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Dig Deep – The Mining Podcast Podcast

Latest episodes

Oct 24, 2021 • 25min

Athabasca Basin Uranium Update with James Sykes of Baselode Energy

In this episode, Rob welcomes back James Sykes who appeared back in July this year (Episode 156). When they had just made a fresh discovery. ACKIO in the Athabasca Basin. James Sykes is the CEO and Director of Baselode Energy, a fully funded Uranium exploration company that has achieved resounding success within the region, like holding a portfolio of highly prospective uranium exploration properties in the eastern side of the Atha-basca Basin. James has over 10 years of experience in the Athabasca Basin uranium exploration and discovery sector. He is on the podcast to discuss another exciting discovery he has made in the uranium space which may prove to be the big one. KEY TAKEAWAYS Baselode has recently picked up three exciting projects in the Athabasca Basin. They are using a new strategy to explore for high-grade uranium. An approach that is already bearing fruit. The Athabasca Basin 2.0 find is likely to be open pitable. Making the discovery cost $1.5 million, which has already turned into a $50 million market cap premium. They are waiting for assays on several additional finds that look to be high-grade too. The radioactivity readings indicate uranium. They are high too, which is a strong indication that there is a lot to be extracted. Size-wise the site has the makings to be the biggest in the world. Early in 2022, Baseload is due to start two more drills. In the summer, they are planning even more new projects. The uranium spot market is currently a powder keg market. The share price for Baseload has already resulted in two times the return.   BEST MOMENTS ‘It points to these large plumbing systems that can carry deposit uranium in high concentrations. ´ ‘We have at least a $9 million commitment to exploration in 2022.’ ‘Uranium prices have to go up, which will incentivize mining, which everyone benefits from in the long run.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Email: info@baselode.com Email: jsykes@uraniumgeologist.com LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/company/baselode-energy Twitter: https://twitter.com/BaselodeE Website: https://baselode.com   VALUABLE RESOURCES https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Oct 20, 2021 • 22min

The Facts Behind Los Cerros´ Latest Gold Strikes with Jason Stirbinskis

In this episode we chat to Jason Stirbinskis, MD of Los Cerros who is an ASX listed exploration and mining company who is a leading Colombian gold explorer and developer with a focus in the regions of the Mid-Cauca Gold belt. Jason is a geologist by background and has an MBA and also happens to be the Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan in Western Australia. He has led and been involved in many projects across the world in Australia, Africa, Central Asia, and South America. Jason is on the podcast to give us a more in-depth understanding of the Los Cerros company, the projects they are involved in, their recent capital raising and what it is like to mine in Columbia.   KEY TAKEAWAYS The Quinchia project is made up of many interesting targets which are at various stages of development. Miraflores DFS reserve is a modest-scale production project with sound financials. There are many more targets around Miraflores. Tesorito is more advanced, with many 200+m long high-grade hits starting on the surface. Drilling there is intense, and the great results have continued. Some of the new test holes around the edge of Tesorito have hit thirty-six meters at 3 grams per tonne. They have recently raised A$20 million. Los Cerros now has a dedicated target generation team that is working across their entire portfolio. Testorito is currently their focus. The risk profile of Columbia has improved considerably since the peace accord was signed to end the internal conflict. Confidence levels in Colombia are high, which is why several large mining firms are now setting up there. 2022 is set to be an even bigger year than 2021 for Los Cerros´ projects.   BEST MOMENTS ‘The more advanced projects have been the ones that have really driven the share price over the past 18 months. ´ ‘We went from $7 million market capitalization early last year through to $90 million now.’ ‘It's going to be just as exciting in 2022 as it was in 2021.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://www.loscerros.com.au LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-stirbinskis Twitter: https://twitter.com/jason_stir   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Oct 17, 2021 • 32min

Building Climate Resilience and The Future of Working in Mining with Andrew Swart

