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Feb 14, 2019 • 41min

Restoring Relationships to the Natural Model: You’re Not Meant to Bicker - Stacey and Paul Martino - FHR #313

Why Dave Decided to talk to Stacey and Paul Martino: Yes it’s that time of the year again, a day where most people simply eat chocolates and pretending to be in love. BUT YOU’RE NOT “MOST PEOPLE” ARE YOU?!? NO. This is a culture of FunnelHackers and trailblazers and today we’re restoring love back to what it was meant to be, everlasting and simply fun. Stacey and Paul Martino are here to teach you just how we’ve been conditioned to fail in relationships. Listen in and take note on how both Masculine and Feminine Power are essential to your relationships, even the ones outside your love life. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: (2:30) Changing Relationships Back to the Natural Model (5:04) You need to understand the triggers of a man vs a woman (9:32) Men work off of direct communication, women work off of applied communication (11:14) How Communication Issues Are Resolved Through Understanding the Human Wiring (12:52) Why Do Relationships Now Naturally Fade? They Don’t Work With the Natural Model (14:50) Do You Know the 8-Step System Stacey and Paul Trademarked? (15:42) One of these 8 Steps is SYNERGY AKA Rock Star Alignment (16:28) Does Your Intention Match Your Attention? (18:38) Why Competition For Attention Does Not Belong in Natural Relationships (22:56) We All Need to Understand “Masculine Presence” In Work and Personal Relationships (26:21) Women’s Power Is Not Found In Becoming More Masculine (32:06) Sydney and Paul LOVE Using Russell’s Perfect Webinar Quotable Moments: (3:00) “We’ve all been conditioned to believe that passion should fade and that relationships should turn down and become dull and unfulfilling. Which is so not true and is really just a direct result of what we’ve never known.” (8:48) “We are unknowingly causing ‘curfuffles’ and triggering each other just because we don’t understand and appreciate how the opposite is wired.” (15:10) “Show up differently to shift yourself so your partner experiences a shift to without having to to any ‘couples work’ because that couples work doesn’t work.” (19:38) “We are SO not counselors, we are not; but we are solution providers. There seems to be no relationship problem we cannot solve.” Other Tidbits: Relationships, especially marriage, are a skill that most people haven’t quite mastered yet. Do you understand and know the triggers of your lover? You must live from your priorities. Important Episode Links: ---Transcript--- Speaker 1: 00:00 Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here's your host, Dave Woodward. Speaker 2: 00:17 Everyone. Welcome back to funnel hacker radio. I am so excited today if we do this thing right, you're actually getting this on Valentine's Day. Hopefully that sowed. This is set up and if you do, I want to make sure, no matter when you get this, you have the opportunity of meetings and my dear friend Stacy Palmer. Tito, welcome to the show. This is so much on, but don't you guys don't know who they are. These two magical couple has been had this crazy opportunity of, and I think it's so. First of all, you have to understand these are. This is a couple who's got a such a huge strong passion and a love for helping serve other couples and I think especially on Valentine's Day, I'm hoping this comes across in the way that I hope that it does. They've had a company called relationship development data work, but the coolest part for me is they've literally saved thousands of marriages around the world. Speaker 2: 01:07 Now that's real cool, but I'm sure there's other people who've worked at relationships space. You can say that, but the coolest part for me is they do this by working only with one spouse and that is like the most amazing thing in the world to. I'm like you always hear about this whole idea of couples counseling stuff and they're going to debunk the whole myth why that doesn't work, but most importantly, help you guys understand the importance and the value that one person and how one person literally can change everything. So aside from the fact there are two Comma Club award winners as part of our inner circle, part of just dear friends. By the time you're hearing this, we will have just completed our Russell speaking on [inaudible] station. Will have come across the stage. We will spend our time out in the Bahamas together. And with all that said, I just want to welcome you and just say, I'm so grateful that you're here. Most important. Cause I know that you're going to provide to this audience, so thank you. You're so welcome and thank you to be able to help anybody that wouldn't benefit from doing that. Everybody deserves these answers. I love it. So tell me where's the best place to start? Because I know you guys came to inner circle and get this a magical trading as far as different. I'm a one. That's all I cared about was number one. Speaker 2: 02:19 No, but seriously, tell me what, where, where do people get started? Cause I know this is this, this holiday is a really painful holiday for a lot of people that often times is some of those things where people, all they do is remember all the terrible relationship they had and the ones that didn't work and why it's not working or they're in a relationship and they're trying to think, even though it's good, I want it to be better. I want to have more passion when I have more excitement. There's got to be. I don't want this, you know, you talked about this whole honeymoon phase and I want my whole marriage to be even better than my honeymoon was. Let's go. Where do they go? How do they do this thing? It's great. I would also say that like, I mean, you're just, it right off the bat. Speaker 3: 03:00 They to like, we've all been conditioned to believe that the passion should fade, our relationships turn should turn down and then they become dull and unfulfilling. And that's so not true. It really is just a direct result of what we've never known. Um, and that's the difference and if you think about it doesn't make sense that we should find ourselves in this dynamic and yet we are so attracted to each other, like why would that be? It doesn't even fit the natural model, but, and it really is a case where people just get to the end of their skill set and you think, well, that's just the way it is. That is the way that it was sad and that's true. Um, but we're changing that dynamic. It didn't have to be that way. That's the first thing people need to realize this. No, it doesn't have to be that way, but culturally everybody kind of conditions that into us. They can. Yeah. There's just the way that it goes. Oh, well Speaker 4:                              03:43                           gotta settle and that's sad for people to understand that there is something you can do. There's a completely different approach that you can take. It only takes one person and what I'll throw out there is most people get into a situation where they think it's either them or their spouse. That's the challenge. Like, Oh, if I could just get my partner to see if I could just get them to get on board or you know, maybe it's me. I've always had this problem and I don't know if I'm going to be okay in this relationship or I can't do any better, but what we want people to know is that it really isn't you and it really isn't. Your partner relationship is actually a skillset and it can be learned. It's just that no one ever taught us a way to do relationship that creates predictable patterns that result in an unshakable love. We're nothing. Nobody can come between you and the passion, which is better than anything you've ever had, but you can totally create that. It's a skill set and it can be learned. Speaker 3:                              04:47                           Well, I know a lot of people associate this with kind of the type of medicine and don't believe in this thing. So I'm all about practical application. So tell me where do people get started as far as. Because I, I love the idea that fact that it involves only one person and so let's start with what can a person do? Speaker 4:                              05:04                           Well, one of the things is about understanding that a lot of what goes on in relationship is based on someone getting triggered. Whether your partner does something that triggers you. We all have those things, right? Like, oh my gosh, a million times I've asked them to whatever, fill in the blank, right? And it triggers me and I just want them to. Why can't they understand? Don't use that tone with me, or why can't they understand? I just need some time when I come home, before I can listen to everything or whatever it is. Understanding that there are sets of triggers that are getting triggered and they're all those things that you're doing that you have no idea that you are unknowingly triggering your partner and so for an example, we often use the example of understanding that there are like so many masculine feminine triggers because we are wildly different and somehow like we knew we were different back, but something happens when you get into a longterm relationship and eventually you start evaluating and judging your partner based on what you would have said or what you would have done or never said or never done and how could they and you're kind of evaluating what they're doing based on your own blueprint of how you see the world. Speaker 4:                              06:16                           But we're almost different species. It's like a miracle we ever get anywhere with each other. And so understanding masculine feminine triggers. You can stop unknowingly triggering the crap out of your partner when you don't think you're doing anything wrong and also handle your own triggers where they're triggering you and instead of trying to ask them to change, which doesn't really work. When you ask anybody else to change for you handling your own trigger, so an example would be like how the masculine and feminine proceeds held in the masculine. You want to talk about that together, like men don't offer help to other men, or if they do, they'll say something like, hey, we need some help with that. Usually other guy's like, no, no. I got the first man who was like, no, I'm not gonna say no. Let me step right in. Let me just take over what you're doing here and getting involved because that's going to trigger the other man. Speaker 4:                              07:10                           He's like, no, get away this because it's insinuating he doesn't have his act together or somehow he's not capable for a natural reaction and as guys we get them and then if you do the same thing with a woman, you need to see how different is the feminine perceived health as a sign of support and affection. So whereas men also don't appreciate unasked for help. If a woman just started offering help when he hasn't asked for it. Right? It's annoying for a man or offensive even for a man to feel like, why are you, why are you talking to me about this? I never asked you for your help. I've got it. I've got it right. So men end up treating their spouses like there other men and they don't offer unasked for health because they don't want to disrespect their partner or imply that she doesn't have her act together. Speaker 4:                              07:59                           And a woman is doing a million things thinking to herself. How is he that he knows all these things? Why is he such a jerk? But he can and he's trying to be respectful by not offering and ask for help. He doesn't want to imply that she doesn't have it together. Um, and meanwhile, women have been trained for centuries that if you're a good girl, you offer help even when people don't ask. And if they say, no, no, no, that's okay. I don't need it. You just jumped in and you start helping anyway because that's what a good girl does. And so when we do that for our husbands, when we're like, do you need a hand with that? And he says, let me just help you, let me just show you how you can do that better. You find men who throw up their hands and be like, well, and we are unknowingly causing kerfuffles and triggering each other just because we don't understand and appreciate how the opposite is wired. One is not wrong and one is not right. One is not better and one is not worse. We're different for a reason. We bring beautiful gifts to each other. We just need to understand how to appreciate that and not let it trigger us because we're so different. Speaker 3:                              09:16                           I've been married 25 years as of last November and I still have a situation where I'm like, just tell me what you want me to do. I'll do whatever you want, just tell me what you might do. And she's like, Speaker 4:                              09:26                           you should know after 25 years what I need. Again, it's a very big masculine, feminine dynamic. We actually just did a two day event where we taught our students all about the communication that women are comfortable with versus the direct communication that men only operate from and both get triggered by that in each other. Women feel like a man's competent, direct communication like that is a little bit jerky. Like she would never be so bold as to say exactly. Um, and women have learned that, you know, if you really care about someone, you'll figure it out. Right? That old, if you love me, you'd know, which is unfortunately, oh my gosh, she doesn't know. It's just, it's time. We all get trained on this so that we can have a skillset. It's a skillset. It's not. If you love me, this would all work out if you love me enough, it would be meant to be. Speaker 4:                              10:25                           All of that stuff that we've been handed from generations past is the old paradigm of how to do relationship. It's broken. It's been broken for a long time and actually never works. When two people in the relationship are free to go. It only worked when one person that our relationship wasn't free to go, but as soon as everybody, like women have rights to leave and men had rights to leave the old paradigm of just people not saying and people not being able to lie to fail, we need to learn the skills of how to align, how to collaborate and how to appreciate all these different. Speaker 3:                              10:59                           You hit it right on the head too. It's like, just tell me what to do. We both show up with the best of intentions and we wonder why we're so frustrated. We're like, I'm actually here to help and I wonder why this thing went off the rounds. It's the same on the masculine side as well as the feminine side. It's that gap is that gap that creates a problem because the reason why you're hitting it right there because we have an. It's just a masculine feminine that we're talking about right now. There's actually a few other layers. Um, but what happens is we have these fossils and then we just label it as like, she's unworkable. He's a workable, like it doesn't have to be this hard. So each time one of those failures happen, it's like building a little bit of a wall and then we slowly build up these walls of resentment over time and that is the natural dynamic that people are facing and it's sad because it was preventable. Speaker 3:                              11:45                           That's really how their relationship rows going back to your first point by building these walls over time. Then after awhile we feel so distant that we feel so disconnected. We're like, I'm not even sure if I love that person anymore. When in reality it was layer after layer of misunderstanding because again, we. There's, there's been such a massive change in this world where men and women became equal in the workplace in rights and things like that that didn't exist before. And then there was this overcorrection where instead of what used to be real differences, we tried to make everybody the same and it became uncool to talk about any kind of differences. When in reality it's stark is day and night. The differences between the way the feminist sees the world in a masculine, we are equal, but we're not the same. But because we've sort of been conditioned like she should get this or he should get this, and then we wonder why. Speaker 3:                              12:32                           Because they know you're equal in the household. You already call here at wherever. No, actually there's still fundamental wiring that has not changed. This evolution happened very quickly. We haven't adapted. And in fact, what typically happens with a massive changes. There's sort of an overcorrection and that's what happened here. We overcorrected to try to make everything the same and it's killing relationships in multiple waves now. But that really is the dynamic of why relationships naturally fade because these walls are being built up accidentally with both sides showing up with the best of intentions. And then they're like, well, I did the best that I could. So I guess this is just the way that it goes. So it was really sad that the outcome is that, but it was totally preventable and it was just this lack of understanding where we're not seeing the reality on the other side of that creates a problem. Speaker 3:                              13:15                           And I'll just use my little quick metaphor, uh, which is, you know, we, we say we just thought it said the last meeting actually where if you imagine yourself facing your partner and there's a fence between you, so there's literally you on one side of the fence and your partner on the other side of the fence and you're looking out and behind your partner who is on the other side of the fence. You see like the rest of the neighborhood, right? So you see the neighbor's house here and the trees over there, whenever the case may be. Well from where they're standing and you're saying to them, no, the world looks like this from where they're standing there seeing the houses behind you and the river over there, whatever the case may be, they really don't see the world the same way. They can't. They have a truly different perspective on how this is happening. Speaker 3:                              13:56                           And yet we expect them to see everything the same way as us. And then when you tie in the differences between the masculine and feminine, the fact that they truly have a different perspective on the same situation. You start to see where the gaps come from and the only thing that you really can ever agree upon without the awareness of what's going on, his defense that's between you because you both see that one, right, so it's a good metaphor to lock it in. Like we assume we know what's going on on the other side and you can't because you're really not on that other side yet, but you could put yourself there with the right brand. So that's, that's really the key of how one person can always change it, but we haven't been brought up to think that way. We haven't been brought up to respect these differences and we're suffering for it necessarily. So we're trying to change the title and then changed the world because we certainly could use some better relationships in the world. So how do they act? How do people actually do this? Because I know people are gonna go, okay, I get that. I understand that and resonant me. I definitely understand the metaphor, but what do I actually do? Well, we teach Speaker 4:                              14:52                           an eight step system and in that system we take you through the eight steps to transform any relationship, learning how to use these tools, learning how to see it differently and what you're literally doing is you're getting an education and a perspective shift on how to understand how your partner is wired and how to really see how you've been wired and to show up differently to shift yourself so that your partner experiences a shift to without having to do any couples because couples work doesn't work, but being able to shift yourself and so we have a tool box with loads of tools and strategies for that. Speaker 2:                              15:29                           So for sake of time, I can't go through all eight. Can you give me a couple of people can do. I'm all about making particular action. It's Valentine's Day. They should be out doing something. They didn't make their marriage and their relationship better. Speaker 4:                              15:41                           Absolutely. Well, I'll give you one quick thing from step four in our system, which is all that synergy which is learning how to create a rock solid team and how to have that alignment. We teach a hierarchy of how to, um, because people are, I've never been taught how to actually align in your primary relationship and what causes a lot of havoc and relationships is when one spouse is putting the kids before the spouse or maybe one spouse is putting family of origin things over and before the partner if you are prioritizing anything, Speaker 2:                              16:19                           I get accused of being the primary thing because my entire life I'm very passionate about what I do and especially right now at clickfunnels, I'm like Uber Passionate and there are times where my wife goes, wait a second year, you spend more time with them than do with me. So how do I fix it? Speaker 4:                              16:35                           So the tool is attention versus intention because the struggle that you and most people face is like I have to work a certain amount like I have to, I have to work. I can't spend every minute sitting at your feet saying, hey, how did you like that minute? Was that a good. We only have so many minutes a day. That's just a fact. The differences. A lot of us focus on attention. Like, how much can I give my word once more for me? The kids want more from me. My wife wants more from me, my husband, but it's not about how much attention you give. Your attention is going to go where it needs to go. We all have things. We're all busy. It's about your intention. When you start living from the intention that my spouse and my marriage, there's nothing else in this world that's ever going to come before myself. Speaker 4:                              17:28                           We're going to align and from that alignment, we're going to choose. We put the kids first. We're going to choose. We're going to do this mission. We're going to do this business. We're going to choose and when it's working for us, great. If it's not working for us, we're going to talk about how can we reorganize? What else is it being done? How am I not meeting needs? What else can we do when partner feels like you are living with the intention that my marriage is first, I put my attention, my attention, where Gina goals, we're growing, we're serving, we're doing stuff. My kids know I love them. We serve our children together, but we are rock solid and nothing will ever be more important than you'd be amazed how not only do they align with the things that are the most important in your world, but they also get on the same page with you and push you to experience everything that you want in the world because they know that they're not competing. The challenge that is most people's radars, especially entrepreneurs, is that no one on earth will ever give you 100 percent support with something they also feel like they're competing with for your time, attention and priority, and until you give them the experience of feeling like there's nothing that can even come close to competing with you. Speaker 4:                              18:48                           They're always going to be like, I don't know if I want you to be working. I don't know. I'd like to get in the way of that. I might have a stink about this. I don't want to make that easy for you because they feel like they're competing with it. It may feel like the grand canyons difference to have your partner feel like they're your number one, but it can happen in an instant you. It's about living from your priorities like Russell teaches, plateau, Colomo, whatever that is, right? Well, if your marriage is number one, are you living? Are you really living from your priorities? That doesn't mean all your minutes of your day go into your marriage, but are you living, but that is your number one priority. When your spouse feels that and believes that everything in your world will shift. Speaker 3:                              19:29                           So everybody who's listening, you guys could just sit on the sidelines, I'm gonna, get some free counseling here, Speaker 4:                              19:39                           solution providers, and we can sell whatever there seems to be that there is no relationship situation that we can't solve our gifts that we've been given and our mission is just to give it to the world. Speaker 3:                              19:52                           Free up some other people too saying, you know, part of the problem too is we are a partner has to meet us halfway. It's, it's there's only one person that shows up differently and just in that example that you just gave is literally you can shift that dynamic if you truly convey to your partner that they are, they are everything to you in this world. You will do anything for them and right now this happens to be the vehicle for how we are providing for our family and all that, but they feel from you how much you love them and they are the priority and if something ever happened like where you had to choose like no, your first time apartment I will find some other way of making a living for us to provide for us. But you know when it gets right down to it, you are number one and when your partner can really feel that they can get out of the way. Speaker 3:                              20:31                           It's always one person who creates that tone and one person that can shifted. And when it comes to a tug of war, it has to be both sides hanging on. Either one could have dropped. That road is always been in one hand and what we talked about. When you hear things like counseling as part of the flaws, people go into this thinking, well, I can't anything unless my partner does something first or meet me halfway. That's never going to turn out to be something magical work. Somebody kind of meets you. Halfway is magical and one person shows up and they're like, you are my number one in this particular instance. You are my number one. You mean the whole world to me. Anything else can fall apart, but I can't lose you and right now this is what we're doing for our family. Speaker 4:                              21:05                           That's a whole different thing that sets a whole different tone. Speaker 2:                              21:10                           I really appreciate that. Only because knowing. So this is a crazy, crazy week for me at the office. Uh, there will be very, very late nights and early mornings here. Um, but it's interesting because I know that for, for example, for my wife, the most important thing for her is it's not money. It's not gifts. Appreciative, but it's time. Quality. Time is like the most important thing for her. And I've used to think it was just quantity time and so I'd be there quantity wise, but I wouldn't be there being present work. And so Saturday I knew we were in a situation where I knew this is going to be a crazy week and so I made sure we had our date night on Friday night. But then on Saturday I thought we gotta do something even more special. And so we went on this crazy hour and a half drive up into the mountains to find this hot spring that wasn't even hot. Speaker 2:                              21:58                           It was so shallow you couldn't sit in it. And the people who were in there, I'm like, I don't know if I want to be in sharing this cesspool with you. And so we turned around and drove another hour and a half back down and then walked around the Boise river for four or five miles trying just only because I know you and I've spoken on this kind of stuff before. And I, I know the importance for myself, especially with my wife being president. And even though in the back of my mind there's like, oh my gosh, you've got a laundry list of things to do, but I know that, uh, for her. And one thing that I'm, again, I wish I was as great as you guys are, but for me it's one of those things where I'm, I'm working on it all the time too. The best way that she understands my intention is by my spending quality time, whether it doesn't have to be weeks on end, but it has to be quality time where it's just her. And I know as I, as I do that is, I show up for that. It then allows me. She'll be like, Dave, go, I know you need to do this, this group can you do with that? So I appreciate that a ton. Speaker 4:                              22:58                           Masculine presence is not just your wife's a masculine presence is tremendous for all women who are in their feminine meeting, their masculine presence. I actually talk about this even in the 30 day challenge. I'm in one funnel away about using the great, great skill that masculine energy has of compartmentalization where you're able to put something in a box and put it away and like not think about that, using that when you put your work away and giving yourself that grace to be fully present for her with nothing else, for a period of time, making that decision intentionally and showing up with masculine presence, which is something all teachers a lot to the men in our programs. It does wonders for a woman. I think it's underestimated because you guys have your presence all the time. You don't realize how important that energy is to the feminine, but it allows a woman to just kind of melt away all of her stress, all of her thoughts, because her man brings his presence so she can release all of the controlling, directing and stuff that she's doing all week long. Men Can do controlling, directing, leading. Women can do controlling, directing, leading, but you get fueled up by. We get exhausted by it and it's your masculine presence that lets us rejuvenate and replenish to be ready to go out there again. It is so needed. We don't have that energy within us. And you do. And so when you have that really focused masculine presence time with your lady, even if it's 15 minutes a night, um, it can do wonders to allow her to feel ready to do it all again. Speaker 2:                              24:47                           You mentioned that it's a fun stage in our life right now. I've got one son that just got married. It's been a year. My oldest son, Shandor, married our first daughter into the family, Fran. I have four boys and that's our first girl. So it's been. So they actually just moved up here to boise since you guys are coming soon. Um, they, uh, they moved up here and it's been fun just seeing this newly wed couple as they've been married just over a year and I've got another son who's dating the girl real serious. But the thing I've, I've realized as I'm speaking primarily to my four boys is the power of a woman has over. Man is like, it's, it's like our Achilles heel, it's the most amazing thing in the world and and we've had this conversation just over this weekend, how we're looking at a couple of my son's friends who are in a situation where they had left to go do something, but there's not that congruency between them in a marriage where there's no way in the world that she would feel supportive if he went and did this other thing and because of that he just, he can't and at the same time it's creating that angst within their marriage because they're not aligned and it's been. Speaker 2:                              25:53                           It's a fun point in my life to kind of take a look back and seeing this next generation coming through and how they're dealing with their friendships and relationships, but mentally, I guess as you. I know we've talked a lot about the masculine side. If you don't mind spending a few minutes just on the feminine side and the power that exists there. Speaker 4:                              26:09                           The power of the feminine for the masculine. You can also talk to that. So you're spot on, right? Of course. And the funny thing is, and this is another one of these layers I'm talking about, a lot of women are now in the workforce and forced to show up in their masculine. What's funny is the power of the feminine is getting muddied into the belief that I have to be more masculine. The show up in the corporate world, for example, to make a difference where it competes somehow and you know, it's, it's like giving Speaker 3:                              26:44                           away your power because like you said, the women, the femininity, the sunshine of femininity, of fresh air, of femininity is magic spells on us and immediately calls upon us to serve. And the more mature masculine we are and the more we just want to be like a hero and say, how can I help you? Like we wanted to step right up. That's incredibly powerful. It's like intoxicating and yet it's being lost today because it wouldn't have to be more masculine to try and compete in a man's world. And it's, it's not, it's just part of that confusion that we have. But what it comes down to is it calls upon us. Again, we were designed to be together and that's why it calls upon us and this is where the beauty of sort of the Human Yang of the feminine and the masculine come together because you know, they don't want to protect themselves, they don't want to be the strong ones, they don't want to be the ones driving and pushing them, controlling now they love for the man to come help them. Speaker 3:                              27:31                           And getting back to the earlier story, just as a small little example, you know, let's say a woman today need some help carrying something in the door, um, and if and if and if they all are, so I'm sure the stories are short. Power is like, I see her struggling and carrying this box. So I'm like, Hey, let me help you. She's like, no, no, I got it now. Most men here that and we respond as if she's another man. Like, okay, you got it. Let me hold the door for you. And we kind of sort of help, but I intervene. I'm like, oh no, I'll tell you what, I've got this for you. If you don't mind. Let me just take this view and then she like lit up with the sun with a smile and I'm like, yes, like I lived somebody up and she felt so seen and appreciated and cared for like it is the natural wiring. Speaker 3:                              28:14                           They have that power over us and if we choose to accept it and respond to it like, and we serve the feminine because it calls upon us to serve them on like we just want to do something for them and make some magic happen. I'm not, that didn't sound right, but I get that I have to watch that one. But nonetheless it's that win win and we both feel it. They have power over us and we have power over them in the same way, but neither one is really exercising well because we don't see it for what it is, right model. But we know it when we see it and at times it feels almost like on both sides, a feminine feel like I'm craving the masculine man to step up and be present for me. And they feel like they're sort of on an island and sort of starving a little bit. Speaker 3:                              29:01                           We're all we have is coconuts right now. And then zoo. There's this epidemic. We're like it, like I would just love to find a, you know, a feminine woman because I know it lights me up. I just want to help serve her the moment she needs some help and I'm right there. I'm going to help because we love to serve and we're sort of killing the gift in each other right now. And we're not being seen from the side that we need to. But both sides have that same magic of each other. But the feminine, when when a woman becomes open and vulnerable, like, Oh, let me help you, sir, let me serve you. But if she's pulling, pushing, driving and controlling like, okay, you got this handled that right. It kills the whole dynamic. And that's just one example of how that dynamic plays out. But we both have that power over each other. It's just not being seen Speaker 2:                              29:42                           and used so that we can serve each other in the way we want to be appreciated. And seen in a way that they want to be seen and taken care of, which lights them up and let them stay in the feminist and they don't have to protect again and be more masculine because that's really what it comes down to. It Speaker 4:                              29:55                           feminine does bring that magic and when I speak from experience, because like part of my history was I also became that masculine a ice princess and corporate accounting trying to like man up and be more like the dyes in order to succeed and protect myself and provide for myself. But honestly, I'm not a lot of women who are finding themselves in this place later in life where it's like, it's exhausting. It's not authentic for me to try to be more like a masculine man. And um, you know, whereas a woman down to feel like she carries everything on her back. Not that any one is better or worse, it's just that it's a compliment for a reason. We're complimentary for a reason. And when we can both truly live from our authentic selves, our authentic energy, not trying to be someone we thought we had to be in order to please the other where have a successful whatever, and then the energy really starts to rise. Both our personal power and the energy of passion between the masculine and feminine, which as you lose that Masculine Feminine Energy, you lose your passion. But when you bring it back like look at you, bring it back. Speaker 2:                              31:11                           It's been fun for me to see how you use this in your business and also how you've kind of transitioned to what you're doing on the webinar now because it's been neat for me to see again, for those us who can't see, I'm basically staring at the two of them and right behind them are two huge plaques to the board when you plaques to have them. Not to say one, but I mean it's crazy and they're on their way to the third. And I think it's been neat for me to see the way that your masculine, Feminine Injury Works Together. Help the two of you guys achieve where you guys are going as a couple, but also in your own business and I think it's, it's neat to see the masculine Feminine Energy Eight from a business perspective and how it, how has actually accelerated the growth in your business and everything you guys have been doing there. If you don't mind, I know you guys are doing a Webinar that's been one of the main reasons or how you've gotten to one of your two comma club awards. Tell people how are you driving traffic into it? How does your funnel work and then where can they actually see it in action? Speaker 4:                              32:04                           So our, our Webinar, we teach and Paul teaches from the masculine feminine. We do everything we do together and in our business, you know, Paul really has a strength in his operations and the way he does things were creative and I do use more feminine energy and what I do, I try to do what Paul does and so we put together this webinar where we can teach people how they can also do this and their relationships and just like I'm Russell teaches, it's a perfect webinar format. It is so powerful. It really helps people get out of their fear of not taking action and get into a sense of empowerment where they feel like, I can do this. Like, oh my gosh, you have no idea how many people watch your Webinar and say, why didn't you ever tell me this? Why aren't we telling our kids dance? Speaker 4:                              33:01                           Why doesn't everybody know this? One of the distance, it's basic relationship education that everybody deserves and the perfect webinar that we use that format empowered us to figure out how to show that to people in a way that they could really digest it. And then from there, they enroll in our quickstart program, which is our eight week online program where we teach them our eight step system and an eight week online program and come to our three day live event, the relationship breakthrough retreat, and that's where it's a breakthrough three day event, breaking through to the next level in your relationship regardless of where your relationship is, and then they enroll many times in our relationship, you your lung program and really take it to a mastery level of putting back first for them. As far as like driving the traffic lights, Speaker 3:                              33:48                           Russell has taught us, enabled us to actually get what is obviously a different approach that most people aren't accustomed to into language everybody could understand. And then with that clarity we're able to do the facebook ads and things like that to get started in funnel. If you don't have that language right, which is more than half the battle. It doesn't go. It doesn't land. It's your. So in her own head is entrepreneurs. You don't know what they don't know what they're hearing from this. And when Russell like outlines, it's so clearly through his programs how to do that, it just sinks and the people that you're trying to reach get it. That is what I'm looking for. So then it's. It'll just fall through like so whatever marketing you do, whether it's dream 100 or your facebook ads, whatever the funnel was, the key and the language in the copy with the clarity that you get from that is what makes it work because without that they may get to your page and they get to your funnel where you're trying to start with where you're trying to offer up what you have, but if you don't understand what that is, Speaker 4:                              34:49                           nothing's going to happen on the wall. Everything. Read the expert secrets. We learned that step by step. Before that was the queen of the one half of one percent conversion webinar where the most I ever did was one half of one percent. Dave. We once did a webinar and over 17,000 people registered for one webinar and one half of one percent of them enrolled in the program. Like I almost lost it the next day. I found wrestling, now we convert 25 percent on a Webinar, we double it in our followup and yes, we need sales to the mission and fund our company, but those are families that are actually going to heal and be empowered for life with the relationship skill set that they never had where we are breaking the chains in their family. It will never be repeated. Their children were learned from watching them like these are real families. That will be forever changed because one person was willing to say, I'll be the hero of my family. Teach me how to do this. I'll turn it around for my family. My children will learn from watching me. I can teach them. Let's do this now, and that is a whole different ballgame. That's why we do this. Speaker 2:                              36:12                           I love it. I think that's the exciting thing for me is we take a look at where you guys are coming from and we've seen the perfect webinar work in so many different industries and it's fun for me from a marriage relationship standpoint to see the impact and for some reason this year is all about impact. For us it seems to be the number one word we really have really focused in on is yeah, we've, we have over 73,000 customers at click funnels and that's really cool, but the part that's most exciting for us is to see the impact that each one of those 73,000 customers have, as you mentioned, literally on tens of thousands of lives that you're having the opportunity to teach through a crazy little piece of software. And if so, if people wanted to find out more about you, where do they go? Speaker 4:                              36:52                           Uh, they've not a relationship to find out more about us and watch the perfect webinar. If that relationship breakthrough secrets, that pub Speaker 2:                              37:02                           they go to relationship breakthrough, is that right? Relationship breakthrough Take a look at the landing page, fall again, pay attention to how they're actually going through that funnel. Realize that again, a lot of people they will. That would never work for me in my industry, and this is a. it's cool for me. I remember when you guys first came into the inner circle and it was like, that is so neat for me to see that industry, that vertical, that niche, having the opportunity of totally changing and impacting tens of thousands of lives because again, you're. You're implementing those things that you've. You've seen battle tested and actually are working for you. Congratulations. Speaker 4:                              37:37                           Oh my gosh. Thank you so much for teaching. Speaker 3:                              37:40                           We didn't have. We didn't do it if we didn't have the funnel. If we didn't have Russell, if we didn't have that genius to shortcut it for us, I don't know that we would have made it cause all together where we really are trying to change the world and thank God for you because you're helping us. You gave us the tools and the understanding to actually reach the people so we can change the world and shortcut what would've been, you know, 20 years of guessing different, made it that long and down until like a year. So now we're two comma, two Comma Club awards on the wall from a half a percent conversion to that. Like thank you and that is the ripple effect and we could not have done it otherwise if we didn't have you guys. So we're excited Speaker 2:                              38:23                           and for those guys you're listening. Happy Valentine's Day. Again. Checkout relationship breakthrough or relationship And you can find out more about stacey and Paul there. Any other parting words before we wrap things up? Oh, we would just Speaker 4:                              38:36                           say that we are so grateful to everyone in the click funnels community and this community rocks, whatever you want to do, whatever your mission is and no matter what it is, whatever your mission is in this role, apply what is being taught by these people who have already vetted it already figured out, short cut. It's in their best interest to help you be successful with this. Just plug in what they do with what you do best. That's a marriage and you will skyrocket and the same goes for your love relationships. There's no love relationship that can't be taken to the next level. If there's anything that we can do to serve you, this is our mission in the world. Just reach out to us and let us know how we can serve you because we're right here and no matter what Valentine's Day was like in the past, doesn't matter what happened with today's a new day decision point to take action. Well thanks again guys. We'll see you this weekend. Speaker 5:                              39:49                           Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to podcasts and one of the things we're really passionate about is trying to get everyone up and running as fast as they possibly can and one of the things we've done recently that has helped so many people and that is our one funnel away challenging. If you don't mind, if it's something of interest to you, we actually will pay you $100 for anybody who signs up for the one funnel a challenge or if you want to go ahead and sign up and do it yourself, just go to one funnel away Again, that's one funnel away Sign up, go through a 30 day challenge. Uh, it's one of the great things we've got Russell basically giving me a 10,000 foot level. Julie's swing comes in and gives you, kind of hear the nuts and bolts of exactly how to make it work. And then steven comes in every single day and spends time basically telling you exactly what to do on a daily basis. So he'll hold your feet to the fire. Super Accountable. We've had more people get more success and things done out of this than anything else. So go ahead and sign Thanks.
Feb 12, 2019 • 6min

