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Dec 28, 2022 • 59min

Food, Farming and Feeding the Soul: with Satish Kumar in conjunction with the Oxford Real Farming Conference

Satish Kumar is one of the absolute titans of the Regenerative movement in the UK.  In 1962, he and and one of his fellow Jain monks made an 8,000 mile mendicant peace pilgrimage around the world, stopping in the capitals of what the nuclear nations of the earth: Russia, USA, China, France and the UK.  He settled in the latter and soon became known for his work in connecting people and ideas. He founded the Small School in Devon and went on to found Schumacher College, deeply rooted in his ideas that education should engage head, hands and heart. In 1973, he founded Resurgence Magazine (now: Resurgence and Ecologist Magazine) and for the next forty three years, was its Editor in Chief, stepping down on his  80th birthday. This week, Accidental Gods teamed up with the Oxford Real Farming Conference, to speak with Satish as he prepares to head to Oxford where he'll lead a meditation for farmers on the morning of Friday 6th.  We explore more deeply his concepts of education, food and farming and the re-connection of people to the living web of life. He ends with a meditation, similar to the one he will lead live in the conference. Now entering its thirteenth year, the Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) is the unofficial gathering of the agroecological farming movement in the UK, including organic and regenerative farming, bringing together practising farmers and growers with scientists and economists, activists and policymakers in a two-day event every January. Working with partners, the conference offers a broad programme that delves deep into farming practices and techniques as well addressing the bigger questions relating to our food and farming system.Working with partners in the UK and internationally, the Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) brings the real food and farming movement together, attracting people from around the world who are interested in transforming our food system. In 2021 and 2022, the conference went entirely online, but the physical gathering has traditionally been in Oxford (it was set up as an alternative to the Oxford Farming Conference, which happens at the same time) and this year, there will again be a physical programme.ORFC has always been the place to share progressive ideas. Subjects include agroecology, regenerative agriculture, organic farming and indigenous food and farming systems. The broad programme delves deep into farming practices and techniques as well as addressing the bigger questions relating to our food and farming system.Crucially, it has always been the participants who provide the ORFC programme. The sessions reflect their diversity, ranging from the intricacies of soil microbiology to new kinds of marketing; setting up a micro-dairy to the value of introducing mob grazing and agroforestry to the farm; from the joys and tribulations of farming to the kind of economic structure we need to support the kind of food system we need. It is this diversity of participants and interests that keeps ORFC alive and growing.Online tickets are available. The ORFC works with the interpretation collective, COATI, to make sure sessions are accessible.Follow the conference on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook for all the latest news and speaker announcements.Online Programme 
Dec 20, 2022 • 1h 4min

Traditional Solstice Celebration: Looking back and looking forward with Della Duncan and Nathalie Nahai

As the year stills and tilts afresh, we bring you our annual moment of reflection with two podcast hosts we really admire.  There's a meditation at the end, to bring you into your own space of stillness and reflection, but ahead of this, we delve into where we think the global human psyche is at this moment,  how we feel when we look upstream, and what we see; and what makes our hearts sing, and what does it prompt us to do: core questions that open up a wealth of ideas, reflections and imaginings of how our world could be as we step forward into 2023, amidst all the tipping points, clear-eyed, strong-hearted and ready to give it all we've got. Nathalie Nahai is an author, keynote speaker and host of The Hive Podcast, a series that enquires into our relationship with one another, with technology and with the living world. With a diverse background in human behaviour, persuasive tech and the arts, she brings a unique vantage point from which to examine the complex challenges we face today. Her best-selling book: Webs Of Influence: The Psychology of Online Persuasion has been adopted as the go-to manual by business leaders and universities alike, and her new book, Business Unusual: Values, Uncertainty and the Psychology of Brand Resilience, has been described as “One of the defining business books of our times”. A consultant and facilitator to Fortune 500 companies, Nathalie also serves as a behavioural science advisor and helps organisations to ethically apply behavioural science principles to enhance their business. Having lectured at some of the world’s most prestigious institutions, Nathalie's ability to ignite conversation and offer tools and strategies with which to harness human potential, has helped countless organisations transform how they approach business online, with clients including Google, Accenture, Unilever and Harvard Business Review, among others.Della Z Duncan is a Renegade Economist. Areas of her livelihood garden include hosting the Upstream Podcast, challenging mainstream economic thinking through documentaries and conversations including most recently, The Green Transition Pt 1: The Problem with Green Capitalism and Pt 2: A Green Deal for the People, supporting individuals as a Right Livelihood Coach, helping transition businesses and organizations as a post-capitalist consultant, and teaching and facilitating retreats and workshops on the Work that Reconnects, Systems Change, and Post-Capitalist Economics. Della is also the Course Development Manager of Fritjof Capra’s Capra Course on the Systems View of Life, a founding member of the California Doughnut Economics Coalition, and a Senior Lecturer of Renegade Economics and Regenerative Livelihoods at the California Institute of Integral Studies, Santa Cruz Permaculture, Vital Cycles Permaculture, and Gaia Education. Upstream podcast with Della Duncan Hive podcast with Nathalie Nahai
Dec 14, 2022 • 1h 25min

