, giant sentient beetles, immortal mutant aristocrats, knife fights, an angel, larceny and ancient menaces rising from the depths. You're going to dig it and it helps me so much. Here are some places you can order now: Mr B's Emporium are an indie bookstore who deliver worldwide - I'll sign all pre-ordered copies from here: Wordery: Amazon: Or ask at your local bricks and mortar bookshop. If you'd like to read a story about a 13 year old girl investigating a secret society in 1930s Norfolk, grab a copy of my novel, THE HONOURS: If you'd like to sign up to my free Weekly Writing Workout, here's the sign up form: Here's my author page on Facebook: Here's my Twitter page: And here's my website where you can submit your first pages or just get in touch and say hello: And if you'd like to support the podcast, here's my Ko-fi page:
Mar 6, 2019 • 1h 8min

S3E11 - Thick Skinned (Writing Ramble)

This episode is an unscripted, unedited chat from me, about why you don't need to be thick-skinned to be a writer. Before I go any further, here are the pre-order links for my forthcoming novel, THE ICE HOUSE. If you listened to today's episode and you'd like to help me on the #Roadto1500 please click these, share these, and get in touch if you've got any ideas or offers, no matter how crazy, how we could make this impossible thing happen of my lil novel hitting the UK bestseller charts. Mr B's Emporium are an indie bookstore who deliver worldwide - I'll sign all pre-ordered copies from here: Wordery: Amazon: Or ask at your local bricks and mortar bookshop. You can drop me a line via the 'Contact Me' link here: THE ICE HOUSE has an old lady pulled out of retirement for one last job, a 400-year-old forensic pathologist field medic battle nun looking to bring down an empire, psychedelics, dungeon crawls, jungle adventures, a locked-room murder mystery, intrigue, romance, minotaurs, a secret testing facility, giant sentient beetles, immortal mutant aristocrats, knife fights, an angel, larceny and ancient menaces rising from the depths. I'm sorry for farting on about it, I hope I'm giving you my best work in return, both here on the podcast and in the book itself. I don't have the networks some other writers do, so I have to rely on the old hustle. Anyway, today's episode is in response to a couple of comments I encountered this week, about writing, and the kind of attitudes 'proper' authors should have. I felt a bit uncomfortable with both statements, so I've recorded a little talk where I dig into my feelings a little. It's just another data point but I hope some folks find it useful to hear a different perspective. I round off the episode by thanking some listeners who've supported me, and by talking about some plans I've got to try to make what now seems like a very intimidating target of 1500 sales in the first week of release (May 2!) come true. If you'd like to read a story about a 13 year old girl investigating a secret society in 1930s Norfolk, grab a copy of my novel, THE HONOURS: If you'd like to sign up to my free Weekly Writing Workout, here's the sign up form: Here's my author page on Facebook: Here's my Twitter page: And if you'd like to support the podcast, here's my Ko-fi page:
Mar 4, 2019 • 1h 38min

S3E10 - Chatting With Nick Harkaway

On this episode I chat with author Nick Harkaway about accelerating futures, detective stories and the meaning of life. Nick Harkaway is the author of several novels, most recently GNOMON, set in a near-future Britain where everything is recorded, monitored and shared. In this wide-ranging chat we cover everything from writing from multiple viewpoints, to reader expectation, to knowing when to stop and fix something vs pressing on to the end of the draft. This is a great episode to listen to if you want to know: - how can I manage reader expectations? - what are some useful ways to think about story structure? - should I finish my first draft before editing or revise as I go? - how can I turn big SF ideas into stories? If you enjoyed our chat, why not treat yourself to Nick Harkaway's latest novel, GNOMON: Or you could try one of his others. TIGERMAN: ANGELMAKER: THE GONE-AWAY WORLD: If you'd like to support me, the podcast and all the things I'm putting out into the world, if you like what I do and would like me to do more of it, and if you'd like to be the first to read my brand new novel, please help me by pre-ordering a copy of THE ICE HOUSE. It's got an old lady pulled out of retirement for one last job, a 400-year-old forensic pathologist field medic battle nun looking to bring down an empire, psychedelics, dungeon crawls, jungle adventures, a locked-room murder mystery, intrigue, romance, minotaurs, a secret testing facility, giant sentient beetles, immortal mutant aristocrats, knife fights, an angel, larceny and ancient menaces rising from the depths. You're going to dig it and it helps me so much. Here are some places you can order now: Mr B's Emporium are an indie bookstore who deliver worldwide - I'll sign all pre-ordered copies from here: Wordery: Amazon: Or ask at your local bricks and mortar bookshop. If you'd like to read a story about a 13 year old girl investigating a secret society in 1930s Norfolk, grab a copy of my novel, THE HONOURS: If you'd like to sign up to my free Weekly Writing Workout, here's the sign up form: Here's my author page on Facebook: Here's my Twitter page: And here's my website where you can submit your first pages or just get in touch and say hello: And if you'd like to support the podcast, here's my Ko-fi page:

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