Your Opinion Does Not Matter - Dave Woodward - FHR #312

Why Dave Decided to Rant Today: As you all are aware, the higher you climb in any area of life the more people there are who will want to tear you down. As an entrepreneur for most of his adult life, Dave is no stranger to this fact. So today Dave has a message for all of those out there who are both the scrutinizers and those who are being scrutinized. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: (0:57) Fun Fact: No One Likes a Sideline Critic (2:20) Your Critics Don’t Deserve to Bring YOU Down (3:45) THEY Can’t, Are Incapable, of Understanding Quotable Moments: (2:00) “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena whose face is marred with sweat and blood.” (2:26) “For those of you who are listening and you’re being impacted by the feelings and opinions and critics. Just turn it off. Whatever you do, do NOT LET THEM get in your head.” Important Episode Links: ---Transcript--- [00:00] Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here's your host, Dave Woodward. [00:17] A funnel hackers will welcome back. This is a warning in advance. This is going to be a ramp, uh, dealing with some idiots in life that I am so tired of and the people I'm most frustrated with right now are the critics. Those people who sit on the sidelines who tell other people they can't do it, who have no other solution, but to be able to tear other people down. The people who sit there and point the finger scorn and others and tear them apart basically saying, oh, this won't work and that won't work and you'll never make it. Those are the people I cannot handle. And most importantly, if you are one of those people, I doubt you are, you wouldn't be listening to my podcast. But if you are and you're a critic who's sitting on the sidelines telling others they can't make it, by all means. [00:59] You shouldn't be listening to this and you should go find something else to do because I cannot handle nor tolerate the critic who sits there and tears other people down who hasn't been in the fight, who hasn't understood the pain, who hasn't gone through the journey, who sits there, and the only way, the only satisfaction they get out of life is by tearing other people down or they decided they're going to go ahead and sue somebody because it didn't work exactly the way they want. It has to be someone else's fault and not willing to take credit for for their own mishaps in life. There is a quote I am I love more than anything else and from Theodore Roosevelt says, it's not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. [01:43] The credit belongs to the man who was actually in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood. Who strives valiantly. Who Errs, who comes short again and again because there's not an effort without error and shortcoming, but who does actually strive to do the deeds? Who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause? Who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. So if you haven't been in the fight and you don't understand what life's like, you don't have an opinion and your opinion does not matter. And if summit for those of you guys who are listening and you're being impacted by the feelings and opinions and critics, just turn it off. [02:31] Don't. Whatever you do, do not let them get in your head. Those people haven't been in the fight who haven't done what's there. They do not deserve the opportunity to even have their words. Grace your ears. I am so tired and so frustrated with people who sit on the sidelines and tear other people down who don't give any other solution who don't provide any other value. I cannot. I've dealt with this so in different times in my life and right now is one of those little tiny pieces. It hardly ever impacts me. Every once in a while that little element comes up and the little thorn where it's like, I've been scratching at this thing and I'm just either have to cut off the limb or take it out so this one's being taken out. So for those of you who are trying to basically a tear others down to make yourself better, shame on you, and if you're being impacted by those people who don't have a better all option or a better way for you to achieve your goals and your dreams, please, please do me a favor. [03:33] Do not let them get into your head. Do not let them even impact you. In the very, very least, their opinions mean nothing. They absolutely have no value. They have no merit. They have no credit. They've done nothing at all. They can't understand where you're at. They can't understand your dreams, your goals, your passions, your vision, where you're going, the people you want to serve, the lives you want to touch. Do not whatever you do, do not let them impact you. Again, it is not the critic who counts. That's the person who has done nothing. Do not let them get in your way. Do not let them impact you. Please do not let them impact you. Uh, I know at times you, there have been times where I literally have to physically remove myself from the person just to make sure that their caustic cancer driven ideas don't impact me. [04:20] And so if you literally have to physically remove yourself from it, even if it's a family member, please do it. It is a cancer that it just, it eats up everything that's healthy, strong, good and right in life. So understand that if you're in the good, if you're doing the fight and you're doing what you know you're supposed to be doing, keep doing it. Don't let the critic get in the way of you achieving your goals. I hope you have an amazing day and I'm sorry for the rant. I just, I've met the boy. I just can't take it anymore. There are people who every once in a while get to me in right now. There's one of those things and, uh, I just want you to know it's worth it as you keep going for the fight and have an amazing, amazing day. Hopefully I can see you at some point at an event or if you're ever in the area in Boise or whatever else or you want hit me up on instagram or facebook, by all means do. [05:13] And again, I really look forward to seeing you at some point. Thanks so much for all that you do to support clickfunnels and us and our mission and our journey to help liberate an educate other entrepreneurs so they can go out and do what they want to do a, for us, it's a huge passion. Uh, you'll hear us talk a lot about this whole new movement as far as liberating, educated funnel hacking live and it literally is become. My mission in life is, is focused around those two things. So have an awesome night, have a great day, wherever you might be listening to this and we'll talk soon. Thank you so much for taking time to listen. I can tell you for me, one of the things I've enjoyed the most or is reading Russell's books. One of my favorite books is expert secrets. If you hadn't had a chance to get a copy of expert secrets, just go to expert We will give you the book for free. You just have to pay the seven 95 shipping and handling. So let's go to expert You'll get the book and one of the most fascinating books because the whole idea here is this is the underground playbook for creating a mass movement of people who will pay you for your advice. So again, go to expert Get your free book, listen to it. Let me know what to think about it.
Feb 7, 2019 • 32min

