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The Rich Roll Podcast

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Jan 16, 2014 • 2h 11min

Plantpowered Dietitian & Author on Blue Zones, BigFood, Straight Edge Punk & Eating For Ultra-Endurance Performance

Matt is a cool dude. Can't believe it took the podcast for us to finally meet in person.Not only do we have plenty of common points of interest and intersection — plant-based nutrition, eating for performance and ultra-endurance athletics topping the list — Matt knows from whence he comes.With a Nutritional Science degree from Pennsylvania State University and a Public Health Nutrition degree from Loma Linda University (yes – that “Blue Zone*” Loma Linda where everyone eats plants and lives like forever – don't worry we get into this), as well as certification as a Registered Dietitian ( the only professional nutrition credential available ), Matt has distinguished himself as a leading expert in the field of vegan nutrition.In addition to working one-on-one with clients and athletes, Matt is the Past-Chair of the Vegetarian Nutrition Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , and co-authored both the No Meat Athlete book with RRP #54 guest Matt Frazier and the best-selling cookbook Appetite for Reduction* with Isa Moskowitz. In his spare time, Matt is an accomplished athlete who races marathons, iron-man triathlons, 200+ mile cycling events and 24-hour races (see full athletic resume ).During the course of our conversation we dig into all of it – the paleo vs. vegan “debate”, how to eat for ultra-endurance performance, modern advocacy in the world of our broken food system, and how corporate interests use marketing to obfuscate fact, undermine informed consent and confuse consumer choice.But quite possibly the most impressive thing about Matt? He lives in Southern California yet refuses to own a car. Now that is commitment.Listen with an open mind, and may the conversation raise the vibration & inspire your best self. Enjoy!Rich
Jan 9, 2014 • 2h 30min

On Sobriety, Prison & His Quest to Become The Fastest Human To Run Across The United States

People ask me all the time, “Who inspires you, Rich?”For the most part, the people that inspire me are people you've never heard of. Everyman guys like Josh LaJaunie who toil tirelessly yet essentially anonymously to actualize profound personal change. The single dad working two jobs that still finds a way to lose 50 pounds, get off his statin medication and run his first 10K. Or the soldier stationed in the Middle East doing his best to eat plant-based despite confronting tremendous daily obstacles.Then there are guys like Charlie.The story of Charlie Engle first found it's way into my consciousness back around 2006 or 2007. I still vividly recall hearing Charlie relate the facts of his experience in a radio interview he did with a host I cannot recall. What I do recall is just how moved I was by his journey. A story that didn't just click with me, but one I related to with every fiber of who I am.Addict. Alcoholic. Sober. Ultrarunner. Father. Felon. Inspiration.Charlie is a man of very high highs and very low lows. A man with addiction and athletic stories of Gilgamesh proportions that make Finding Ultra sound like pre-school recess. An alcoholic crack addict essentially living out of his car, it took gunshots in his Toyota 4-Runner and the birth of his son in 1992 to finally get sober. Ultrarunning became the focus of his affections, an affair that took him to stunning heights and accolades, the nadir being an unprecedented 111-day run across the Sahara Desert with compadres Ray Zahab and Kevin Lin — a feat chronicled in the Matt Damon narrated documentary entitled Running the Sahara.Life was pretty good. Certainly not entirely balanced, but hey, nobody's perfect. He had done some amazing things. Maybe he had a shot at some modicum of happiness after all.Then came quite possibly the most improbable, unpredictable challenge he could ever imagine facing. A saga with all the trappings of a bad B-movie. An obsessed local IRS agent illogically hell-bent on justice. Wire taps. Garbage probes. And the requisite wily female dispatched to enchant and entrap. A saga culminating in a federal conviction for mortgage fraud for misstating income on so-called “liar loan” documents (something hundreds of thousands of people did), Charlie heads to Beckley Federal Prison in West Virginia. A poster child for everything awry with the mortgage backed security crisis and fallout of recent years, Charlie serves 16 months.How do you survive something like that?And yet Charlie comes out the other side not just intact, but quite possibly more whole than when he entered. A man changed by the experience, but maybe more attuned to what really matters.And a man running better than ever. Just one year after his release, Charlie returned to the Badwater 135 to clock a 5th place finish and break the master's world record by over 3 hours. Next up? Aside from getting married this weekend, Charlie will attempt to run across the United States faster than any human being ever has previously. A feat he calls Run 2 Boston, Charlie and wheelchair athlete extraordinaire André Kajlic will line up at the LA Marathon on March 9, complete the 26.2 miles and then just keep going. And going. Until they reach Boston, where they will run that marathon. All in an effort to raise funds and awareness for the victim's of last year...Read more HERE.Enjoy!Rich
Dec 23, 2013 • 2h 19min

