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Dig Deep – The Mining Podcast Podcast

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Nov 29, 2021 • 32min

Mining in Papua New Guinea Progress Report with Matt Salthouse of Kainantu Resources

In this episode, we chat with a returning guest who appeared in Episode 117 in February 2021. Matt Salthouse is the Chief Executive Officer at Kainantu Resources. An Asia-Pacific-focused gold mining company with two highly prospective gold projects in a premier mining region, the high-grade Kainantu gold district of Papua New Guinea (PNG).  Matt gives us an update on what’s been happening in PNG and with Kainantu Resources over the last 10 months when he was last on the podcast. We discuss the May River acquisition, the north, and south program, and the FSE listing and capital management.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Over the past 10 months, their focus has been on mapping resources in KRL South. They are in the process of closing their copper-gold May River deal, which brings together three concessions. May River is in the Frieda River Copper and Gold area of PNG, which is one of the largest undeveloped copper projects in the world. In KRL North, they have done a lot of sampling work. In KRL South, they have already identified a forty grammes per tonne sample. Geophysics work is planned for both sites. Kainantu Resources listed on the Frankfurt Exchange mid-year, which is proving to be good for capital management. The relationship with the government and local communities is still sound. The experienced and well-connected board is able to pursue strategic collaboration opportunities. Despite CoVid having had an impact, Kainantu Resources have still managed to push forward.   BEST MOMENTS ‘We´ve been quite tight and scrupulous in terms of managing our capital, so have a reasonable body of capital, at the moment. ´ ‘We are looking to do some geophysics work at both KRL North and South.’ ‘Everybody in the management group has connections and contacts in Southeast Asia.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Kainantu Resources - https://kainanturesources.com Email: info@krl.com.sg Episode 117: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mining-in-papua-new-guinea-with-matt-salthouse/id1440020656?i=1000509599113   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Nov 25, 2021 • 27min

Two Highly Profitable Silver Projects That Are About To Go Into Production with David Stein

In this episode, we chat to David Stein, CEO of Kuya Silver who is developing first-class, high-margin sustainable silver mining operations in Peru. They are focused on growth and cash flow with a focus on low-cost silver operations in mining-friendly jurisdictions David has a background in geology and engineering and founded Kuya Silver back in 2017 so he talks about their flagship project Bethania and their newly acquired silver project in Northern Ontario.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Bethania, Peru was in operation until 2016 and Kuya is due to start production again by the end of 2022. Most of the veins at Bethania have been made bigger and new veins have been discovered nearby. The Ontario acquisition is the first step in becoming a multi-mine producer. It is a silver cobalt operation with good grades. Going public is a lot of extra work, but it has made raising capital far easier. Their recent acquisitions have greatly strengthened the company.   BEST MOMENTS ‘There´s a historical resource there from the previous owners. ´ ‘The project is very profitable with very quick payback.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://kuyasilver.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kuya-silver/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/KuyaSilver Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kuyasilvercorp/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/KuyaSilverCorp/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc7YU27yR9RLHdG-frVAuxg   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Nov 22, 2021 • 23min