From Fake Personas to Real Cash and Clients - Bobby Stocks - FHR #311

Why Dave Decided to talk to Bobby Stocks: Have you created a successful advertising agency AND created a fake persona that helped you attain the aforementioned agency? Well Bobby sure has. Bobby Stocks is revolutionary in his tactics of marketing not only for his clients but also consistently for his own business. All these tactics and strategies allow him to live his dream of stretching out along the beaches of Puerto Rico with his wonderful wife. Go ahead and press play to listen in on this great conversation and as always, follow those dreams you’ve always had. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: (1:31) How Bobby made DonoHue (6:20) Casting and Retrieving Authority (7:48) Get Other People to Play Your Proof Drum (9:58) Use Your Spotlight on the Right Stage (15:08) Getting People to See Your Proof as Much as You Do (17:16) Do the Unusually Impossible From the Unusual Tactics (19:20) Just See What Sticks on the Wall and Go From There (20:38) Bobby and His Niches (23:11) Transparent Vulnerability Quotable Moments: (8:33) “I call them ‘not in the money lane’ right? No one knows about them. You know they’re kind of waiting for the spotlight to hit them.” (13:56) “What do you want people to know you as? What do you want to be known for? And it’s really important, keep it simple, then from there you can start getting more complicated.” (18:59) “Because you know, in marketing, we all want this cookie cutter thing that’s going to work everywhere. In reality, you just get lucky with this thing that works here and works there but most times it’s some small variation or crazy tweak that’s actually going to get you the results (28:30) “I will step into my role which I’m best at, that is strategy and looking at how we can differently position things, and that’s it. And, I’m fine with that Other Tidbits: The only rule about  DonoHue is that you must talk about DonoHue People never see your stuff as much as you are Always remember, you don’t need to find your main niche your first go around Your team needs to be a family. Like any family there’s going to be bickering and that’s OKAY Important Episode Links: https://bobbystocks.com ---Transcript--- [00:00] Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here's your host, Dave Woodward. Everybody, welcome back. [00:18] Hold on your radio. This is going to be a ride of your life. Now you're gonna. Have so much fun. Listen, this podcast can give you some backstory before I introduce who I'm bringing on. So for those of you guys are coming to funnel hacking live, you probably have heard that we've had these, these cultures, tee shirts. We've had people going out trying to create and build basically meaning if you have your own little culture that is going to be at funnel hacking live. We want to make sure that we created a t shirt for you that is for that. And so we had all these things go on and, and you know, different people. A lot of the people you are kind of in our normal culture you've heard about. And then literally out of the blue, this donahue character just blows up. I'm like, what the heck is daunting? [00:58] I don't even know this person is and it doesn't blow up. This is one of those things where the, the people are so passionate about who they're supporting them like we have got. I've got to figure this out. So trying to figure all this out. I want to introduce you to donahue who actually his body stocks, who has a business strategists, seven figure, eight figure business owner blowing things up all around the world, lives in Puerto Rico with his wife, Rachel on the beach, smoking cigars, having the time of his life, but has this crazy passionate following. So with all that said, welcome to the show bobby, and let's kind of dive in and talk about this whole story. [01:32] Awesome. Yeah, it's great to be here. And I always love talking to um, so just to like open up the curtains behind the wizard of Oz. So a donahue is A. Donna uses social social experiment. So in 2011, uh, I trolled my local town of meet me and my buddy and we came up with a business opportunity called the donahue job site. And we named the opportunity off of a funeral home that's called the donahue, and we took some pictures of us inside, like heavy machinery and we kind of positioned it like we had bought a plot of land that we reminding for pay dirt. So what happened was over a couple of months of us talking about how great this opportunity was and how excited we were about it, people started to message me and they want to, to invest in it. It was just a hilarious thing. [02:33] We, we, you know, it was a joke. So anyway, fast. Let's go back. Last year I had one of my small masterminds in Vegas and one of our attendees was from the town that I grew up in, which is Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania. It's a suburb right outside of Philadelphia. And he brought up donahue. He say, you know, he's like, do you remember donahue? And I'm like, oh my God. I started laughing about it and I said, you know what, let's try this again. But in the Internet marketing space, so that was march of last year that we did that. And um, so, so really what we did was we took the power of a mascot a or this like a symbol, you know, you can say add or something like that. And um, then we also stacked on top of it status and social proof, right? So by creating a small inner circle of two other people that knew about donahue and we said, let's, let's talk about donahue. [03:38] So, so the only rule of donahue is his talk about, Donnie was just sort of talking about it, you know, like he was this guru Internet Marketing Guru and because of, of social status, it created it, it started spreading really easily, right? So when we, when we post a lot of proof in a lot of like our students or our clients or even our own funnels that we run, it's all about proof these days, the more proof you can show, the safer it is for somebody to make a decision, right? And it goes to the lizard brain and you know, I'm just so they're going to die if they buy this. So by constantly posting about how great donahue is his, his greatness, his smartness, you know, and I always envisioned donahue is like the Dos equis guy, you know, I like put that in my head when we were doing it or like, yeah, he's like, he's like the mentor of the DOS equis guy. [04:33] And um, so anyway, people started reaching out to us, what is this donahue, you know, how do I learn more about donahue? And how it started spreading. It was by using status. So I would say, you know, I'm not really supposed to tell anybody about donahue, but I'll let you in on it. Do you promise not to tell anybody? Right. So now I create the separation and they would say, I promise, I promise. And I would say it's a complete joke. Here's donahue, this is what it is, which then would then have them inside the tribe, right? And then they would look for opportunities to create the gap and status. So as soon as I posted about donahue, everybody else would jump in on it and they'd say, Don, who's the greatest? Because everybody wants to be inside the tribe. So that's how it spread. I mean, it got to the point where like I had Jason Horning and all types of people reaching out to me, wanting to know with don, he was, and you know, I pulled the same thing. Well, you shouldn't tell anybody. [05:38] So where we started to bring the mascot as, as, as, um, a little cuff here as the, um, as the status grew up donahue. I then said, how can I pull authority from the mascot? So like one thing that I sort of learned throughout this and we see this, um, you know, you see this in just regular mascots, right? If you were at a baseball game and um, you know, nobody's embarrassed to get a picture with the mascot of the baseball team. Everybody's excited to do it right? But you can't self promote the same way a mascot consult promote itself because you threatened other people's status. And then this guy. So what I realized was I could self promote onto donahue so I could cast self promotion onto donahue and then I could start to actually transfer the authority back loans myself. So the way I did that was I just looked at religion, right? So I said I'm the pope, I have access to donahue. Donahue says. So that's kind of like, you know, there's, there's a lot to it that we did and it worked. Um, but yeah, that's kind of the synopsis of, of what Donahue is. It's just a really, really hilarious, um, example of how positioning status and proof and you know, constantly talking about proof results in a big way and marketing that it's a human beings can not withstanding, um, they can only withstand for a certain period of time. And then curiosity, opportunity and all of that just takes over. [07:35] No, I just want to kind of get out as we were talking about this here is, is for. I want you to, as you were listening to understand the power of proof, the power of La social culture. We talk a lot about culture all the time, but then also that transfer of authority is so critical and I think that in marketing, obviously it can be used for good and for bad. And I'm not gonna that's not what this podcast is about. It's not, that's not the issue. I want you to learn from it. I want to understand it. Um, I was, had a conversation with a very large player, a big influencer, and he was talking about Bob Hope, who knew years ago, Bob hope basically woke up every morning just saying, well, I just want to make sure somebody is talking about Bob hope today. Don't make sure somebody is talking about Bob. [08:19] I've got to keep that name out there on an ongoing basis. And so his whole thing was how do I, how do I make sure that people are still talking about me without doing what you said, and that is without beating my own drum, without know, I'm the greatest. I'm the greatest habit. It's not a Muhammad Ali type of approach as much as it is that that proof is fascinating. How if you can get enough proof to back it up, and again I was looking through, I mean stories of your success in the mortgage industry, in the real estate industry and the fitness industry with coaches and with landscape. I mean all that. You have so much proof that it's easy to use that. And so I wanted to kind of find out how do you some, some people are going to be listening to going know Dave, I'm just kinda [08:56] getting started. I don't have proof. How do I get proof? Then the other is going to go, well I have proof but I've never done a real good job of I'm afraid either asking the testimonials or to use that proof. So if you don't mind bobby talking about both those two things. So I mean this is the game changer was for me was the exact situation I see a lot of people are in. So um, we've raced back to temecula here, but we were interviewing one another. One of our students lives in Lemon Grove, California, and he has the kind of the cookie cutter story of a lot of, through so many marketers out there that are talented that, you know, they have a few clients or they have a few products that they got really great results with, but they're what I call, they're not in the money lane, right? [09:45] Nobody knows about them, you know, they're kind of waiting for the spotlight, the hip. Then when's it going to be my turn. And you know, life is always a paradox, right? It's like you have to pull the spotlight onto you. Um, so because the spotlight is always on the star rating stars through a lot of work to make sure that spotlight is on them. So like when I started to really pick up steam, I'd been nice cheese. My first facebook ad, I think I ran in 2012, 2013. And you know, when I really started to get attention was when I started to point out all my proof and I only had a few clients. I was, I was the master of all, it was doing everything, not the master of all right. You know, I was doing the sales, I was doing the recruiting or retention, I was doing the finances, I was doing it all. [10:44] Um, so it was really hard to gain momentum. But once I really started posting proof and I would say for anybody who's like, well, how do I do it? It's not necessarily like there's so many different ways that we could, we can spread out or like we could take a testimonial video and turn it into a blog and put it on youtube and turn it into an advertorial and it's too easy to get caught up in all the things that we could do. So what I did was, uh, I was doing pretty well, like 10 k a month in and I finally had this moment where basically my wife was tired of hearing me talk about how like big I was going to go to this agency and I was never posting any kind of proof. Every once in awhile I would post something. Let's say today I generated, you know, I had a really great day, I would post maybe today, but then you wouldn't hear from me again. [11:38] Um, so in December of 2016, I just committed to hosting 30 days of proof. So everyday I would post another version of proof. Now if you're on here and you're like, Hey, I have one client, right? You can create 30 versions of that, right? You can break down the process, know you can take screenshots of the landing page, the ad, what's working. And it's really, it goes back to like what, what I saw with donahue, right? Oldies is, is your excitement and you're posting your confidence and you know, uh, December 2016, no, I was doing anywhere between five or 10 k, that whole, you know, the half of that year and because I started posting proof consistent January 2017 to $30,000, right? And I'd never done less than that. Um, and it's just continually doing that. Like, like you said, if you see my feet, I just continually post proof. [12:45] Sometimes I will post proof from six months ago and I'll just reposition it again, like, you know, if this is weird, so I just collect as much proof as possible and it brings in quality people so it creates this like compounding effect, um, you know, and so we've been able to like just based off of that, we were able to scale really, really hard, you know, now we're doing like half a million dollar months and even with like, it just keeps compounding and compounding, but I've seen just the posting approved and being really committed to putting the least one thing out like every day or every other day that just pure results. Um, you know, so luke, we came from and he's grown in the last eight months from struggling to make three or five to, you know, this month I think he surpassed 50 k in revenue, just an agency model. [13:39] He's not doing any kind of coaching or consulting or anything like that and it's just because his marketplace, when they think of, they think approve. Right. And it's like the Donald trump effect, you know, just one sip. Like what do you want people to know, you know, you asked, you know, Dan Kennedy kind of talked about some stuff like that, you know, what do you want to be known as, when you want to be known for and it's really important, you know, keep it simple and then from there you can start getting more complicated in how you're spreading it out and you know, do stuff like announce making a documentary. But I have, you know, I have the resources to do it and I have tons and tons of proof, but just a little sliver of what you have can make it work and even if it's your own results, you know, you just need to really know good marketing really exaggerates it. Promat a car. It's like a, a good play. There's a lot of drama and entertainment in it. Yeah, I appreciate that. I think it was funny, I was reading through your page know body and just you're about, you're an amazing writer by the way anyone's been here. And uh, you know, in college your big thing was creative and [14:52] that was like that all. I was good at, but it's cool to see if that was the only one good thing you've been able to take that one good thing to apply to your marketing as well and I think it's fascinating for me. I think I want. I want to make sure people that you guys are listening to understand that, that the importance of getting that proof out there on a regular basis. People aren't. People aren't seeing as much of your stuff as you are and you've got to make sure you're talking about it on a regular basis. We've seen the same thing happen as far as click funnels. For us, one of the main things has been telling the story of our our two Comma Club award. Winning stories have been one of the biggest things that have blown us up because now we've got people using those plaques as their ads on facebook and I've got to figure award winners and and it's been a fascinating thing for us is we've looked at marketing is when we first started, it was all about what Russell did before clickfunnels. [15:42] It was tell you about this funnel I created before clickfunnels basically, and then once we got into it as well, let me show you some of the stuff that we've been doing and now for us, our greatest success comes by telling the success stories of our customers and our clients and even more so if we go one level deeper and that is the success stories of our customer successes, meaning whether it's brandon, Kailyn, pullen and lady boss, and we're talking about their, their customer success and all they're having or we're talking about tomorrow, any beginning. One of our, you know, the poster child children that had been used as far as click funnels or ads. Now it's more about their customers and what they're doing and the impact that they're having. And I think it's real important when you first started from a proof standpoint, you may only literally have your own funnel and that's okay and I think it's important that you use it. So I appreciate. I really do appreciate you. You mentioned that. [16:31] Yeah. It's kind of the rock and the hard place. I had a mentor that I paint a lot of money as a mindset guy and I was kind of stuck. I was stuck in that spot, right? Because, you know, if you, if you have a couple of clients you have proofing, you're not posting it. Um, it's, it's really like, it's a confidence issue or, and the competence is you usually land somewhere in, you know, uh, do I have the ability or the skills to, you know, get my clients results and that it's actually a really good place to come from. Right. We know there's plenty of people out there that they're not concerned about. Right? And it's easy for them to go out. So it's a really positive place, but it can also be, you know, an Achilles heel. Um, so I was talking to this mentor and he said, I said, well, I don't know if I can get them the same results and I would always have some reasons why, or it's a different area or I don't know, are afraid. [17:32] And you know, he, he went over a couple of simple things that are true, right? One of which is that, uh, if you want to, if you want to achieve great things, you commit to achieving them and you figure it out how to do them along the way. Right? The guy that ran a minute mile, sandy cook or the four minute mile, so he couldn't do it, right? He did it the next year. Seven hundred, 800 people. Don't, you know, the Wright brothers, mathematically they said that, uh, air travel wasn't possible. The Wright brothers in it way. So if you're in a place of where you think it's possible, I know that it is possible, um, and that it may feel impossible and you just gotta you just gotTa go and be committed to doing it. So the other thing was he said, he said, I hear that, um, you know, I hear that you're afraid you're not going to get them results. [18:23] So let's just play this out. So if you, if they were to hire you and you didn't get them results, what would you do? And I said, you know, I, I would do whatever I could to try to figure out how to get them results. And he said, okay, so can you make that your commitment? And he kinda like, it shifted for me there because what I realized was when I talked to a prospect, my commitment was about that I'm going to do whatever I can to get you results. What that's gonna look like, I don't know. Right? Because in marketing, you know, we all want this cookie cutter thing that's going to work everywhere. And the reality is that like you get lucky and sometimes it worked here at there, worked with this industry, but most times it's some variation or crazy tweak. It's actually going to get you the really good results. [19:17] But if you're, if you're committed to getting them results and that you're willing to do whatever it takes to get them results, likely human beings have a really good eye, a knack at somehow magically coming up with a solution to fix that problem. And I could tell you like all the niches that I've cracked and all the followup, all of it, it's always some random thing that, you know, pardon my French. It's kind of like I'm a professional throw shit against the wall Kinda guy and something sticks. And then everybody you know, throws you a ticker tape parade stuffs, you know. And I mean that's the reality. You know, you like we like to market it like you have some, some magical ball on some back room. It tells me what to do. But the reality is is I got some fundamental stuff, you know, when we throw stuff against the wall and you end up making a lot of money. [20:12] I love it. I totally agree. Kelly, I know you've mentioned a little bit in a ton of different industries. I see it on your website and everything else. You kind of folks in different ones as you're coaching your clients. And thank you made mention as far as luke, he's kind of known as this guy in this industry. Do you find as an agency that is easier to be basically someone who's involved in a whole bunch of different industries or just to pick one industry? What's, what's your feeling on that? Yeah, so I think it's best start out. Um, so I, I had cracked a lot of different niches before I really started scaling and mortgage was actually like my least favorite. But the prospect flow, is there anything like the data flow is there. So I got really committed to like I want to grow the agency. [21:00] My zone of genius is in the lead generation. It's not in talking to the clients, it's not in the delivery necessarily. Um, you know, I can, I can, I like to figure out hat how to appeal a bag of 50 pound status, but then I'm done and I want somebody else to do that. So, so once I, once I realized like, okay, there is, there is a need in this market and I'm going to put aside whether I am passionate about the market or not and I'm going to scale it. So, you know, that's what worked for me. And then once that got scaled, I could start to move into other industries. So I mean rule of thumb for us is we try to, we try to stick and scaling and industry in six month intervals, but like if somebody brand new, what I've seen work really well is pick like three industries that have, that are used the exact same systems. [21:57] So I know whichever one responds on the BW side, meaning like there is a real interest of that. They're looking to get more business, then just go to town on that and then come knock down the other ones later on. I'm usually, you know, you just asked somebody where's your money coming from? And it's usually coming from one niche or you know, they're getting better prospect leads from one than the other. Um, you know, I think too many people put too much emphasis in the beginning on nailing out a particular niche if you don't have any rules [22:32] data. Yeah, I totally agree with you on that. Yeah, it's been one of the things I've seen, especially when you're just getting started, it's like you just have to have a success. Just go, go make something happen, make something stick, and then go, okay, this one's going to work for me here. Yeah, yeah. I mean it's. We have some guys in, we'll pick five and they just blast cold emails out. Whichever ones starts responding the most were like, this one's good to go now let's now let's get more serious and let's start building out the assets and stuff like that. Awesome. One last topic I want to cover with you before we bounce off here and that is you are amazing at being transparent and in today's social media and everything else, there's so many facades on instagram or wherever else it might be, but you're not ashamed of your past. You're not ashamed of of what's happened. Everything else. You were actually use that in your marketing and say, it's because of where I've been that I can't help you. It's. I wanted to have you addressed the importance of transparency as an agency owner, how you've used it, what works and what doesn't and when it's too much. [23:41] Yeah. I mean, everybody's story's different. You know, mine was basically, I'd probably be dead if it wasn't for, you know, the recovery community. So in, in 2005 I our 2008, I got sober at the age of 25 and that's one of my entrepreneurial spirit started to come back alive. And then, you know, I just have a long road of, you know, transformational information and man is workshops and therapy and you name it every book. And that's when I first started learning marketing somehow through my Tony Robbins a obsession or found like Chet Holmes. And I was like, this is interesting. Um, but from a growth standpoint, you know, you don't hear a lot of people talk about it on the front end because everybody loves to buy tactics. But the reality is it's like if you're not doing inner work, it's really hard to grow an agency to a big, big love. [24:54] You know, we have like 25 people that are on our team and our c team has been together for going on my third year and the type of things that we do in order to do that, like that's why I'm so open about my past, like if it wasn't for me being a drug addict, a convicted felon and just really having a miserable life for so long and then basically, you know, my stories. I had a white light experience and I haven't had a drink or drug in 11 years so it will be on February 15th. Graduations by the way. Super impressive. Well, like I said, a white light experience, like I do not believe that it was of my own doing, you know, I experienced something and heard and saw some stuff that is beyond my understanding. Um, and it was just moved to me. [25:43] I felt like I woke up at a different body and in a new experience, but you know, I was also a child when I woke up at that point I had to relearn how to deal with life and what's important, but all that stuff. It's like, you know, our, our, our, our team is like a family and we have discussions with family, you know, we have what we call clearance, where if I have a problem with another team member, we had a safe space where we step in front of each other and I said, this is what my problem is and this is how it's making me feel and this is what my judgment is of when they do that and we, you know, if it's the only way to grow massively and had everybody so committed to growing the agency because it's their, it's their baby. [26:27] Right. I really appreciate your mentioning that, bobby, because I, I see a lot of people who start off as a solo preneur and then as your agency starts to grow and we're doing the same thing inside of clickfunnels where we have our own internal agency and now we've talked about American librarian roll up to yet as far as the waffle and all that. Basically ability to scale a matrix and all that kind of stuff. And I've seen it, uh, as you mentioned, your own c level team. We're in the same situation, you know, clickfunnels is going on four and a half years. We had the same people from the beginning and it's interesting to me to see. I literally have this conversation with Russell just the other day and that was it. We did 100 million last year, but for us to do 250 to $500 million, who do I have to become a lead that because the person who I was to get here will never get me to where I need to go. [27:12] And so I think as you mentioned there, that transformation, wherever you are in your business, you have to always be doing that type of stuff to grow to that next level. You know, we call it the dialogue. We use stuff from a therapist called Harville Hendrix, which is called Imago dialogue, which is really a relationship. So you know, a marital relationship process, but we use it in the business sense and yet it unlocks everything. So we just had our team meeting and Tahoe, you know, for our c level and we had some fun snowboarding, snowmobiling and all that. But you know, the result of that meeting was that I stepped down as leader of our agency and the reason being is because after having a dialogue, I realized that my skill set, I'm an ids strategy, you know, front man, go, go, go, go, go. That, that's what was needed to get us, you know, to the level we are, you know, $5, million, six, that's what we need. [28:13] Right? But now it's, it's not what we need. The last thing we need is another idea. Totally. So now we have somebody who's very operational minded, who's risk averse, who stepped in and you're in charge, you know, I will, I will step into my role what you're best at, which is strategy, looking at how we can different positional things. And that's it. And I'm fine with that because because of the dialogue and because everybody has that voice and everybody's looked at, as you know, how do they feel? How do they feel when, when, when one team member does that versus this, you know, I don't want to hurt everybody else in my business. I would not be where I am if it wasn't for them, you know, and everybody knows who they are. I talk about them. People try to take them away from me, offer more money. They don't leave because the way we have the dialogue because the culture we put together and that's what I mean. Ultimately. That's what makes business fun because you know, I've heard other people say, it's like when you start making a ton of money, it's great. Then you're like, that shine wears off. [29:30] You can't ever get catch if that's the character that you want to stay fixated on. I so appreciate that. It's one of the things that who knows, whatever is gonna happen term at click funnels, but if it ever [29:45] years down the road decide to do something seller beyond that core group will go do something else. I mean, it's just actually, it's just the that nucleus and whether it's here or someplace else, it'll still be fun. The beauty is that connection when you start to, you know what they're thinking, you become like this brain. Yeah. That's a great way of looking at it. Well, I appreciate your time at todd. I thank you so much for taking time. I know you're out. Literally traveling the building's huge documentary on again on proof and everything else that you guys have been doing. So thank you for jumping on. Any parting words you want to give to our audience or our listeners here? Um, [30:25] I don't know, just, you know, I have a mission statement that I said it the other day when we were on TV, but some people messaged me about it and I think it's a good one. It's like my mission statement, I think a lot of entrepreneurs will fit into this, is that I'm committed to living fearless so that other people can live fearless, right? And if you think about the community that click funnels is, and you know, these other communities, you know, we're all looking to those who broken through, right? So you got to share your successes or breakthroughs even to breakthroughs because, you know, the sun doesn't shine without the dark, right? All my breakthroughs came off the back of seemingly the worst situations, you know. So, um, you know, share your share your b list. People can have the courage. You did the same thing. Love it. We're gonna leave on those words, body. Thank you so much. I love having you on. It's awesome day. Thanks. [31:26] Hey, well, thank you so much for taking the time to listen. I can tell you the things I love more than anything else. Aside from listening to podcasts, reading books, one of my favorite books was the very first book that Russel wrote, it's called Dotcom secrets. It's the underground playbook for growing your company online. So if you've already got a business or an idea and you got something you want to get going right away, go ahead and check it out. And we literally give you the book for free. You just pay the seven 95 shipping and handling. Just go to Dotcom and we'll go ahead, we'll ship you out the book. You just pay 79 five shipping and handling and the book will be on its way to you. Thanks again so much for listening. And remember, you're just one funnel away.  
Feb 5, 2019 • 13min

