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Behavioral Grooves Podcast

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Nov 14, 2021 • 59min

Why We Are More Vulnerable To Harmful Conspiracy Theories Than We Think | Andy Norman

Misinformation is like a virus, spreading quickly and propagating in a way that doesn’t benefit its host. Andy Noman describes harmful ideas as acting like “mind parasites” that deploy clever tactics to infect our thinking by circumventing our mental immune systems. And we’re even more susceptible to bad ideas than we realize.  So how do we immunize ourselves against mind parasites? Can we reach herd immunity? Can we critically think our way out of this epidemic of unreason? After 30 years of research on this topic, Andy has concluded that the traditional models of critical thinking are not up to the task in our hyper-connected world. We need a more comprehensive framework for inoculating our minds against viral nonsense.  Andy Norman is an award-winning author who teaches philosophy at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Mellon University. He has recently published his new book, “Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind-Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think”: We are thrilled to welcome Andy as part of our series on understanding more about Conspiracy Theories. Our conversation with Andy reveals details of his framework for strengthening our own mental immunity. We hope you enjoy listening! Subscribe to Behavioral Grooves on your podcast player so you are notified about our new episodes. Next week we will be hearing from Prof. Eric Oliver about how to talk to our friends and family about conspiracy theories. If you are a regular listener to Behavioral Grooves, please consider donating to our work through our Behavioral Grooves Patreon page: We also love reading your reviews on the podcast, which help others find our content. Topics (3:37) Welcome and speed round questions. (6:20) We are experiencing an epidemic of unreason.  (8:17) How can we immunize ourselves against disinformation?  (14:10) How our identity can affect our mental immunity. (17:54) A framework for mental immunity.  (21:11) Thinking in probabilities instead of in black & white. (26:08) Why acknowledging other people's truths can have a surprising effect.  (29:38) The objective difference between a good idea and a bad idea. (32:25) Arguing with someone who only cares about themselves. (38:54) Is there a chance we will reach mental herd immunity? (44:13) What music is on Andy’s playlist? (47:11) Grooving Session with Kurt and Tim talking about how to apply Andy’s work. © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Links “Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind-Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think” by Andy Norman:  Ludwig Wittgenstein:  Socrates:  Dan Kahan, “Identity Protective Cognition”:  Episode 176: Annie Duke on How to Decide: Musical Links Mark Knopfler “Piper to the End”:
Nov 7, 2021 • 1h 28min

Conspiracy Theories: How To Talk to A Science Denier | Lee McIntyre

How do you respond to someone who says “the earth is flat” or “Covid is a hoax”? Before we can try and reason with conspiracy theorists, we must first understand the reason they have ventured down that path. Lee McIntyre has spent years researching science deniers and has found a common set of traits in their behavior. He also argues that we shouldn’t sit back and assume conspiracy theories are harmless. Find out more from Lee in this episode about how to talk with science deniers and how even to change their minds about the facts. Our Conspiracy Theories Series continues this month with Lee McIntyre, author of the new book “How to Talk to a Science Denier: Conversations with Flat Earthers, Climate Deniers, and Others Who Defy Reason”: To gather research for the book, Lee attended a flat earth convention to understand more about the followers who believe in the flat earth conspiracy. His findings are enlightening.  Lee is a Research Fellow at the Center for Philosophy and History of Science at Boston University and an Instructor in Ethics at Harvard Extension School. He’s had a distinguished career in teaching and researching issues that we found fascinating. Next week we continue our Conspiracy Theories Series with Andy Norman, author of the enthralling new book, “Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind-Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think”: We learn about how bad ideas can infect our minds and how we can boost our own mental immunity. Subscribe to Behavioral Grooves on your podcast player so you’re the first to be notified when we publish a new episode.  Topics  (9:33) Speed Round (11:36) Lee’s experience attending a Flat Earth Convention. (14:56) How people become convinced by conspiracy theories. (17:09) The value of having face to face conversations. (22:10) How to have those difficult conversations with your family and friends. (26:08) The 5 common traits of science deniers. (31:31) Is the educational system really teaching us about how science works? (36:23) Why should we take science deniers seriously? (38:53) Why is science denial growing? (43:27) Political identity and science denial.  (58:14) The music that got Lee through Covid (1:06:14) Grooving Session with Tim and Kurt discussing what they talked about with Lee. © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Links “How to Talk to a Science Denier: Conversations with Flat Earthers, Climate Deniers, and Others Who Defy Reason” by Lee McIntyre: McIntyre, L. “Calling all Physicists” American Journal of Physics 87, 694 (2019); Beyond the Curve documentary: “Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Climate Change” by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway: Cranky Uncle: You’re Not So Smart Podcast: Behavioral Grooves Patreon page:  Musical Links The Beatles “Here Comes the Sun”: The Beatles “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”: The Beatles “Something”: The Beatles “Blackbird”: The Beatles “Hide your Love Away”: The Beatles, The Medley on the Flipside of Abbey Road: The Beatles “Because”: The Beatles “Strawberry Fields Forever”:
Nov 3, 2021 • 15min