Earthborne Rangers: Playing our way to a future that works with Andrew Navaro

The average child in the western world attends 10,000 hours of school - and plays 20,000 hours of games.  In the 'adult' world, many of us spend hours devoted to levelling up our characters and exploring imaginary worlds.  If the Tech-bros get their way, we'll soon live entirely in the Metaverse and have minimal contact with the real world beyond the walls of our concrete hutches.  But imagine a different world: where the people of earth have come together to solve the multi-polar traps of the climate, ecological, sociological, economic and political crisis of our times. How might the world look in a couple of thousand years if we've made it through to the flourishing future we want for our descendants?  That's the premise of Earthborne Rangers, a tabletop card game that's the brainchild of Andrew Navaro, Founder and Creative Director of Earthborne Games, a company that 'creates breathtaking tabletop games that prioritize environmental sustainability in every aspect of their creation – from manufacturing to fulfillment. Every Earthborne product is made as sustainably as possible, with unparalleled transparency throughout the process. There’s a hopeful future on the horizon, one that reimagines our relationship with the Earth and the stories we tell on the gaming table, and we’re going to create it together. In this week's inspiring episode, we talk to Andrew about the game's genesis, about how where we set our energy defines where we go, and why it was important to him to create a game that fostered cohesion and community, sharing and exploring while still being fun and exciting to play.   As the game nears completion and launch, we talk about the Kickstarter campaign that funded it and the design challenges, as well as the deeply thought-through ethos of the world Andrew and his team have created. As we head into the holidays, join us for a world of new ideas. Order the game here Rulebook is Broken by Jane McGonigal
Dec 7, 2022 • 42min

Living Well within our Limits: Actions for systemic change with Prof Julia Steinberger

Professor Julia Steinberger researches and teaches in the interdisciplinary areas of Ecological Economics and Industrial Ecology.  She is the recipient of a Leverhulme Research Leadership Award for her research project 'Living Well Within Limits' investigating how universal human well-being might be achieved within planetary boundaries. She is Lead Author for the IPCC's 6th Assessment Report with Working Group 3.She has held postdoctoral positions at the Universities of Lausanne and Zurich, and obtained her PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has published over 40 internationally peer-reviewed articles since 2009 in journals including Nature Climate Change, Nature Sustainability, WIRES-Climate Change, Environmental Science & Technology, PLOS ONE and Environmental Research Letters.As part of our drive towards finding the people at the leading edge of change, we wanted to connect with Prof Steinberger really to unpick the detail of personal and collective action. Each of us is only one person and the nature of the change can feel overwhelming even while it feels urgent.  So we need to hear directly from the people whose entire lives are given to solving this problem and who have concrete ideas of what we can do and how, who can direct our priorities and show us where the best leverage points lie.  Prof. Steinberger has clear ideas of how our culture can live within planetary boundaries and we unpick them in this podcast.  Enjoy! Julia on Medium Well Within Limits Money Banks, No Thanks
Nov 30, 2022 • 59min

Data is the New Plastic! Ethics, Accuracy and AI with Dr John Collins of Machine Intelligence Garage

Dr John Collins worked for the UK's Central Electricity Generating Board in the days when such things were nationalised industries. His PhD involved creating a real-time dosimeter for workers in nuclear plants so they didn't have to wait 2 weeks to learn the results of the film-based dosimeters that were in use. In doing so, he saved the CEGB considerable amounts of money - and, mere importantly,  saved the lives and health of the men and women who worked there. Thus began a lifetime working at the leading edge of business where innovation meets ethics and morality so that now, he is the Ethics and Responsible Innovation Advisor at Machine Intelligence Garage and on the Ethics Advisory Board at Digital Catapult. He's writing a book called 'A History of the Future in Seven Words.' With all this, he's an ideal person to open up the worlds of business, innovation and technology. In a wide-ranging, sparky, fun conversation, we explore what might make AI safe, how a future might look with sustainable business, whether 1.5 is 'still alive' and if that's even a useful metric - and how much power does it take to post an Instagram picture compared to making a plastic bottle (spoiler alert: it's the same power and the same CO2 generated - assuming both use the same power source and *if* the image is stored for 100 years... which the way we're going, might not happen. But still... ). John on LinkedIn Catapult
Nov 23, 2022 • 58min

