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Apr 6, 2015 • 1h 48min

How To Live More In Alignment With Your Values With Gene Baur

We are all born compassionate. And we carry this powerful, inherent trait through adulthood. But often this deeply ingrained impulse becomes repressed — quelled by childhood trauma; eroded by social constraints; overwhelmed by the harried gestalt of daily life and the denial that accompanies our compulsion for convenience and immediate gratification.Today's guest is a powerful reminder of who we really are. A call to action to better align this core value of compassion with the countless choices we make daily that dictate how we live our lives. To be more mindful about not only what we what eat, but what we do; the hows and whys behind our behavior; and the implications of personal choice on both ourselves and the world at large.How to describe my friend Gene Baur? Hailed as the “conscience of the food movement” by TIME magazine, this is a guy who has spent the last 25 years traveling extensively around the country, campaigning to raise awareness about the abuses of industrialized factory farming and our current food system. Humanitarian, environmentalist, activist, undercover investigator and best-selling author, Gene is most well known as the president & co-founder of Farm Sanctuary. The first animal rescue organization dedicated to farmed animals, Farm Sanctuary shelters in New York and California provide rescue, refuge, and adoption for hundreds of farm animals each year, enabling visitors to connect with farm animals as emotional, intelligent individuals. Gene believes these animals stand as ambassadors for the billions on factory farms who have no voice, and he has dedicated his career to advocating on their behalf.He's so handsome it makes me jealous, yet I can't help but love everything about this guy. He's a beautiful soul. And he's a darn good plant-based marathon runner & ironman athlete to boot.Now for some context. This show is no stranger to people with strong points of view. But Gene was the first true animal rights activist I interviewed (in case you missed it, you can listen to our premier conversation from June 2013 here. I’m the first to admit that my original reasons for going vegan were far more selfish than ethical. Understanding that animal rights isn't exactly everyone's cup of tea, I admit to having some trepidation about publishing that interview.But that was 2013. In truth, that conversation changed me. Gene really disarmed what I would consider willful blindness when it came to so many facets regarding how our world functions. Today I have a very different lens on the issues that spark Gene's passion. Today, I can't imagine not sharing Gene's perspective.For me this marks personal growth. The evolution-revolution that is the hallmark of this journey I undertook eight years ago. Because the more educated I become about how our food system actually functions to deliver meals to our plates, the more interested and outspoken I have become about advocating for change. And the more strident and diligent I have become about aligning my daily personal decisions and consumer choices with a more compassionate and communitarian set of core values.
Mar 27, 2015 • 1h 57min

Do Epic Sh*t! Robin Arzón on The Power of Sacred Moments and Embracing Failure

I'm really excited to have Robin Arzón back on the show this week. From corporate lawyer to ambassador of sweat and swagger, Robin brings the heat with unique personal style and an unwavering confidence that is matched only by her unlimited vivaciousness. In the event you missed it, I highly recommend going back and listening to our first conversation, RRP #99. You also might want to go back and read (or re-read) the blog post I wrote for that one, because it's kind of awesome.Longtime listeners know Robin is all about story. The power of story. How to properly own your story. How to properly tell your story. The capacity for story to catalyze positive change in others. And the capability we all inherently have to let go of whatever negative story we tell ourselves about ourselves — and instead form an entirely new one.To recap, only three years ago Robin was living a completely different life — toiling away as a corporate lawyer at one of the world’s most prestigious law firms. But a near-death experience being held hostage at gunpoint several years prior gave her the courage to not only begin a new chapter of her life, but to — you guessed it — tell an entirely new story about herself.Robin jumped out on her secure career without a parachute, soared on faith arms spread wide and glided down to a graceful landing on the downtown streets of lower Manhattan like a glorious bird of prey clad in blinding color and a pair of chartreuse running shoes.How do you describe someone who defies definition itself? Robin is so many things I struggle to find words to capture a spirit that can only be properly understood by experiencing her first hand. Nonetheless, I'll give it a shot. Today Robin is a NYC-based urban, bridge-running force of nature; an accomplished ultramarathoner (she once ran 5 marathons in 5 days across Utah); a running coach; a cycling instructor; and a consultant to some of the biggest brands in the world, like Nike, Adidas and Puma. Not enough? She's also a lifestyle entrepreneur as well the co-founder and publisher of a relatively new magazine called UNDO. Where sweat meets culture, it's a gorgeous, high quality production that can be found worldwide in places like Urban Outfitters.But Robin is not immune from obstacles. About a year ago, she faced a unforeseen new challenge: Type 1 Diabetes. Not one to let her illness limit, let alone define her, Robin navigates this setback with the poised demeanor she meets everything — simply another opportunity to empower and inspire others to get out of their comfort zone and, in Robin's words:do epic shit.As a father of two little girls, I am inspired by her shining example of positive female empowerment. It gives me hope. And she never fails to put a smile on my face while simultaneously challenging my own preconceptions about what is possible for both myself and others.This conversation picks up where RRP #99 left off, delving further into Robin's story.
Mar 23, 2015 • 1h 49min