Conspiracy Theories: Hidden Brain‘s Shankar Vedantam | The Delusion of Nations

Host of Hidden Brain podcast, Shankar Vedantam talks with us about the powers: both useful and harmful, of our delusional thinking. Nations are an example of useful delusions; they are an entirely human-made construct, yet they can present us with a unifying, shared identity.  There is a tipping point, however, at which our beliefs can become harmful to someone else. Shankar defines conspiracy theories as a particular type of self deception which can easily escalate into harmful behavior. Our conversation with Shankar touches on the Capitol Riots in Washington DC on January 6th 2021, and how conspiracy theories influenced the behavior of the rioters. “Conspiracy theories, I think are a sort of special case of self deception, which...can easily take over into things that are deeply harmful.” The challenge most of us face though, is how to talk to our friends and family who believe in conspiracy theories. And on that point, Shankar explains the Illusion Of Explanatory Depth and how conversations with our loved ones need to start with an air of empathy and compassion. You can listen to our full interview with Shankar Vedantam in Episode 222: How Delusions Can Actually Be Useful: Shankar Vedantam Reveals How:  This bitesize episode is the introduction to our Conspiracy Theories Series, which will run through the month of November 2021. Over the next few weeks, you will hear from some of the brightest minds in the field of conspiracy theories and science denial. Here is our line up for the month: Nov 7th, 2021: Lee McIntyre discussing his new book, “How To Talk to A Science Denier.”  Nov 14th, 2021: Andy Norman talking about his new book “Mental Immunity”. Nov 21st, 2021: Eric Oliver, a political science professor at the University of Chicago who has studied conspiracy theorists for over 20 years.  Nov 28th, 2021: Howard Rankin, describing his new book “I Think Therefore I Am Wrong.”  Subscribe or follow Behavioral Grooves on your podcast player so you don’t miss out on this fascinating series about conspiracy theories. © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Links Subscribe to the Behavioral Grooves Newsletter:  Write a review of Behavioral Grooves podcast:  Behavioral Grooves Patreon page:  Shankar Vedantam, Episode 222. How Delusions Can Actually Be Useful: Shankar Vedantam Reveals How: Shankar Vedantam of Hidden Brain:  Shankar Vedantam, “Useful Delusions: The Power and Paradox of the Self-Deceiving Brain”:
Oct 31, 2021 • 19min

Halloween Special: Grooving on Scary Biases

Listen to Kurt and Tim’s spooky Halloween Special about some common biases that can seem a bit scary. But don’t fear, the scariest thing about this episode is actually Kurt and Tim’s jokes! Find out why some biases are a bit spooky, what makes us susceptible to them, and most importantly how we can overcome them.  Thanks for taking the time to learn a bit about how to overcome the biases you may find impacting your life. If you’d like to support our work further, please consider donating a treat (no tricks please!) on our Patreon page: Your financial support helps with all our production costs. Links Behavioral Grooves Twitter: @behavioralgroov Kurt Nelson Twitter: @motivationguru Tim Houlihan Twitter: @thoulihan Common Biases and Heuristics: Scary Biases:  Behavioral Grooves Patreon page:
Oct 27, 2021 • 1h 11min