Telling the Truth and Moving Forward: Building the Moderate Flank with Rupert Read

Rupert Read is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of East Anglia, but he is also a Green party activist, and a prolific speaker, media spokesperson and author advocating for a wholehearted, whole-culture response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency. A long-term friend of the podcast, Rupert joins us today to talk about his new book: 'Do You Want to Know the Truth: The Surprising Rewards of Climate Honesty' and to announce the launch of a new movement, the Moderate Flank, which aims to bring together a moderate majority of people who care deeply about anthropogenic climate change, but don't want to engage in polarising actions.  In this deeply honest, raw episode, Rupert makes a passionate case for an anti-polarising movement which can engage people from all walks of life and furnish them with the tools for change that will help us to adapt to the coming changes - and to ensure that politically, economically, culturally, we create a more just, equitable - and regenerative - society that we can leave to the generations that come after us. Rupert's new book's Website's SubStack: on Twitter Flank: 
Nov 16, 2022 • 56min

End of year round-up: Manda's favourite podcasts, fiction and non-fiction of 2022

As we do each year, we've curated a list of the Accidental Gods' favourite podcast and books of 2022.  Enjoy!Podcasts Nate Hagens The Great Simplification - fourth of four (so far) with Daniel Schmachtenberger Sustainable Food Trust episode with Dr Michael Antoniou Governance Futures with Jacqueline McGlade BLOODY COMPLICATED by Compass - Episode with Byron Fay of Climate 200 Weetman Circular Economy Podcast Catherine musing on sustainabilty with Simon Hombersely of Xampla rest is politics w Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart - episode w Mark Drakeford Books The Club on the Edge of Town - Alan Lane - Sarah Ichioka and Michael Pawlyn People's Green New Deal - Max Ajl Farming Life - Lynn Cassells and Sandra Baer A Dairy Story - David and Wilma Finlay of The Ethical Dairy) Weinstock: How the World is Making our Children Mad and What to Do about it Barn at the End of the World by Mary Rose O'Reilley The Apprenticeship of a Quaker Buddhist Shepherd The Kingdoms - Natasha Pulley and - Rachel Neumeier of Silence Jonathan Grimwood (also Jack Grimwood and Jon Courtenay Grimwood) Novik - The Golden Enclaves - Lesson 3 in the Scholomance Trilogy Stranger Times by CK McDonnell (also The Dublin Trilogy by Caimh McDonnell) BUNNY McGARRY Kevin Hearn Ink and Sigil series
Nov 9, 2022 • 1h 13min

Regenerative by Design: Creating Communities that work with Charlie Fisher of Transition by Design

In a world that feels as if all the certainties are breaking down, how can we build the communities of place and of purpose that will give us the resilience to bridge from the old structures to the new? Exploring deeply practical ways to build community with Charlie Fisher.   Charlie Fisher is a co-founder and director of the Co-operative Architecture Practice, Transition by Design. He's a researcher and urban-instigator working on regenerative land use approaches and more collaborative forms of city-making driven by the belief that to unlock collective imagination for equitable societies we must remove structural barriers that are preventing people from connecting with one another.His role over the past decade has been to build capacities within land-based organisations, primarily around urban affordable housing and mechanisms for holding land in the commons. He writes about, and runs workshops on, group dynamics, decision-making, housing finance, incorporation approaches, legal structures, stakeholder mapping, business planning, and visioning. In 2020, he was developing the Oxygen Fund, a £5m revolving equity fund with the Oxfordshire Growth Deal, which led him to explore how regenerative land use can be supported through Distributed Co-operative Organisations (DisCOs🕺) and web3 Regenerative Finance (ReFi) projects. He is in the core team of regenerative blockchain-based property developer Oasa, a Swiss Association, which bought its first piece of land in 2021 at Traditional Dream Factory in Portugal. In building this ecosystem together, he is the interface between various thematic working ‘circles’ and has led the design of our sociocratic coordination system. He is an adviser to the Center for Community Land Trust Innovation, and in 2023 he’ll be running a cohort-based course, Unearthing Common Ground, with 50 land trusts globally and 50 regenerative web3 projects to support exchange between traditional land trust projects and web3 practitioners. In this conversation, we open up the key question of building communities: what does it take to create the connections between people that make communities work? What questions matter and how do we know which things we can leave till later?  How do we move from consensus to consent so that things move forward at the speed we need as our material supply chains falter? How can we engage the best in human creativity to build communities that will have the flexibility, heart and coherence to survive?  Charlie is deeply embedded in so many of these questions, and finding ways through that work in the real world.   With any luck at all, we'll be moving onto a 2nd conversation when a couple more of our hundred day segments have passed - so if you have questions, let me know. Charlie's super site by Design Land Trust network City Principles Hamdi: Small change: Intelligent Practice and Practising intelligence in Leeds Earth (which incorporates the Traditional Dream Factory in Portugal)
Nov 2, 2022 • 1h 10min