In this episode, we chat with Andrew Swart, Global Mining and Metals Leader at Deloitte. He talks about some of their recently released reports that cover the following important topics: Building climate capability for a resilient mining sector - How leaders can prepare for tomorrow’s challenges The net-zero workforce Mining & Metals The future of work in mining - What will jobs look like in intelligent mining operations?   KEY TAKEAWAYS Each jurisdiction is at different stages of the decarbonisation journey and has different approaches. Foreseeing and preparing for the operational implications of climate change e.g., a higher risk of flooding, is another part of climate change resilience. To build climate change resilience companies need to look at the long term as well as the immediate risks Everyone in the organisation needs to take the climate challenge seriously. Some projects will lend themselves to a sustainable approach. Others will not make sense economically. Technology is going to help with energy efficiency. AI analytics will help to meet the climate challenge by targeting mining efforts more effectively. To be attractive to investors you have to have good green credentials. Digitization, automation, decarbonisation, and faster innovation are all going to create new types of roles and skill demands. Having a diverse, talented workforce has a huge impact on a firm´s ability to meet its ESG and climate change goals. Companies will have to look beyond traditional talent pools to create the workforce they need. BEST MOMENTS ‘The implications of climate change drives across the whole organization…from finance to operations. ´ ‘To be attractive to investors you have to be doing these (green) things.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Deloitte Mining Section - https://www2.deloitte.com/global/en/pages/energy-and-resources/topics/mining-and-metals.html Building climate resilience in the mining industry : https://www2.deloitte.com/au/en/pages/energy-and-resources/articles/building-climate-capability-resilient-mining-sector.html The net-zero workforce Mining & Metals: https://www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/energy-and-resources/articles/the-net-zero-workforce-mining-and-metals.html The future of working in a hi-tech, decarbonising mining industry: https://www2.deloitte.com/global/en/insights/industry/mining-and-metals/future-of-mining-industry.html   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Oct 13, 2021 • 20min

DFS Details and Progress Update for the African Gold Group with Danny Callow

In this episode, we have a returning guest who was on early this year in March 2021 (Episode 121). Danny Callow is the CEO of African Gold Group, which is a Canadian exploration and development company with its focus on developing a gold mine in Mali, West Africa. A Camborne School of Mine graduate, Danny has extensive experience in African mining working for the likes of Glencore. The African Gold Group has received great news regarding their recently released DFS report. Danny shares the details, including speaking about their drilling programme and hybrid power plant.   KEY TAKEAWAYS In July 2021, they produced an updated Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS). It showed that the project was very robust. The study concluded that there should be a pre-tax NPV of around $506 million with an IRR of 45% pre-tax. Cash flow estimates show that the setup costs will be covered after about 2.3 years. The mine should have a 16-year life. There are sulphide and oxide resources, as well as gold. In the podcast, Danny shares far more details about the financial viability of the project. More money has been raised, which has been channelled into further studies and drilling. There is much more to be explored. So far, they have only drilled 4kms of the 55kms of identified strike on the property. Danny explains that around 3.1 million ounces is sitting in those 4kms. In total, they have 300 sq. kms of concessions to explore. The first gold is expected to come out of the mine in 18 to 19 months. Most mines in Mali have to build standalone power plants. The power plant the African Gold Group has built includes solar and battery storage. Reducing their power fuel requirement by 43%. The emissions of noxious gases are reduced by between 35 and 40%.   BEST MOMENTS ‘We've just released an updated definitive study now, which not only includes additional oxides but also includes additional sulphides. ´ ‘We've seen a 66% increase in mineral reserves to 1.2 5 million ounces.’ ‘We've only drilled around four kilometres of strike on fifty-five kilometres of identified strike on the property.’   EPISODE RESOURCES African Gold Group - https://www.africangoldgroup.com Danny Callow LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/danny-callow-acsm-84516b168/?originalSubdomain=za Twitter - https://twitter.com/AfricanGoldG Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/africangoldgroup/ DDM podcast episode 121- https://omny.fm/shows/dig-deep-the-mining-podcast/the-challenges-above-ground-an-interview-with-dann   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Oct 10, 2021 • 29min