Why Does Rude Behavior Really Bother Us So Much? | Trevor Foulk PhD

Rudeness is contagious, in a similar way to a virus. When experiencing a rude encounter, our brain perceives it like a threat. And once we’ve tuned in to this low-level threat, we’re more likely to notice it around us, and therefore more likely to display rude behavior ourselves. Our guest on this episode is Dr Trevor Foulk PhD, Assistant Professor of Management & Organization at the University of Maryland. His well published research on deviant workplace behaviors and workplace power dynamics, has been featured in Time magazine, Harvard Business Review, and the Wall Street Journal. Trevor walks us through what rude behavior actually is, what our evolutionary response to it is and how we can take steps to mitigate the effects of it. We are also delighted to talk about Trevor’s research around the way power changes our behavior, and what impact a feeling of paranoia can add to the dynamics. And to Tim’s delight, Trevor also boosts our understanding of how music affects work performance.  Truth be told, our conversation with Trevor has opened our eyes into how rude behavior really impacts people. And in our Grooving Session, at the end of the episode, Kurt and Tim recap the ways Trevor’s research can improve our lives. If you enjoy listening to our podcast, you can become an exclusive Behavioral Grooves Patreon member at  Topics  (3:28) Welcome and speed round (8:38) How rudeness is contagious. (11:45) Why do we view rudeness as threatening? (13:10) The solutions to rudeness. (15:36) How our response to rudeness differs from holding a grudge. (17:52) Are certain personality types more susceptible to rudeness? (19:15) What effect does rudeness have on medical professionals? (22:59) Can gratitude have the opposite effect to rudeness? (24:27) How the Anchoring Effect is affected by rudeness. (28:43) How does a feeling of power change our behavior? (35:40) Paranoia and power. (39:51) How does music influence performance? (47:35) Grooving Session with Kurt and Tim discussing what we’ve learnt from Trevor’s interview. © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Links Dr Trevor Foulk PhD:  Foulk, T.A., Woolum, A., & Erez, A. (2016). Catching rudeness is like catching a cold: The contagion effects of low-intensity negative behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology:  Riskin, A. Erez, A., Foulk, T.A., Kugelman, A., Gover, A., Shoris, I, Riskin, K., & Bamberger, P.A. (2015). The impact of rudeness on medical team performance: A randomized trial. Pediatrics:  Foulk, T.A., Lanaj, K., Tu, M., Erez, A., & Archambeau, L. (2018)  Heavy is the head that wears the crown: An ator-centric approach to psychological power, abusive behavior, and perceived incivility.  Academy of Management Journal:  John Bargh: Episode 155. Dante, Coffee and the Unconscious Mind: John Bargh, Episode 248. Do We Control Situations or Do Situations Control Us?  Vanessa Bohns, Episode 253. Why You Don‘t Need to be Powerful to be Influential: Musical Links  Lyle Lovett and Robert Earl Keen “This Old Porch”: Jim Croce “Operator”: Rancid “Fall Back Down”: Jimmy Buffett “Margaritaville”:
Oct 24, 2021 • 1h 18min