Strong Drill Results from Southwestern US Silver Projects with Galen McNamara

In the episode, we chat to Galen McNamara, CEO of Summa Silver Corp that is a TSX-listed explorer focusing on developing the Hughes Property in the prolific Tonopah district of Nevada. They have also commenced drilling at Mogollon, New Mexico Galen is a geologist by trade and has over 15 years of experience in discovery and capital markets. Apart from heading up Summa Silver, he also sits on a few different boards. In this episode, he talks about both projects, the progress they have made and gives us an update on the current silver market.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Summa Silver is a new silver exploration company that focuses on the Southwestern US. They have two historic properties that have not been explored using modern technology. At the Tonopah, Nevada project they are getting grades above one thousand grammes per tonne on multiple targets. The best hole at Tonopah is 4408 grammes per tonne silver equivalent over 2.8 meters. They are about to start drilling at the New Mexico Mogollon project. Currently, between 60 and 70% of silver is used for industrial purposes. In the future, that percentage will rise sharply as demand from the electric car industry grows. Good silver assets are hard to find, so servicing that demand is going to be hard. Another reason prices are likely to rise. Despite doing a lot of drilling Summa Silver is still quite well-financed- The outlook for the silver market for 2022 is good. In the podcast, Galen explains why. Many junior silver miners are undervalued at the moment.   BEST MOMENTS ‘Historically, in precious metal bull markets, silver outperforms gold. ´ ‘The demand for silver in a situation like that is gonna almost double from what it is today.’ ‘We are not trying to reinvent the wheel.’   EPISODE RESOURCES LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/galen-mcnamara-02a52911 Twitter: https://twitter.com/galenmcnamara?lang=en Summa Silver Twitter: https://twitter.com/SummaSilver?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor LinkedIn Summa Silver: https://ca.linkedin.com/company/summa-silver-corp   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Nov 18, 2021 • 22min

Self-Funded Mining and Exploration with Alastair McIntrye of Altiplano Metals

In this episode, we chat with Alastair McIntyre, CEO of Altiplano Metals who are part of the Metals Group of companies focused on expanding, acquiring, and developing cash flowing and near-term cash flowing copper, gold, and silver assets. Alastair has a geology and finance background and is an accomplished executive with 30 years of experience as a leader and senior advisor in metals banking, capital markets, physical and derivative metals trading, gold refining and mining. He is now at the helm of Altiplano Metals and is here today to tell us more about the company and the projects that are involved. Alastair is also going to be at the upcoming Mines & Money London event which is Europe’s largest mining investment event on December 1st and 2nd 2021, so you can meet him in person if you have any questions for him. You can get 10% off with the discount code DIGDEEP10 when registering at: https://minesandmoney.com/ So, listen to this podcast, get your tickets today and we will see you there...   KEY TAKEAWAYS  Altiplano Metals is a part of The Metals Group. They are made up of a group of individuals and companies that share talent management and office space. For 30 years, The Metals Group has raised over $500 million. The fact The Metals Group has been so successful means they get the opportunity to look at many excellent projects. Altiplano has focused on cash flow and revenue generation, so they can self-fund exploration or reinvest in projects. They have been cash flow positive at their Farellon iron oxide, copper, gold site, since 2018. The Farellon site has approval for an on-site mill and iron separation, which will create more revenue streams and reduce costs. Altiplano has a very experienced board, which Alastair talks about during the podcast. They are looking to acquire more assets The agreement at Marie Luisa, Chile has recently been renegotiated. It has close to 7grams per tonne of gold and 1.9% in copper. Altiplano has several other projects progressing and coming on stream.   BEST MOMENTS ‘Over a span of 20/30 years, they (The Metals Group) have been involved in 25/30 successful companies. ´ ‘Our business model is to use cash flow to support exploration.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: http://www.apnmetals.com LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/company/altiplano-metals Twitter: https://twitter.com/metals_group Email: alastairm@apnmetals.com Meet Alastair at Mines & Money London on 1st and 2nd December 2021. You can get 10% off with the discount code DIGDEEP10 when registering at: https://minesandmoney.com/ So, get your tickets today and we will see you there...   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Nov 15, 2021 • 26min