GoviEX 3 Active Project Updates with Daniel Major

In this episode, we have a returning guest who first appeared on the podcast back in June 2019 (episode 30). Daniel Major is the CEO of GoviEX Uranium, a mineral resource company focused on the exploration and development of its African uranium properties in Niger namely Madaoela, its mine permitted Mutanga Project in Zambia, and its exploration Falea Project in Mali.   Daniel is a Camborne School of Mines mine engineering graduate and has been at the helm of GoviEx for the past 9 years, developing the company into a position to become a Uranium producer in 2025. He is here today to give us an update on the company and about the uranium market in general.   KEY TAKEAWAYS   GoviEx has 3 projects in 3 different mining jurisdictions. Falea in Mali is a fascinating polymetallic project, which has a lot of potential. Madaoela in Niger is their keystone project, and it is already fully permitted. Niger started producing uranium in 1971. Power is not an issue in the area GoviEx is operating and the potential for solar is extremely good. The African Trade Group is developing several rail, road and shipping infrastructure projects which will greatly enhance Niger´s transport network. The infill drilling programme for Mutanga has gone well the operation remains a straightforward one. At Falea they have drilled below the uranium deposits, which the previous owner did not do. Deeper drilling has revealed copper, gold, and silver. GoviEx is very focused on ESG but does not take a one-size fits all approach. In Niger, the community has asked GoviEX to focus on education. It is very much a win-win for everyone. Marrying education with the nomadic lifestyle in Niger is one of the challenges they are working to overcome. In other areas, water, strengthening the food supply chain and clinics have been the priority.     BEST MOMENTS ‘(In Niger) the government is currently developing a programme of infrastructure upgrades. ´ ‘We are going to drill down into deeper targets and figure out if this is the source of the uranium.’ ‘With ESG you need to recognise that each community is different. Do not take a rubber stamp and try to apply it to everyone.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://goviex.com/ Contact form: https://goviex.com/contact/contact-us/ Email: info@goviex.com Email: daniel@goviex.com DDM podcast Episode 30: https://omny.fm/shows/dig-deep-the-mining-podcast/uranium-the-future-with-daniel-major   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Oct 6, 2021 • 31min

Cabral Gold Update – Gold Deposits, 43 New Targets and Gold-in-Oxide Blankets with Alan Carter

In this episode, we chat with Alan Carter, a returning guest who we interviewed back in July 2020 (episode 86). He is the President & CEO of Cabral Gold, a mineral exploration company with a focus on gold and copper with a key asset is the Cuiu Cuiu gold project located in Northern Brazil.   A geologist by background, Alan is super passionate about this project having recorded a podcast last year, as he invested his own money into the project. We talk about some very positive developments in the Tapajos region particularly with respect to the TZ project which is adjacent to your Cuiu Cuiu project. We talk about the recent investment they secured and the 43 additional targets they have discovered within an 8km radius of the 2 known deposits at Cuiu Cuiu which looks exciting.   KEY TAKEAWAY Two deposits are already defined, totalling about a million ounces. As well as extensive gold-in-oxide blankets. There are currently 5 rigs turning on the project. It is in a very productive area and Cabral has uncovered 43 more targets so far. Some boulders at those targets average 91 grammes a tonne, which equates to circa 3 ounces a tonne. The capital cost of extraction from gold-in-oxide blankets is low. No digging or grinding is needed so production can start very quickly. The neighbouring TZ project is highly likely to go into production soon. It will be Brazil´s 3rd largest goldmine. The presence of such a big mine in the area will lead to significant infrastructure improvements. There are a lot of new mines coming on stream in Brazil, which is attracting talent. Before investing look at the quality of the management team. A management team that has invested their own money in their company is a good sign. In the podcast, Alan explains why he has done exactly that. For investors projects that already have resources up and running are usually a good option. BEST MOMENTS ‘You need a management team that can raise money. ´ ‘I have put a lot of my own money to work in the company.’ ‘I´ve never seen a gold exploration project with this kind of potential before.’ EPISODE RESOURCES Cabral Gold - https://cabralgold.com/corporate/management/ Alan Carter LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/alan-carter-636a796a/?originalSubdomain=ca DDM episode 86: https://omny.fm/shows/dig-deep-the-mining-podcast/the-creative-challenges-of-gold-with-alan-carter   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3 ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Oct 3, 2021 • 45min