Helping People To Assemble Better Decisions | Eric J. Johnson

How do we make decisions? What factors influence the final outcome? Do default settings change our preferences? Every decision we make; from choosing something on a menu to deciding whether to be an organ donor, is influenced by our environmental context and the default selections presented to us.  Professor Eric J. Johnson has distilled the latest behavioral science research into his newest book, The Elements of Choice: Why the Way We Decide Matters, and we are thrilled to talk with him about it on this episode of Behavioral Grooves. Eric is Director of the Center for Decision Sciences at Columbia Business School at Columbia University. He examines the interaction between Behavioral Decision Research, Economics and consumer decision making. The implications of his research come together in real world applications such as public policy and marketing. Eric talks with us about how options are presented to decision-makers and how framing affects choices. Our decisions are “assembled”, as Eric likes to put it, in the moment and are not necessarily pre-determined by our preferences. Choice architects have very influential power over decision-makers but Eric highlights to us that we are all designers, and with that comes a moral responsibility.  Topics  (3:56) How Leading Human™ can help with returning to the office. (6:28) Welcome and speed round. (8:00) How interference affects our decision making.  (10:32) The controversy of organ donation defaults. (16:32) We are all designers using the tools of choice architecture. (19:21) How sludge impacts our decision making. (22:42) How context influences defaults. (26:14) What factors moderate the impact of default settings? (29:01) Making choices in the real world vs. classic economic thinking. (32:18) The effects of asking people how long they will live vs. what year they expect to die. (35:04) Smart defaults: defaults set specifically for you. (38:02) What is Query Theory? (39:15) Choice architecture around vaccinations. (42:44) What area does Eric want to research in the future? (44:44) What music does Eric default to? (52:24) Grooving Session with Kurt and Tim on how to apply Eric’s research to our lives.   © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Links Behavioral Grooves Patreon: Leading Human™ Workbook and Playbook: Leading Human™, Free Whitepaper Download: Leading Human™ Workshop on Dec 14th, 2021 (more dates to be added soon): Promo Code: GROOVERS to receive $20 off (limited time offer for listeners). “The Elements of Choice: Why the Way We Decide Matters” by Eric J. Johnson: "Do Defaults Save Lives?" by Johnson, Eric, and Daniel Goldstein. Science 302 (2003):  “Sludge: What Stops Us from Getting Things Done and What to Do about It” by Cass Sunstein: Tim Kachuriak, Episode 221: Donating Our Money Is Irrational, So Why Do We Do It? Tim Kachuriak Explains Our Motivations: “Time to Retire: Why Americans Claim Benefits Early and How to Encourage Them to Delay” In Behavioral Science and Policy (2015). Coauthor(s): Kirstin Appelt, Melissa Knoll, Eric Johnson, Jonathan Westfall:  Musical Links  Eric Dolphy “Out to Lunch!”: Django Reinhardt “Three-Fingered Lightning”:  David Grisman Quartet “Dawg Funk”:  Jerry Garcia “How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You”:  Beethoven:  Caroline Shaw & Sō Percussion “Let The Soil Play a Simple Part”:  George E. Lewis “Mind In Flux” at the BBC Proms 2021:  Bruce Springsteen “Tougher Than The Rest”: 
Oct 17, 2021 • 1h 5min

