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Behavioral Grooves Podcast

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Sep 19, 2021 • 19min

Leading Human™: How to Avoid Burnout and Create a Positive Organization

Employee burnout, The Great Resignation, Office Covid Regulations; these are all major concerns for leaders in the workplace right now. But how can managers successfully navigate these stresses, while still maintaining productivity among staff? At the start of the pandemic, Behavioral Grooves began a series of podcasts with researchers and practitioners to understand the organizational shifts we were seeing. Over the course of our interviews, we discovered big changes in the way business was being conducted and that managers, specifically, were really caught off guard. They didn’t have a coach or a guide to help them through all the changes. We decided to change that. And so, we created Leading Human™. In this Grooving Session with Kurt Nelson PhD and Tim Houlihan, they sit down to discuss the following topics about Leading Human™: What is Leading Human™? Who is Leading Human™ going to benefit?  Why did the Behavioral Grooves team feel inspired to write Leading Human™? While Leading Human™ was initiated by the pandemic, it goes well beyond the current workplace dynamics and delves into the core of how work will happen in the future.  Ultimately Leading Human™ focuses on four key areas:  Creating Psychological Safety;  Building a Team Charter; Implementing Human-Centered Routines; Charting a Clear Path Forward. Together, these can make a significant difference in employees' emotional connection to the company and successful re-entry to the workplace. Leading Human™ is full of practical tips and exercises to implement. Where to Get More Info on Leading Human™: Leading Human™ Workbook and Playbook: Leading Human™, Free Whitepaper Download: Leading Human™ Workshop on Nov 2nd, 2021 (more dates to be added soon): Promo Code: GROOVERS to receive $20 off (limited time offer for listeners).
Sep 12, 2021 • 1h 21min

Kwame Christian: On Compassionate Curiosity, Social Justice Conversations, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch [Republish Episode 178]

[NOTE: This episode is republished from #178 in October 2020.] Kwame Christian, Esq. is the author of “Nobody Will Play With Me: How to Use Compassionate Curiosity to Find Confidence in Conflict.” He is the host of two podcasts, “Negotiate Anything” and “Ask With Confidence.” He is a professor at The Ohio State University Law School and is the director of the American Negotiation Institute. Kwame’s educational background combines an undergraduate degree in psychology, a masters in public policy, and a juris doctor. Yup – a classic underachiever. (NOT) Kurt and Tim got to talk to Kwame about the behavioral science hidden in his practical techniques. For instance, we discussed how to be more effective in negotiations by managing our emotions and how to reframe our negotiations as opportunities. He went on to say that negotiations are really “the art of discovery.” We also discussed the decades-old myth of the win-win negotiation – you guessed right: it’s a myth! Kwame also dropped more sound-bite bombs in our conversation than any other guest. There are tons and tons of takeaways from this conversation that you can put to use in your work or home life right away. And if that’s not enough, he’s got the most eclectic musical tastes of any guest on Behavioral Grooves so far. Check it out. We are grateful to our friend Brian Ahearn who introduced us to Kwame in May 2020. © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Links Kwame Christian on LinkedIn: Kwame on Negotiations: Finding Confidence in Conflict: How to Negotiate Anything and Live Your Best Life:  Kwame’s Podcast Negotiate Anything: Kwame’s TED talk: Kwame as Ohio State Law Professor: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Matthew Walker, “Why We Sleep”:  Them-Us-Fit-Action: Behavioral Grooves Patreon page:  Musical Links Bob Marley “Wait in Vain”: Calypso: Soca (Soul Calypso): Reggae: Dub Step: Hip-hop: Rap: Ska: Smooth Jazz: AC/DC: “Under the Graveyard” by Ozzie Osbourne: Major Lazer: The Clash “Should I Stay or Should I Go”: The Police: George Benson “Breezin”: Grover Washington “Just the Two of Us”: David Benoit “Lucy and Linus”: Earl Klugh & Bob James: Lee Ritenour: The Rippingtons:
Sep 5, 2021 • 55min