Reinventing How To Feed The World

Right now this spinning land mass we call Earth is host to over 7 billion hungry human mouths to feed. Our current set up for handling this relentless, growing need isn't just problematic, it's broken, outdated technology that is making us sick and decimating the planet at an unfathomable rate.If we want to preserve a vibrant planet for future generations, it is imperative we find better, more innovative, more economic, more compassionate, more sustainable ways to sate the population.This is a long way of saying it's high time for a paradigm shift.If you listened to my podcast with Kip Anderson and Keegan Kuhn – the guys behind the highly compelling documentary Cowspiracy (I implore you to check out both the podcast and the film if you haven't already), then you already know that industrialized animal agriculture is our #1 environmental threat — far more deleterious to planetary health than transportation or fracking and the current leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution and habitat destruction.Adopting a plant-based diet is the single most powerful thing we can do as consumers to take a stand against this insanity. But to truly solve this problem we need to first acknowledge that we have a serious protein fixation. Facilitating a mass cultural shift away from our strong preference towards an animal-centric diet requires more than a simple plea to go vegan. To truly break the paradigm we need phenomenal food alternatives with mainstream appeal. Products that aren't just more sustainable and consciously harvested, but inventive products that rival, if not altogether outdo our appetite for beef, chicken, fish and eggs in not just nutritional content, but in flavor, taste and texture as well.The good news is that there are super intelligent, highly motivated people hard at work on just this — innovating brand new ways to improve human health, positively impact climate change, address global resource constraints and improve animal welfare with products, which for lack of a better phrase, simply taste good.Ethan Brown is one such innovator.Conceived in 2009 as a potential solution to problems he saw with the meat industry, Ethan founded Beyond Meat with a singular goal — to produce plant-based food products that would essentially replicate meat in an effort to render some of the downsides of the meat industry obsolete.In the same way last week's podcast guest Joshua Katcher implicitly understands that ethically manufactured garments must outmatch their less sustainable comparisons in fashion flair, Ethan understands that to win mainstream hearts and minds, his food products need more than satisfy the palates of enthusiastic carnivores.Backed by heavy hitters like Bill Gates and Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, it's not a stretch to say Ethan is well on his way to achieving this goal. Food impresario Alton Brown called Beyond Meat's Chicken Strips “more like meat than anything...
Mar 16, 2015 • 2h 9min

Reimagining Fashion As Environmentally & Ethically Sound

We talk quite often about food on this podcast — particularly the health, environmental and ethical implications our collective dietary choices and the global impact of the industrialized food industry on the same.But you might be less consciously aware of the massive extent to which the garment industry impacts a wide range of concerns from global climate change to animal welfare to ethics and beyond.Fashion is a world that desperately needs an environmentally consci tion. Joshua and his work is part of that solution — leveraging forward-thinking, modern textiles and progressive, business practices that embrace fashion and aesthetics to bring consumers beautiful, better and quite honestly, more ethically imagined and manufactured garments for us to enjoy.This is a really interesting talk about:* the complex intersection of ethics, aesthetics and fashion;* the social norms and parameters that define masculinity;* why fur is the furthest thing from cool;* what really goes into creating garments from wool;* the environmental impact of raising animals for clothing;* the advent of more sustainable and ethically manufactured materials for garments; and* the realities behind what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur in the garment industry.Highly intelligent, hyper-articulate and of course always bespoke, Joshua is an outstanding ambassador and aesthete of modern fashion modalities, not to mention badass at CrossFit to boot. It's my honor to share my friend Joshua's message and experience with you and my hope is that you will come away from this conversation more enlightened and educated when it comes to aligning your consumerism with your values. I did.Even if fashion is not your thing, trust me. This compelling exchange just might surprise you. I sincerely hope you enjoy the offering.Peace + Plants,Rich
Mar 9, 2015 • 1h 57min