Anxiety at Work: Why We Feel It and How To Manage It | Chester Elton

Anxiety in the workplace has always been present, even pre-pandemic but rates of anxiety, particularly among young employees, have worsened since 2020. So what obligation do organizations have to their employees' mental health? How can managers recognize the signs of anxiety, and how can we help our colleagues with those feelings? Following our incredibly popular first episode with Chester Elton in July 2021, on showing gratitude (episode 238), we are thrilled to be talking with him again about anxiety in the workplace. As a best-selling author, speaker and executive coach, Chester, and his co-author Adrian have shown over and over again, that the key to really successful companies is really successful relationships with employees. And because of the pandemic, we wanted to talk with Chester about their most recent book; Anxiety at Work: 8 Strategies to Help Teams Build Resilience, Handle Uncertainty, and Get Stuff Done: Thank you to all of you who have subscribed to our show, written a review or shared an episode with your friends. Please also consider donating a small amount each month to our work, through our Patreon site:  © 2021 Behavioral Grooves  Topics  (3:03) Speed round questions. (5:30) Is anxiety in the workplace increasing or decreasing? (10:11) How to manage with empathy, not just sympathy. (14:59) Unleashing employees' potential. (20:17) The number one cause of anxiety and how managers can recognize it. (23:34) Showing vulnerability as a manager. (29:12) Will people take advantage of mental health days off? (32:07) How to deal with your own perfectionism and anxiety. (36:57) The ways you can join Chester’s community. (40:22) Chester’s anti-anxiety playlist. (44:05) Chester’s kind promise to listeners. (45:00) Grooving Session discussing how to apply Chester’s insight to our lives. Books by Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick Anxiety at Work: 8 Strategies to Help Teams Build Resilience, Handle Uncertainty, and Get Stuff Done: Leading with Gratitude: Eight Leadership Practices for Extraordinary Business Results: All In: How the Best Managers Create a Culture of Belief and Drive Big Results: The Best Team Wins: The New Science of High Performance: The Orange Revolution: How One Great Team Can Transform an Entire Organization: Links Behavioral Grooves Patreon: Chester Elton: Chester Elton, Episode 238: Who Makes You Feel Grateful? Tell Them! We Thrive Together: A safe community to talk about anxiety and stress with over 500 members. Anxiety at Work with Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton: “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” by Charlie Mackesy:  Nicole Malachowski:  HR Leaders Podcast with Chris Rainey:  Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, Episode 246: Are You More Honest with Google or Your Friends?  “The Heart of Business: Leadership Principles for the Next Era of Capitalism” by Hubert Joly:  Garry Ridge at WD-40:  Musical Links  Pharrell Williams “Happy”: Monty Python, Eric Idle “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”:  The Beatles “Good Day Sunshine”:  The Beatles “Fixing A Hole”: 
Oct 10, 2021 • 59min

The 5 Healthy Brain Habits Of A Neuroscientist | Dr Daniel Almeida

What life habits keep our brain healthy? How does our mind respond to trauma? And why does the way we talk about suicide and mental health make such a difference to those who are struggling? We discuss all these topics with neuroscience researcher Dr Daniel Almeida. To mark World Mental Health Day on Sunday, Oct 10, 2021, we decided to delve into the science behind mental health. And who better to help us with this topic than Daniel who has been named as one of Forbes 30 under 30 in science. His incredible work as a neuroscience researcher in the Douglas Research Centre at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, involves psychological autopsies to understand the molecular impacts of severe childhood abuse on the brains of individuals who died by suicide. As you can imagine, this episode is full of difficult yet important topics. But what struck us most about Daniel was how upbeat and positive he is about his work and the difference it’s making to people’s lives. Daniel kindly shares his top 5 healthy brain habits that we can all adopt to improve our mental wellbeing.  If you, or someone you know needs help with their mental health, please use one of the resources in the links below.  Mental Health Support Suicide Prevention Lifeline (US): American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: National Helpline (US): 1-800-662-HELP (4357). SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.  The Canada Suicide Prevention Service: Samaritans (UK):  United for Global Mental Health (List of support networks around the world):    For those looking for information on how to support others: National Institute of Mental Health:   For the general public looking to be trained in mental health first aid and/or suicide prevention: Living Works (US):  Mental Health First Aid Canada: Topics  (6:29) Speed round. (10:14) Does talking about suicide help? (14:15) Why it’s very important to talk about “dying by suicide” instead of “committing suicide”. (16:17) About Daniel’s work as a neuroscientist. (17:47) What are the links between childhood trauma and suicide? (25:16) What age are children most sensitive to the effects of trauma? (31:19) How the type of trauma experienced by a child matters. (33:36) How resilience is more like a sword than a shield. (35:29) What are the 5 best brain health habits? (41:57) What is a brain bank and how are psychological autopsies used? (44:30) What music isn’t noise pollution for Daniel? (46:24) Music and the brain. (48:13) Grooving Session with Kurt and Tim; how to apply Daniel’s work to your life. © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Links World Mental Health Day:  Leading Human™ Workbook and Playbook: Leading Human™, Free Whitepaper Download: Leading Human™ Workshop on Dec 14th, 2021 (more dates to be added soon): Promo Code: GROOVERS to receive $20 off (limited time offer for listeners). Episode 220: How Do You Become Influential? Jon Levy Reveals His Surprising Secrets: Dr Brenda Mildner – Mother of Psychological worked on bilateral hypocantim removal: Donald Hebb:,which%20was%20published%20in%201949.  “Molecular impacts of childhood abuse on the human brain”  Ibrahim, P.; Almeida, D.; Nagy, C.; Turecki, G. (2021):  “A Slice of the Suicidal Brain: What Have Postmortem Molecular Studies Taught Us?” Almeida, D. and Turecki, G. (2016):  “What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing”, by Oprah Winfrey and Bruce Perry:  Brain structure of dancers and musicians Support Behavioral Grooves by donating on Patreon:   Musical Links  Gladys Knight & The Pips “Midnight Train to Georgia”:  Whitney Houston “I Will Always Love You”:  The Supremes “Where Did Our Love Go”:  Stevie Wonder “As”:  Marconi Union - Weightless Playlist:
Oct 3, 2021 • 57min

