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The Rich Roll Podcast

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Mar 14, 2016 • 2h 34min

Adam Skolnick’s One Breath: The Spiritual Allure of Freediving Through the Life & Death of Nick Mevoli, America’s Greatest Talent

Imagine plunging headfirst hundreds of feet below the ocean surface — undulating ever further downward to a place where light cannot penetrate; and life hangs in the balance of a quickly diminishing singular breath.Competitive freediving—a sport built on diving as deep as possible on a single breath—tests the limits of human ability in the most hostile environment on earth. The unique and eclectic breed of individuals who freedive at the highest level regularly reach such depths that their organs compress; and one mistake could kill them.To freedive is to flirt with death, driven by an almost inexplicable spiritual quest to go further, deeper and beyond the imagined limits of human capability.But freediving is also an opportunity to be free. It's a search for the authentic. An opportunity to commune with the infinite.Today on the podcast I sit down with author and adventure journalist Adam Skolnick, who immersed himself in this extreme yet poetic subculture to tell the story of Nicholas Mevoli, America's greatest freediver and the protagonist of Adam's masterfully crafted new book, One Breath: Freediving, Death, and the Quest to Shatter Human Limits*.Even among freedivers, few have ever gone as deep as Mevoli. A handsome young American with an unmatched talent for the sport, Nick was among freediving’s brightest stars. He was also an extraordinary individual, one who rebelled against the vapid and commoditized society around him by relentlessly questing for something more meaningful and authentic, whatever the risks. So when Nick Mevoli arrived at Vertical Blue in 2013, the world’s premier freediving competition, he was widely expected to challenge records and continue his meteoric rise to stardom.Instead, before the end of that fateful competition Nick Mevoli had died, a victim of the sport that had made him a star.Traveling the world writing for The New York Times, Playboy, Outside,,,, Men’s Health, Wired, and Travel + Leisure, Adam was on site to cover Vertical Blue when he became a direct witness to Nick's passing. His first-hand account landed on the front page of The New York Times, quickly went viral and set the stage for One Breath — a remarkably engaging exploration of Nick's unforgettable story and the sport which shaped and ultimately destroyed him.In the vein of Into The Wild and Born To Run, One Breath is one of the best books I have read in a long time. And I read a lot of books.Today we unpack this mysterious subculture and the remarkable athleticism of its inhabitants. But at it's core, this is a quite compelling conversation about passion. An examination of obsession, escapism, and the spiritual yearning for authenticity.I really love this one. So sit back, inhale one deep breath, and submerge yourself in the world of Adam Skolnick.Peace + Plants,Rich
Mar 7, 2016 • 1h 33min

Gary Vaynerchuk Works Harder Than You Do

Nobody works harder — and smarter — than Gary Vaynerchuk.That's because the maniac known online as Gary Vee operates on one mode and one mode only: full blast. Gregarious, confident and incomparably charismatic, Gary is never at a loss for opinions on everything from the future of social media and the preeminent importance of authenticity to his almost antiquated but refreshing take on the importance, power and relevance of a committed work ethic – a welcome breath of fresh air that stands in stark contradiction to our pervasive, myopic lifehack culture — a regrettable, technocrat popular trend that woefully overvalues false promise short cuts to success over passion, service and fidelity to the journey.Internet omnipotent with over 1.2 million followers on Twitter, 500K+ Facebook friends and a vast and loyal YouTube subscriber base, I suspect many of you are already daily consumers of Gary's persistent, relentless feed of videos, blog posts, social media updates, Snapchat stories and live casts.For those unfamiliar, Gary is a Belarus-born entrepreneur, venture capitalist and CEO of NYC-based VaynerMedia, one of the fastest growing digital ad & marketing agencies in the world.A mainstay on YouTube, Gary hosts the hugely popular #AskGaryVee Show and dons protagonist duties on #TheDailyVee, a surprisingly hypnotic, behind the scenes gander into Gary’s everyday business life.You've seen him profiled in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, GQ, Time and Fortune's annual list of 40 under 40. You've watched him on Late Night With Conan O’Brien and Ellen. And maybe you've even read one his three New York Times bestselling books, Crush It*,Jab, Jab, Jab*, Right Hook*,The Thank You Economy* and now #AskGaryVee* – his newest offering which hits bookstores everywhere March 8. A compelling and entertaining distillation of practical, timeless workplace advice on entrepreneurship and management for anyone launching their own company, working in digital media, starting their first job or simply seeking inspiration, Gary's fourth book is certain to be a massive, ubiquitous success.A legitimate marketing & business genius, Gary is a kick in the pants – loud, irreverent and unconventional. But he’s also incredibly warm, personable and quite giving when it comes to freely sharing a seemingly endless stream of good ideas, tools and strategies he credits as part and parcel of his personal success equation.Conversing with Gary is a bit like trying to wrangle a wild horse, so this one is a bit all over the place.Enjoy!Rich
Feb 29, 2016 • 1h 40min