Why You Should Love Louder

From a young, troubled gang member facing an almost certain future of jails and institutions to becoming one of today's freshest voices in the conscious media movement, the life arc of Preston Smiles is something to behold. So it's a pleasure to welcome my friend back to the podcast.Inspirational speaker. Motivational messenger. Fount of creative positivity. All around solid, loving dude.If you are relatively new to the RRP, I strongly suggest rewinding the podcast back to my first sit down with today's guest (RRP #103) for the full Preston Smiles lowdown and origin story — a conversation that ranks right up there amongst some of the most popular and downloaded episodes in the history of the show.I am proud to share this powerful conversation with you today. A conversation that traverses a tapestry of mental, emotional and spiritual topics and truisms, including healthy strategies for:* navigating relationship pitfalls;* overcoming the scarcity mentality;* learning how to access, attract and accept abundance into your life; and* why none of us should be afraid to love loudly in our quest to embrace our highest self.I'm a better dude for having Preston in my life. I truly enjoyed this conversation and sincerely hope you do too.Peace + Plants,Rich
Mar 6, 2015 • 1h 59min

The Ultimate Test of Human Endurance: Conquering the 4 Deserts Race Series

Futurist and science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke famously said, the only way to find the limits of the possible is by going beyond them to the impossible. An apropos theme for my conversation with Jennifer Steinman, a documentary filmmaker who spent well over a year following four seemingly normal, far from professional athletes as they prepare for and undertake one of the most grueling, backbreaking endurance challenges on the planet — a collection of ultra-distance adventure footraces teetering on the absurd dubbed the 4 Desert Series.WHAT IS THE 4 DESERTS?Named by TIME magazine as one of the world's Top 10 Endurance Competitions, the 4 Deserts is the world's leading rough-country endurance footrace series. A unique collection of world-class events that take place over 7 days and 250 kilometers in the largest and most forbidding deserts on the planet.Jennifer has a more poetic take on this lunatic fringe:Imagine you’ve been dropped off in the middle of one of the largest, driest deserts in the World. Over the next six days you will have to run, jog, walk or crawl 155 miles through incessant heat, across soft sand and hard-packed gravel, over sand dunes multiple stories high and down razor-sharp rocky cliffs. You must do this carrying everything you need to survive — clothes, food, sunscreen, emergency medical supplies, sleeping bag — in a 20-pound pack on your back.Now imagine doing this not just once, but four times in one calendar year, through the driest, windiest, hottest, coldest and ultimately the most treacherous four deserts in the world: the Atacama Desert in Chile, the Gobi Desert in China, the Sahara in Egypt … and then, the final stage, a 150-mile footrace across the single most inhospitable landscape in the world: The Last Desert in Antarctica.Any single race in RacingThePlanet’s 4Desert Ultramarathon Series is an extraordinary, life-threatening challenge– something we would only expect the most accomplished, elite athletes on the planet to try. But most of the courageous men and women who come from all over the world to compete in these Herculean events are not professional athletes at all, they’re ordinary people—people with families and day jobs and mortgage payments– people like you and me who have decided, for a variety of personal reasons, to take on this extreme physical challenge.Why do they do it?This week's guest set out to answer this question. The result is Desert Runners– a feature length character-driven documentary that follows a remarkable collection of brave souls on an extraordinary year-long adventure, racing to the four corners of the Earth.
Mar 2, 2015 • 1h 32min

How Can I Get My Kids To Eat Healthier? (Plus $300K+ in Giveaways!)