Fractal Improv: finding generosity, connection and compassion amidst our fear with Belina Raffy

We know our climate is in crisis and that time is running out. But we also know that screaming at people to wake up is not working.  What if we gave ourselves permission to tell the truth - and the skills to do it with humour and compassion so that we didn't trigger the resistances of fear?  This Episode, we explore stand-up and improv in sustainable communications with Belina Raffy.Belina Raffy, Empress and Improvisation guide,  is the director of Maffick Ltd & Applied Improvisation and Thrivability thought-leader, Thrivable World Quest co-founder and global captain.She used to work in London and New York as an Executive for one of the largest global financial institutions, in 13 years, she saw many people struggle with burn-out.  She studied improvisation to find out: 1) how these skills help individuals respond to the unexpected, and navigate ambiguity 2) how it can transform our organizations as a whole. She encourages people to explore what happens when we consciously align our work with how nature and people thrive. She believes that our ability to improvise gives us a choice about how to respond to life’s challenges. Improvisation helps us develop our creative thinking skills in service of a happier life, and play a vital part in our response to our complex, dynamic world. It is her passion to spread these mindsets and practices and support others discover the power of improvisation.In this sparkling, thought-provoking episode, we explore the differences between stand-up and improv, and how the structures of either and both can allow us to reach past the tribal screaming of our time, to a more gentle, compassionate, connected way of reaching each other.  Humour reaches the places that charts, data and stats never will - and Belina has years of experience in creating spaces where people can find what matters most to them, and share it in ways that make us laugh - and care.Belina's website at Wisdom Together's book on YouTube courses1-hour online ‘Compassionate Climate Comedy’ on 7 NovAnd next 7-week Sustainable Stand Up course starts 19 JanDetails at Foundation Cross Disaster Risk Reduction The Frontier Development Lab and .
Oct 26, 2022 • 52min

Compass: Charting a Progressive Route through the Political Maelstrom with Neal Lawson

In a world where our 'democracy' is manifestly not fit for purpose, how can we turn the brief, bright fireworks of political sanity into floodlights of progressive values, of liquid democracy that leads to an equitable, regenerative culture?  With Neal Lawson of the progressive campaign group, Compass. Neal Lawson was brought up in an activist household and joined the Labour party at sixteen.  After university, he worked for the Transport and General Workers' Union and then was a speech writer for Gordon Brown during the New Labour years.  He has been helping to lead the political campaign group, Compass, since its formation in 2003. He is more focused than ever on how to make big transformative change happen. He works on strategy, relationships, funding and fronting Compass. He writes for The Guardian,[9] the New Statesman[10] and OpenDemocracy[11] about equality, democracy and the future of the left, and appears on TV and radio as a political commentator. He was the author of All Consuming (Penguin, 2009), which analysed the social cost of consumerism. Lawson's writing has been heavily influenced by the late Polish Marxist sociologist Zygmunt Bauman who described him as  “one of the most insightful and inventive minds on the British political stage”.Compass itself is a home for those who want to build and be a part of a Good Society; one where equality, sustainability and democracy are not mere aspirations, but a living reality. We are founded on the belief that no single issue, organisation or political party can make a Good Society a reality by themselves so we have to work together to make it happen. Compass is a place where people come together to create the visions, alliances and actions to be the change we wish to see in the world.In this episode, we explore the recent history of politics in the UK and then open more deeply into the routes by which our manifestly broken political system could be transformed into something that will - in Neal's words - transform the brief flaring fireworks of hope into floodlights that can transform our nation, and the world.  Compass 45 Degrees paper is Quadratic Voting?'s Bloody Complicated podcast Four Thousand Weeks

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