Never Ending Horizon - Dave Woodward - FHR #310

Why Dave Decided to Talk About the Never Ending Horizon: Dave was struggling heading back into work to hit a necessary deadline for FunnelHacking Live just a few nights ago when he decided to hit that record button. He wants to talk to you about how the seemingly elusive horizon some of us chase is only meant to be admired from afar or while looking back. Now what does that really mean you might ask? Well listen in and jump back in time a little here with Dave and find out. Listen in to his vulnerable story and do some of your own self-reflection on if you need to take a look back more or if you need the simple motivation to keep moving forward. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: (1:32) The First Time Dave’s Son Heard His Dad Say He Didn’t Want to Go Back to Work (3:00) Turn Your Chair Around Funnel Hackers (4:41) When the Bills Come Due, the Dream Isn’t Fulfilled, and the Bank Accounts Aren’t Full Either (8:48) If You’re A Parent, You Can Relate to This Part (9:39) The Light At the End Quotable Moments: (2:24) “There are times in my business career, and I know I’ve made some serious mistakes with my family on this, where as soon as I accomplish something I run to the next. And, I never sit back and enjoy THAT moment.” (4:16) “I wouldn’t change what I’m doing, I chose this and I’m excited for what I’ve become.” (4:43) “I remember there were times when I was wondering if I was going to lose the house…” Important Episode ---Transcript--- [00:00] Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here is your host, Dave Woodward [00:17] funnel hackers. Welcome back. I'm so excited. I need to give you a little bit of context. Um, so right now it's about 8:00 the store, let's say the 25th of January and I am here at the office just getting started around two tonight. Memories and mentioned this to you is there's. So next week we actually are a week from today. Next Thursday we're flying out to 10 x, uh, to be there with grant cardone and there's a ton of things to get done between now and then. I'm Super, super appreciative for my family. I've got the most supportive wife in the world and I could not do it without her. I've learned, uh, one of the things for me is the importance of letting her know in advance what I'm going to have a late night. And so I kind of planned this on Sundays and Thursdays is going to be a late night for me. [01:07] Uh, so I probably, I'm sure nothing beyond before I get home. My only reason I mentioned it is there are times in life like right now where I feel like we're going a million miles an hour and staring at this horizon and ice is the sudden way, way out there and it's never ever ending. And the harder and the faster we run, I still can't get there and there's still a million things I want to accomplish and I'm so excited and passionate about what we're doing, the impact we're having. But there are times when it's just, it's hard. It's late. Um, I was out doing some driving with my son Jackson. He's getting ready to take his driver's test shortly here and told me I had to go back and I said, Jack, I'm tired. I said, I love what I do, but I'm tired. I just don't want to go back to the office. [01:54] He goes, you know, dad, I think it's the first time I've heard you say he didn't want to go back. I said, I love what I do, but I would just love to be home right now, home with my family and just cuddle up and enjoying a fire and cold night and everything else, but there's things that have to be done and I'm not a huge believer in equal opportunity balance. I just don't believe it exists and so tonight's. Tonight's gonna be a late night, but I want to kind of talk to about this whole idea as far as it is never ending horizon because there are times in my business career and I know that I've made some serious mistakes. My family on this where as soon as they accomplish something and we're onto the next and I never sit back and enjoy that moment. [02:38] The other thing is there's times where you keep pressing so hard and it's almost painful. You feel like you just keep going and going and going. You're like, am I ever gonna? Make it my African of feel. I call it cow. I've actually doing okay on this thing and I've realized that the way you do that is by stopping in, physically turn it around, and for those of you, I'm literally sitting in my chair. I literally just turned my chair around to look back and look back on all the crazy things that you've learned and how far you've come. I think at times, the journey as far as how far out it seems like you're never going to get to where you want to go and there's good and bad. I mean, we've had an amazing time. We've got a ton of financial success. We've had a ton of business success. [03:23] I mean, everything's going awesome and so I don't mean to be the guy who's like, oh my gosh, life is hard and it's not going well. No, it is. It's going great, but even because it's going great and because there's still that carrot, there's still that desire. There's still that passion that's out there. I'm like, I want so bad to touch the lives of more people. I want so bad to do more than we're doing and you feel at times like I'm on this treadmill and the incline is getting steeper and the speed is getting faster. My holy smokes. Honestly, I'm looking at this right now. I'm thinking all right. All my plans right now are in March because from here we get back from Tedx. We go right into funnel hacking, live in funnel hacking live, go straight to TNC. I'm looking at my calendar. [04:09] I am literally home for six days in February, but again, I wouldn't change what I'm doing. I chose this and I'm excited about what I've done and I think I just want to make sure and I can kind of convey to you the feeling of you need to turn around every once in a while and see how far you've come. I mean, I look back over my entrepreneurial journey of life and there are days where I literally have to pinch myself and just sheer gratitude for the blessings of the Lord has given me in my life. There have been hard, hard times. I remember times where we were basically to lose the house and trying to explain with my wife and going, holy smokes, how do you, what do you do when you're trying to deal with bill collectors and credit cards maxed out and feeling like, man, I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing and it's just not working. [05:02] I remember those days at times. I remember like yesterday. Um, but I also look back and I look at the friendships and the relationships and the people I know and how deep and meaningful those relationships are to me in my life and my friendships and I am the people I associate with now were my dream people. Years ago I thought they were untouchable and yet now I'm on the phone with them. I'm texting them on boxer and then and there now. Great, great friends. And I looked back at the journey as far as, as all of the years of study, of attending seminar after seminar. I went to so many Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer Info summits and attended masterminds and spent tens of thousands of dollars at the time. I didn't really have. And trying to make it all. And I remember there was a time where I was sitting there with my mom and just again I was, this is probably about just over 10, almost 12 years ago, and was just late thirties sitting there going, mom is this, I am so tired. [06:17] I'm so, so tired. And, and I remember her just saying, you know what Dave, at times to come and you're look back and you're gonna, you're gonna. Enjoy this moment. And right now is that time. And it's been that time for years now. But I remember going through the pain and the suffering and the agony and thinking when is it my turn? And at time comes, it just does. It's, it's one of those things when you just don't give up and you keep fighting and you keep pushing forward and you keep going for that brass ring. And now, I mean I again, I, I'm grateful for the life I have. I'm grateful for my family and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be involved in clickfunnels. But I'm tired right now. I'm tired because I got another four or five, six hours in front of me here and I haven't done a very good job of documenting the hard parts. [07:10] I always am really loud and out there. As far as everything. This is what's going on. I thought, you know what? I want to be more transparent this year and really share. Even though things are good, man, it's. There are times where it's still hard. There's times where it's just late nights and it's, it's the grind, but I'm always remembered the importance of turning around and looking back and realizing, oh my gosh, I have come so far, so far from where I was 20 years ago as an entrepreneur. Just trying to figure things out to figure out how to sell belly to belly across the table from people and to learn marketing and to learn direct sales and to learn social media and to learn funnels and and business development and negotiations and all those things. And they've came. They've come over time and it's funny. [07:54] I was sitting there talking with my boys. Got I got just amazing kids. So my son, Christian and, and, and Chandler right now are, they're getting up early, going to the gym, working out, and they're both working together on a project, uh, as far as the one funnel away challenged and they're doing that and to seeing you, my 17 year old son, Christian who was just so, so excited and yet I see, I see all the things he's got to learn in front of them and I'm kind of making the point of making sure I don't tell them that it's still hard, but it's going to be hard, but it's so, so worth it. Uh, just got a vox for my son. Parker is a Byu. And, and going through the struggles of trying to time management of, Gosh Dad, I'm trying to start my business here while going to school and I'm dating this girl and I'm dealing with school. [08:42] And Life seems so busy. And I'm like, those are good times. And I think it's, it's important to realize as much as there are times as a parent, I want to take away the pain or the heartache. I know that's where they learn and they grow and I'm so grateful that no one took that away from me. There have been times when I would have loved to have someone help a little more, but I'm glad no one took it away because I look back now and the gratitude I have my father in heaven for blessing me with the experiences I've had over the last 20 years are just insane and I again, I just, I pinched myself today thinking of out grateful I am for the opportunities I have, how much I look forward to seeing people at funnel hacking live and to see the lives that are changed just because of a software and the lives that they're changing and to realize no matter how far away that horizon is and the goals and the dreams and as high as they may be [09:41] as you're going through it at the time and that moment, there's nothing better than just every once in a while just turn around and just reflecting on how far you've come and no man, I'm making it. I'm doing it and sometimes that turned around as little. I just want to see what I did yesterday. Um, and I get it. I don't know why I'm sharing this right now. I, I, I just wanted to, I want to spend some time just kind of capturing the moment where I'm at right now. This is going to be one of the busiest, craziest years we've ever had. Um, and January started off just like that and it's been a rocket ship and we start off with the two comma club x cruise and we were home for two weeks just trying to get everything ready to head out next Thursday a to 10 x to pull off a miracle. [10:29] But it'll all come together. It always does. But again, I just, I don't know why I'm sharing that. I just wanted to kind of pour my heart out to you and say for those of you guys are listening, the journey and the heartache and the pain, it as hard as it is. And I have been there so many times, it actually, that's where the muscle grows. That's where you build and that's where you get the fortitude to not only deal with your own stuff, but more importantly to reach down and help others and to pull them up, but also realize that there is a light at the end and it is there. And I've, I've had that light and sometimes I thought it was a train coming at me and sometimes it was, but I can tell you the lights even brighter when it actually hits. And I just, uh, I just want you to never give up. It's the fight. It's the battle as you keep going forward. Um, [11:23] it just is. I just spent some time going through some of our facebook posts and seeing, seeing the journey of those people who hit two comma club and those people who are in coaching program struggling in the pain and the agony. It's not working. And we keep saying you're one funnel away. And I'm like, well, how many more funnels is it? And it's that learning process. Um, I remember, uh, I'll keep this short. I just want you to know, man, if nothing else. These are the times where, uh, it brings you closer to dad and it brings you closer to the people who matter most in your life. Don't forget about them. Be grateful for what you have and just know that the Lord on your side and this thing actually does work and just keep up the good fight. It, it, it, it pays off. It truly does have an amazing night. If you're going to be at funnel hacking live, please take a few minutes to come up and say hi. I'd love to put a name to a face. And again, thanks so much for all the Jews to support us at click funnels. More importantly, help you know how much you mean to us and the impact we're trying to have on your life so that you can bless the lives of those people. You're here to serve. I have a great night. We'll talk to you soon. [12:33] He's so much for taking the time to listen to podcasts. If you don't mind, could you please share this with others? Rate and review this podcast on itunes. It means the world to me where I'm trying to get to as a million downloads here in the next few months and just crush through over $650,000 and I just want to get that next few 100,000 so we can get to a million downloads and see really what I can do to help improve and and get this out to more people. At the same time, if there's a topic, there's something you'd like me to share or someone you'd like me to interview, by all means, just reach out to me on facebook. You can pm me and I'm more than happy to take any of your feedback as well as you'd like me to interview. More than happy to reach out and have that conversation with you. So again, go to Itunes, rate and review this, share this podcast with others and let me know how else I can improve this or what I can do to make this better for you guys. Thanks.
Jan 31, 2019 • 27min