Jason Wachob On How To Build A Life, Not A Resumé

Intellectually, we all know that true happiness is not a function of material status. Nonetheless, we all catch ourselves repeating the mantra, if I only had X, then I would be happy.Nonsense. Not only can you be happy now, it's your birthright. Because the good life isn't about your bank account, it's about your lifestyle. And lifestyle is a choice.This is the subject of my wellness entrepreneur friend Jason Wachob's new book, Wellth: How I Learned To Build A Life, Not A Resumé*, which hits bookstores everywhere March 1. In addition to being a beautiful personal memoir, its about how to cultivate a lifestyle where happiness is attainable, health is paramount, work is purposeful, friendships are deep and plentiful, and daily living is about abundance and joy.But how? By redefining what it means to live successfully based upon the non-financial currency of wellbeing.As co-founder and CEO of, the internet's biggest online destination for all things wellness, Jason is one of the movement's most prominent, leading voices. But Jason himself was not always well. After a successful basketball career at Columbia University, he took his competitive spirit to Wall Street. Workaholism, stress and poor lifestyle habits rewarded his bank account and lionized his caricature on the walls of the famous Palm steakhouse. But happiness, personal satisfaction and well-being eluded him.Jason's faced-paced, sedentary lifestyle led to chronic back pain every surgeon said could not be resolved short of surgery. Against medical advice, Jason instead began to explore yoga, which miraculously resolved his persistent, painful condition. Amazed by the body's ability to heal itself when treated properly led to an interest in exploring other aspects of wellness, including diet, mindfulness and sustainability. The lights went on, sparking his innate entrepreneurial flair.MindBodyGreen was born, and the rest is history.I have been great friends with Jason and his wife Colleen for over six years. We have collaborated beautifully on a number of projects. And I have a sense of personal pride that we have both grown so much since our initial meeting back in 2008. He was one of my very first guests on the podcast, and today's conversation picks up where RRP 32 leaves off.Specific topics covered include:* Jason's personal journey with wellness* healing through food and lifestyle* the genesis of MBG and other content providers* how he turned MBG into a premier lifestyle media brand with 10-15 million uniques per month* how he balances start up CEO duties with personal wellness* Jason's morning routine* Jason's business & wellness mentors* current trends in wellness* the importance of practicing mindfulness* misconceptions about soul mates* why he decided to write a book* how Wellth is accessible to all* advice for entrepreneurs* and why you should always think three moves aheadI love this guy and have tremendous respect for his mission, what he has built and how he lives his life on a daily basis.Enjoy the conversation.Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 25, 2016 • 1h 1min


