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The Better Man Podcast

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Apr 6, 2023 • 1h 31min

042: Built to Move: Optimizing Your Body For Functionality with Kelly Starrett

Movement is medicine: It reduces your pain and risk of injury. It makes you happier and more confident. And we’re not just talking about working out - There are millions of people who work out for an hour a day, but are actually LESS healthy than people who simply walk more. So where’s the disconnect? How are we “fit” but not healthy? That’s what Kelly Starrett, New York Times bestselling author and the inventor of modern day mobility, and I talk about today.  Besides writing bestselling books, Kelly also co-founded The Ready State and San Francisco CrossFit, and has trained elite athletes, coaches, companies, and members of our military.   Kelly shares simple ways to move more, why movement can make you live longer, and how to convince yourself (and others) to move more.  Kelly is a good friend (he wrote the foreword to my book!), an amazing teacher, and someone who is dedicated towards building a brighter future.  Listen now.  Show highlights include:  Why training around other people unlocks faster gains—physically and mentally (8:35)  The multi-million dollar social media failure of the fitness industry (and how you can start to reverse it for the future) (10:56)  3 dirt-simple ways to incorporate exercise into your everyday life (even if you only have 10 minutes to spare) (12:43)  Why getting 7 hours of sleep each night sabotages your recovery from pain, weight loss and physique goals, and ability to learn new skills (29:40)  The “Event” secret for creating both short and long term goals that keep you in tip-top shape year after year (34:10)  Want to live to 100 and still be functional? Reading this book is your first step… (37:11)  How to reduce your overall mortality rate by 51% by simply walking around your block (38:40)  The “Sedentary” mindset shift that makes you more active without thinking about it (45:30)  The top 5 mobility tools according to the guy who invented modern mobility (1:05:24) How “active rest” on your off days speeds up your recovery (especially if you’re over 50) (1:16:59)  The “body control” method for easing your stress and improving your mental health (1:20:49)   Want to live to 100 and still be functional? Then order a copy of Kelly’s brand-new book Built to Move: The Ten Essential Habits to Help You Move Freely and Live Fully on Amazon here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting
Mar 30, 2023 • 30min

041: 3 Practices to Strengthen Your Relationship (from Personal Experience)

Last episode, I mentioned how I’m the happiest I’ve been in recent memory. In this episode, I’m revealing why…  When most guys want to become happier, their first instinct is to improve their fitness, their finances, or level up in their career. I’ve fallen into this trap myself. But these 3 things don’t make you nearly as happy as focusing on another aspect many guys tend to overlook: Your relationships!  In fact, according to Jonathan Haidt, social psychologist and author of Happiness Hypothesis, the best way to improve your overall happiness is by improving your relationships.   That’s why in this episode, I’m revealing the 3 practices I’ve used to strengthen my most important relationship—my relationship with my wife—so you can use these strategies to strengthen your relationship with your spouse.  Want to strengthen your relationships and improve your happiness?  Listen now.  Show highlights include:  The top 3 practices to strengthen your relationship with your spouse (even if conflict frequently bubbles up) (3:08) How to get a “personal trainer” for your mental wellbeing by doing this specific type of therapy (3:27)  Why doing couples therapy even when your relationship is great can actually make it stronger and more rewarding (4:13)  The changes that occur in your relationship when your wife becomes your children’s mother (5:45)  The insidious “Chronic Contempt” trap long-term relationships fall into which poisons them from the inside out (7:48)  Why seeking outside help for your relationship struggles is a sign of strength, not weakness or failure (9:51)  The biggest mistake men make when trying to calm their spouse’s worries and anxieties actually make it worse (and how to fix it to strengthen your relationship) (15:56)  How seeing your spouse as your role model can morph a healthy relationship into a toxic one (18:04)  How to transform every conflict in your relationship into an opportunity to improve it (22:44)  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting Also, a few updates in Man Flow Yoga World… NEW Useful Playlists features - we've been creating useful playlists of workouts for commonly searched workouts, such as: Morning Yoga, All-Standing Routines, Back-Pain Relief, Low-Impact Recovery Workouts, Power Yoga, and more! Click here to view those now. (More on the way!) Man Flow Yoga Program Roadmap - we've created a sequence of programs you can follow to take you from total beginner to advanced Man Flow Yoga practitioner. Click here to view the Man Flow Yoga Program Roadmap. April Challenge - Fix20 - We'll be starting our NEXT Members' Area Challenge on Monday, April 3rd, using the Fix20 Program. Click here to sign up for the daily emails. 3 & 5 Day / Week Accountability Emails for Beginner Programs - You can now sign up for emails for all beginner programs for as little as 3 days per week. This is available in the following programs: Absolute Beginners, Beginner's FUNdamentals, Breath Series, Strength Foundations Course, and 90 Days to Flexible.
Mar 16, 2023 • 24min