Exploiting Gold and Copper Resources in Safe Jurisdictions with Martin French

In this episode, we chat with Martin French, Executive Chairman of Chesterfield Resources. It is a mineral exploration company operating in Canada and Cyprus, focused on copper and gold and listed on the London Stock Exchange. Martin has over 30 years of experience in capital markets, investment banking and mining and has worked all over the world in Asia, South America and Africa and tells us the story of Chesterfield Resources. He is going to be at the Mines & Money London Event as a panel speaker on the 1st & 2nd December 2021 so if you have any questions then please get in contact with him or meet him in person at the event. You can get 10% off with the discount code DIGDEEP10 when registering at: https://minesandmoney.com/ So, listen to this podcast, get your tickets today and we will see you there...   KEY TAKEAWAYS Chesterfield Resources has just finished drilling at their Cyprus resource. Polymetal International, the gold specialists, backed them in November 2020. In July, they purchased a big copper exploration project in Labrador, Canada and partnered with Altius Minerals to explore it. Most big mining companies want to get exposed to copper and many are doing so by buying into exploration companies. The Canadian site is a sedimentary basin. Geology which typically results in good yields. There are already around 250 copper shows on the surface, so it is clearly heavily mineralised. Yet, due to it being isolated very little drilling has taken place, to date. Their first meeting with the Inuit First Nations Grand Chief, Etienne Rich went well. The Canadian brokers have responded well to their offering. Having Dr Neil O´Brien on board is paying dividends. He is well known and respected in the industry. Bottlenecks at the assay labs are causing problems. In Cyprus, exploration of the Limni South dumpsite is yielding good results, so they are looking to put together a gold oxide project. They plan to roll out IR programmes in London, then Toronto. Followed by a secondary listing in 2022.   BEST MOMENTS ‘We´ve now got two really good partners. So, for a small company, we´ve come a long way. ´ ‘It´s in a very very low-risk jurisdiction…. Also, Labrador is regarded as the best province in Canada for mining.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://www.chesterfieldresourcesplc.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/chesterfield-resources-inc. Twitter: https://twitter.com/chesterfieldplc Email: martin.french@chesterfieldresourcesplc.com Meet Martin at Mines & Money London on 1st and 2nd December 2021. You can get 10% off with the discount code DIGDEEP10 when registering at: https://minesandmoney.com/ So, get your tickets today and we will see you there...   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Nov 11, 2021 • 26min

Exploiting One of the World´s Richest Zinc Resources with Kerem Usenmez

In this episode, we chat with Kerem Usenmez, President and CEO of Metallum Resources who are a Zinc & Copper focused base metal resource company headquartered in Vancouver. They are involved in the mining and mineral development of base metals with interests in North and South America. Kerem has a geology background and a wide range of career experiences and is here today to talk about Metallum Resources, the progress they are making in this great mining jurisdiction and talk more about Zinc as a metal.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Metallum Resources is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchanges (MZN) Their flagship project is located near Thunder Bay, Ontario, which already has excellent road, rail, and port connections. They have about two million tonnes at 18% zinc, 1% copper, 34grams per tonne of silver and half a gramme per tonne of gold Their project has almost twice the world´s average percentage in copper richness terms and extremely rich zinc deposits. Using current prices, the EBITA numbers reach $80 million, per year. The team are experienced mine developers as well as explorers. Relationships with the main First Nations group and other communities are currently good. For zinc for the next 5 to 7 years, there will be a deficit. Plus, the demand for zinc-air batteries is growing rapidly. Potentially, creating an even bigger deficit. Metallum Resources are perfectly placed to take advantage of this demand gap.   BEST MOMENTS ‘It's an exciting time for mining, especially for zinc and copper. ´ ‘We have one of the highest-grade deposits, in the world, for zinc.’ ‘Very profitable because of the low CAPEX numbers and very very high-grade ore.’ ‘I think this is the right project, with the right commodities, at the right time.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Twitter: @metallumzinc LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/metallum-tsxv-mzn Facebook: @metallumzinc Instagram: https://instagram.com/metallumzinc?utm_medium=copy_link Website: https://www.metallumzinc.com/   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Nov 8, 2021 • 45min