Money Does Boost Happiness, But Not The Way We Think It Does | Daniel Crosby

The clearest indicators of our financial solvency are based on the behaviors we exhibit with our investments. Dr. Daniel Crosby PhD is a psychologist, behavioral finance expert, asset manager and bestselling author of four books including “The Behavioral Investor”: We examine with him the question of whether financial success ultimately brings us happiness? Surprisingly it can, but not in the ways that we think it does.  Having studied the growing list of 200 odd behavioral biases and heuristics, Daniel has whittled them down to what he describes as the four “Big Daddy” biases: ego, emotion, attention and conservatism. We learn about why these matter so much and interestingly what Coke Zero can teach us about our biases! Daniel touches on his other bestselling book “You’re Not That Great”: which refreshingly embraces the fact that we are in fact all fairly average! That self esteem is built not by awarding prizes for participation, but by taking a risk, working hard and acknowledging that occasionally we will fall flat on our face along the way! In our Grooving Session with Kurt and Tim, following our interview with Daniel we talk about the ways that we can apply Daniel’s insights to improve our wellbeing and our relationships. [Tim quotes the infamous “Man in the Arena '' quote from Theodore Roosevelt but apologies, we incorrectly credited the quote to Eisenhower, not Roosevelt in the episode.]  If you would like to invest in the work that Behavioral Grooves does to bring you interviews like Daniels every week, please support our Patreon page: thank you. Topics (3:09) Welcome and speed round. (5:51) Why understanding people is vital to understanding markets. (8:20) Daniel's journey into behavioral finance. (11:02) What behavioral finance can help with beyond your bank balance. (15:17) Can money really boost our happiness? (20:05) The benefits of embracing our mediocrity.  (24:30) How stress impacts performance. (26:58) Meta-biases: ego, promotion, attention, conservatism. (31:09) What Coke Zero can teach us about conservatism bias. (36:51) Ethics and behavioral finance. (41:09) What music does Daniel invest in? (48:44) Grooving Session on how to apply Daniel’s work in our own lives.   © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Books by Daniel Crosby The Laws of Wealth: Psychology and the secret to investing success: The Behavioral Investor: You're Not That Great: Personal Benchmark: Integrating Behavioral Finance and Investment Management  Links Van Leeuwen Ice Cream Honeycomb: “Subjective Well-Being and Income: Is There Any Evidence Of Satiation?” Betsy Stevenson and Justin Wolfers (2013):  “The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness” by Morgan Housel:  Daniel Crosby TEDx: “Nudge: The Final Edition” by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein:  Barry Ritholtz, Episode 47. How to Reduce Evolutionary Panic: The Rocket City Trash Pandas: “Sludge: What Stops Us from Getting Things Done and What to Do about It” by Cass Sunstein:  At Uber, a New C.E.O Shifts Gears, The New Yorker:  Trevor Foulk episode (publishing at the end of Oct 2021) Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, Episode 246.  Are You More Honest with Google or Your Friends? Vanessa Bohns, Episode 253. Why You Don‘t Need to be Powerful to be Influential: Ben Parr, Episode 237. Attention: How to Capture It and Keep It with Ben Parr: Musical Links  Phoebe Bridgers “Kyoto”: Elliot Smith “Angeles”:  Radiohead “Creep”:  Arcade Fire “The Suburbs”:  Father John Misty “Real Love Baby”:  Vampire Weekend “This Life”:  Run The Jewels “Legend Has It”:
Sep 26, 2021 • 1h 9min