Understanding the Impact of Tailings Failures and Mitigating That Risk with Iain Pickard and Edwards Haslam

In this episode, we chat with Iain Pickard (Partner) and Edward Haslam (Head of Mining) at Strategia Worldwide who help clients build resilience and protect value by understanding, testing, and managing risk in various industries, including mining. In this important episode, we discuss their 24/7 tailings monitoring solution they are rolling out. Managing tailings risk using a global standard. We talk about what companies need to do to comply with the new Global Industry Standard for Tailings Management and the technologies that are available to help with addressing the requirements.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Strategia has about over 120 senior advisors and associates located around the world. They are drawn from different areas of the industry so have expertise in every facet of mining and every mining region. Mine owners regulators and investors are collectively invested in finding ever safer Tailings Storage Facilities (TSF) In many ways, legacy dams are at a higher risk than operational ones. Yet nobody is sure knows how many of these dams exist. TSS failures impact everyone. Including uninvolved mines that see their costs soar and experience more resistance to their activities. In Chile, from next year, 24/7 monitoring of TSFs will be obligatory. This approach is increasingly the norm across the world. Some insurance companies have already withdrawn from mining because of TSF related risk. Others not not provide D&O cover that includes TSS failure. An independent “what-if” study alerts firms to risks that they have not previously considered and can tee up the monitoring system. Every site is different, there is no one-size-fits-all TSF monitoring solution;  it needs to monitor the risks to the facility using the best suited sensors. In areas where 4G is not available, satellite comms systems are a viable alternative. Firms need to review their TSF maintenance and ask the right questions. Many of which are shared in the podcast.   BEST MOMENTS ‘Currently, TSF risk is virtually impossible to insure.’ ‘It (TSF monitoring) is becoming a regulatory issue.’ ‘Using the right technology, you can actually ensure 24-hour consistent, constant monitoring, of your TSF’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://www.strategiaworldwide.com/   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Sep 29, 2021 • 32min

A Major Silver Explorer in Peru with Peter Dembicki

In this episode, we chat with Peter Dembicki, President and CEO of Tier One Silver. An exploration company that was spun out from Auryn Resources on October 9, 2020. The Company is focused on creating significant value for shareholders through the discovery of world-class silver, gold, and base metal deposits in Peru. Peter has a background in wealth management and talks to us about Tier One Silver. Telling us about their current drilling programme around the company’s flagship project in Peru. As well as providing updates on Curibaya and the surface work at Hurricane Silver. Also, they talk about how they are getting back to face to face networking having recently attended the Precious Metals Summit in Beaver Creek.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Auryn Resources had great assets but was spread too thin, which is why they created 3 new entities, including Tier One Silver. The Tier One team is extremely experienced, with several big past successes under their belts. Tier One is focusing on largely underexplored areas that nonetheless have exceptional numbers. Mining is nothing new to Peru, but big areas of the country are still underexplored. In the past, the local community did not benefit much from mining. That is changing fast. Most of Tier One´s drill sites are located in the desert which makes it easier to explore and mine without disturbing anyone. Hurricane won´t be drill ready for 10 to 12 months. Face to face networking is making it far easier to find investors. Every country´s renewable energy plans are in some way dependent on silver. High and growing demand, coupled with relatively low stocks means the price of silver is set to take off, at some point. Although it is likely to continue to be a volatile metal.   BEST MOMENTS ‘We have a technical team that has been a part of multiple discoveries. ´ ‘There are some serious high-grade targets to go after.’ ‘Even at this price at $14, $10 silver, our projects are going to make sense.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Twitter: @TierOneSilver LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tier-one-silver   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Sep 26, 2021 • 57min