Fast Progress for Inflection Resources and Headwater Gold with Alistair Waddell

In this episode, we chat to Alistair Waddell, President & CEO at Inflection Resources & Chairman at Headwater Gold. Both are junior explorers working across Australia and the US focusing on high-grade precious metals and copper assets. Alistair is an exploration geologist with a background working in Australia, South America, and North America. He is here today to talk about the exciting projects he is involved in and his experience travelling the world as a geologist.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Get out there and create your opportunities by knocking on doors. Get exposure to different deposit types, people, and jurisdictions. Young geologists need a bit of drive and perseverance and must not be afraid to take a leap of faith to gain experience. Working for junior miners as well as major mining companies really broadens your understanding. Inflection Resources has two main projects. Both mining gold and copper. The geologist Dr Douglas Haines was involved in putting together the exploration proposal for both projects. Many of the targets were on open ground, close to existing paved highways. They are currently working their way through thirty-five truly greenfield drilling targets in their NSW project. Drilling is also about to commence in their Croydon goldfields. An area that has produced spectacularly high grade finds in the past. Brownfield sites usually come with more risk than people realise. There is a trade-off. Alistair explains why he prefers to drill greenfield sites. Headwater Gold is focused on high-grade epithermal veins in the Great Basin area of Nevada. There are twelve projects to explore in Nevada.   BEST MOMENTS ‘Get out and travel before life gets more complicated with mortgages, families and whatnot. ´ ‘I recognise the self-driving geologists. They have that little bit of extra entrepreneurial attitude.’ ’I’m certainly very comfortable at taking a swing on greenfield targets that have the potential to deliver a large tier one.’ EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://inflectionresources.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/waddellalistair/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/inflectionaucu Email: alistair@inflectionresources.com Headway Gold: https://headwatergold.com/boardofdirectors/ VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3   ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Nov 4, 2021 • 37min

Build Your Personal Brand and Be Genuine to Enjoy an Interesting Mining Career with Alex Atkins

In this episode we chat to Alex Atkins who is a mine engineer by background and now holds a number of non-executive directorship positions. We met a few years ago at a mining conference in Melbourne and I know how passionate she is about mining. She is on the podcast to talk about her passions in ESG, diversity and inclusion and digital transformation. We also talk about non-executive directorships and what you need to do if you’re looking for NED opportunities. KEY TAKEAWAYS  Being ready to pivot and use your skillset differently opens all kinds of doors. The mining industry is becoming more diverse and family friendly. Virtual working is now much more commonplace. Partly due to CoVid. ESG has become especially important for the mining industry and for those who invest in it. Genuine diversity creates a safe environment in which people are not afraid to speak up about issues quickly. Meaning that problems get solved fast. Know what your life purpose is and project that out. Being honest like that builds trust. Think about what you have to offer in terms of what is valuable, rare, imitable, and non-substitutable. Be commercial in your mindset. Don´t be too airy-fairy. Tie in details of actual business benefits to make your points. Try to deliver your message at a point when people are ready to hear it. APIs are a great way to join data and digital solutions up to solve many of the industry´s biggest problems. When it comes to NEDs, usually the company comes to you. For that to happen you need a strong personal brand. Write papers, mentor, speak publicly and volunteer to build your brand. Only join a board where you can be authentically you. Being on several boards enables you to be involved in a wide range of projects. Listen carefully and be ready to make your points succinctly.   BEST MOMENTS ‘I found my way back into the mining industry through consulting. ´ ‘I used what was rare about me, what was valuable about me to influence others.’ ‘Being on boards feels entrepreneurial.’   EPISODE RESOURCES LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexatkins/ Email: alex.atkins@bigpond.com   RECOMMENDED READING: Working Backwards by Colin Bryar & Bill Carr - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Working-Backwards-Insights-Stories-Secrets/dp/B08KSDMDDV/ Range by David Epstein - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Range-Generalists-Triumph-Specialized-World/dp/B07PCS26MN/   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Nov 1, 2021 • 42min

Cashflow for Royalty Investors Generated by a Diverse Global Portfolio with Fredrick Bell