We're back with another long-awaited installment of Ask Me Anything — a twist on my normal format where we answer questions submitted by you, the listener.Today we update you on everything happening at our emerging commune before turning to listener questions. Topics include the internal journey required to translate passion into profession, plus the emotional awakening to be expected when you begin the practice of yoga and meditation.BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!www.ourplantpowerworld.comJulie and I are thrilled to announce that we will be hosting our first retreat —Plantpower Tuscany May 21-28, 2016.Imagine an immersive 7-day wellness experience with myself, Julie and a select group of just 40 people communing in a beautiful villa in the hills between Florence and Sienna. This is not a luxury vacation — it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform your life, reset your path, dial up your plate, unlock your creativity, connect with your authentic voice and cultivate your best relationship with yourself, your partner and the world. Together we will dine on incredible plant-based cuisine, practice daily meditation & yoga, and roll up our sleeves and get to work on ourselves through a series of intensive workshops we have specifically designed to optimize your wellness and unlock your best, most authentic self.This is the retreat Julie and I have been dreaming about for years. We are beyond excited to finally offer this unique experience to you.For everything you need to know about the program, itinerary, pricing and accommodations please visit: ourplantpowerworld.comSpace is limited to just 40 attendees, so if this opportunity sounds like the fit you've been looking for, please get in touch with us as soon as possible by sending an e-mail via the e-mail portal on (not the e-mail portal on this site please).Enjoy the conversation and hope to meet you in Italy!Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 22, 2016 • 2h 21min

Mishka Shubaly On Writing: Faith, Guilt, Stubbornness, Abandonment, Revenge, Forgiveness & Why He Swears He’ll Make It Up To You

Devoted listeners are well-acquainted with the gravelly voiced, predictably disheveled, typically homeless, chronically self-deprecating, sometimes tortured, but always charming, self-avowed nomadic povertarian commonly known as Mishka Shubaly – back on the podcast for a record-breaking 7th appearance.A writer oozing talent from his already overactive sebaceous glands, Mishka pens true stories about drink, drugs, disasters, desire, deception, and their aftermath. He began drinking at 13 and college at 15. At 22, he received the Dean's Fellowship from the Master's Writing Program at Columbia University. Upon receipt of his expensive MFA, he promptly moved into a Toyota minivan to tour the country nonstop as a singer-songwriter, often sharing the stage with comedians like Doug Stanhope and musical acts like The Strokes and The Yeah Yeah Yeahs.But mostly he drank.It sounds glamorous. It wasn't. At 32, Mishka hit bottom, got sober and laced up a pair of running shoes. In between ultra marathons, he began publishing a string of #1 bestselling Kindle Singles – short non-fiction novellas — through Amazon. The Long Run*, his mini-memoir detailing his transformation from alcoholic drug abuser to sober ultrarunner, to this day remains one of the best-selling Kindle Singles in Amazon history.Today, Mishka's on the cusp of releasing his very first book book. I Swear I’ll Make It Up To You – A Life On The Low Road* hits bookstores everywhere March 8, 2016.Brutally honest, fiercely emotional and muscular in its prose, it's the booze-fueled, opiated account of a precocious young underachiever trying to be good (and failing and failing) until one day he succeeds. It's about serial abandonment, school shootings, alcoholism, loneliness, artistic frustration, faith, guilt, sobriety, running, relationships, resentment, revenge, music, art, and creativity. It’s about one man’s attempt to reckon with the wreckage of his past and his journey to reconcile his relationship with his family, and most importantly, to forgive the father that jettisoned him.I love Mishka like a brother. I love this book. And I love this conversation.Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 15, 2016 • 2h 4min

Joseph Naus’ Straight Pepper Diet: How A Sex Addicted Lawyer Who Lost Everything Found Salvation