Vaccinating the World: How Behavioral Science Helps. With Michael Coleman

How can behavioral science aid the mammoth task of vaccination the world against Covid? What common barriers cause vaccine hesitancy in populations around the globe? And how can behavioral design overcome them?  Born out of frustration, while trying to eliminate Polio from Pakistan, the global behavioral design agency Common Thread ( was born. They use findings from psychology, anthropology, economics and sociology, to identify and analyze behavioral insights. Bringing a people-centered approach to the world's toughest public health problems. We are delighted to be joined on this podcast episode with the co-founder, director and lead storyteller of Common Thread, Michael Coleman. He talks with us about his new publication, “The Little Jab Book: 18 Behavioral Science Strategies for Increasing Vaccination Uptake” ( and the global projects that he is currently collaborating on. Topics (6:24) Speed round questions. (8:55) Applying behavioral science to global health concerns. (9:47) How Common Thread was started and why it focuses on putting people at the center of public health problems. (11:30) The complexities Mike faced with the Polio Eradication Plan in Pakistan. (14:02) What is the mission of Common Thread? (15:52) What tools does Common Thread use to change behavior? (18:59) How can removing friction from decisions make a big difference in people’s responses? (23:00) About The Little Jab Book: 18 Behavioral Science Strategies for Increasing Vaccination Uptake. (25:33) Who The Little Jab Book is intended for? (27:01) What are the barriers to vaccinating the world against Covid? (31:50) How vaccine hesitant conversations can impact public health responses. (34:28) Work with UNICEF to create individual country responses to vaccination barriers. (39:16) What music would Mike take to a desert island?  (41:43) How Common Thread uses music to foster an inclusive work culture. (43:35) Grooving Session with Kurt and Tim summarizing the application of Mike’s insights. Behavioral Grooves has a Patreon page to help fund our work, please consider donating a small amount to our podcast at We also love reading your reviews, tweets and comments about the podcast; these help others find out about us too. But most of all, thanks for listening! © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Links Common Thread:  Michael Coleman:  Common Thread newsletter “The Stitch”:  The Little Jab Book: 18 Behavioral Science Strategies for Increasing Vaccination Uptake: Behavioral Insights lab set up with Gavi for immunization oriented to the global south: “From Idea to Immunization”:  Barry’s tea: Sherine Guirguis:  Harvard School of Public Health:  UNICEF:  The Global Vaccine Allowance: The Gates Foundation: Vax-Up: PATH: BUSARA:  The New York Times Global Vaccination Tracker:  Rob Burnet, Well Told Story:  Episode 202: How Chaning Jang Works Around Not Being WEIRD: Episode 223: How Behavioral Science Can Impact Nonprofits: The Inspiring Story at Save The Children: Musical Links  Nina Simone “Stars” (Montreux Festival in 1976):  Jeff Buckley “Grace”:  Jeff Buckley (Live in Frankfurt, 1995):  The Tragically Hip “Ahead By a Century”:  Common Thread Spotify Playlist:  Tsegue-Maryam Guebrou, a 93 year old Ethiopian jazz pianist:
Aug 29, 2021 • 1h 16min