[EXPLICIT] The Punk Iconoclast on GMO’s, The “V” Word & Expanding Consciousness

S$#*t's about to get raw. Authentic. And real.Back by popular demand, Cro-Mags' frontman John Joseph– aka “Bloodclot” — returns to the podcast today to do what he does best – light fires, blow stuff up and burn the house down. All for the sake of getting people to wake up, expand consciousness and take control of our lives.Weaned from the ailing womb of Scorsese's Mean Streets, JJ is a true American original. Lower East Side thief, abuse survivor, drug dealer & brawling gutter rat reborn as spiritual warrior. CBGB Street Poet. Punk-ass Robin Hood. Plantpowered Ironman. Spiritual evangelist. A life story so astounding it echoes some demented amalgam of Bukowski, Hugh Selby, Jr., Jerry Stahl, Eckhart Tolle & Paramahansa Yogananda.Plus he can write. His tale of survival is so vividly depicted in his autobiography Evolution of a Cro-Magnon, it's currently being adapted into a movie. And July 2014 brings Harper Collins' wide release of his previously self-published (and currently out-of-print) cult hit Meat is For Pussies*– with a foreword by yours truly.But more anything, this boy can spin a yarn. JJ's first appearance on the podcast was a massive hit, and we barely scratched the surface of John's ability to opine and pontificate on a vast array of subjects — life on the streets, GMO's, Monsanto, the strange history of Aspartame, the power of meditation, the importance of expanding consciousness, the problems with the “V” word, what it means to be truly punk in this post-millenia era, and why meat really is for pussies.If you're new to the show, be sure to check out JJ's previous appearance in RRP 41. It's like a bomb exploding in an elevator.Enjoy!Rich
Dec 16, 2013 • 2h 8min

On Chasing Dreams & His New Book “Beat The Devil”

Third time's a charm.Show favorite Mishka Shubaly returns to the podcast today for round 3 to chat about addiction, sobriety, rock ‘n roll, ultrarunning, relationships, writing, creativity and his fantastic new Kindle Single, Beat The Devil.But mostly we talk about chasing dreams. The inherent force, value & gestalt of a dream. How much you are willing to sacrifice in pursuit of a dream, even when it constantly deludes and eludes you, undermining, derailing and even destroying other important aspects of your life. How to know whether the dream you seek is the right dream. And when — and if — it ever makes sense to abandon a dream that persistently fails to materialize.Mishka and I have a shorthand. A large percentage of our friendship has taken place on microphone, but there is a palpable sense that we have always been friends. And that's because — although our life experiences are very different — our mental & emotional points of reference share powerful common turf. Indeed, Mishka is my brother-from-another-mother; and once again it comes through undeniably in this exchange.Our bond aside, I feel an imperative to share his palpable creative voice. A master of humility, self-deprecation, frailty and fear, his evocative prose is a dagger into the heart we all share — our common condition as human. It's an important voice, worthy of notice and praise. An opinion I harbor not in isolation, but one shared by the literati, including a top editor at The Atlantic who goes so far as to say Mishka is “the voice of our generation”. That phrase gets bandied about all too commonly, but in Mishka's case it's truth. With 4 consecutive Amazon #1 bestsellers ( Shipwrecked*, The Long Run*, Are You Lonesome Tonight?* and Bachelor Number One* ) he is a true master of the short narrative. Now he's back at it. Beat The Devil*– his newest offering — just hit #1 in Amazon's Kindle Singles category yesterday.A deep dive into the downtown New York rock ‘n roll club scene, Beat The Devil* is Mishka's first-hand account of battling ...
Dec 9, 2013 • 2h 44min