Addiction is a common theme on this podcast.But this week we sail into previously unchartered waters to tackle a dark and difficult subject:Sex addiction.Few taboos remain in our hyper-extroverted, selfie-fueled modern culture. But I think it's safe to say this remains one of them.And yet 18 million – 24 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from this incredibly destructive affliction — that's 6-8% of the population. But because this particular topic is so taboo, most locked in the grip of this prurient form of addiction are too terrified to reach out for help and thus suffer in isolation, silence and profound shame.Joseph Naus was one of them.Raised in hardscrabble poverty by a young, single mom — a heroin addict turned shut-in depressive — Joseph was desperate to find a way out. On sheer determination he succeeds, graduating Pepperdine Law School to become a respected lawyer.However, at age 32, his American Dream became a nightmare when his secret life as a sex addict collided with his not so secret alcoholism to destroy every aspect of his life with the explosive force of an atomic bomb.Convicted of a felony and disbarred, Joseph has spent the last twelve years learning humility the hard way: making a living doing everything from picking up the trash on film sets to selling outdoor kitchens at home shows for a former client, all while cleaning up the wreckage of his past and building a new life.Joseph's tale is one of darkness, desperation and demons. It's horrifying and it's cautionary. But it's also about redemption. Forgiveness. And the journey to find wholeness. A story laudably chronicled with distressing honesty and harrowing detail in Straight Pepper Diet: A Memoir*.I understand that some may cringe at the prospect of tuning in for this one. I get that. But on a personal level I feel a responsibility to tackle the subject. My aspiration is that this conversation provides a glimmer of hope for those imprisoned by this lonely, soul-eroding compulsion.It took courage for Joseph to sit down with me to openly share his story. I applaud that. So set aside your preconceptions and lend him your ear.Peace + Plants,Rich
Feb 8, 2016 • 3h 2min

Our Broken Plate: Disrupting Nutritional Science, Intermittent Fasting & How He Helped Penn Jillette Lose Over 100 Pounds

If you enjoyed my conversation with Dr. Rhonda Patrick, you're going to love today's conversation with my new friend Ray Cronise.A passionate innovator, disrupter and scientist, Ray began his career as a Materials Scientist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, where he worked for 15 years in Physical and Analytical Chemistry and Biophysics as Assistant Mission Scientist on four Spacelab missions and projects like the impact of microgravity on biophysics; and space station environmental life support systems.I have no idea what any of that means, but it sounds impressive.Ray went on to co-found ZERO-G– the world’s first private parabolic flight operation – with XPRIZE creator Peter Diamandis. Otherwise known as vomit comets, ZERO-G flights produce weightlessness and approximate space flight conditions for purposes of scientific research, cinema and entertainment.But it wasn't until Tim Ferriss' The 4-Hour Body* featured Ray's pioneering work with cold stress therapy as as a tool for fat loss that Ray began popping up everywhere as the man behind the Metabolic Winter Hypothesis.Results motivated this prodigious scientific mind next to peer keenly into the chemistry, physiology, mechanics and research methodology behind human nutrition — specifically, what is wrong with current nutrition research and how to fix it. After copious investigation, analysis and self-experimentation, he has arrived upon a well supported but perhaps contrarian conclusion: a whole food plant-based diet is optimal for long-term health and wellness.Despite decades spent struggling to manage his own weight and stay fit, for the past six years Ray has kept the weight off using a combination of cold stress, healthful sleep cycles, and a plant-based nutritional regimen.Mainstream culture would deem Ray's ways extreme. But ask Ray and he will tell you that the way most people live and eat today is actually a radical departure from our natural state and is likely the root cause of our epidemic of chronic lifestyle illness.After listening to this guy you will realize one thing – he did not arrive at his conclusions lightly. Conclusions soon to be explored in his upcoming book, Our Broken Plate, which aims to change the way people look at all diets so they can make lasting lifestyle changes that improve what Ray calls healthspan.Over the course of an amazing 3 hours, we cover an absurd amount of territory, including:* Ray's upcoming book ‘Our Broken Plate'* the insanity of our protein obsession* the “over nourishment” of America* the impact of caloric & protein restriction on longevity & cancer* the impact of thermogenesis on diet and exercise* the importance of separating diet and exercise* telomeres and aging* nutrient deficiencies, supplements, instinctive eating; and* exactly how Penn Jillette lost 100 poundsEnjoy!Rich
Feb 1, 2016 • 1h 38min