Can People Learn to be Better at Thinking? With Richard E. Nisbett

Few psychologists in the world have contributed more to scientific discovery than our guest Richard E. Nisbett. He joins us to discuss his latest book, the title of which embodies one of his favorite activities: Thinking: A Memoir. Thinking weaves Richard’s personal story through his research journey, painting a richer sense of the thought process behind his discoveries.  Richard E. Nisbett is the Theodore M. Newcomb Distinguished Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Michigan. Many of his previous books have been co-authored with his collaborator and friend, the late Lee Ross. The two first met in graduate school when they studied under the ground-breaking researcher Stanley Schachter at Columbia University.  Later in his career, alongside Tim Wilson, the two made the ground-breaking observation: they noted that we can only identify "what people think about how they think," but not "how they really think." Join our podcast conversation with Richard to explore how we can improve our thinking, reasoning and decision making. If you are a regular listener to Behavioral Grooves, please consider donating to our work through Patreon:  Topics we Discuss with Richard E. Nisbett (3:20) Welcome and speed round. (7:25) What motivated Richard to write his memoir?  (12:12) Why do we so readily disregard base rates? (15:56) Why do we disconnect ourselves from the behavior in Stanley Milgram’s experiment?  (17:21) Richard’s work on Attribution Theory. (20:25) How does our unconscious mind affect our behaviors and decision making? (23:27) Richard’s insight on why we rationalize our decision making. (27:13) Working in a vacuum in academia. (30:03) Interdisciplinary work at Michigan University. (32:23) Can we teach people to become better at reasoning? (39:15) The problems with replicating social psychology studies. (46:28) What is Richard thinking about these days? (51:32) What music would Richard take a desert island? (57:13) Grooving Session with Kurt and Tim discussing their interview with Richard.   © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Books by Richard E. Nisbett Thinking: A Memoir:  Intelligence and How to Get It: Why Schools and Cultures Count:  The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently...and Why:  Culture Of Honor: The Psychology Of Violence In The South (New Directions in Social Psychology):  Thought and Feeling: Cognitive Alteration of Feeling States:  Rules for Reasoning:  The Person and the Situation:  Links from our Interview Lee Ross “The Person and the Situation: Perspectives of Social Psychology”:  Stanley Schachter “The Psychology of Affiliation: Experimental Studies of the Sources of Gregariousness”:  Malcom Gladwell “Outliers: The Story of Success”:  Michael Lewis Book about Dnaiel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, “The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds”:  Richard Thaler “Nudge: The FInal Edition”:  Stanley Milgram Experiment:  Cary Grant: Timothy Wilson: Russell Sage Foundation:  University of Michigan:  Jean Piaget:  Episode 155: John Bargh: Dante, Coffee and the Unconscious Mind: Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal:  The Week: Episode 67: George Loewenstein: On a Functional Theory of Boredom: Musical Links Beethoven “The Emperor Concerto”: Beethoven 7th symphony, 2nd Movement: Schubert “Serenade”:
Aug 22, 2021 • 1h 17min

Do We Control Situations or Do Situations Control Us? With John Bargh

Can we control our unconscious behavior? How much does the situation we’re in control us? Can we prime people to behave a certain way? Is it even ethical to try? To what degree do cultural identity and stereotyping impact the automaticity of our actions? Following on from our discussion with Dr Philip Zimbardo PhD, in our last episode (#247) about the Stanford Prison Experiment, we reached out to our friend and previous guest (episode #155), Dr John Bargh PhD, social psychologist at Yale University. As the world’s leading expert on the unconscious mind, John gave us fresh insight on how our behavior is primed by factors such as our cultural identity and even by who we are thinking about. Interestingly our conversation shifted towards changing attitudes in society and in particular the inspiration stance that athletes such as Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka have taken recently to prioritize their mental health. John describes them as pioneers: “what pioneers and leaders do is they give an alternative example for the other people and say, “You know what, you don't have to do this, here's what I did.”” In our last interview with John, he left us with some parting wisdom; to hug our children more. We couldn’t resist asking him for some more wise words, so listen to the end to find out John’s advice to all of us. Word of mouth continues to be the best way for new listeners to find Behavioral Grooves. Please consider sharing your favorite episodes with your friends. And if you want to help more, your financial support goes a long way. You can donate via our Patreon page at And thank you to all of our loyal listeners who already donate to our podcast. Topics we discuss with John Bargh (3:58) Welcome to John Bargh and speed round questions. (7:50) Nature vs nurture? (11:51) A summary of John’s research on automaticity and priming. (15:04) How you activate a different cultural identity. (19:42) How did the Stanford Prison Experiment impact social psychology research? (25:09) Do we control situations or do situations control us? (30:14) Can you prime someone to commit murder? (35:17) How Simone Biles is an example of changing attitudes in society. (37:14) Are employees starting to self-select which corporation they work for? (44:29) What direction is the research on priming and automaticity heading in the future? (47:33) What research is John engaged in right now? (50:08) How can we prevent ourselves from being influenced by our context? (52:46) John’s wise parting advice. (56:28) Grooving Session with Kurt and Tim discussing the interview.   © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Links John Bargh book “Before You Know It: The Unconscious Reasons We Do What We Do”:  Episode 155: John Bargh: Dante, Coffee and the Unconscious Mind: William James:  Rozin, Paul. (1976): “The evolution of intelligence and access to the cognitive unconscious.” Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology:  Cushman, Fiery (2019): “Rationalization is Rational”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences:  Episode 229: From Holding the Mic to Theory of Mind: Rob Leonard’s Love of Language: Stanford Prison Experiment:  Rosanna Summers:  Vanessa Bohns: “You Have More Influence Than You Think: How We Underestimate Our Power of Persuasion, and Why It Matters”:  Lee Ross:  Kerri Strug:  Simone Biles:  Naomi Osaka:  Episode 147: Gary Latham, PhD: Goal Setting, Prompts, Priming, and Skepticism: Support Behavioral Grooves Patreon: Musical Links  Jimi Hendrix “Somewhere”:  Jimmy Page (Led Zepplin) “Stairway to Heaven”: 
Aug 15, 2021 • 40min