Let's talk about food. Despite all the diet and nutrition content I consistently and freely generate, Julie and I are still inundated daily with inquiries like:So what exactly do you guys eat?How can I get my kids to make healthier choices?Is it possible to eat healthy on a budget?How can I overcome my cravings for unhealthy foods?And of course…Where do you get your protein?It's questions like these that led to an epiphany: I think it's time for the next book.A cookbook.However, there is is no shortage of amazing plant-based cookbooks already available. What could Julie and I possibly bring to this conversation that hasn't already been said?After pouring through all the cookbooks at our local Barnes & Noble, we made a rather shocking discovery — not a single plant-based cookbook seemed to speak directly to the primary concerns of the typical modern family.So we started to think about how we could fill this gap by providing real, tangible guidance for the soccer moms and softball playing dads with young kids just looking to live a little healthier. Normal people searching for a simple, solid roadmap to make better choices at the market and in the kitchen. A book that would really address the true needs of everyday, budget-conscious folks too busy to study nutrition yet seeking easy-to-implement answers. A book that would guide, educate and inspire people to adopt healthier eating and lifestyle habits and instill such habits in their children.Visualizing such a book was easy. Because it's just a natural, authentic extension of our every day family lifestyle. A lifestyle we call The Plantpower Way.It's taken more than two years of solid focused work to get this book right. So this week Julie and I thought it would be fun sit down and learn more about her personal journey in food while rehashing the long journey undertaken to finally birth this book to life.WHAT IS THE PLANTPOWER WAY?Everybody deserves optimal health. And wellness begins with what we put on our plate. But that's just the beginning. So we decided to pick up where every other cookbook leaves off by providing concrete tools, tips and general lifestyle guidance to foster long-term wellness and catalyze your journey towards unlocking your best, most authentic self.Bursting with inspiration, practical guidance, and beautiful food and lifestyle photography, The Plantpower Way features more than 120 of Julie's delicious, easy-to-prepare whole food recipes, certain to delight even the most finicky or carnivorous of your clan.But this is more than a mere cookbook. It's a fully formed, comprehensive lifestyle primer chock-a-block with information, tools, resources and inspiration to not only answer all those questions we field daily, but elevate and guide the modern family towards healthier, more sustainable food, lifestyle and parenting practices. Both evolutionary and revolutionary, it's a book you will proudly use every day, share with colleagues, eagerly gift family members and even display on your coffee table for friends to peruse and enjoy.WE NEED YOUR HELP!Although the book doesn't hit stores until April 28, it is currently available for pre-order. The way publishing works, pre-orders are very important in terms of setting up the book for long-term success.
Feb 21, 2015 • 1h 49min

From Crash Victim To Elite Athlete: A NYC Firefighter’s Long Run to Wholeness

In 2005, New York City firefighter, avid marathoner and ironman athlete Matt Long hopped onto his bike to do what he did every day — ride from his East side Manhattan apartment north to the Randall's Island fire academy where he helped train the city’s bravest. As he crossed 52nd Street, a 20-ton bus made a right turn from the middle lane. The bus didn't just hit him, it dragged his body completely underneath, where Matt was then quite literally impaled by his bike.After receiving 68 units of blood in the first 40 hours post-accident, Matt spent the next month in a coma.When he woke up, the doctors told him he was facing a one percent chance of survival.Matt had other plans.After a 5-month hospital stint and 40 surgeries in under two years, he did more than survive. He finally came alive.The story of Matt’s accident and his comeback quest to tackle the 2008 NYC marathon just 3 years after his accident was first chronicled in an extraordinary story in Runner's World by Charles Butler entitled A Second Life. That story was later adapted and expanded into Matt's exceptionally inspiring memoir, The Long Run* , a work of co-authorship by Long and Butler (not to be confused with my buddy and RRP favorite Mishka Shubaly's equally compelling Kindle Single, also entitled The Long Run*).Today Matt will tell you not only does he not regret the accident, it is the one thing that has made him whole.There are many words that can be used to describe Matt — firefighter, 9/11 first responder, ironman athlete, accomplished marathoner, advocate, bon vivant, husband and father. But one word will suffice: hero.Matt is a man I hold in high regard as an incredible example of the resiliency not just of the physical body, but of the emotional body — the indomitable, boundless strength of the human spirit in selfless service to others.Great guy. Great talk.I sincerely hope you enjoy the exchange.Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 16, 2015 • 1h 54min