Becoming A Business Rockstar With Personal Branding - Mark Lack - FHR #309

Why Dave Decided to Talk to Mark Lack: From Pro Paintballer to Personal Brander Extraordinaire, Mark Lack has developed lots of skills and strategies that just might be of interest to you. From how to establish your own brand with a budget to how you can score interviews with the celebrities in your industry, Mark and Dave hit it all. This podcast will help you on your journey to perfecting not only your brand but also towards fulfilling your dreams. As Russell always says, “You’re only one funnel away.” Now with this episode you could only be one play away. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business (1:30) Pain Pushes Until the Vision Pulls (5:00) Your Personal Branding is Your “Trojan Horse” (9:24) Do You Create Your Audiences? (11:28) A Personal Brand that I can Afford (13:08) Become the Next Celebrity with Mark’s Celebrity Secret (18:20) Why Dave Loves Mark’s Business (20:03) You Can’t Ask If You’ve Never Given, Just Try and Ask Chase Bank (21:54) Shows = Success Quotable Moments: (1:59) “It was so cool being like a glimpse of a rockstar in my own paintball world. But Monday through Friday I was miserable at school. I just couldn’t wait to get out and go back to the place that made me feel significant.” (5:14) “Direct response marketing is how we get started with people, but as soon as you get started with people that personal brand becomes extremely critical.” (12:14) “That’s the best part and what I love about Entrepreneurship: we don’t need qualifications, we don’t need any of that stuff, we just need results” (21:49) “Interviews is like one of the secrets to a lot of big names success. How many big name people have their own show Other Tidbits: People rarely go onto social media to get sold something, BUT they do go onto social media do buy someONE There is never any better dollar spent than the one that helps your omnipresence Transparency helps you to develop more LASTING and TRUE fans Important Episode Links: ---Transcript--- [00:00] Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here's your host, Dave Woodward. [00:17] Everybody. Welcome back to funnel hacker radio. I'm your host, but most importantly, the person who I'm bringing on happens to be the personal branding guy and he has his own TV show, business rock star. So without any further ado, mark, welcome to the show. Thanks for having me. He rock. I'm so excited to have you. This is been a ton of fun. We were just talking about, uh, he, I actually used to live not too far from where you're at right now. And one of my favorite places in the world down there in southern California. Indeed. Beautiful view of the ocean up on the mountains. I'm jealous. It's where it is here in Boise, but that's how I want to make sure we kind of dive right into this. First of all, congratulations on business rockstars. That's a massive, massive TV show for those of you guys have flown Delta. [01:03] You've probably seen it on there. If not, they've got podcast, they've done a ton of crazy things and mark's had the opportunity of interviewing Louis, some of the world's most profound and influential entrepreneurs and everything else out there, but the cool thing for me is kind of your whole story. I was a kind of go through some of this stuff prepping for the podcast today and one of the things mark I loved was, I think it was the quote from Tony Robbins that you use that pain pushes until the vision pulls us. If you don't mind to expound on that a little bit and then I'm going to dive right into this whole personal branding thing. Yeah. So you know, for me it's one of those things in life where I think you hit that moment where you just know you're going to make that change and if you're not there yet, you're probably experienced that at some point. [01:47] But for me, it was when I looked at my life and I realized Monday through Friday was miserable in school and the weekends I felt like a rockstar because that was one of the top professional paintball player traveling all over the world. It was so cool being like a little glimpse of the rockstar in my own little tiny paintball world. But Monday through Friday I was miserable at school. I hated it. I just couldn't wait to get out and go back to the place that made me feel significant. And so what I realized was I had to figure out how to make money to Friday, phenomenal. And I went on youtube and Google because I'm so lucky that I grew up in an era where the Internet exists and I can do that. And I came across Tony Robbins, of course, right? Trying to improve your life and get motivated. [02:27] You're going to cost the guy. And so I just started watching his videos and he said so many incredible things. You've got to be come the best version of yourself. You've got to always grow. You've got to contribute beyond yourself. And one of his quotes as well as, you know, pain pushes until the vision pulls. And so for me, I never actually had a vision for the life that I wanted to create. And so it wasn't until I decided that I thought the coolest thing ever would be to be a professional athlete. And so weirdly enough I got into paintball doing it and I only wish it was a different sport or I would have made a lot more money. But, uh, it ended up being paintball. I learned a lot of lessons, but I, as I started studying Tony Robbins, that led me into entrepreneurship and to this whole new world of how you can literally create the life you want impact so many people through business and have an uncapped earning potential and the entrepreneurial world. [03:16] And I was like, oh my gosh, I want to become a pro at that. Like created this vision for my life. And that ended up pulling me into the direction that I am today. And most people have to push themselves, right? Pain pushes. You have to push yourself to do the mundane tasks that you don't want to do. Oh, I gotta go to the gym today. You have to push yourself, motivate yourself with the pain until you have a vision. I'm going to the gym everyday now having to get into the best shape of my life because I have a vision. I'm creating the most successful abundant team and business that I possibly can because I have a vision and the vision pulls me. It motivates me to want to become my best. So it's powerful quote and it's led me to creating the life that I have. [03:55] Oh, I love it. It's funny, last night I was with the boys and my wife and the, uh, they were watching the new rocks. A shell. The titans. Yeah. Yeah. I love that thought. I was watching it too, these crazy guys on there and all of a sudden we felt so it was kind of like watching a rocky movie or something like that. That's my vision. I'm going to get on there. I'm going to do this. I think it's really cool because I believe that's so important these days, especially with. You may have mentioned that in your earlier life kind of feeling bullied and everything else, just not fitting in and I think that's the hardest thing for a lot of entrepreneurs. They don't really have a circle of friends that supports them. They don't have people who are there encouraging them and so there's that, that aspect as far as the need for the vision and I think it ties in so well to what you become so good at and that's that whole personal branding thing and I think the vision and would that personal brand. [04:46] I've seen it here with click funnels and some of the things that we've been doing and and the large that vision gets, the easier it is to create a personal brand around where you want to go. And so with that I'd like you to of share a little bit about. Because I hear all the time, you know, branding and I was one of those guys I grew up in the direct response marketing things. You know, who cares about branding. Branding doesn't matter, right? It's all about direct response marketing and it's been fun for me to see how important that branding has actually become a. I think when I look at marketing these days, direct response marketing is, is how we get started with people, but as soon as you get started with people, that personal brand becomes extremely critical. Again, I call it, I call it the Trojan horse. [05:25] It is. I'll get into that. Let's, let's dive right in and they don't care to hear from me. They want to hear from you, so let's dive right in. So the reason why I call it the Trojan horse and you hit it on the head, it's like direct response marketing is the ideal scenario. Puts something out, see the data instantly in real time and know if it's working. We're branding is kind of like you're really betting on the long term success. You're not going to get any short term benefit from branding. So trust me, I come from the direct response marketing world, probably half the books behind me, our marketing books, and because who doesn't want to put something out that they created and get instant gratification or at least results to make a pivot. I'm all for that and I think a lot of people should start there, but I also think we live in this new era where you know, nobody's going on, for example, they have no one goes on facebook with a credit card and says, Hey David, do you want me to get you anything? [06:16] Right? Absolutely right. Hey, by the way, I'm going on youtube. Did you want anything? No one says that. And so although billions of dollars are, you know, invested from advertisers and people like us in the direct response marketing space, we get to make a lot of money online hopefully. And it's fantastic, but we all know that it's incongruent to why the person's going on there. And so you and I can go to church and somebody could come up and try to sell us something. And if they were really good, we feel good about it. And we would lie, but the regular person who tries to go into the church and sell people, it's going to be weird. We're going to look at each other like why is he selling this at the church? But a really good person would make us feel good about it and we would like that the process. [06:58] And so most people, when they see ads on social media, they hate it because they're not on there for ads. Most people are very upset and in fact, I'm sure you know, you can see all the hate and the comments on ads. I'm getting so much hate and all my comments on ads from half of them. Right? And so you got to have thick skin. My point is people don't go on the platforms to have ads put in front of them, let alone to buy something. Now, obviously if you build a funnel and click funnels, you can do it really effectively. And clickfunnels has played a huge role in our success because of the back end systems and processes. But the reason why I call it the Trojan horses, because people go on social media for content, so here's the crazy thing, a business and we can agree with this, is that a business is going to be as successful as the problems it solves, and so if you can solve bigger problems at scale, you're going to get paid more money and businesses solve problems through products and services. [07:55] Right now when you go on social media, you might have a problem that a product and service can solve for you, but you're not on there to buy and so you have to be really good with your process and your campaign and your retargeting, your funnels to get them to buy and to do it in a cost efficient way. Here's the crazy thing. You can also solve a problem with content and you can do that with a personal brand because it's arbitrage. It's, it's the they're on. They're seeing a person with a person's name, not a company name. They're seeing a person with a person's name just providing content with no links, no pitch, no call to action, no nothing. If you're interested in weight loss, I could sell you products on weight loss or I could just give you education on the right food to eat the right exercises to do the right habits and mindset shifts you have to do to commit to the goal, and I could give you all of that information for free so as you start to know me like me and trust me because I've been giving you education and content for free and I've been paying to put it in front of you just like I can pay to put an ad in front of you, but the difference is you receive my content so much better because it's educational in nature, not salesy, and then I can pixel you and I can retarget you with more content and as I see you engage more with my content, I can create a custom audience bucket and only retarget my advertisements to the people who have been consuming my content. [09:23] I love that. I think that I'm going to stop you right there because I think I love what you're talking about because I. I mean, we become a content mill and we joke around all the time here in the office, well, you know, what's the cost of the b roll? It's all about. Got to find some way. How can we set this up? So because it doesn't. It has to be engaging, but I think the part that I love what you said is so important. Session for people who are just getting started. We're, we're funds are tight. A lot of people throw all this money to facebook and they get frustrated and it doesn't work. I'm like, it doesn't work because you don't have the right audience and so if you can create the correct audience by retargeting them and creating that bucket of a look like audience and things where people have actually consumed your content and who people who are like those other types of people, it allows those ad dollars to go so much further. So I think that's great. I love that Trojan horse approach [10:11] between our clients and our own companies. We've tested tens of millions of dollars and the advertising and the content marketing space and we've found that on average content, meaning you uploaded on facebook or instagram and you pay the platform to put it in front of a targeted audience, but you do not add a link that takes them off the platform. Soon as you add a link, it's considered an ad and it costs 10, five to 10 times more to run an ad than a piece of content so we can cut up a 62nd clip from this interview. I could upload it on instagram or facebook and I can put it in front of anyone on the Internet and it'll cost five to 10 times less to just have people see that and then as they start to know me and I can reach. So if you and I had the same budget and you only ran ads, hopefully you know what you're doing or you're going to go through your budget quick. I could spend half my budget reaching 10 times more people and then only run my ads to the people that saw me at scale. [11:10] I love that. I think it's the part where people miss the boat so much. We're under a lot of people are just producing a ton of content that is just content for content sake and I think it's one thing that you've. I love the content. I see that you're producing out there. It's high, high value, you know, even if you take a look at your facebook page on impact and influence, they're just the interviews and the things that you've done with people and you're providing so much value out there, whether it was whoever was with, um, but I think that the part that people need to understand is you can provide massive content without having to spend a whole bunch of money to create that content. So if you don't mind, talk a little bit about how can a person build their own personal brand on a limited budget but create massive content. Has fantastic [11:54] question. One of the best things you can do when you're starting your personal brand, and this is really anything. This is what most people try to aspire to get down the road. But it's so funny. And entrepreneurship. I think a lot of people wait until they feel qualified, they wait until they feel like they have permission or an invitation, and that's the best part about what I love about entrepreneurship is we don't need qualifications. We don't need any of that stuff. We just need to get results and so what you have to understand and how this relates to personal branding is the best thing you can do with a personal brand to collapse five years of time into your first year of personal branding authority positioning, how to become the expert, truly attend in one year as you align yourself with people who have 10, 20 years of credibility and authority, and you do that in the form of a show. [12:44] Just like you and I are doing interviews now. I align myself with Daymond John from shark tank, grant Cardone, Russell Brunson, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tony Robbins, Tai Lopez, Lewis House, and all the other amazing men and women that I can name that you most of those names you might recognize because they've built 20, 30 year personal brands. Very successful. So if I align myself with them not selfie at an event with the backdrop and a name tag, I'm talking about aligning myself with them in an intimate environment and the form of an interview where we're having a dialogue and sharing a conversation and value for an audience after doing that enough times, sometimes even once, I will be then perceived as the next celebrity just because I've been around all the celebrities and you've seen me with all the celebrities and I'm the next person. Right? And so you can become so big from your own show, but how do you get a big celebrity person to say yes is your first guests. [13:39] Now I don't think maybe you should get your first guest is a celebrity. I think you should get good first with some smaller interviews, but when you're ready, just so you know the ace up the sleeve anytime you want, the way that you get a big person to say yes to your show is you say, grant Cardone, Russell Brunson, whoever. I'd love to have you on my show and whenever it makes sense this year that you want lots of pr and awareness because it's all about timing. For the big name people. It's all about timing. If they say no, it's because you ask during the wrong season the wrong time, so don't ask. How about next month? Say when this year all big dogs have their year mapped out. When this year do you have something coming up, a book launch and event, a charity, anything that you want lots of attention and pr and awareness on because when, when so and so grant cardone or Tony Robbins, you've ever comes on my show, I'll guarantee they get 200,000 views from entrepreneurs, from college students, from millennials, from baby boomers and no one ever asks the question with how big is your audience? [14:40] Where are they going to lose? Because they're like, wow. He picked a number and set it, and so when you get the interview, you upload it on facebook and instagram and you just pay money. Promote the interview to the targeted audience of your choice and then plugging engagement pixel on it, so all the people that see you with Tony Robbins or Gary Vaynerchuk, grant Cardone, you can retarget them with your next big name, interview and your next big and memory, so eventually you become omnipresent. You're everywhere in the same industry. Have the same people and you become a big fish in a small pond. Wait a minute, you're dave, the guy who interviews all the big name people. I love your show and then you retarget them later with your products and services because now they know, like, and trust you. Think Ellen Degeneres, Oprah Winfrey, all those people have blown up from just interviewing people and having a show and then it creates your content and in an authoritative way and then it forces you to have to promote it to lots of people and you're probably more comfortable investing the money to do that because you know it's going to be valuable when it's you with an authority figure than just promoting your own content to that many people. [15:44] So that's, that's something that'll blow your brand up. [15:49] I love it. I think the part people have to understand is there's no better dollars to spend than to spend on producing content like that and actually promoting that content. If you, again, if you can go to someone. I love that as far as I'll get this in front of 200,000 people. They're like, holy smokes, how are you doing to me because I just say, okay, a million and I got it. Trust me, I got to shell out the bucks, but like [16:11] I got the interview and I'm building a brand and over the long haul that will pay me 20, 30, 40 x in the long run. So [16:21] I love it. I think. I hope people are, as you guys were listening to what I love that you said right there, mark is over the long haul and I think that's. You have to understand you're in this for the long game. Everyone's out there just trying to make a quick buck real fast. Yeah. That never ever works on branding, but more importantly you can't. I think that you're going to get to the status that you want in life for the significance or whatever term you want to use without playing the long, blonde game. I don't care. You got to put in your 10,000 hours on here what term or an analogy you want to use. To me, that's the most important thing is to realize you're in this for the long haul, so awesome. [16:55] I try to tell people, look, if you want the achievement and the destination, that's fine. I think we all do in some level, right? We all, we want the achievements, the destination. That's what keeps us going. You got to set the bar and keep growing and keep going forward, but I think that if you fall in love with the process and you fall in love with the journey, then any achievement at any destination will happen. Like all these guys talk about scaling your business to millions, but what they don't talk about is that scaling is a byproduct of building, testing, reviewing the data and optimizing and never stopping. Building testing, looking at the data and optimizing scaling as the byproduct and all these guys tried to jump straight to scaling. They think they're going to build something. Once I'm going to build one click funnel, I'm going to test it and I'm going to just scale this thing to millions. [17:41] It's like come on guys, you have to build tests, look at the data and optimize constantly nonstop. And then scaling happens as a byproduct and you might scale for a week or a month and then it's going to draw and you got to go back to building and testing. And so yeah, I mean everything. Branding, even direct response marketing, click funnels. It's all a long game and everyone can have their, you know, eight figure, you know, Comma club like you have behind you if they just play the game long enough. Like I was telling you, I said I'm going to have that in 2020 no questions asked because I just, I'm in the game. I'm in the process. I mean the journey and everything [18:17] and I think that's the part I love so much about, especially about what you teach them, what you do is you're actually teaching exactly what you do on a regular basis and for me that's where that can grow and see comes in, especially from a branding standpoint. One of the great things about social media these days is people can pick out a fake real fast and if you're not authentic and you're not transparent and you're not congruent with your message, you might get people at first, but they will not stick. They will not engage. They will not buy the. And I think that for me has been some of the fun stuff as biggest social media's become as the transparency that's out there. I think the other thing I love about what you said Mark, and that is when you're doing those interviews with people, you're providing value to them and it's. [19:01] It's cool for me to see, yeah, you've interviewed a whole bunch of people. More important than that. You've actually developed a friendship with them and that to me is where the long game really comes into play. It's a matter of who you know and and who knows you and and the value that you provide to them. It's so much easier to go and do something with someone after they know that you've already sent them a ton of value, that 200,000, a million, whatever it might be, but when they know that you're playing the long game and your planet for them, man, it just helps you so much for what helps you sleep better at night, but more important that it allows you the opportunity to really grow something that's got legs because when the, when everything falls and it doesn't work, those relationships, at least for me, I know I've fallen back on some of those relationships multiple times when things didn't go exactly the way I want it to, so I love that. That's like [19:49] if people could understand you have to add value first. Right? I love this analogy, like looking at relationships like a bank account, like you couldn't go up to a person or a bank account and ask for a withdrawal if you've never made a deposit first. Like if I walked into chase bank that I don't go to and I'm like, let me get some withdrawals. They're like, you don't, you've never made a deposit. And like that's how people treat relationships is they're like, okay, how am I going to get something from this person and for my business, for my thing, and I look at it the opposite way. Like if you're going to add value, there's so many ways to do it. The obvious one for successful people just pay them money by their program, by their thing, go to their charity and donate. Give them a quick deposit in the form of cash because that's actually deposited, right? [20:31] Like, you know, likes and comments and shares. Those aren't, those aren't deposited at the bank. So just give people money if you can afford to, if you can't, the next commodity that you know, big name, people in business world and celebrities are willing to exchange time for it, right? They'll change, they'll exchange their time for money. Everybody will some price or they'll exchange their time for attention because attention is the new commodity. How much does superbowl charge for a ten second commercial, $5, million bucks, 10 seconds, because so many people are watching. There's so much attention and on social media, we're fighting for attention. It's costing more and more and more every year to get people's attention, and so if you can just figure out how to get anyone in the world's attention and through the form of a show and then pay money to promote that, it's usually a lot cheaper to buy a million views than to buy an hour of a big name person's tone, for sure. [21:27] Think of it that way. It's cheaper for me to buy an hour of your time for my show to promote it than it is for me to pay you to sit down with you and talk to you anyways, and it's the same outcome, but an interview is like a backdoor way to make you feel great because I'm at, I'm talking about you and everyone loves to talk about themselves and then I'm edifying you and doing it in a spotlighted way. So yeah, I mean, interviews is one of the secrets to a lot of big name people. Success. Look at how many big name people have their own show. All of them because we all know you can all you can slop. No, it's funny. You know, Russell and I were talking about this multiple times. It kind of goes back to the whole Arsenio Hall thing back on with trump when he was on the apprentice, and I don't know if you remember that whole story nor centennial hall was, was sitting there and he was trying to. [22:17] Everyone's out trying to raise money and he had all these crazy huge Rolodex, but no one returned his call because he didn't have a show, but when he had a show, the old arsenio hall show years and years ago, everybody would return his call because they knew they were going to get something out of being on a show. Exactly the. That's the part that you need to start and there's nothing better than starting with the show. And I know you've. You've done an amazing job with business rockstars. How in the world did that come about? So business rockstars, thank goodness, has these incredible co founders and investors that have built the whole thing and put it all together and I'm lucky, kind of like a Ryan seacrest of American idol and now k SFM, right? Uh, I get to be the host and the face of the whole show for the primary segment of the show, which is amazing. [23:05] And then I've been able to, because I think like an entrepreneur structure myself as a partner in the company, help kind of direct the social media part of the business which almost never existed before and then actually make them think about different monetization components from the show that they had never thought of. And now it's led to them looking at the business and a whole different way. We're actually acquiring a bunch of membership companies and doing a roll up in an IPO. Crazy, crazy stuff. I'm not dude, I who's the one writing the stuff like the contracts and the checks. These guys are [inaudible], they're in their sixties and they got multi hundred million dollar net worth and they come from the radio, television space. And so the cool thing is is I get to learn from them from their experience and they're looking at this in a way I never would have. [23:52] I was like, we should monetize it like this, this, this, this, this. And they're like, that's great, let's do that. And let's roll up and acquire companies and do an IPO. And I was like, okay, this sounds awesome. So yeah, so it's really cool because we get, I get to like, you know, the ying and the Yang. I got like my younger online social media, digital marketing mindset combined with hey, it's a lot faster to just buy a company than to build it and I'm like that's one way to look at it. So we're just buying companies and then building them with social media and online marketing and that's helping us get to our run rate that we want to do before we go crazy though. And most people think of it as just a shop, but it's so much more than that. Started off a branding kinda like clickfunnels. [24:35] It's so much more than what people probably think. They just think of clickfunnels as I'm having some fun on some acquisitions myself right now. So it's been a crazy stuff. Exactly. Well, as we kind of get close to wrapping things up, I, I know people are going to be dying to find out more of how do they get more from you? What, what's the best way for them to get ahold of you? So whether it's social media, you want to connect with me there, you want to watch a ton of our free content, you want to get free resources and watch some of my interviews, all of that is that shorten the, Jordan, the and then you guys have a a course. There's won't masterclass or something. What's that? We've ever, you know, if this fun kind of banter and dialogue has been good for people to choose to tune into and listen to and they want to know more about how they can really position themselves as an authority figure within their industry and then actually monetize that authority. [25:23] I'm just go check out our slash masterclass and we have a whole 90 minute free training that we put together. Kind of like you guys have so many different incredible free trainings. We've got one ourselves and it's 90 minutes long and anybody who wants a deep dive on personal branding can check that out. No, I love it. Well mark, I appreciate so much your time today and congratulations on all your success. It's super, super excited. I can't wait to, uh, basically presenting the big award to you, uh, next year at funnel hacking live. You cross the state board. I'd love that. Nothing would make me happier. I'm looking forward to appreciate you coming on here and jam with your tribe and uh, always a pleasure to connecting with you. Thanks Mike. We'll talk soon. Thanks again. [26:03] Hey everybody. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to podcasts. If you don't mind, could you please share this with others, rate review this podcast on itunes. It means the world to me. We're trying to get to as a million downloads here in the next few months and just crush through over 650,000 and I just want to get the next few 100,000 so we can get to a million downloads and see really what I can do to help improve and, and get this out to more people at the same time. If there's a topic, there's something you'd like me to share or someone you'd like me to interview, by all means, just reach out to me on facebook. You can pm me and I'm more than happy to take any of your feedback as well as if you'd like me to interview. I'm more than happy to reach out and have that conversation with you so I can go to itunes rate and review this, share this podcast with others, and let me know how else I can improve this or what I can do to make this better for you guys. Thanks.
Jan 29, 2019 • 19min