Stanford Prison Experiment, 50 Years On: What Have We Really Learnt? With Dr Philip Zimbardo

The Stanford Prison Experiment has been the topic of movies, newspaper articles, textbooks and TV shows. Extensively published controversy has surrounded the social psychology experiment ever since it was conducted in 1971. Now on the 50th Anniversary, we invite you to listen to a very unique interview with the man who orchestrated it all; Dr Philip Zimbardo PhD.  Was the Stanford Prison Experiment designed to measure the corruption of power? Were participants influenced by the context of the experiment itself and pressured into performing a role? How exactly did the environment influence the behavior of the participants, including Dr Philip Zimbardo himself? As he quotes; “a bad barrel can take a good apple, and make it bad”. At Stanford University in 1971, influenced by the work of his friend Stanley Milgram, Philip Zimbardo assembled a mock prison in the basement of the university and used male student volunteers to become the guards and prisoners. What unfolded in the coming days surprised even Philip Zimbardo. What is less known about Philip Zimbardo is that he has since done extensive research on shyness, cult behavior, time perception, and more recently on heroism. According to him, we are all “heroes in waiting”, and he has founded the Heroic Imagination Project to help cultivate the heroes among us.  Our discussion with Dr Z (as he asked us to call him!) weaves through an enlightening reflection on his upbringing, the influence of his family and peers, and his transition into academia. Kurt and Tim intercept the conversation throughout to provide explanation and insights. And we end with how Dr Z’s work can influence our behavior now. What can we really learn from the Stanford Prison Experiment? And how can we all become a hero in waiting? Topics  (2:59) Introducing Dr. Philip Zimbardo. (4:30) Dr Z’s upbringing in the Bronx. (6:40) The significance of Dr Z’s classmates at James Monroe High School. (11:06) How racism influenced Dr Z’s application to Yale. (16:18) How Dr Z started the Stanford Prison Experiment. (19:05) What Dr Z was trying to understand from the experiment. (20:04) What went wrong. (21:59) How abusive guard David Eshelman explained his behavior. (23:10) Controversy around the experiment and why it ended early. (27:07) Chip Frederick’s abusive behavior at Abu Ghraib prison during the Iraqi War. (30:15) If you can cultivate evil behavior, can you also cultivate heroic behavior? (33:36) The 4 steps to becoming a "Hero in Training". (35:14) Dr Z’s offer to help with police brutality in the US. (37:04) Takeaways: how to be aware and intentional with our behavior. We look forward to welcoming you back next week for more about why context matters with esteemed Yale social psychologist, Dr John Bargh PhD.  Please consider donating to our podcast work through Patreon ( We also love hearing from our listeners, please leave us a podcast review or reach out to us on Twitter: Kurt Nelson @motivationguru Tim Houlihan @THoulihan Mary Kaliff @BeSciMary © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Links Stanley Milgram:  Solomon Asch - Conformity Experiment:  Charlie Parker “All The Things You Are”:  Episode 76: Nurit Nobel: De-Biasing the Recruiting Process: Chip Frederick:  Heroic Imagination Project: 
Aug 8, 2021 • 1h 1min

[INTERVIEW] Are You More Honest with Google or Your Friends? With Seth Stephens-Davidowitz