040: 3 Massive Man Flow Yoga Upgrades for 2023 (and a HUGE personal update)

I haven’t recorded a new podcast episode in quite a while. Why? Well, I have a huge personal announcement as I explain on this week’s episode. I’ve been hard at work creating a comprehensive upgrade to our existing onboarding experience - for new & existing Members alike.    3 of these huge Man Flow Yoga upgrades include:    Upgrade #1: A completely improved onboarding experience for Man Flow Yoga Members - the NEW Getting Started Series Upgrade #2: 6 new Man Flow Yoga programs ranging from recovery to building muscle to unleashing the power of your breath (and more) Upgrade #3: A new, free 7-day challenge for non-members to help you improve your sexual wellness   Not only will these 3 massive upgrades help you get more from Man Flow Yoga, but they’ll also help you in almost every other aspect of your life.    Plus, I share a few personal updates in this episode too — like only being about 6 weeks away from meeting my new daughter :-) and revealing why I’m the happiest I’ve been in recent history, and a few of the reasons behind that.   It’s a jam-packed podcast episode to say the least.    Listen now and take your Man Flow Yoga experience to the next level.   Show highlights include:    How Man Flow Yoga’s new “Getting Started” Series helps you unlock the maximum benefit from your Membership (even if you’ve struggled in the past) (1:01)  Why the brand-new “20 Minute Muscle” series in the MFY Members Area gives you an amazing workout for your strength in only 20 minutes (2:13)  A new program designed specifically for weight lifters, to take you from sore and stiff to ready for your next workout How to reap all the benefits yoga offers—in just 15 minutes a day (5:33) The “Area of Opportunity” mindset shift for staying motivated and inspired when your Man Flow Yoga workouts get tougher (7:03)  How figuring out your “deeper why” for working out makes staying consistent a breeze (applies to every type of exercise too) (9:27)  Have you been struggling to be consistent and get the results you want with Man Flow Yoga? Checking this out puts Man Flow Yoga on “easy mode” (10:09)  The 6 newest Man Flow Yoga programs we recently added to the Members Area (and the unique benefit for each program) (10:55)  Not a Man Flow Yoga Member? Our latest free series will help you perform better in the bed… Here’s why (15:08)    Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:    Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:    Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting
Jan 19, 2023 • 20min

039: What To Do When Your Goals Get Off Track (My Top 3 Strategies)

When you set a goal, it’s inevitable that you’ll get off track. Life gets hectic. Motivation fades. And before you know it, months have passed without you working on it.    But it doesn’t have to be this way. By following a few key strategies, you can keep the momentum going (even if you can’t spare 5 minutes).     And you know what?   In this episode, I share my top 3 strategies for getting back on track when your goals get off track. Plus, I’ll reveal the one mindset you must avoid to be successful.    Listen now. Show highlights include:  The weird way planning your goals can actually prevent you from achieving them (and what to do instead) (2:57) The biggest goal-setting mistake most people make which keeps their goals out of reach (3:49)  How the “all or nothing” mindset undermines your success (even if you make progress towards your goal) (4:59)  The “smallest version” secret for keeping your habits alive when life gets chaotic (6:51)  Why stacking your new habit onto an existing habit helps you stick with it (without relying on motivation or willpower) (11:52)  2 ways to create and sustain a new habit—in only two days (14:42)    Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:    Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting
Jan 12, 2023 • 31min

038: Setting Goals That Don't Suck

Your New Year’s resolution probably sucks. And mine have, too.   Think about it:   Are you even still doing your New Year’s resolution from this year? What about the New Year’s resolution you made in 2016?   Anybody? Anybody at all? Buehler???   But it’s not your fault your New Year’s resolutions failed. Not for the reasons you think, at least.    Here’s what I mean:   When you set up a goal based purely on motivation and willpower, you set yourself up for failure. Why? Motivation and willpower are fickle. They only last a few weeks—at most. And they can backfire on you, convincing you that you’re to blame for always failing on your goals — instead of how society has taught us to approach goals.   Here’s the good news:   There’s a better way to set goals. A way that uses motivation’s and willpower’s fickle nature to your advantage. And a way that helps you conquer any goal you set without fail.    In this episode, you’ll discover this improved way to set goals and build habits, so you can conquer your goals throughout 2023.   Listen now.   Show highlights include:    Why relying on motivation and willpower to accomplish your New Year’s resolution guarantees you’ll fail (and what to do instead) (1:58)  The 2 best habit mindset books which increase the likelihood you’ll conquer your goals (3:15)  The “Habit-Based Goals” mindset tweak for crushing every goal you set (4:50)  Why your motivation and willpower disappears after a couple of weeks (and how to use this as an advantage towards accomplishing your goals) (8:03)  How asking yourself a few key questions unlocks an indestructible sense of discipline for tackling your goals (14:45) Why reducing your New Year’s resolution to only a few weeks instead of the whole year actually makes it easier to do it for the entire year (17:06)  The “Gold Star Chart” Method for erasing overwhelm about your goals, so you stick with them (20:27)  The simple 6-step system for achieving every goal you set for yourself without fail (28:02)    Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:    Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting
Dec 22, 2022 • 28min