Up to Date Advice for Both Graduates and Mining Firms with Richard Murrell

In this episode, we chat to Richard Murrell who is the site director at Anglo American on the Woodsmith mine here in the UK. Having studied at the Camborne School of mine and worked both here in the UK and in Australia, Richard has a passion and desire to help the younger generation and graduates in the mining industry.   He is coming onto the podcast to give some advice to graduates in their early years. But also, to advise managers and more senior mining professionals in hiring young engineers for their business and operations.   KEY TAKEAWAYS   Don´t send a generic letter. Do your homework, send it to the right person and make it specific. Be sure to follow up on the emails or letters you send. Research is essential. The more you know about a company and its projects the better. Networking is vital. Many, many people have found jobs at networking events. Being on the tools underground may not be what you want to do forever, but it’s still very good experience. When at university seek out jobs that teach you related skills. For example, work on a building site instead of in a cafe. Build up your own skills, don´t expect your company to always pay for training. The industry has to be proactive about selling mining as a career to stand any chance of filling the skill gap. People need to be made aware that mining can be done in an environmentally friendly way. Many people just assume that a mining career means having to move abroad. Increasingly, that is not the case. The industry needs to make that clearer. The UK mining industry is buoyant, environmentally friendly and has a bright future. Apprenticeships are vital to the industry. Get children building as soon as possible. Technical Lego or Meccano are great. Teach your children about fossils, geology, and visit quarries and engineered facilities.     BEST MOMENTS ‘Keep sending those emails off, keep approaching, but also keep following up. ´ ‘If you can start at the bottom maybe as a nipper or a truck driver underground it´s invaluable experience.’ ‘There are around 2000 mines and quarries operating in the UK.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: Re-imagining mining to improve people's lives | Anglo American LinkedIn: Richard Murrell - Site Director - Anglo American | LinkedIn Email: richard.murrell@angloamerican.com Lego Caterpillar D11 Bulldozer set - https://brickset.com/article/63317/first-look-at-42131-cat-d11-bulldozer   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Sep 22, 2021 • 36min

How Mining Companies are Using the Voluntary Carbon Market with Matthew Laustrup

In this episode, we chat with Matthew Laustrup. He is the sales manager for First Climate, a leading service provider of carbon emissions, supporting private and public sector organizations in achieving their climate and sustainability objectives. Matthew discusses how they can help mining companies with their carbon and green energy agendas. This is going to play a major part in mining companies’ future strategies over the coming years. So, now is the time to prepare if you are not already doing so.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Last year, the voluntary carbon market retired or transacted just over 100 million tonnes of carbon. First Climate alone was involved in retiring or transacting 10 million tonnes of that. Reducing and offsetting carbon emissions is not something that can wait. There are two types of carbon markets. Matthew explains what they are. Now that renewable energies are economically viable, there is no need for the carbon market to support those. Using carbon neutral products is gaining ground, including in the mining sector. Many mining companies are working hard to neutralise their carbon and making huge changes to do it. Building facilities with eco-friendly materials make a big difference. In the podcast, Matthew shares some examples. Avoiding emissions is essential. Matthew shares several ways to do this throughout the episode. The different types of carbon credits and the cost of them is discussed. Using a verified carbon project is essential, several good options are talked about in the podcast. It is important to bear in mind that some projects take years to neutralise carbon.   BEST MOMENTS ‘First Carbon is involved in around 150 projects, throughout the world. ´ ‘The voluntary market needs to scale up to 1 billion tonnes to have an impact on global emissions.’ ‘You need to be in for the long haul if you are developing your own projects.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://www.firstclimate.com/en/meet-the-team/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/first-climate/ LinkedIn: Matthew Laustrup – Sales Manager - Carbon and Renewable Energy – First Climate AG | LinkedIn Email: matthewlaustrup@firstclimate.com   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.

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