The truth is we divulge more information to Google that we do to our friends, our family or even our doctors. Our social media persona can paint a very different picture to what we secretly search for on Google. So what do search trends in Google tell us about ourselves and our society? Does it matter that we are different on Google than in person? Author of bestseller Everybody Lies (, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, tells us how data can unlock the keys to happier relationships and even how to better parent our children. Topics We Discuss with Seth: (3:15) Welcome and speed round questions. (12:53) Are people more honest with Google or with their friends?  (16:01) The juxtaposition between our social media presence and our Google searches. (21:03) Does everybody really lie?  (26:06) Why people lie about sex. (30:00) Why your children’s outcome is affected by your location.  (36:37) Using more data and less intuition to make decisions.  (44:28) The data to use and not to use for successful dating. (47:57) What age do we get hooked on music? (54:10) Do people lie about music? Join us for our follow-on discussion in Episode 245 where Kurt and Tim have a Grooving Session on what they have talked about with Seth: the effect of context with honesty, tips for successful dating and the influences surrounding our children. If you are a regular listener to Behavioral Grooves, please consider donating to our work through Patreon ( We also love reading your reviews on the podcast, which gives other listeners social proof that we’re worth listening to! © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Links Behavioral Grooves new website:  Seth Stephens-Davidowitz:  Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: “Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are”:  The Myth of the “Relationship Spark” with Logan Ury (featuring a guest appearance by Christina Gravert, PhD):  Dan Ariely, “Let Me Come Right Out and Say It: You Cheat”:  Bernie Madoff: Shankar Vedantam, “Useful Delusions: The Power and Paradox of the Self-Deceiving Brain”:  Raj Chetty:  Dan Levitin, “This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession”:  Episode 171: Self Control, Belonging, and Why Your Most Dedicated Employees Are the Ones To Watch Out For with Roy Baumeister Episode 220: How Do You Become Influential? Jon Levy Reveals His Surprising Secrets: Moneyball movie:  Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, “The Songs That Bind”:  Episode 219: Why Music Makes You Feel Better with Pablo Ripollés and Ernest Mas Herrero: Elizabeth Ki, Behavioral Scientist at Spotify:  Episode 218: Share, Like, Comment: Sandra Matz PhD Exposes The Truth Behind your Digital Footprint: Musical Links Leonard Cohen “Famous Blue Raincoat”:  Leonard Cohen “Alexandra Leaving”: Leonard Cohen “Suzanne”: Bruce Springsteen “Dancing in the Dark”:  Bob Dylan “Too Late”:  Paul Simon “Late in The Evening”:  Crosby, Stills and Nash “Just a Song Before I Go”:  Dave Matthews Band “Funny The Way it Is”:  Katy Perry “Smile”:  Duran Duran “Invisible”:  Justin Bieber “Intentions”:  The Beatles “Come Together”: 
Aug 8, 2021 • 30min

[GROOVING SESSION] Are You More Honest with Google or Your Friends? With Seth Stephens-Davidowitz

This follow-up episode is a free-flowing Grooving Session where Tim and Kurt chat about their discussion with Seth Stephens-Davidowitz (Episode 246). You’re more than welcome to listen to this as a stand alone episode, but we recommend first tuning in to our interview with Seth, and then joining us here for some banter about Seth’s work.  Questions we discuss:  Are we more likely to be untruthful in certain contexts?  Is lying a useful delusion?  Can we ever justify lies?  How do the connections we make with others affect our relationships and our children?  Does where we are born really influence us the rest of our lives?  What traits should we definitely look for when dating? How is our brain influenced by music? Tim and Kurt chat about these questions and more in this Grooving Session, which follows on from our interview episode with Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, author of bestselling book Everybody Lies ( If you are a regular listener to Behavioral Grooves, please consider donating to our work through Patreon ( We also love reading your reviews on the podcast, which gives other listeners social proof that we’re worth listening to! Grooving Session Links Seth Stephens-Davidowitz:  Seth Stephens-Davidowitz “Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are”  Episode 222: How Delusions Can Actually Be Useful: Shankar Vedantam Reveals How Episode 110: Steve Martin and Joe Marks: The Messenger is the Message: Episode 240: Why Good, Honest Employees Really Do Steal With Kelly Paxton: Dr Melody S. Goodman, PhD “Zip code better predictor of health than genetic code”:  Episode 244: Does Money Really Make You Happy? The Research with Johannes Haushofer:   Episode 230: How Good People Fight Bias with Dolly Chugh: Episode 220: How Do You Become Influential? Jon Levy Reveals His Surprising Secrets: Behavioral Grooves musical links for all of our guests: 
Aug 1, 2021 • 52min

[INTERVIEW] Does Money Really Make You Happy? The Research with Johannes Haushofer