037: My 5 Most Important Lessons From 2022

Over the course of a year, you pick up a lot of new tweaks, lessons, and tricks which can increase your enjoyment for life. But the problem is, most of these lessons don’t build into habits, and you don’t get as much benefit out of them as you otherwise could. Only by practicing these lessons consciously will you be able to adapt them into your lifestyle and reap the rewards. And that’s one area where I’ve put a special focus on this year. In this episode, I reveal my 5 most important lessons that I’ve implemented throughout 2022 that have increased my satisfaction for life—and they’ll do the same for you.  Best part? Most of the lessons revealed inside are simple to implement and create massive improvements in your daily life.  Listen now. Show highlights include:  The “Energy Training” secret for accepting every part of yourself and bolstering your mental health (2:33)  How getting angry and screaming can actually make the people closest to you love you more (3:24)  Why asking for help as a man is difficult (and how to make it easier) (6:58) How to build an impenetrable fortress around your mental health by spending a few seconds building “micro-habits” (8:59)  The two-second “Stress Eliminator” exercise that instantly melts the stress from your shoulders (10:16)  1250-ish b idea The insidious way bottling your emotions with your spouse builds a subtle resentment (even if you think it’s helping your relationship) (13:43) Why ignoring how many tasks you cross off your to-do list actually makes you more productive (19:49)  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting
Dec 15, 2022 • 1h 2min

036: Training To Chill Out: Nasal Breathing, Cold Plunges, & Why Less is More with Brian Mackenzie

Most people who take their health and fitness seriously fall into a major trap which wipes out all the benefits of better health: They add too much to their plate. Each additional thing they add to their plate decreases their mental, physical, and emotional health. But most importantly, it causes them to lose sight of who they are. For example, in addition to yoga, they also lift weights, do daily cold plunges, fast, buy a new puppy, take on a new client, and try to maximize every single second of their day. But this backfires—and even turns the benefits of any one activity into “anti-benefits.”  The solution?  Training to chill out instead of training so you can add more to your already overflowing plate.  Nobody understands this concept quite like Brian Mackenzie. Brian founded Shift Adapt, wrote a New York Times Best Seller, and trained elite athletes, entrepreneurs, and marines.  In this episode, you’ll discover why you must train to chill out, why nasal breathing can improve your mental health, and why driving under the speed limit is one of the best activities you can do.  Listen now. Show highlights include:  How to improve your fitness, career, and relationship habits by simply breathing out of your nose (5:40)  The “Black Belt” mindset shift for reaching your fitness goals in half the time (9:04)  How “decluttering” your fitness regimen makes you more excited for each exercise you do (even ones you dislike) (11:11)  Why wanting to be healthy as your main fitness goal almost guarantees you’ll fall short (and what to do instead) (13:33)  The 7 shocking benefits of nasal breathing that most people don’t realize (15:27)  Why plunging into ice cold water may eliminate your allergies entirely (21:43)  How chilling out and relaxing is actually the single most important type of “training” you can do (24:22)  The counterintuitive wat cold plunging came make you lose muscle, lower your testosterone, and even gain weight (even if the science disagrees) (37:15)  Why driving the speed limit or under is the most effective “biohack” you can do this week (42:47)  Why breathing through your nose 90% of the time enhances your physical and mental fitness more than anything else (59:46)  Your breath is the best indicator of how well you handle stress. By handling your stress better, everything becomes easier and conquerable. If you want to improve your breathing, go to Brian’s website here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting
Dec 8, 2022 • 29min