The Best of 2013 Anthology Episode

Now for something a little different. In celebration of our 1st year anniversary and the quickly approaching new year, I thought it would be fun to compile a “Best Of” edition of the show, with excerpts from some of the more popular interviews over the course of the past twelve months to create a year-end mashup episode.So Tyler, my son and esteemed podcast producer, audio engineer and musician (he writes, produces and arranges all the music for the show as well) rolled up his sleeves and went to work, spending hours culling through the best and the brightest of 2013 to create today's show – a full-length compendium of awesome, it's a veritable grab-bag cornucopia of amazing conversational clips edited together to create a complete show. Excerpted interviews include the following past guests, in chronological order:THE BEST OF THE RRP – 2013* Founder Dr. Michael Greger ( Episode 7 )* Julie Piatt on New Year's Resolutions ( Episode 9 )* Ironman World Champion Chris “Macca” McCormack ( Episode 24 )* Fruitarian Ultra-Runner Michael Arnstein ( Episode 26 )* Writer & Ultra-Runner Mishka Shubaly ( Episode 27 )* Australian Television, Radio & Podcast Host Osher Günsberg ( Episode 30 )* PlantPowered Ironman, Author and Cro-Mags' Frontman John Joseph ( Episode 41 )* PlantPowered Ironman & Weight Loss Surgeon Dr. Garth Davis ( Episode 50 )* Olympic Cyclist & Motivational Life Coach Dr. Jeff Spencer ( Episode 57 )* SunLife Organics Founder Khalil Rafati ( Episode 61 )For show notes and to learn more about these guests, click the corresponding episode hyperlinks, above. Also, we didn't want to include too much from very recent shows (even though some of them have been incredibly popular), as they are still so fresh. For this reason, and because we have so many new subscribers who most likely have only listened to the most recent shows, we decided to focus on the early guests.If you're miffed because I left your personal favorite out, I get it. So many amazing guests over the year it was almost impossible to make a selection — it's like trying to figure out who's going to be your groomsmen at your wedding. But we had to pick 10. Not the definitive last word on the best of the best by any means – just good mix nonetheless.
Dec 2, 2013 • 1h 58min

How One Man Overcame Incredible Obstacles, Lost 200 lbs & Transformed His Life Wholesale

This interview is like nothing you have heard before on this show.It will move you. It will inspire you. It will erase whatever obstacles and excuses you rely on that perpetuate bad habits, keep you stuck, and reinforce denial. By listening, my hope is that you will realize that no matter what your circumstances or environment, we all have the power to implement profound personal change beyond our collective imagination in miraculous and fantastic ways.A couple weeks ago, a guy called Josh LaJaunie tweeted me his before and after pictures, thanking me for helping him along his journey of total transformation. Bear in mind, I get many such images sent to me. I absolutely love this stuff – It's why I do what I do. But something about this post was different. The change was so astounding, my first thought was, “Can this be real?” The 400+ pound guy on the left bore almost no resemblance to the guy on the right, a super fit, super handsome young man running with a big smile on his face. And yet when I looked closely, I could indeed determine that it was in fact the same person. I was stunned.Chris Farley had morphed into Bradley Cooper. But how?I had to find out. I reached out to him, and we exchanged a few e-mails. Then he sent me a document, with a title that says it all.“FREE JOSH LAJAUNIE”A manifesto on life transformation, it's the detailed personal account of how Josh accomplished what some would deem impossible, dropping over 200 pounds and a life-long addiction to unhealthy foods & lifestyle habits to discover a passion for running. A journey that led him to completing a half-marathon and preparing for his first marathon. He didn't just lose weight — he became an athlete.But what truly struck me wasn't just the weight loss or his discovered passion for running. It was the story of how he faced, battled and overcame astounding, impossibly entrenched cultural obstacles to change everything about how he lives his life. A gift he now freely shares, transforming the lives not just of his family members, but his beloved community at large. At that moment, I knew I needed to share his story with you.Born & bred in southern Louisiana, Josh is a 100% genuine, authentic, self-avowed “swamp dweller” from Bayou Lafourche. Someone who shirks at the label “cajun” as too highfalutin, and “proud to sound like a coonass”. A big kid surrounded by a loving nuclear and extended family united by their shared love of food — a regional imperative — Josh was a standout high school football player, recruited to play college ball. But disillusioned by college life in Arkansas, he dropped out of school, only to return home, aimless and unmoored. He found work in the family construction business, but lived for the weekend – time spent hunting, fishing, cheering for his beloved New Orleans Saints, feasting on his favorite local delicacies — po boys, jambalaya & barbeque. And partying. Lots of partying. It's just what you do down in Bayou Lafourche.The weight escalated. As did the despair. His embarrassment and shame escalating in equal measure to his declining self-esteem. Not to mention an almost certain future of diabetes and heart disease.Then something happened. In 2010, Josh's beloved Saints achieved the impossible, winning the Super Bowl. It seems a small thing. But to Josh it was everything. Forever altering his perception of what is possible, he began to question the limits he imposed upon himself.Read more HERE...Enjoy!Rich
Nov 25, 2013 • 1h 27min