In this episode, we chat to Frederick Bell, CEO of Elemental Royalties who are an emerging, rapidly growing gold royalty company with world-class, producing assets on four continents and are listed on the TSX. Fred has over 15 years of experience in the mining industry. Fredrick worked with a few explorers before taking the helm at Elemental Royalties just over 5 years ago. He talks about his journey and what Elemental Royalties have achieved to date. We also discuss how networking and building up your contact base is important from the very first day you start studying. Including, how doing this pays off as you develop your career. Fred is also on the committee of the young mining professionals.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Elemental Royalties offers its investors a diversified portfolio of interests, spread throughout the world. Elemental Royalties was generating revenue from day one of being set up. As a royalty company, they, and their shareholders, get paid without needing to reinvest. Diversification creates a lower risk profile. 80% of their portfolio is made up of operating mines based in a range of countries. Fredrick shares details of two of them in the podcast. They have cash flowing assets. They have a 1% NSR royalty on Wahgnion gold, which produced 175,000 ounces of gold last year. The royalty extends to the nearly 1000 sq. km that is still to be explored. The big royalty companies have the cash to continue investing during the bad times when there are some great deals available. In the mining world, you hear about opportunities through the people that you meet from the industry. Attend as many mining events as you can, while studying. Including young miners events. Without his connections and network Fredrick would not have been able to start up Elemental.   BEST MOMENTS ‘If you get to know good people, they tend to introduce you to other good people. ´ ‘The big royalty companies have 80% margins.’ ‘We have the same downside risk profile as a multibillion metal miner, with the growth potential of a junior explorer.’   EPISODE RESOURCES Website: https://www.elementalroyalties.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/elementalroyalties/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Elemental_Royal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElementalRoyalties/ Email:  info@elementalroyalties.com   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3     ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
Oct 27, 2021 • 36min

Extracting Battery Metals From The Ocean With The Lightest Planetary Touch with Gerard Barron

In this episode, Gerard Barron who appeared back in April 2020 (Episode76), returns for a chat. He is the Chairman and CEO of the Metals Company who produce metals from polymetallic rocks to power electric vehicles. It was founded in 2021 through the merger of DeepGreen and the Sustainable Opportunities Acquisition Corporation to scale nodule collecting and onshore processing systems. Gerard is a builder of global companies in battery technology, media, and future-oriented resource development. He is both a chief executive and a strategic investor. Gerard is on a mission to help transition our planet away from fossil fuels and towards a circular resource economy. This episode discusses innovation and a new way of mining that greatly reduces the environmental impact on the earth. So be sure to listen and learn about this new way of mining.   KEY TAKEAWAYS The green revolution is going to be very metal intensive. Investors want ESG sustainable investment opportunities. Mining polymetallic nodules that are on, or just below, the surface of the ocean bed can be very beneficial for the planet. It can reduce mining CO2 emissions by more than 90%. Gerard speaks about more benefits in the podcast. The area of the ocean The Metals Company is focusing on contains a wide range of metals. The Metals Company expects to be able to mine enough nickel, cobalt, manganese, and copper to build 280 million mid-size motor batteries. There is hardly anything living on the ocean bed, but The Metals Company is still working to protect it during the mining process. Ocean bed nodules can be extracted without generating any tailings or waste. The Metals Company is collaborating with other industries so they can play a big part in improving every aspect of turning nodules into batteries. Collaborating with other industries uncovers viable solutions that can be implemented fast. Brands that use eco-friendly materials will have a marketing edge, so demand for ocean metals will be strong.   BEST MOMENTS ‘(Battery) availability is the most important element that could put the whole green transition at risk.’ ‘(Ocean mining) can reduce tailings to zero, it can eliminate the need for waste.’ ‘Going forward we are going to absolutely collaborate with other industries.’   EPISODE RESOURCES LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerardbarron NASDAQ TMC - https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/tmc Twitter - https://twitter.com/themetalsco?lang=en Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/metals.co/?hl=en Website - https://metals.co/ Email – Gerard@metals.co/ Episode 76 of DDMP: https://omny.fm/shows/dig-deep-the-mining-podcast/disrupting-mining-is-mining-the-ocean-the-next-big   VALUABLE RESOURCES mailto:rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/ http://www.mining-international.org https://twitter.com/MiningConsult https://www.facebook.com/MiningInternational.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69dGPS29lmakv-D7LWJg_Q?guided_help_flow=3 ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first world to third world countries from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD rob@mining-international.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-tyson-3a26a68/   Podcast Description   Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people’s experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.

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