Why You Don‘t Need to be Powerful to be Influential | Vanessa Bohns

To be influential you do not require power, but wielding your influence is powerful. Vanessa Bohns, social psychologist and professor of organizational behavior at Cornell University, joins us to discuss her enticing new book “You Have More Influence Than You Think”: She draws from her research to illustrate why underestimating our influence can lead us to miss opportunities or worse yet, to misuse our power. Vanessa challenges us to examine our powers of persuasion and to recognize that we have more influence than we even realize. We learn exactly why it’s so hard for us to say no, even when we’re uncomfortable with saying yes. And why we should focus on communicating more with people face-to-face. As with all of our episodes, we leave you with a Grooving Session discussion focusing on how we can use Vanessa’s research to improve our lives, our relationships and our workplaces. Maybe this episode will influence you more than you realize? If it does, please support our ongoing work by contributing to our Patreon page at (just imagine, if we asked you in person, would you say yes?). Topics  (3:19) Welcome to Vanessa Bohns. (5:46) How your enjoyment of chocolate is influenced by others. (8:15) The spotlight effect; is everyone really looking at me? (12:34) How can we influence people more than we think? (17:20) How Vanessa discovered people are likely to help, if you ask. (23:34) Why it’s so much harder to say no than we think. (26:50) How power amplifies your influence. (29:22) Why we need to recognize white privilege as a position of power. (32:47) Communication: why our choice of words matter. (34:13) Robert Cialdini’s Influence. (36:30) What are the most common misconceptions about influence? (41:07) What are the 2 biggest takeaways from the book? (43:52) How music has influenced Vanessa. (49:13) Grooving Session discussing how to apply Vanessa’s research. © 2021 Behavioral Grooves Links “You Have More Influence Than You Think: How We Underestimate Our Power of Persuasion, and Why It Matters” Book by Vanessa Bohns:  John Bargh, Episode 248: Do We Control Situations or Do Situations Control Us? With John Bargh: Shankar Vedantam, Episode 222: How Delusions Can Actually Be Useful: Shankar Vedantam Reveals How: Cristina Bicchieri, Episode 102: Social Norms are Bundles of Expectations: “Shared Experiences Are Amplified”  Erica J. Boothby, Margaret S. Clark, John A. Bargh (2014):  “Good Lamps Are the Best Police: Darkness Increases Dishonesty and Self-Interested Behavior” Chen-Bo Zhong, Vanessa K. Bohns, Francesca Gino (2010):  Robert Frank on the Power of Peer Pressure in Fighting Climate Change:  Robert Cialdini, Episode 226: The Power Of Unity: Robert Cialdini Expands His Best Selling Book Influence: How to Start a Movement | Dan Sivers:  Musical Links  Bronksi Beats “Smalltown Boy”:  Sleigh Bells “Locust Laced”:  The National “Light Years”:  Vampire Weekend “This Life”:  David Bowie “Ashes to Ashes”:  Harry Styles “Watermelon Sugar”:  Billie Ellish “Everything I Wanted”:  Taylor Swift “Willow”:  Nirvana “Smells Like Teen Spirit”: 

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