035: My Top 12 Favorite Stress-Relieving Activities

Stress is one of the few certainties of life, alongside death and taxes. And while “good stress” is one of the most effective ways to grow, “bad stress” plays a hand in almost every disease, illness, and injury you get.  But don’t worry—there are simple activities you can do on a daily and weekly basis to curtail stress from consuming your mental (and physical) health.  In fact, I have 12 favorite stress-relieving activities that don’t take a ton of time, but provide an immense sense of relief to both your body and mind. In this episode, I reveal what my 12 favorite stress-relieving activities are, so you can enjoy the cool, calm, and collected sense of relaxation yourself.  Ready to melt away your stress and improve your mental health? Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How waking up 15-30 minutes earlier minimizes your stress for the entire day (4:18)  3 simple “Mindful Morning” movements for relaxing your mind and body and boosting your focus before starting your day (5:37)  Why organizing your day on a notecard raises your productivity and happiness (7:58)  How to decompress after a stressful day by simply sitting in silence (10:46)  The “Mindful Eating” trick which refocuses you better in the afternoon than a steaming cup of coffee (13:13)  How cleaning or organizing your house instantly melts stress from your shoulders (15:40)  The single biggest morning mistake which creates unnecessary stress and overwhelm for the entire day (18:58)  If you’ve watched a video of me on social media or in the Man Flow Yoga portal, you’ve seen me proudly wearing Rhone’s Activewear Gear. Rhone creates the best activewear apparel — and they even introduced a new line of dress clothes that are, hands down, the most comfortable dresswear I’ve worn. Want to try Rhone’s clothing yourself? Save 20% on your order by going to  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting
Dec 1, 2022 • 1h 30min

034: Health Insurance vs Care, Relationships, and Testosterone with Josh Whalen

Life is full of twists and turns that can turn things that were once easy into difficult experiences. Whether it’s with your health, your relationships, your fitness, or your success goals.  But there are strategies you can employ to make each difficult aspect of life a little easier. And that’s what Josh Whalen, CEO of Blokes, and I discuss on today’s episode.  In this episode, you’ll discover the difference between health care and health insurance, how to navigate rocky waters in your relationships, and simple ways to optimize your testosterone levels.  Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How a poor diet, high stress levels, and mismanaging your environment causes a downward spiral across every aspect of your health (8:46)  Why surgery isn’t nearly as important as the physical therapy afterwards for healing your body (13:44)  How finding a doctor who does healthcare in a non-traditional fashion (i.e. not solely based on health insurance) helps them provide you with healing modalities which aren’t limited by insurance companies (16:28)  Why cash pay medical clinics can save you thousands of dollars (and provide you with better care) (23:31)  How blocking off personal time on your calendar boosts your productivity and shrinks your stress (27:22)  The “Anti-David Goggins” approach for hitting your fitness and success goals (without burning yourself out) (29:35)  Why something as simple as breathing is the antidote to burnout, stress, and mental anguish (37:12)  How being uncomfortable with your spouse today makes your relationship smoother in the future (45:36)  The weird way pregnancy can lower your testosterone levels and sabotage your sex drive (57:25)  5 natural ways to magnify your testosterone levels before going on testosterone replacement therapy (1:04:45)  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting
Nov 23, 2022 • 25min

033: Staying Fit Over The Holidays (Even While You Travel)

The holiday season can sabotage your exercise routine, especially if you’re traveling to meet up with family. Too often, people use the holidays as an excuse to skip their workouts — but this can have a devastating effect on your routines long after the holidays end.    That’s why it’s crucial to do some sort of exercise while you’re traveling for the holiday season.    Not only will it make exercising easier when you return home, but it’s also an opportunity to bond with your family in a different way.    Before my son was born, I traveled every holiday season. Even though we haven’t traveled as much since he was born, I’ve picked up some simple tips and tricks to make working out while traveling a breeze.     In this episode, I’m sharing my favorite workout hacks (and mistakes to avoid) when traveling, so you stay fit and motivated over the holidays. Plus, I have a special surprise for you at the end of the episode.    Want to stay fit while traveling this holiday season? Listen now.    Show highlights include:    The 4 major mistakes to avoid for staying fit while traveling this holiday season (2:57)  Why exercising the first day of your vacation motivates you to workout for the duration of your trip (5:04)  The “Environment Energizer” secret for having better workouts while traveling than you do at home (7:01)  How to trick your brain into creating a “workout groove” on vacation so exercising becomes automatic (11:16)  How to squeeze in as much exercise as you want on vacation (without upsetting anyone else you’re with) (12:40)  The only 3 pieces of workout equipment you need while traveling (14:02)  How to transform the easiest workout into a challenging sweat fest by making two simple tweaks (18:16)  Why today is the single best time to sign up for Man Flow Yoga (or convince your friends to join) (21:35)    Ready to start Man Flow Yoga for real? Get ready to say goodbye to aches and pains, feel stronger and more confident in your body, and improve every aspect of your physical fitness, with our Black Friday Sale. There’s never been a better time to join Man Flow Yoga! This is our biggest sale of ALL time, with savings of $231/year (64% off the regular price!).    Take advantage of the sale before it vanishes here:    (And no, we aren’t having a NYE sale…) 

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