Just In Time Learning - Dave Woodward - FHR #308

Why Dave Decided to talk About In Time Learning: Description: Dave always has amazing conversations with titans in the industry we all call, FunnelHacking. His recent conversation with Steven Larsen has inspired this podcast about truly learning. We all are constantly surrounding ourselves with opportunities to learn, it’s how we stay in the game. It’s now time for us to reconsider how we’ve been doing our learning. FInd your question you need solved THEN find your answer. Listen in to the thoughts of Dave Woodward and those he’s associated with and see if you can’t solve the questions you have or identify what question you really NEED to be asking. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: (2:21) Why Master Questions? (3:56) Dave’s Questions and Their Answers in 2019 (7:08) Do You Read to HUNT? (9:55) Dave’s Modeling (WARNING: This is about strategies, not Dave’s modeling career for Vogue) (12:40) Speed, Speed, Speed (15:39) Just Get Your Three Quotable Moments: (2:36) “You know the very first thing, as I look at 2019, is I’ve realized overtime that questions invite revelation.” (8:30) “You guys have to stop learning generally.” (10:27) “Too often people try to do their own creativity that they forget the framework.” (12:17) “One of those questions should be, ‘Who’s the person I can model? Who is the person who has the framework that will help me solve that problem?’” Other Tidbits: Speed is so important in Dave’s life that he’s constantly hiring coaches for the parts in his life that he wants to improve. If you did know the answer to the question holding back your business, how much of a change would it make. Be honest, would you allow change to incur? Important Episode Links: ---Transcript--- [00:00] Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here's your host, Dave Woodward [00:16] [inaudible]. Everybody. Welcome back. This is a fun, fun time. Odd again, you've heard on the last episode was actually just got back from the two comma club x cruise and if for some reason you guys want to be involved in that next year, you've got to go to follow hacking live this year because that's the only time where we actually even offer people to join to our two Comma Club coaching program. But what happened was, uh, and by the way, we actually are going to be going on a cruise again next year or we're going to go to an all inclusive resort. We kind of decided between the two. What I want to share with you real fast here is some of the things that, uh, we covered. So, uh, in the last episode I talked about basically Jsp friel kind of talk about it during one of his masterminds today, I want to kind of talk to you about some of the things that I learned from Stephen Larsen. [01:03] He was, he's another one of our two comma club coaches and he was on the cruise top some of the masterminds, uh, for those who were on the cruise, they actually had a huge advantage because, uh, Alyssa see if his wife wasn't able to come, not just because of families type of stuff in the kids. So they had basically they had steven to themselves and he just gave and gave and gave on not only on the masterminds he top but on individual ones late at night. And it's just too comical. X Cruz was just the most amazing experience ever. So again, if you want to be there next year, go to funnel hacking live this year so you can actually sign up for our two Comma Club coaching program. But what I want to dive into right now, our three, the secrets that Steven talked about, and these all will apply directly to your business. [01:50] It also applied to your life and I think it's a, it's super critical for you as you start realizing some of the people that are involved in our whole funnel hacking group and community just because of the experiences they've had. And I would hope that if, if you're, you should be going to funnel hacking live. So assuming you're going to funnel hacking live, make sure you take the time to talk to the people, get outside of your comfort zone and really spend the time diving deep into what they have to say. So one of the things Steven was talking about was as he was looking basically at going into 2019 and some of the things that he had learned in over the last couple of years, but what he was gonna do different this year said, you know, the very first thing is I'd look at 2019 is I've realized over time that questions invite revelation. [02:42] And he said, there's a lot of things I need revelation for this year. I'm trying to grow my business. I'm trying to do. Is it called the shop? Basically it'll 4 million for this next year. Uh, and so he goes, I'm, that's 400 times what I did last year, more than 400 times. So it, I don't have the skill set there, I don't have the people in my community. And he said, what matters most to me right now is to realize that questions invite revelation and I need revelation. So I wanted to kind of just mentioned that to you as you start looking at this year to start asking better questions. And one of the things he said was, as far as the questions so you can they go, they come really random for a lot of people. He said for him personally, his quest, he's only looking at really one question and that is what is the number one immediate problem in front of me that I need to solve? [03:37] I thought that is awesome. If you, if you can actually identify what the number one immediate problem is in front of you and all your questions are focused on solving that problem, that in and of itself will take care of everything else. So again, this applies in your business, applies in your relationships, it applies in all sorts of different parts of your life. If you were to take a look as far as in, for me personally, if I was, if I'm looking at this going right now, what is the number one immediate problem in front of me that I need to solve for click funnels? So I run all of our top line revenue. I run all of our business development, all of our partnerships, all of our, all of our international growth opportunities, anything as far as all that kind of stuff that impacts our top line revenue, which obviously then falls to the bottom line. [04:23] What is the number one thing I can do, and I can tell you for me the number one immediate problem in front of me that I am trying to solve this year is to reduce our churn. We have over a thousand people a day that hit the clickfunnels website. Half those people sign up for a free trial and then basically I after after the first 30 days, about half those actually make that first payment and so I'm trying to find out what can I do to help decrease churn? How can I impact more people's lives? How can I help more people, more entrepreneurs actually use click funnels in their business, in their life to get the the goals, the dreams and things that they've said. So for me, the number one problem that I can see that in front of me is that, and it was funny because before I went on the cruise, one of the things I ended up signing up for was a dear friend of mine, Dan Martell is a guy, basically sold a company to mark Cuban for clarity FM and as a SAS owner basically has made a ton of money, but really he's taken all this time and effort to work now with other sas companies and typically he ends up working with companies who are just getting started. [05:33] Only [inaudible] I've known for a long time. I said, you know, Dan, I know we're not your typical client, but I still have some of the same issues that your clients face in one of those is true. And he goes, well, Dave, I don't, I don't deal with kinds and your size because there's nothing, there's not anything in it for me. And I said, yeah, I understand that we're not giving away equity or anything like that, but if you were to to work with us, what would it be? And those types of questions I'd love to ask because if it was what would it take? And we basically came to terms and, and he goes, okay, I actually will take this on. And so I ended up signing up a painting, a large chunk of money to basically help us to reduce churn. And so for you and your business in your life, what is the number one immediate problem in front of you? [06:20] And start asking that question on a daily basis. And again, it's something I continue to ask. Even though I've hired Dan. I'm, I'm looking at it all the time. How do we identify churn? How do we actually impact different cohorts of churn? How do we, when we start looking at add users, customer success, what do we do to have greater success sooner so they can stick with this long, so realize once you start asking that number one question, that question, the immediate problem in front of you, it's thinking to start getting you involved in other things as well. So identify first and foremost, what is the number one immediate problem in front of you and start asking a bunch of questions about that. That is going to give you the revelation that you need. Next thing Stephen talked about was this whole idea as far as too often people just read to read. [07:08] He goes, I always read to hunt. I'm I'm lily hunting. I'm trying to find the answer. I'm looking for applied learning. I'm trying to find from the masters someone who basically took the time to put together a book. What's the one thing that I need? And so I. I find so many people who get in situation where man, I read a book a day or a book a week or whatever it is, and I'm like, why are you doing that? Are you doing it just to, to get a whole bunch of content in your head? Or are you, are you truly on a hunt? Are you reading to hunt? Are you trying to find a way to solve a problem? And so for, it's been fun for me to watch Steven, his whole focus has been on offers and a yesterday in the office, uh, he was in there and Russell basically gave him two or three different books that he had just on offers. [07:56] And in fact, as you start tossing questions out to the universe, you'll be amazed as far as how those things come back. All of a sudden someone presents two or three books that you might need or they introduce you to someone. So as you focus on the number one problem in your life, solving that one problem, you will find other resources come to you. You'll find the opportunity as far as books or courses and understand that when you're doing this read to hunt. I was gonna. I titled this just in time learning and I got that just in time. Learning from Steven says, you've got to. You guys have to stop learning. Generally too often people and I saw this take place and our two Comma Club coaching program because we have so much content and they were so much amazing stuff out there that everybody, not everyone. [08:43] A lot of people just gotten this idea as far as they were just learning generally and take for example, there's it doesn't do you any good to spend time going through John's facebook course if you don't even have your funnel up. Stop learning about facebook until you get your funnel built and realized that just in time, learning is such a key principle in life. That is all you need to worry about right now and only thing you need to learn is whatever is going to solve the number one immediate problem in front of you. So really make sure that you're everything you start hunting. Learn, understand that you have to love to learn and as you start gaining this love for learning, what you're going to find is you then start focusing on just in time learning what is the like right now, the only stuff I'm really studying is churn reduction. [09:31] That's the number one stuff for me. It's all I care about and if I can solve that one problem, I can solve a whole bunch of other problems later. But realize you have to stay focused, especially on your learning, especially in your reading. Read to hunt and focused. Learning it on just in time learning. The only thing you need to learn right now is whatever the number one problem is in front of you and forget learning about everything else. With that. The other thing I want to talk to you about is this whole idea about modeling, and this kind of goes back to this situation. I'm, uh, I mentioned the last one as far as assuming someone else's identity. And again, this is more of an identity hacky, not identity theft type of a deal, but realize that when you find someone who has already done what you, you're trying to do, they've already built a framework and that framework literally is, if you follow the framework, that's 80 percent of the success. [10:23] Steven mentioned the remaining 20 percent of the success. That's your own creativity. But too often people try to do their own creativity and forget the framework. One of the things that Russell is literally the master at is creating frameworks. And it's fun for me to see how steven has learned that from Russell and does the same thing as he teaches. He teaches frameworks. Um, if you would look at. One of the things Steven was talking about was this whole idea that becoming a framework master says, I personally, Zemo was saying that he personally, it hasn't ever read or studied Dan Kennedy stuff. What he's done instead is he studied Russell who has been a master's student studying for years. All the gurus of the past and all their different frameworks to then help create his own framework from that. And by doing that, what happens is Russell's been able to literally put together decades in into a day or in a couple of days, and then from that Steven has now been able to digest that piece of it and now has the framework that Russell was able to find as he spent years studying all the growers and basically the framework mastery that he was able to study and put together. [11:36] Steven is now quickly able to adopt us into his own life and to have the massive success that Steven had last year because of the framework that he had. So my whole focus here is to understand first and foremost questions invite revelation. And the first thing you need to do then is what's the find out, what's the number one immediate problem in front of you? And solve that question. The second thing then is to then model those people who are already doing it against whole reason I hire coaches is because they're already doing it. They've already been down that road. So find, find out what the number one immediate problem is in front of you. Ask as many questions as possible to get answers to that, and one of those questions should be who is the person that I can model? Who's the person who has the framework to help me solve that problem I doing that? [12:23] You have 80 percent of the success and the other 20 percent is gonna be your own creativity and color and flair that you add to that. So those are the first two things. The third thing is a question you need to start asking yourself on a regular basis and that is how can I increase my speed? Speed is one of the most amazing things to me. I have seen, I've seen this take place in so many parts of my own personal life as well as in the lives of others, and that is too often people get focused on, on being too slow to do things. Speed makes up for a lot of mistakes. It covers a lot of mistakes because you're able to get to the next thing quickly understand that you're always trying to find ways of increasing speed. One of the ways of increasing speed for me is hiring a coach. [13:08] It's why I've hired. You guys have heard me talk about this a ton of times. I hired a coach in my own personal life. Jerrick Robbins, Tony Center hired him this last year. I ended up hiring Eric cafferty who has been my physical coach. I ended up hiring Brad and Ryan on my finances to help me on my financial coach. Those are the three coaches I had last year going into this next year. I'm still working with Eric, but I'm going to be working now with with Dan Martell as a coach on helping me solve my number one problem, which is how to, how do we reduce churn at clickfunnels? So realize you have to be taking a look at these types of things and finding out what. What is the thing that you can do to help increase speed? Now, one of the things that happens for a lot of us, and I know myself and in this, I seen this especially with my kids, were I'll ask them a question that I thought, I don't know dad. [13:59] Just tell me the answer and I'm like, no, I'm not going to tell you the answer, but as I go back to them, they keep saying, well, I don't know that I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. And I said, I got this from Tony Robinson. That is anytime someone says, I don't know, I don't know the answer, the best response, again, as a coach or as a person trying to help them is if you did know the answer, what would it be? And what you're gonna find is that most of us already have a pretty good idea of what the answer is, but we want someone to actually validate it for us or to give us the secrets. There is so much to solving problems ourselves by taking the revelation that comes to us and implementing that. So as you start looking at the problems of life in front of you and you're sitting there saying, I, you know, I just don't know what the answer is. [14:50] Start to rephrase that question. Say, all right, if I didn't know the answer, what would it be? And then start taking action on what that is. The, the whole idea here is I want to make sure that as you take a look at this next year and as you take a look at the opportunities in front of you, that you realize that there are so many people out there willing to help you. So with that, the last thing Steve made mention of an I think is so critical, um, and it's more of a time management opportunity, but it comes down to focusing on doing three moves a day. What are the three things that are going to get you closer to your number one, solving your number one problem? What are the three things that if you did these three things today are going to get you closer to adapting the speed that you need in your life? [15:35] What are the three things that are going to get you closer to getting the goals that you have and each day? Just focus on those three things. I think too often I, I've been guilty of this myself or my to do list is like a, today I'm going to get a million things done, or the there's these 35 things I got to get done by the end of the day. That just doesn't happen. So as you start taking a look at it, and then this kind of goes back to Gary Keller's, the one thing and that is what's the one thing if I did this, everything else would become easier or unnecessary and if you find that one thing is you'll typically find there might be two other ones that are really close there. If you end up doing the one thing first and then knock out the next two by doing those three things, you will find the speed is crazy in your life because you get winter right? [16:23] Of all the clutter. It goes back to this whole idea as far as learning as as the idea, as far as making sure that when you're looking at learning that it's just in time learning. When you're looking at and reading your hunting, make sure that you're taking the time to focus. I think if there's one thing I could say, out of all all the success I've seen in our two comma club members aren't your come ex students are eight figure award winners and that is focus. You've got to focus and as an entrepreneur we get so sidetracked by all this bright, shiny objects all around us. If you will take the time to focus and identify what's the number one problem you have right now and just spend all your energy in that. Everything else will work. So with that said, I just hope you have the most amazing time ever again. [17:09] You're going to get this podcast probably listen to this. If it came out on time towards the end of January, which means we are most likely almost sold out with funnel hacking live tickets. Please. I would love to see you if I'm lacking live. So please go to funnel hacking, get a ticket, and then finally at funnel hacking live, come up to me and say, hey dave, thanks so much for encouraging me to be here. This is the best event I ever could have attended and again, I just, I just want you to know we care about you, love you, and most importantly, once you have success and the greatest way of having success is by getting funnel hacking live. Have an awesome day and we'll talk to you soon. [17:42] Everybody. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to podcasts. If you don't mind, could you please share this with others, rate and review this podcast on itunes. It means the world to me or I'm trying to get to as a million downloads here in the next few months and just crush through over 650,000 and I just want to get that next few $100,000 so we can get to a million downloads and see really what I can do to help improve and get this out to more people. At the same time, if there's a topic, there's something you'd like me to share or someone you'd like me to interview, by all means, just reach out to me on facebook. You can pm me and I'm more than happy to take any of your feedback as well as you'd like me to interview. I'm more than happy to reach out and have that conversation with you, so again, go to Itunes, rate and review this, share this podcast with others and let me know how else I can improve this or I can do to make this better for you guys. Thanks.
Jan 24, 2019 • 29min

Goals Learned From a Rocket Scientist to Get Your Business Off the Launch Pad - Dave Woodward - FHR #307