What link is there between happiness and income? Does winning the lottery make you happier? What does the research say about poverty and our mental health?  Our guest on this episode has researched the psychological effects money has on our wellbeing and on our society. Johannes Haushofer is the Assistant Professor of Economics at Stockholm University and has taught at Princeton University for the past six years.  Johannes realized that not enough research on these topics has been conducted outside of the Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic countries (WEIRD countries). So he founded the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics in Nairobi, Kenya: We talk with him about how he founded the center and what research he has been able to do there. A few years ago, in an effort to make a friend feel better Johannes published his ‘CV of Failures’ that detailed every degree program that had rejected him and all the research funding he didn’t get. It went viral as people lapped up the counterintuitive idea of celebrating failure.   Despite having a well published list of failures, Johannes has a multitude of successes. One of which is that he is a serious vocalist with access to a deeper range in his lower voice known as the vocal fry register. We have a great discussion about the central role that music has played in his life. Topics We Discuss with Johannes (2:21) Welcome and speed round questions. (4:06) What is the relationship between income and happiness? (12:24) How spending changes when people are given one lump sum of money vs. monthly payments. (15:51) What research is there about Universal Basic Income? (17:43) What effect does winning the lottery have on us? (21:17) Why Johannes’ “CV of Failures” that went viral. (26:00) Johannes’ views on the replication crisis in psychology. (29:21) How Johannes founded the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics in Kenya. (33:20) The link between mental health and poverty. (35:07) How stress impacts choices. (36:16) Johannes’ experience of singing in Swedish Choirs. Listen next to our Grooving Session (episode #243) where Kurt and Tim discuss the insight from our interview with Johannes. If you are a regular listener to Behavioral Grooves, please consider donating to our work through Patreon We also love reading your reviews on the podcast, which gives other listeners social proof that we’re worth listening to! © 2021 Behavioral Grooves  Links Johannes Haushofer site:  Busara Center for Behavioral Economics:    TEDMED Talk: "Johannes Haushofer, The Psychological Consequences of Poverty"  Vocal Fry Register:  Johannes Haushofer, CV of Failures:[1].pdf  Episode 41: Michael Hallsworth: From MINDSPACE to EAST: Melanie Stefan “Keeping a visible record of your rejected applications can help others to deal with setbacks”:  Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, “Subjective Well-Being and Income: Is There Any Evidence of Satiation?”:  Episode 176: Annie Duke on How to Decide: Episode 202: How Chaning Jang Works Around Not Being WEIRD: Behavioral Grooves Patreon Musical Links Johannes singing a Sea Shanty:   Johannes singing on the streets of Stockholm:   Johannes’ Playlist: Joan Baez “Diamonds and Rust”:  St Olaf Choir, “Shenandoah”:  Alex Dmitrieff (Basso Profondo) - Alliluia - Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia:  Simon & Garfunkel "The Boxer": 
Aug 1, 2021 • 25min

[GROOVING SESSION] Does Money Really Make You Happy? The Research with Johannes Haushofer

Kurt and Tim discuss the links between poverty and mental health, how higher income is linked to better well-being, and the idea of a Universal Basic Income. This is a free-flowing discussion delving into the insights from their most recent interview with Johannes Haushofer (episode #244), Assistant Professor of Economics at Stockholm University. While you are welcome to listen to this episode as a stand-alone, we recommend you download our interview with Johannes first before joining us here.  Topics You Will Learn About: Higher income being related to better well-being. The effects of poverty on cognitive function, creativity, stress, health and long-term outcome decisions. Universal Basic Income; the behavior changes it could induce. The replication crisis of research studies in psychology. The value of Johannes studying poverty outside of WEIRD countries. “So there was a pretty strong relationship between income and happiness, both within and across countries. Rich people are happier than poor people within the same country. But also richer countries, on average, are happier than poor countries.” ~ Johannes Haushofer quote from Behavioral Grooves podcast interview. If you are a regular listener to Behavioral Grooves, please consider donating to our work through Patreon We also love reading your reviews on the podcast, which gives other listeners social proof that we’re worth listening to! Links Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, “Subjective Well-Being and Income: Is There Any Evidence of Satiation?”:  Episode 155: John Bargh: Dante, Coffee and the Unconscious Mind: Busara Center for Behavioral Economics in Nairobi, Kenya: Episode 202: How Chaning Jang Works Around Not Being WEIRD: Honesty Tea:  Seth Stephens-Davidowitz “Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are”:  Kurt and Tim mention our interview with Richard Nesbitt, which will be released on 8/29/21! Behavioral Grooves Patreon: © 2021 Behavioral Grooves 

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