Meatonomics: How the Bizarre, Rigged Economics of the Meat and Dairy Industries Co-Opt Consumer Choice

Sometimes I feel like some kind of fringe conspiracy theorist. I didn't used to be this way, I promise. But the more I delve into how things work — truly work — the more amazed I am by what I discover.I don't care if you are vegan, locavore, pescatarian, paleo, primal, high-carb, low-carb, or slow-carb. Everyone deserves to be optimally informed when it comes to how our food is harvested, distributed and marketed. And yet, quite unfortunately, most consumers lack even a basic awareness of the dynamics at play, let alone a working understanding of the formidable economic protocols that function behind the production of meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.It is incumbent upon all of us to take personal responsibility for educating ourselves about the economic machinations that dominate and drive our food system. Why? Because these forces affect all of us, irrespective of dietary preference. And because informed choice is power. Today on the show I am pleased to introduce David Robinson Simon, attorney, advocate for sustainable consumption, and author of the newly released Meatonomics* — an important, groundbreaking and astoundingly revelatory deep dive into the potent economic, marketing, regulatory & legislative forces that support the meat and dairy industries' masterful ability to influence and downright undermine informed consumer awareness and decision making when it comes to what — and how much — to eat.David's thesis is that such consumer decisions aren't just misplaced, but in fact manipulated and compelled — often on an unconscious level — by the behemoth animal food producers who effectively co-opt consumers’ buying choices with artificially-low prices fueled by out-of-whack farm subsidies; ubiquitous, powerful but misleading marketing campaigns; and heavy control over legislation and regulatory policy at the highest echelons of government.Over the course of our conversation, David provides vital insight into how the economics of institutional animal food production hold sway over our spending, eating, health, prosperity, economy, environment and longevity. A perfect storm of almost conspiratorial circumstances that serve — in the macro — to exponentially increase (among other things):* Annual US taxpayer dollars spent to subsidize meat & dairy;* The rapid depletion of our forests & soil;* The level of greenhouse gas emissions that catalyze irrevocable climate change; * The collapsing of wild fisheries;* The proliferation of “farmed” fisheries;* US dietary cholesterol intake;* The incidence of cancer, diabetes and heart disease related to meat and dairy consumption* Healthcare costs allocated to treat US cases of diseases related to meat and dairy consumptionFor a quick source-supported primer, check out David's Meatonomics Index– 40 facts and figures that paint a picture of how our meat and dairy intake has spiraled out of control since 1935.Food for thought.Thanks for checking out this post and the episode, and I hope you enjoy the conversation.Rich
Nov 18, 2013 • 2h 10min

On Addiction, Recovery & Achieving Happiness Through Service

If you know my story, you know it involves a descent into alcoholism, followed by a hard fought battle to achieve and maintain sobriety. Recovery saved my life, straight up, no exaggeration. To this day it remains — and will always remain — my number one priority.I don't talk it about it often on the podcast, but I think it's an important subject to raise and discuss, particularly as we head into the holidays — an acutely perilous time for the millions who, alone, isolated and ashamed, privately battle these demons.Meet Khalil Rafati, founder of Sunlife Organics– friend, fellow recovery warrior and amazing living example of the profound resiliency of the human body, mind and spirit. Not only has Khalil overcome unimaginable obstacles to survive, he has defied all odds and miraculously repaired his life wholesale. A soul now devoted to the service of others, his primary focus on giving back what was so freely given him.Prepare to have your mind blown.Khalil's tale is nothing short of astounding. From the depths of absolute despair, homeless & hopelessly gripped by heroin addiction, Khalil was hell bent on dying. And yet somehow, by way of a grace outside himself, Khalil came out the other side. Not just intact, but repaired. He didn't just find sobriety. He found his true life purpose.Today I am so proud to share my friend's journey. Behind all the raw intensity and earnest honesty and vulnerability, it is a story I think we can all celebrate. A story of the impossible. And at its heart, the story of true redemptive power of the human condition.Open your mind and heart and let Khalil inspire you. I can guarantee that after listening to this profound and at times extremely intense conversation, you will understand that all the illusory excuses that imprison and prevent you from growth, health and self-actualization will seem trivial.For those that are suffering, this one's for you. Please know that all is not lost. There is a solution. And there is hope. Always hope.NOTE: In addition to the extreme intensity of the subject matter discussed, this episode also contains a few instances of explicit language. So if you're listening with the wee ones or at work, pop in the ear buds. Nothing to crazy, just a head's up for the more sensitive members of the audience.And should you find yourself in Los Angeles, do me a solid. Drop by one of Khalil's Sunlife Organics juice bars (on Pt. Dume in Malibu and in Thousand Oaks at The Lakes), order a green juice (or the Wolverine smoothie — my favorite) and give Khalil a high five.I sincerely hope you enjoy the show. I'm really proud of this one.Rich
Nov 11, 2013 • 1h 56min