Russell Simmons: The Yogi Path From Hip Hop Mogul To Happy Vegan

It's rare to find a pop culture icon as devoted to raising consciousness as the man they call Rush.Hip hop impresario, entrepreneur extraordinaire, devoted yogi and long-time meditation practitioner, Russell Simmons is truly one-of-a-kind — incredibly warm, always quick with a captivating story you won't soon forget and authentically committed to spreading awareness concerning important issues of our time — the horrors of animal agriculture, the declining state of human health (particularly in African American and lower socio-economic demographics) and the disastrous state of our planet’s dwindling environmental health.Most are familiar with Russell's background, but in case his name is new to you, let’s break it open.Alongside Rick Rubin, in 1984 Russell co-founded Def Jam Recordings and quickly established himself as a prominent, guiding force in the quickly growing cultural revolution that became hip hop. Championing its breakout stars, Def Jam became the label by signing the movement's ground-breaking forerunners – acts like the LL Cool J, Public Enemy, and The Beastie Boys.But Def Jam was just the first step in Russell's empire building quest. Before selling the label to Universal Music Group in 1999 for $100 million, he formed RUSH Communications and quickly expanded his reach into artist management, apparel, and film & television projects like The Nutty Professor, Krush Groove, Gridlock'd and Def Comedy Jam.Russell's current holdings include a vast array of entrepreneurial interests and philanthropic efforts, including All Def Digital, Argyleculture, RushCard, Global Grind, The Foundation For Ethnic Understanding and Tantris, a yoga & lifestyle destination currently in development.All of this is fascinating. But what interests me most about Russell is his personal journey. How discovering yoga and meditation led to his embrace of a vegan lifestyle. And the tremendous extent to which his commitment to cultivating an inner life based on the spiritual principles of ahimsa — a Sanskrit term for no harm — has impacted both his private and public life, his approach to business and his commitment to service and advocacy.Today we unpack all of it.This episode is definitely my most unique to date. Generally, I endeavor to architect the basic trajectory of my conversations; I know where I want to start and I know where I want to go. Suffice it to say this did not happen with Russell. Within the first 5 seconds of our conversation one thing was clear — I was not in control. Russell's show, Russell's flow.When the dust settled, all I could think was, what just happened?That's charisma. This one's different. But I loved every minute of it.Topics explored include:* yoga, meditation & consciousness* the karmic debt of animal agriculture* the ecological havoc caused by food systems* the health implications of the American diet* Russell as agent for change* happy vs. angry vegans* using cryotherapy to revitalize* animal cruelty in factory farming* raising awareness from the top down* the benefits of meditation* the primacy of service* parenting & privilege* the effect of branding on consumer choice* empathy and compassion for othersNote: This episode is chock-a-block with expletives. I typically run a clean, family-friendly show, but it's more important to me to allow my guests to be who they are.Enjoy!Rich
Jan 25, 2016 • 1h 45min

Elite Spartan Athlete Hunter McIntyre On How Obstacle Course Racing Saved His Life