Why Dave Decided to Talk About Cruising with a Rocket Scientist: Though Dave is usually opposed to sharing stuff shared in the 2 Comma Club X Mastermind, he’s willing to break this one rule today purely because of the value that he feels need to be shared. Learn why Dave thinks that proper goal setting really lies within setting realistic goals that can be achieved yet push you. And of course listen in to how crucial it is to assume the identity of the person who would accomplish the goals you have already set. We’re taking this podcast out of this world with the content provided so strap into your vehicle to out of this world success, take your protein pills or Ketones, and listen in. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: (3:36) Your Result Goals vs. Your Process Goals (8:02) What Process Goals Would Help Your Business or Just Yourself? (10:24) Dave’s Self-Established Rock Bottom (16:06) YOUR Identity (17:03) James the Drummer (20:31) What’s the Importance of Assuming an Identity? (23:46) According to Dave, This is the Main Reason You Have a Coach (25:42) Steven Larsen is the FunnelHacker version of Babe Ruth, call your homerun Quotable Moments: (4:06) “You need to make sure you’re setting goals that can be met. And, ideally, you need to be setting goals that can be reached by August or September (8:01) “The Process Goals are the goals that actually make things happen.” (20:46) “The importance, when you’re setting goals, of assuming an identity. What you’re going to find is identity shapes behavior and your behavior is what’s going to shape the outcome.” Other Tidbits: Your goals, if un-hit can hurt your esteem more than fill you with drive. Balance is key. Your Result Goal can be to just become normal, whatever that may mean to you. Dave has an illness known as *drum roll please* No-Rhythm-itis. Put on that identity like you’re Bruce Wayne putting on the Batman cowl and step into your dream. Important Episode Links: ---Transcript--- Speaker 1:     00:00         Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here is your host, Dave Woodward. Speaker 2:     00:17         Welcome back to funnel hacker radio. Everybody. This is going to be a fun episode. I just got back from our two comma club x cruise. That was crazy fun. It was, I think we had like 350 people on this thing and ended up leaving out of Miami, going to Miami down like two and a half days down to the British Virgin Islands. Uh, spend some time there, a little beach and Tortola next day. We were in St Thomas a day or so on the ocean and coming back and then spent the day at, at NASA. Actually Atlantis. It was really fun for me this time. I actually had the opportunity be being there with my wife and then my two youngest boys, Christian and Jackson. And the part I guess I was so impressed with was the networking that took place on the cruise and just the, the openness and the friendships and really the family that was felt by all of the members are two Comma Club coaching program is really a fun, fun experience. Speaker 2:     01:12         We ended up each day having a starting off any, any of the days we were actually at sea. We'd start off with a mastermind and the very first one was kicked off by Mr James P friel. I, I've had on my podcast a couple of times, a dear friend of mine, Guy who's just a very, very systems oriented. And it was great to hear from him. It's one of the main reasons I. I'm basically labeling this as far as, you know, secret from a rocket science I learned on a cruise ship because James P friel is a rocket scientist. Yes. Actually what, that's where you went to school for and ended up working in aeronautics and all that kind of stuff. But the part that I found super fascinating to me is I was looking at, uh, at the people, he was basically in our, in our two comma, x coaching program programs. Speaker 2:     01:56         He was in there talking to them, just how engaged they were with what he was discussing. And in fact, you know, what I need. I typically never really share a lot of the things that we talked about. Our Two Comma Club coaching program because people paid $18,000 to belong to it. But I really wanted to make sure that you got this piece. And so I took some notes and I'm just going to kind of go through some of the things that he taught because it was really fun because it was the beginning of the new year. And so it was all about goals. Now understand I, I've always been a huge goal setter and there's a lot of different things people say about goals that I'm. I'm not a huge believer in a lot of the things that people talk about. But the things that James is going through, I thought were really unique and set in a way that that would last more than just the month. Speaker 2:     02:50         And so I want to kind of go through these things. Some of them you'll say, yeah, I already know that. I'm sure that a couple of, no, I really want to make sure you spend some time on and, and use in your life, especially here at the beginning of the year. I don't know where you are in your business, where you are in your personal life, your with your finances, your relationships, your spiritual, all of the kinds of different types, types of things you could be setting goals in. But I want you to kind of listen in and take some notes as to those things that might actually help you. Uh, you're probably going to be receiving this podcast towards the end of January, first part of February were a lot of people have already. Whatever goals they had, they've now forgotten about them when they're on to something new. So what that said, some of the things that we talked about was two different types of goals and one of the things you're gonna have are going to be results, goals, and the other type thing. Speaker 2:     03:41         You're going gonna have our process goals. Now, results goals are typically those things that most people set a, I'm going to lose 50 pounds by the end of the year. I'm going to be a millionaire by the end of the year. Uh, you know, they're these huge beehag is these big hairy audacious goals that people set. And I, I've learned this actually from Alex Charfen and that was anytime you're setting the goal, especially as a leader and a manager working with a team, you need to make sure that you're setting goals that actually can be met. And ideally they can be met by August or September. And I know a lot of people go, well, that's not your set, your standard too low. That's not the case. If you take a look at, at human behavior and what motivates people, there's nothing more frustrating than setting a goal time and time and time again. Speaker 2:     04:30         And never ever hitting it. Um, I, I've seen this take place a lot, especially in, in business where a manager will set a goal for somebody. First of all, it's a matter of setting a goal. It's not the team setting the goal so they don't have as much ownership in it. So first of all, if you're working as a manager or as a leader or the strategies in your company and you're looking at setting goals, make sure that the people who you're setting the goals with, they have buy in into it. Meaning that's something they believe in, that they've said that they, something they as a team have come up with. Um, I can tell you that. So take for example, I'll give you current lured to seven, just over 70,000 customers. I would love for our goal to be that we were going to double our customers by next year. Speaker 2:     05:18         Now, as much as I would love to see that happen, the reality of that actually happening due to a whole bunch of factors that come into play is pretty, pretty tough. Could it happen? Sure it could happen. But the chances of it realistically happened are super, super slim. So during our partner meeting we had, back in December, we were having this conversation of what are the things that are that our employees, we've got over 250 people working now at click funnels and I wanted to make sure there was some of they got behind that they felt ownership in that they understood the impact that their job has on every single one of our customers. And so with that, uh, with our, we set the goal at 100,000 and Russell was like, I think we definitely would be able to do 100,000 again, realize hundred thousand dollars, almost a 50 percent increase, which is a huge, huge increase. Speaker 2:     06:10         And but we said, you know, what do we know confidently that we can make sure we actually hit. That is still a pretty big stretch. Well 25 percent increase would be almost 15,000 more people, which again, is a massive, massive goal. Twenty five, 25 percent. Adding that to your customers at the level we're at right now, that is a lot of customers. But that's where we thought, you know what, realistically I know for sure we can add an additional 15,000 customers between now and the end of the year, but more importantly, I believe that we can actually have that we can hit 85,000 customers by August or September, October. The reason that's so important is we want to make sure that as we go out to are the people who work for us and with us, that when they buy into that goal, they understand they actually have an impact on the lives of 85,000 people as they pick up it, as they respond to any of the emails or the tickets are there, talk on the phone, whatever that what they're doing matters. Speaker 2:     07:11         And so for us, even though a huge beehag gold be 150,000 customers and even a large goal would be 100,000 customers, but a really attainable stretch goal for us still is 85,000. And that's kind of where. That's exactly what we're setting our goal. Now. Again, that's more of a results goal. The key here is anytime you're looking at goals, you're going to have results, goals, where it's, you know, this is the end result, but the result goal does you no good, and this is where most people screw stuff up is they forget to set the process goals and the process goals are the ones that you need to do on a, on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Those are the goals that they may not be as fun and exciting and as you're talking to people about it, getting all whole bunch of energy and excitement behind it, but the process goals are the goals that actually make things happen. Speaker 2:     08:05         And so, um, some of the process goals that we're looking at is reducing churn. We're looking at increasing our revenue per customer. We're looking at some of the process goals of being able to identify what are the, what are the three to five things that a person who's getting started with clickfunnels. If they do those three to five things, they're going to have success. So what is the, what in your. Some of the process goals we're looking at is what are the things in the success journey that needs to take place for our customers and then what we will then end up setting process goals behind how do we actually make those things become more attainable and realistic for our customers. So realize when you're setting goals, you're typically gonna have results goal, but the most important goals you have to start setting and those are going to be your habits or your process goals. Speaker 2:     08:53         So please, as you start taking a look at this year, you probably set a whole bunch of results goals. Now the next step is what are the process goals that you need to set a take? For example, a lot of you guys know I've been listening to as a thing I've struggled with the most, is being consistent in working out and I don't really have a results goal with regard to a weights I'm trying to lift or body percent fat. Really, the results goal was for me to just get healthy and healthy for me is as weird as it sounds at this time. Last year, January second of last year, I was under the knife on a surgeons in operating table, uh, getting my back fixed. And so for me, I, last year was a huge recovery year. I wasn't able to last December I was living in a wheelchair, being pushed around a Thanksgiving point at a Christmas lights festival. And I remember the pain of that moment for me was probably the most intense thing I've experienced a long time because I remember as a kid, I don't know why I'm going into this direction with you guys, but I'm, I am so as a child, I at the age of have to end up Speaker 2:     10:16         getting an illness, a encephalitis, basically red water on my brain. And I ended up not being able to walk. And I ended up having seizures for quite a few years in my childhood where, uh, the age of basically of three, I ended up having to learn how to walk and to talk and to, and to do everything all over. And because of that, my early childhood, I was always the last kid picked on the, on the football team or the kickball team or whatever type of thing it was. And, and because of that, my mom was so concerned about sports that I wasn't able to play any sports growing up until I got into high school. And then high school I don't think it did, was, was able to run, um, but I remember the pain Speaker 3:     11:02         of, Speaker 2:     11:04         of not being able to walk as a child and of having to take medication to avoid the seizures and, and feeling so different and have, have been in a situation to where I wasn't like everybody else. And I remember last Christmas when I was Speaker 2:     11:24         in a wheelchair, being pushed around on a, uh, through the park, watching the lights thinking, oh my gosh, am I going back to that again? Am I not going to be able to walk? And so for me this year was all about regaining feeling in my feet. What had happened was I had dropped foot and I couldn't control my feet. That basically just kept flopping down. I had neuropathy in my feet and I couldn't feel the bottoms of my feet. So for me, um, the results goal was I wanted to be able to walk without, without a limp, without dragging my feet and I want it to be able to have feeling in my feet and I want to balance. And again, I know those things may sound completely like, oh my Gosh, David, those are so minor. But for me, they were huge last year. And so sorry for going in that whole emotional story for me, that results go last year. Speaker 2:     12:21         What I wanted more than anything else, uh, was I wanted to really become normal again. As weird as that might sound. And so the process goals was why I ended up hiring a coach because after the surgery, everything else I tried working out and I tried doing different things, but I, I wasn't doing things consistently and I wasn't getting the recovery fast enough. And it wasn't until August where I started working out with Eric on a regular basis that I started seeing that. And so for me, the process goals was to work out to lift at least twice a week with a trainer and ideally three times a week and to start walking and that's all it was. As basic as that sounds. So fast forward towards the end of the year, I now have, I have all the feeling in my feet back. I am able to walk without a limp. Speaker 2:     13:11         I actually am feeling amazing and I am so I think my father and having all the time for the blessing of health, um, for me though, I ended up the, one of the results goal I ended up setting in and got all my family and kids involved was we're going to spartan race in June, in June. Uh, one of the things I hate right now is, is running and cardio is just not one of the things I enjoy, but I need to do it. And so that was the whole reason why I've said that. So now my process goals now associated with getting in shape for a spartan race, I'm going to continue doing the lifting the two to three times a week as far as lifting, but now it's a matter of setting a goal of doing cardio three times a week, minimum of a half hour, and instead in that. Speaker 2:     13:55         So my whole folks in in, I just want to make sure you understand when you're setting, don't just set results. Goals. The key here is the process. Goals are what actually make things happen. The other thing James just talking about was what exactly is a habit? And you know, people will go back and forth as far as habits are, you know, they got it takes 21 days, make a habit. I'm not talking about that. What I'm talking about is what actually is a habit. And if you take a look at the actual, what a habit is, the habit is the smallest unit of a thing that you can do without fail. Uh, so for me right now a habit. So it was a process and now that process to become a habit, now a habit that I have is I will work out at least twice a week with, with a trainer at 5:00 in the morning on Mondays and 6:00 in the morning on Wednesdays and I'll try to make sure we, um, 6:00 on Tuesdays and I'm always trying to get that third day and on Thursdays that literally has become a habit and do it realistically without fail. Speaker 2:     14:54         And it is literally the smallest unit of a thing that I can do without fail. The next habit that I'm trying to establish is, is 10,000 steps every single day where I literally, no matter what happens, I get 10,000 steps a. As I'm recording this podcast, I actually have three different metrics on my body right now that I'm tracking. I've got a Fitbit, a, I have a woop and I just got the aura ring and yesterday and I'm, I'm literally split testing the three different things. My wife was like, what in the world are you wearing? Well, I'm wearing those. See which one I liked the most? And which one gets me the best results in which I can track and get the units, the smallest unit of a thing that I can do without fail. So realize you start the year off, we're gonna set results goals, then you're going to set process goals, and then those process goals. Speaker 2:     15:44         The idea is to have those process goals become habits toward those habits are the smallest unit of a thing that you can do without fail. Now that's typically what most people talk about when it comes to setting goals and habits and all that kinds of stuff. The next thing is the one thing that James mentioned I really hadn't thought that much about, but it's the one thing that makes all of the difference. And this one thing is that identity. And if you take a look at, at what we've built inside of clickfunnels, one of the things we talk a lot about is becoming a funnel hacker. And it's ironic to me, uh, we started this thing almost by actually it was members of our culture that kind of started, that we have now adopted. And that is is really just becoming a funnel hacker. We have tee shirts about becoming a funnel hacker. Speaker 2:     16:32         It's our event is actually patterned out to that funnel hacking live and there is an actual identity of a funnel hacker. And what people actually do as a funnel hacker. Well one of the things they do is they funnel hack. Nothing they do is they use click funnels. Nothing they ended up doing is there. They've got goals set to hit the two comma club to hit our eight, figuring out to do all the different things that funnel hackers do. Now, the only reason I mentioned this is Jane's probably said it best and that was the way this whole identity thing came about. He really, he never had. He. I can totally relate to them on this. Never had any ability to follow a beat and to dance or to have musical talents or anything at all. Which is again, one of my biggest struggles with my wife because she would love to go dancing, but I suck at dancing. Speaker 2:     17:24         I can't carry a beat. I can't dance again saying it's just not. One of the things I'm good at, but the part I connected with on James was a. He was saying, they're saying, you know, I want it to become a drummer. He says, I was sitting there and my condo on the beach in Florida and was listening to some music and thought that's what I want. I want to become a drummer, and so he literally took on the identity of saying, I am a drummer, I am a funnel hacker, I am a runner, I am a. whatever that is. You have to assume that identity and the assumption of that identity then leads to things that you actually begin to do and it actually ends up shaping your behavior. The behavior that it got shaped for James was, as soon as he said he was a drummer, well, the very first things that drummers do or have is they have a drum set. Speaker 2:     18:15         So as a drummer, as soon as he took on that identity, the very first thing he did was he went online and bought a drum set. Again, he's in a condo. He's sitting there thinking, you know what? My neighbors are probably going to kill me if I've got a huge drum set and I'm playing it in and all they're hearing is me trying is beating the crap out of a snare drum and and all the symbols and all that kind of stuff. So he thought, I'll get electric jumps set that way. I they won't hear it, but I will. I will become a drummer and I'll be amazing at it. And so from that he then ordered a huge drum set and as it arrived you gotta was like, James, what in the world is this? He's like, this year is, I'm a drummer, Jada. I'm a drummer. Speaker 2:     19:00         She's like, you are not a drummer, you've never played the drums. It's like, no, I am a drummer, and just the identity of itself shaped what happened next. So first thing that happened was he bought a drum set. Well, soon as the drum set arrived, he realized there was, you have to plug things into amps, into keyboard all and and to do your computer. It's like, well, I didn't have that. So instead of waiting for it to come, he then got in his car and drove to the nearest music store and at the nearest music store said, you know what, Hey, what do I need? And they said, well, this is what you need. So they went to the back and he didn't purchase whatever he needed and at that time he, he then turned to the guy, said, well, what else would I need? Speaker 2:     19:42         I've. He says, I've never played the drums before. And I said, well, you might actually want to take a lesson. And so he said, well, how soon can I get the lessons? I'm a drummer. I want to get started right now. I want to start. So you looked down his list and it happened at that time that there had been a cancellation of the, of the teacher basically there who is the drumming instructor. And he said, you know, you literally can get in in the next hour. So he came back within the next hour and sat down for his first lesson and went through it. And the very first thing that the the guy who basically was his teacher or coach says, you don't, you might actually want to consider getting a different instrument. He said, drumming really isn't. You don't have the coordination for drumming. He goes, no, I am a drummer. Speaker 2:     20:25         I am a drummer. And so because of that, he then focus all of his time on lily doing just tapping one at a time just trying to find that beat. And it took a ton of time, but now he actually is a drummer. He's continued down that road and he actually is a drummer. And so I thought so much about that I the importance when you're setting goals of assuming an identity because what you're going to find his identity, shapes, behavior, and your behavior is what's going to shape all the outcomes because your behavior is going to be based on the process goals that we just talked about. So I want to make sure that when you start looking at goals, there's results. Goals, there are process goals, process goals become habits. The one piece that most people screw up is they never ever assume the identity. Speaker 2:     21:12         Now what do I mean by assuming the identity? One is by first of all, identifying who is the person you want to become like. Again, this goes back to a lot of Tony robins things as far as modeling, but what you want to then do is you want to study those people on a regular basis. You might want to study one person a month who is that identity and find a different person every single month and find out what do they do? What are the habits they have, what are the process they do? What are the goals that they've set, and you literally go through and as a rocket scientist, break it down, step by step into the most my noodle, tiniest little units that you can do without fail. That's what it means to assume an identity and the more that you spend time studying that process, the greater the chances are of your becoming that the best way of doing it then is to actually hire a coach who then actually will help you become that person. Speaker 2:     22:10         Because the coach is going to be able to help you overcome all the mishaps and things that you don't see. You have to understand that it's just human nature to get really frustrated because so often what happens is we always look at the horizon, those, the goals out there. That's where we want to get to and get. The harder you try it and the faster you run the horizon is still, the horizon is still the same. Distance is still out there and you never. We never really appreciate how far we've come. The key is you've got to take the time to turn around and look back and see all of the things that you've gone through, all the process process that you've adapted, the habits that you have, all the things that you did that were wrong and how you corrected those mistakes that you made and to realize where you're at. Speaker 2:     22:58         You've come so far. Unfortunately for most of us, we get frustrated because we're not where we want to be and that's one of the great benefits of having a coach. I had, I was talking with Eric Guy. I've hired as my trainer and I'm not lifting the amount of weight pounds wise or by bench or by press or or all that I was hoping I would be at, and he's like, Dave, you have to understand when we first started, you couldn't even balance on one foot. You, you couldn't even. You didn't have the tendon strength and all these things just started going through one thing after another goes. Yet, could you be further or want to be further? Yes, Dave, I get that, but please appreciate and understand how far you've come and for me, that's the benefit of having a coach. A coach can help see where you need to go. Speaker 2:     23:50         They'll help you avoid the mind minds that are going to be in the basically the field that you're walking across, but more important than that, they also were able to take the time to help you turn around and look back when you get frustrated because you're not at the level that you want. So again, a quick little summary here. Understand you have to have results, goals. You've got to then take those results, goals and break those down into process goals, process goals, then need to become habits, that smallest unit but thing that you can do without fail, and then the most important thing is you gotta find the identity. You have to identify who it is that you want to become and assume that identity, become that person in the moment and start doing the things that that person would do, so please understand that for most of us at this time of year where people start giving up on their new year's resolutions, it's because they have so many unmet expectations. Speaker 2:     24:44         Uh, James made mentioned that all upset, all upset comes from unmet expectations. And the whole idea here is to be able to set a goal that's realistic. Something you could hit by August so that you don't have this upset by having so many unmet expectations. I, it's interesting, again, circling back to the fact that we were on this cruise with the two comma club members, how many of them had set a goal of by Nick's funnel hacking live, I am going to have walking across stage and receiving the two Comma Club award and that's an awesome goal, but realize that's if you're just starting in a year that is next to impossible it. I mean it's. And I would hate to think that people are frustrated or are anxious or upset because they, they didn't meet that expectation. That expectation is huge. There's no. It was a Stephen Larsen who's a dear friend of mine, uh, was on the cruise as well, and each year he sets a huge goal and basically he calls his shot kind of like babe ruth a pointed the outfield and saying, this is going to be a home run. Speaker 2:     25:57         It's going to end in that section. It's that type of thing calling the shot. And so each year he calls his shot. Well, last year was his first year on his own. Basically the two years prior had been working with us at funnels a as Russell's funnel builder and then last year in January and went on his own and he called his shot basically, I am going to make a million dollars next year and I'm like, Steven, that is crazy. I said, you probably will just because of all the all the foundation work that you put in over all the years. It's not like he was just starting. He had years of foundation work and spent a ton of time with Russell and everything else, but it's interesting. I remember talking with him the last week of December and he's like, Dave, I'm so frustrated because I didn't hit it. I'm like, you didn't hit what? Speaker 2:     26:44         He goes, I didn't hit the million. I said, well, where'd you end? He goes, like 857,000. I'm like, Stephen, that's crazy. That is so insanely crazy. He goes, the part that's so frustrating is there's like 150,000 of it. That is. It will be coming in. It's already on the books. It's just not here yet. I'm like, Steven, you have to understand, and again, this is one thing that you got to take a look back and instead of always looking at the price and take a look back and say, dude, you hit an $857,000 in 12 months. That's an insane number and again, he most likely will hit the two comma club that was walking across stage here, but realize for most people in the first year, that's next to impossible just because they don't have all the foundation work and the years that Steven had put in. Speaker 2:     27:27         My only reason I'm saying that is I want you to be happy. I want you to be so excited about your goals, about, about your life because you've come so far and yes, the horizon is still out there and yes, there's still going to be big, audacious, hairy goals. You're gonna be going after. I get that, but please take the time to appreciate where you've come and I know for myself as I look back over this last year, am I lifting as much as I wanted in my fast? No, but I can tell you I am so thrilled, so excited for where I am physically right now, and the fact that I actually can balance on one foot and I can feel my feet and I'm not in a wheelchair. I mean you have no idea the gratitude I feel every single day for where I am healthwise right now, and I would just hope that as you take a look at this year as you set your goals to realize the importance of results, goals, process, goals and habits, and most importantly assume that identity. Speaker 2:     28:22         Have an amazing year. I hope to see all of you guys at funnel hacking live. It is literally right around the corner, a call to action here. If for some reason you have not purchased your ticket, there are still a few left. Please go to funnel hacking Get your ticket, walk up to me and say, you know what, Dave, I was listening to results, your podcast about results. Kohl's and I bought my ticket because of what you said. Anyway. I want to see if I could live, so please go to [inaudible] dot com. Buy Your ticket, have an amazing day and we'll talk to you soon. Speaker 4:     28:54         Hi everybody. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to the podcast. If you don't mind, could you please share this with others, rate and review this podcast on itunes. It means the world to me where I'm trying to get to as a million downloads here in the next few months and just crush through over $650,000 and I just want to get that next few 100,000 so we can get to a million downloads and see really what I can do to help improve and and get this out to more people. At the same time. If there's a topic, there's something you'd like me to share or someone you'd like me to interview, by all means, just reach out to me on facebook. You can pm me and I'll be more than happy to take any of your feedback as well as you'd like me to interview. More than happy to reach out and have that conversation with you. So again, go to Itunes, rate and review this, share this podcast with others and let me know how else I can improve this or what I can do to make this better for you guys. Thanks.
Jan 22, 2019 • 9min