‘American Sniper’ Screenwriter Jason Hall: Finding Purpose in Tragedy

Jason Hall is having a moment. The country is having a moment.Although hardly an overnight success story, it's fair to say American Sniper is this talented screenwriter's big break. A break so big he just might win his first Oscar a few days from today. But the celebratory mood is tempered by one inescapable fact: it is constructed from the tragic demise of a man named Chris Kyle. The soldier who not only serves as this contentious movie's protagonist, but was also a man Jason called friend.In an era when studios shy away from war movies as box office poison, American Sniper is an unsuspecting juggernaut. Breaking records left and right, the Bradley Cooper starrer seems to have touched a national nerve, packing theatres across the U.S. to the tune of over $300 million domestically and a fast approaching $400 million worldwide gross. Not only is American Sniper Clint Eastwood's most successful film to date, it's the highest grossing war film of all time.And yet the film is not without its critics and controversy. Propaganda or protest movie? War polemic or character study? The glorification of a highly skilled killer or the tragic tale of one man's demise? Let the pundits pontificate, Jason Hall would say. The important thing is that people are now talking about things that need talking about.Irrespective of your personal feelings about this film, you cannot deny that it is a work that demands to be reckoned with. A reckoning that has catalyzed a productive dialog around a litany of important issues such as:* the incidence and treatment of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) in today’s soldiers;* the physical, mental and emotional impact of multiple deployments on soldiers, their families and society; and* how to systemically improve the much needed care and support we provide our troops.This is the dialog that interests Jason – a guy with his feet on the ground who really gets that the success of this movie is not about him. It's about service. It’s about the responsibility we collectively shoulder as a society – irrespective of politics — to do a much better job of taking proper care of the men and women who voluntarily enlist to place their lives on the line daily, and without reservation.This is a compelling conversation about many things, from the machinations of Hollywood to the fragility of life. But to me, this is about the responsibility to make your journey about something bigger and more important than your self and your ego.I sincerely hope you enjoy the exchange.Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 9, 2015 • 1h 30min

How We Can Change The Food Industry with “Food Babe” Activist Vani Hari

Remember that big deal about how the bread at Subway contains chemicals found in yoga mats?Then there was the story about how fast food French fries contain a chemical used in Silly Putty. And the whole to-do about how there’s actually no pumpkin in the Starbucks pumpkin latte.The person behind these semi-salacious, headline grabbing campaigns is this week’s guest, Vani Hari – aka Food Babe – the outspoken and often divisive food activist behind the wildly popular blog.I met Vani at a dinner party this past summer and found her not only delightful but also razor sharp, fiercely passionate and tenacious when the subject turned to food — particularly what big food manufacturers don’t want you to know about what’s in our food. Her message? To empower the typical soccer mom with the information to feed her family right and the courage to stand up for greater transparency and accountability from companies that produce what ends up on our, which exceeds an astounding 2.5 million unique visitors per month, along with the mobilization of Vani’s passionate Food Babe Army following, has been incredibly successful in getting gigantic companies like Subway, Kraft, Chipotle, Chick-fil-A, and even Anheuser-Busch to not only remove certain harmful ingredients from their food but also steer them toward more healthful policies.Therefore, it should come as no surprise that food companies are terrified of her. Her voice and legion of supporters pose a significant threat to corporate profits and business as usual. This makes her a target. Attacked daily, it’s not uncommon for her to receive death threats. But that’s what happens when you really put yourself out there, on the front lines.The fact that she soldiers on is super ballsy. She is a warrior. Totally punk rock. The Erin Brockovitch of food.Congressman Tim Ryan calls her Vani “a one woman consumer protection agency.” And I for one have tremendous respect for anyone who demonstrates her level of courage and advocacy.Vani and I were supposed to sit down in person in New York a couple weeks ago but the big storm that never was left her with a cancelled flight and compelled me to break my cardinal rule and host this conversation on Skype. I never do this, but I think Vani’s message is potent and important and it didn’t appear we would be in the same city at the same time again anytime soon, so I took a chance and I’m glad I did.This is a great talk. A talk about how all of us, irrespective of our personal dietary proclivities, can live a cleaner, more organic and healthier lifestyle in today’s overprocessed, contaminated-food world.This is a talk about corporate responsibility and corporate transparency.This is a talk about government oversight and regulation of our food, our food companies, and the ingredients that find their way into our food.And most importantly, from my perspective, this is a talk about the inherent power and responsibility we hold as as consumers to be advocates; to raise our voice and be heard; to hold the people behind the food we eat more accountable for how its made and what goes into it.I sincerely hope you enjoy the conversation.Peace + Plants,Rich

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