At odds with the world seemingly since birth, the future wasn't looking so bright for Hunter McIntyre.A misfit kid with uncontrollable attention deficit disorder, Hunter realized early and often he functioned on one mode no sedative or bipolar medication could possibly curb: full blast.Discovering drugs and alcohol at 14 give his ill-at-ease nature comfort, but trouble soon follows. A downward spiral that invites increased school suspensions; escalating run-ins with Johnny Law; and even a short-lived, unsuccessful stint at military school in West Virginia.Facing jail time or rehab for a drug-fueled senior year prank gone terribly awry, Hunter's despairing parents ultimately ship him off to outpatient care in Montana, hoping clean air and big skies will bring grounding and perspective to young Hunter's errant ways. But dirty drug tests follow, leading to incarceration-type rehab stays in Nevada and New Mexico.Ultimately Hunter's sobriety officer intervenes, hooking him up with a logging job back in Montana.Hunter bulks up. Sober up? Not so much.The next chapter finds Hunter in Los Angeles, failing upward with lucrative modeling gigs for companies like J. Crew and Abercrombie and Fitch while setting his sights on becoming a celebrity personal trainer. But life goals are eclipsed by an ever-escalation in partying. Living the sun-drenched frat boy lifestyle in a Malibu bro-house, days and nights revolve around girls, ecstasy, mushrooms, acid, more girls and even more alcohol.A spontaneous booze-fueled, chest-pumping whim leads to Hunter and his Malibros challenging each other to sign up for a local Spartan Race — unchartered terrain for all involved. But come race day, only Hunter is able to drag his hung over body out of bed. Despite several beers enjoyed that morning, he nonetheless finishes ninth overall, just eight minutes behind world champion and 2:16 marathoner Hobie Call.And just like that, the lights turn on. It's the wake up call Hunter needed. The rest is history.Immediately parting ways with his partying ways, purpose and focus take center stage. Almost overnight, Hunter morphs into the man they call The Sheriff, transforming himself into one of the world's best obstacle course racers. A rare talent with the body and size of a cross fitter who not only excels at strength, speed and agility but also boasts the endurance of a Kenyan.Sponsorship offers soon follow. Magazine cover stories abound. And notoriety ensues, outpaced only by The Sheriff's now famous, quickly growing ego.Full blast finally found a life.If you know anything about Hunter, you know he has a huge, at times controversial personality. But there is a thoughtful, far more contemplative side to this brash, outspoken athlete than meets the eye. I think you will be surprised by our conversation. I know I was.Specific topics explored include:* Hunter's colorful past* what is OCR?* replacing superficiality with performance* Hunter's typical training day* ego rightsizing* the importance of meditation* exploring the vegan lifestyle * Hunter's Achilles heel* Hunter's daily routine* the SEAL dream* advice to the younger self* Joe DeSena & the Death Race* the importance of surrounding yourself with selfless people I sincerely hope you enjoy our exchange. I really enjoyed my time with Hunter and I think you will too.Peace + Plants,Rich
Jan 18, 2016 • 2h 22min

Longevity, Epigenetics, Microbiome Health & The Difference Between Eating for Long-Term Wellness Versus Performance

This episode is a geeky deep dive into the hardcore science behind everything from telomeres and the mechanisms behind aging and longevity to the primacy of maintaining microbiome health; oxidative stress and the relationship between inflammation and chronic disease; epigenetics and genetic disposition versus expression; and of course nutrition – divining truth from myth, the impact of micronutrient inadequacies, focused supplementation and the difference between eating for optimal wellness versus performance.Today's guide through this byzantine labyrinth of crucial biological processes is my brilliant friend Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D.A Ph.D in biomedical sciences, Dr. Patrick is an expert in nutrition, metabolism and aging. She has done considerable research in all of these fields, including research on cancer and the effects of mineral and vitamin supplementation on metabolism, inflammation and aging. She did her graduate research at St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, where she focused on cancer, mitochondrial metabolism and apoptosis. In addition, she conducts clinical trials and has performed extensive aging research at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.Beyond the fact that Rhonda is whip smart (and totally amazing), through her Found My Fitness blog,podcast and YouTube channel, she expertly translates the complexities of clinical research and physiological processes in understandable terms, adeptly communicates their implications and provides actionable real life practices and applications aimed at maximizing overall health and longevity.It's time to put on the propellor hat and get out your pen and paper, because you're going to want to take notes for this one.We cover a ton of material in this conversation. Specific topics include:* identifying the biomarkers of aging* the biological impact of oxidative stressors* acute inflammation vs. chronic inflammation* why we should forget about protein and focus on fiber* the importance of cultivating a healthy microbiome* the leading causes of chronic inflammation* the benefits of exercise-induced inflammation* the benefits of curcumin* stress adaptation and immune system response* why Omega-3 is important & how to get it* circadian rhythm and bright light exposure* stress reduction techniques* the benefits of meditation* DNA damage and telomerase* the importance of Vitamin D* Rhonda's recommended supplements* gene polymorphisms* nutrition/lifestyle & athletic performance vs. long-term wellness/longevityRhonda fascinates me and this conversation is an absolute mind-blower. I sincerely hope you enjoy our exchange.Peace + Plants,Rich

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