How To Maintain Healthy Nutrition & Optimal Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Health During The Holidays

I've got news for you people. Like it or not, the holiday season is upon us.That special time of year when we tend to overeat, overspend and simply overindulge in everything across the board, all in the name of celebratory merriment. When we're not charging it on the card or spread paper thin desperately trying to fulfill all the expectations presented, we find ourselves weathering an unnatural battery of social engagements, not to mention the myriad of emotionally hyper-charged landmines presented by extended family get togethers.The result? A massive and unnatural outpouring of energy that leaves us utterly depleted — spit out the other side physically and emotionally exhausted to the core, all too often overweight and riddled with unnecessary debt.What if we could approach and experience the holiday season differently? What if we could revel in the pure joy of the season and emerge in January not just intact but truly enriched — optimistic, feeling great and energized for all the challenges and adventures presented with the birth of a new year?Today on the show, Julie and I sit down to hash out all things holiday season with a focus on providing helpful, experience-based strategies to assist in managing the financial pitfalls, dietary challenges, precarious social environments and heightened emotional states presented by this unique time of year. In my experience, these are issues common to us all. And yet issues we go to great lengths to avoid dealing with internally, let alone discussing outwardly — typically out of fear, shame or simply a profound need to keep up appearances — all of which ultimately leaves us feeling alone and isolated in what for many can become a state of true emotional crisis. In truth, the exact opposite of what the holidays should be all about.So rather than deny or repress, let's talk about it. Get it all out in the open. And work on a strategy for a different, positive and uplifting experience. On today's agenda:* How to avoid spending money you don't have;* How to maintain a healthy PlantPowered Diet throughout the season;* How to experience gift giving with children in a different way;* How to navigate and avoid emotional landmines with extended family;* How to say “No” to certain social obligations; and* How to nuture and preserve your physical, emotional & spiritual well being under pressure.Enjoy the show!Rich
Nov 4, 2013 • 2h 2min

Nutrition, Fitness, Online Entrepreneurism, Homeschooling & What Happened When He Trained for an Ironman on a Low Carb / High Fat Ketosis Diet

For fans of Ben Greenfield, this is Ben like you've never heard him before.For longtime listeners and fans of health & fitness podcasts, Ben Greenfield needs no introduction. Self-avowed training guinea pig, ardent nutrition student, accomplished multisport athlete, podcast host, blogger and health entrepreneur at Ben Greenfield Fitness and all around good dude.Ben and I have been acquainted for some years — but only through the internet. He was an early guest on this show ( RRP #11 ), I have guested on his podcast as well as his Endurance Planet podcast ( HERE ), we did a nutrition-oriented Spreecast with Vinnie Tortorich back in February ( HERE ) and he has written about my exploits a bit as well ( HERE ).And yet surprisingly, we had never met in person. So it was a pleasure to finally sit down with the guy one-on-one so we could dig a bit deeper. Skype interviews are great, but there is just no substitute for sitting across from someone when you want to have a proper chat. And this interview gets it done in spades.Today on the show we talk about a multitude of things, including:* How he turned his passion for health and fitness into a thriving online business* Some keys for entrepreneurial online success;* His experience training for and racing an Ironman on a high fat / low carb ketogenic diet;* His plan for putting on 30lbs of muscle during the upcoming winter months;* Our experiences interviewing Durianrider;* What the lifestyle “hack” (as in #lifehack or #biohack) actually means;* His experience as a homeschooled child and how he homeschools his children;* How his dietary regimen is often misunderstood, his passion for plants & his vegetable garden; and* Ben's Upcoming Human Performance Course on CreativeLive.Like many of my guests, I don't agree with all points & issues raised. But I truly like and respect Ben, particularly his willingness to engage in all forms of self-experimentation and his transparency when it comes to openly sharing his results.I hope you enjoy the conversation!Rich

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