Rant: Kicking Against the Pricks - Dave Woodward - FHR #306

Why Dave Decided to talk About Kicking Against the Pricks: Do you know what really grinds Dave’s Gears? Though normally it’s people whose websites don’t let their customers buy their products, today it’s people who in an effort to get their own way risk their reputation or relationships. Listen in to hear Dave’s perspective on the matter and see if you can’t apply these snippets of wisdom to your own networking efforts. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: (1:04) It Is Hard For One to Kick Against the Pricks (4:06) There Are People Who Will Just Point Out What is Wrong Quotable Moments: (3:22) “At the same time there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who are having success because they’re not only taking that coaching, taking that advice. And, instead of kicking against it, even though it might hurt, they take the advice. They get going and they do what’s needed.” (5:09) “Realize that in life, in business, and in everything that you do; it is sometimes going to be painful to get what you want long-term.” Other Tidbits: Every year, Dave considers who he wants to hire this year as a coach and what he wants to improve. Important Episode Links: ---Transcript--- Speaker 1:     00:00         Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here's your host, Dave Woodward Speaker 2:     00:17         [inaudible]. Everybody. Welcome back to the new year. Welcome back to black radio. And this is gonna be somewhat of a ramp. So, um, this actually comes from a Greek proverb and it also is found in the new testament and as I was doing some study recently, and this is one of those things where I'm kind of amazed at what happens in business and the frustration that happens when people don't get their way. Um, so without disclosing names or anything else, I just want to kind of talk through the concept and the principle that takes place when there are so many people I run across these days who get frustrated. Things aren't working the way they want them to work and they take no responsibility for things in their own life and basically point the finger and tear down everybody else around them. So the story basically a or this proverb comes to greet property and it says it's hard for you to kick against the pricks, um, and I want to give some clarification as far as what the term means and how all this has done. Speaker 2:     01:16         So, uh, basically in New Testament period of time and old agricultural times. And osgood was a stick and had a pointed piece of iron on it and it was used to prod the oxen along when they were plowing. Now the farmer would pick the animal or the steer basically to kind of get them going in the right directions, but sometimes the animal would rebel and would literally kick out against the prick. And in doing that, what happens, what is actually would result in that prick being driven even further into its flush. In essence, the more the ox rebelled, the more that it's suffered. So when Jesus was on the road to Damascus and came across Saul, so all those guys out there who is frustrated with the whole Christian movement and was fighting against them and tearing them down, and basically what it ends up saying, you're the second in the King James Version Bible. Speaker 2:     02:08         It says, so the Apostle Paul that known as saul was on his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians when he had a blinding encounter with Jesus. Luke records the event says, and when we were all falling to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me and saying, in the Hebrew tongue, saul, saul, why persecute us down me? It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Um, understand these pricks are referred to as gods. And it's one of the things we find happens quite a bit these days when people will get frustrated, they don't get their way and instead of coming up with a solution, they kick against what actually is helping them. And I find it a somewhat fascinating these days that when a person is being directed and given coaching advice and given, um, correction, as far as where to go, they actually fight against it and say, obviously you don't know what. Speaker 2:     02:57         Don't know what you're saying, not right. It can't be that way. That's too hard. And so what I find is those people who are actually reaching out for help sometimes instead of taking the advice, taking the coaching that is needed, they go totally against that, rebel against it, blast all over facebook. This is a live scan, whatever it might be. And at the same time, there are literally hundreds of people, if not thousands of people who are having success because they're taking that coaching. They're taking that advice and instead of kicking against it, even though it might be painful, it might hurt, they actually take the advice. They go forward. They do what's needed. Am I doing what's needed? They get the results they want. Now understand anytime a person is trying to get results in their life, they never. Again, speaking for myself, it never comes as fast as I want because you know, I've been trying to get in shape physically here and oh my gosh, it is painful and I would have, I have the option if I want to kick against my, my trainer and say it doesn't work, it's not right. Speaker 2:     03:57         Or I can basically take his advice, I can take it, take his coaching and suffer through the pain to get the results that I want. We see the same thing happen in business. I see the same thing happen in other parts of life to just understand frequently there are those people who will point out the problems, never providing a solution but just point out the problem and then try to get as many other people behind them as possible to basically try to derail or take down those people who are doing everything they possibly can to make things right. Um, I just hope as you take a look at this new year, you take a look at some of the directions that you're going and where you're wanting to go. That as you take a look at it, you say, all right, who am I going to hire as my coach? Speaker 2:     04:38         Who am I going to hire as the person who's going to get me to the goal that I want? And then am I willing to actually take that advice? Am I willing to, to take the correction in my life even though it may not be what I want, but I know that longterm, that's the direction I want to go. Otherwise, what you find is you start kicking against the pricks or those gods and the pain becomes greater. You don't get what you want, and then you basically start pointing the finger of blame and the finger of scorn and everybody else saying it's their fault that I'm not having success. It doesn't work because of this. Realize that in life and in business and in everything that you do, it is sometimes going to be painful to get what it is longterm that you want out of life. Speaker 2:     05:21         Um, it probably may not happen as fast as you want it to happen. It may not come in the way that you were hoping that it would, it may be someone else who actually gets introduced to you later in your life and they're the person who ends up getting into where you want. The whole idea here is I, is I take a look at my own life and at the beginning of this new year, I'm always trying to find out who do I want to hire as a coach this year and what is the advice and what is the pain that I'm maybe willing to go through to get the results that I'm wanting. So, um, for me, I think a lot of you guys know I've been working with jerrick robbins in the past as I've loved everything with him and I'm looking at working with a couple of other business coaches during this next year. Speaker 2:     06:01         Uh, again, looking at continuing along the lines as far as a physical standpoint. One thing that I hate is cardio and yet I know I have to do it. So I'm actually working with Erica, the guy I've been training with. Your tell me on the cardio aspect, holding me accountable to doing my cardio because I hate it and I literally kick against it all the time and the only thing that happens is I get more winded. I don't have the strength that I want and realizing if I would just go out and do the work and stop the complaining, stop the Mooning, but just do the work. As painful as it may be actually will get the reward I want. It may not come tomorrow. I may not be running a sub six minute mile here by tomorrow, but by putting forth the effort, I actually will be able to get a greater result in and get to the level I want. Speaker 2:     06:48         So my only reason I'm mentioning this is to kind of find out for yourself as you do your own inventory at the end of the year and you start looking forward and find out, am I the type of person who kicks against the pricks or am I the type of person who says, you know what? Even though that may be painful, I'm going to take the advice. I'm going to go forward and implement instead of complaining and pointing the finger of scorn and blaming everybody else, take responsibility for my own life, take responsibility and actually make the changes that I want this year. So again, it's kind of a different podcast and I normally give as just a, it's been one of those things on my mind quite a bit as I've talked to some people who are frustrated and complaining. They didn't get the results. They want it in 2018 and it's everybody else's fault, but their own. Speaker 2:     07:26         I'm typically not the case. Uh, I've why I love reading the Scriptures tends to kind of bring you back to home and realizing, you know, what, there's a greater control and greater power involved in my life and if I stop fighting against the hand that is trying to mold me in craft me and to get me to the point where I know I need to be, things magically happen. It just takes a little long that typically want it. So have an amazing year. I get hopefully a. If this podcast is a value to you, please share it. If it's not a value, I don't know what you want to do with it. Anyways, just know that. Again, I'm excited for 2019. We've got such amazing fun, exciting things happening here at click funnels. I can't wait to tell you all about it. I'm looking forward to bring it out. A bunch of fun new guests this year and I want to say thank you. Just reach out and say thanks so much for those of you guys who listen, I appreciate your time and your effort, uh, those of you guys to reach out and provide me feedback. I greatly appreciate it. I read all the comments, all the reviews, so please go rate and review it on itunes and let me know what you thinking. Have an amazing year and just remember you're just one funnel away. Truly are just one funnel away. Speaker 3:     08:37         Hey everybody, thank you so much for taking the time to listen to podcasts. If you don't mind, could you please share this with others, rate and review this podcast on itunes. It means the world to me. We're trying to get to as a million downloads here in the next few months and just crush through over $650,000 and I just want to get the next few $100,000 so we can get to a million downloads and see really what I can do to help improve and and get this out to more people at the same time. If there's a topic, there's something you'd like me to share or someone you'd like me to interview, by all means, just reach out to me on facebook. You can pm me and I'll more than happy to take any of your feedback as well as the people you'd like me to interview. I'm more than happy to reach out and have that conversation with you. So again, go to Itunes, rate and review this, share this podcast with others and let me know how else I can improve this or what I can do to make this better for you guys. Thanks.
Jan 17, 2019 • 20min

The Gateway Drug to Entrepreneurship: Affiliate Marketing - Myles Clifford - FHR #305

Why Dave Decided to talk with Myles Clifford about Affiliate Marketing: With ClickFunnels rolling out their new One Funnel Away Challenge, Dave thought it would be a great idea to let us all in on the secrets and tips of Affiliate Marketing. He is joined today by Mr. Myles Clifford, a fellow ClickFunnels employee. Dave and Myles talk about ClickFunnels’ sticky cookies if you decide to become an affiliate for us and tons of useful tips and tricks for your own affiliate work. Listen to hear just how important (and simple) it is to publish content about your journey. Others want to hear your story and journey and affiliate marketing could just be the vehicle in which you tell this story. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: (1:07) Do You Really Know How Affiliate Marketing Can Not Only Help Your Bank Account, But Also Your Own Business? (1:48) What ClickFunnels’ Affiliate Marketing Will Look Like This Year (7:00) How Sticky Are Your Cookies? (FYI These Aren’t Your Grandmama’s Cookies) (9:15) Russell Has Written Your Swipe Copy...No This is Not a Fantasy (15:30) Publish for Leads (16:48) Document Your Journey Quotable Moments: "The whole idea about affiliate marketing is to learn about marketing and become a great marketer. Then you can use whatever business, product, or service and bring it into that." "When you’re marketing, you have to understand copy and you have to understand traffic." "Document Your Journey. That’s the most important thing, you don’t have to come up with content. Just document your journey." Important Episode Links: ---Transcript--- Speaker 1:       00:00           Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here's your host, Dave Woodward.   Speaker 2:       00:17           Hey everybody. Welcome back to funnel hacker radio. This is gonna be a fun episode. I have the opportunity of having Mr Myles Clifford in the house with me. Great episode. I'm excited to be here. We're going to cover a lot of different topics today, but they're all going to be surrounded around affiliate marketing. They've asked me to do this because we love affiliate marketing. We love our affiliates and we're going to and tell you what's coming up and how you guys can go out and crush it as an affiliate for clickfunnels or for others as well. So yeah, let's jump right into this. All right, so for a lot of you guys are kind of understand or trying to figure out how do I actually get started making money online? That seems to be one of the biggest things we run across our first year. There's a lot of people who are out there saying, gosh, I'd love to make more money this year. Speaker 2:       00:54           How can I do it? So one of the things, I'm going to do a podcast here real quick with Julie Coyne and we'll be talking to her with regard to agencies and how you can create your own agency. That's great. And all the one thing, both an agency as well as a affiliate marketing have in common. And that is you don't have to have your own product. And that's the main thing that miles I want to talk to you about is too often we have a lot of people think they wanna start making money online, but they spend all their time trying to create a product that they don't even know if it's going to sell. So the whole idea behind affiliate marketing is to learn about marketing and to become a great marketer. And then you can go ahead and you can use whatever type of business or product or service you want to bring into that. Speaker 2:       01:33           So what the hell? That said, I'm one talk to you about some of the things that are inside of our affiliate marketing program, how it works, how did the commission's work, what is it? Sticky cookie, why is that important to you? And more importantly, what are the actual products and services that we have coming up? So what's the first one we in launching this year? So the first one we have launching this year is our one funnel away challenge. And if you know clickfunnels, you know we usually do 40 percent recurring commissions and 40 percent commissions on other products that people purchase, which by the way, so what is recurring commissions? Commissions. Yeah. So if someone signs up for click funnels, you're going to get 40 percent of what they pay each month. So if someone's paying $97 a month to use click funnels and they signed up through your affiliate link, you're going to get 40 percent of that each and every month. Speaker 2:       02:15           So it's not just a one time thing. You're not just making $38 and eighty cents one time, you're making $38 and eighty cents every stinkin month, which adds up. You get 10 people sign up, you're making $380, $88, I don't know math very well, but you make $388 a month and get 10 people sign up for clickfunnels. You double that triple that. Like people have quit their jobs just getting others to sign up for clickfunnels. But. So that's, that's, you know, we'll get into that here in a minute. But the first thing we have launching is the one funnel away challenge. And not only are we paying commissions on it, we're paying actually 100 percent commissions on it. So it's $100 to join the one funnel away challenge. So for every person you get to join that, you're going to make 100 bucks. You have a mother who wants to, you know, everyone's setting your goals, like Dave just said. Speaker 2:       02:57           So people are trying to find ways to make money online, supplemented income or pay for the car payment every single month. If you can get just a few people to sign up for the one funnel away challenge, that's a few hundred dollars in your pocket. So what exactly is the one funnel? A challenge. What do they get for 100 bucks? How's all that work together? So we, we, we did this back in September and it was attached to a different product, but it was. We have Steven Larsen who, man, he should be in here because he's the, I think he said one of the Kings of affiliate marketing. Right now you have Steven Larsen, Julie Stuart, and Russell Brunson. And for 30 days they're going to take you by the hand and not only going to take you by the hand, they're going to prod you from behind. They're gonna push that sound. Speaker 2:       03:33           They're going to just push you like crazy a cut that out real fast from behind. Make sure you cut that out. Listen to this. What's his name? Uh, Scott. Cut that out. So not only are you going to, okay now Russell and Julie and Steven coaching you, they're going to be pushing you along through your, I guess click funnels during. They're going to help you figure out a product or an offer. It doesn't have to be your own product and we're going to go through that, but they're going to tell you what you need to do, how to use click funnels, how to build. Man, that whole thing threw me off. Sorry, the prod from behind. So the funnel of again, Speaker 3:       04:10           so guys, what's going to happen here is you get the opportunity to sign up for one funnel, a challenge, and what they get is as miles was talking to you about it, they get a 30 day challenge and you'll probably see these challenges that really become one of the major things that have built a lot of the weight loss industry and the industry. We're seeing the same thing taking place inside of coaching programs in internet marketing. One of the great things about the challenge is they're going to get daily content. So what happens here is Russell went over and basically gives a 10,000 foot level. Julie came in and said, okay, let's take that 10,000 foot level and break it down into daily actionable steps and then steven actually comes on on a daily basis and he's going to actually help people understand exactly what they need to do every single day and give them encouragement and motivation to make sure they get lily take action to get that done. The reason this is important to you is what you're gonna find in your group and the people that you're working with Speaker 3:       05:05           is people these days. They feel like they get just information overload. And so the way that we've kind of combat that information overload is to literally say, stop looking at everything else. Pay attention for the next 30 days and literally do each and every little tiny step. And that's the whole idea behind the one funnel with challenge. Now what they're going to pay for the hundred dollars, $100 bucks gives them an actual hard bound book of the 30 days plan. And this is where we went through in September, is miles referring to you and actually contacted 100 of our top two comma club award winners, 30 them submitted their actual plans, meaning if you were to lose absolutely everything and all you had was click funnels and your marketing knowledge, what would you do to get back on top and the next 30 days and they literally created a page by page action item and it Louise over 550 pages. Speaker 3:       05:53           They get that hard bound book. In addition to that, they also get an MP three, the MP three player has all the content of the last challenge so they can start listening to that in advance and getting that done. They get a map literally is a step by step what they're going to do over the next 30 days to actually make sure this takes place. They get invited into part of our mighty network group, which is a community where they can now work with others and actually have accountability partners to make sure they actually make things happen over the course of the next 30 days. For us, the whole idea here is we want to make sure that anybody you're promoting this out to get massive value, you will find we will over deliver on this product more so than anything else. As miles mentioned, we asked, you're paying 100 percent commission. Speaker 3:       06:31           We've never ever done this before until we get it in September and had over 7,500 people sign up. We gave out at $75,000 in commissions. We expect this time to be somewhere between 100,000, $150,000 in commissions directly to you. What want to do is to make sure that you're actually getting value out of this and so they, whenever they sign up, that hundred bucks goes directly to you. We don't get anything. We actually lose money on this deal. One thing smiles mentioned though is it sets a sticky cookie for you. So what the heck is a sticky cooking? Why would that be important to me to listening? Speaker 2:       07:00           Alright, so a sticky cookie. This is where it's important. As we talked about, you get recurring commissions or you make 40 percent or in this case, under our CPA, so somebody signs up for the one funnel away, challenge through your affiliate link when they purchase something going forward, whether that's another book or another training program, or they sign up for click funnels because they're going to be encouraged to during the week challenge, you're going to get the commissions for that. So they are therefore sticky cookie to your affiliate id or their sticky cookie to you. Meaning anytime they buy something, anytime they sign up for something, you're going to get the commissions for those products or for those services. So that's huge because really you promote one time to somebody and then they're kind of your customer forever. So you're going to make that money. You know, obviously they're not buying from you, but once you get them sign up through your affiliate link, they're yours. Speaker 3:       07:47           So one of the great things about that is we actually do a lot of our own email promotions and marketing on the back end. So if we send out any emails, we never send an affiliate links with that. So if they click on that link, whoever the last affiliate was, they clicked on being you. You didn't get the missions on any additional products. The reason this is super important to you is this next year, our whole focus is just going to be on creating front end products. So right now if you were take a look at their certain, first of all miles, they want to sign up for an affiliate or if they're already aren't they like how do they check their stats? Where do they go to get that? Oh, Speaker 2:       08:16           well if you go to, what's your dream If you're not an affiliate yet, go to what's your dream and sign up to become an affiliate if you already are. That's where you can check your dashboards, grabbed the other affiliate links, because we. If you go into that dashboard and it's been a while since you've been in there, you can see that we have a ton of different products. David was just talking about different front end products and we're going to be adding more and that's just ways to get people into click funnels into Russel Brunson into this realm and world where they can just continue to purchase more things, but then also continue to grow and learn and then that means they have more money to purchase and grow, and so it's just an amazing thing for you guys. So go to what's your dream Sign up to become an affiliate if you aren't already. If you are an affiliate already, go grab some of your links and are sharing Speaker 3:       08:58           so it doesn't cost you anything to become an affiliate, which is awesome because the whole idea here is there's no way you can lose on this deal. In addition to that, we're going to be rolling out this year, our new affiliate bootcamp you can get. You can go to bootcamp right now and still get a bunch of training. We're going to revamp that probably in April or May and, uh, put some additional stuff in there. So realize as an affiliate, you don't need any products. All you need is marketing knowhow, so affiliate bootcamp is actually where you are to get the knowledge. What's your dream car? Dot Com is where you can get the links, plus you also get swipe copy, so minus what is swipe copy. Speaker 2:       09:30           Swipe copy is done for you, so if they were to create swipe copy for this podcast, he would have handed me a sheet that I would read everything off and I wouldn't have to think on my own. I can literally just copy it and it would be done for you. So you have swipe copy where you copy it, put it into your email autoresponder, and we literally like. I don't know if you know this, Russell Brunson may be one of the world's greatest marketers and copywriters. He's written that swipe copy, so you're getting Russell Brunson to write your swipe copy and you just send it out and it's done for you. So that's already done for you. There's a graphics and images that you can use as well, so we've provided as much as we can for you so you don't have to do a lot of that label. If you don't have to write the email, if you don't have to create assets or images and things like that, you can go into the affiliate dashboard and grab those. They're done for you. Speaker 3:       10:14           Yeah, they're awesome. Part is you don't have to worry about the funnel because the funnels already been created that swipe copy of those links. They lead to the funnel. Once they're in the funnel, they get the top of the funnel where they basically entered their email address in. As miles mentioned earlier. You get sticky cookies to them and as long as no other affiliate promotes them directly, they don't click on the field. It's like you're going to get any additional commissions. Uh, the other great thing about it is, as you first get started going online, the key here is to learn marketing. So I highly recommend that you go ahead and you actually read through the email copy, understand the copy. You can, obviously you can change it, you can add to it, uh, but the copies there to give you a template or something to at least get started with. Speaker 3:       10:51           Realize that when you first get started in affiliate marketing, your only focus is to learn how to drive traffic and to learn how to continue to write copy. Those are the two things that matter most. So one of the things I always recommend is if you want to get better at writing copy funnel scripts is probably the best tool I can think of to actually do that. It's 500 bucks. Basically buy it for the year and it literally writes your copy's for you, meaning you type in a couple of, uh, it's kind of like fill in the blank and then fills out an entire email copy for you, gives you subject lines and gives you a ton of subject lines. It's not just one, I don't know how many Jim Edwards has in there, but every time you do it, you get a ton of different headlines. You also get a different email copy and you have to understand this is all, even though it's computer generated, this is from the best of the best of the best copywriters over the last hundred plus years where Jim went out and he literally took all of the copy secrets and all the things that Gary Halbert and all the other amazing copywriters have written over the last hundred hundred 50 years and that now is in software where you fill in the blanks. Speaker 3:       11:53           It literally creates all of your emails. It creates all of your subject lines. It actually will do podcast for you. It'll do webinars, powerpoint, I mean it does a ton. I'm just talking. When you're learning marketing, you have to understand copy and you have to understand traffic. So as far as traffic, we typically recommend the best places to start off is with facebook and in affiliate bootcamp there. John Parks who runs all of our traffic for us, I think he's got what, three or four modules on trees. Facebook tracking does. He does three or four in there. Miles, if they want to learn additional things as far as the market, what else can we provide to them? Speaker 2:       12:23           So I mean first and foremost is the best way for you is if you're promoting these products, make sure you have them as well. Like if you're going to promote the expert secrets book, make sure you've gone through that book and studied it and the Dotcom secrets book because you can't tell people what kind of values can provide until you realize the kind of value that's in those books or in the different products and programs, right? Um, and I want to reemphasize what Dave said about funnel scripts. That is, you know, as you go through and it generates all these headlines and copy as you see that you begin to see patterns in the way people respond to different ads and different headlines, different topics as you use that. You'll see, okay, these, these are what's working, and then it's going to be embedded in your mind. Speaker 2:       13:03           You're not going to have to rely on that. Although we use it all the time, but it's absolutely amazing. It is a shortcut to create or the best copy out there, but there's a ton. So if you're not already in affiliate bootcamp, I recommend going and using that like they've just been afraid. I feel like Yeah, it's 100 percent free. I would go dive into that right now and as Dave mentioned, we're revamping it. So take advantage of what's there right now, but then you'll definitely want to go back and take advantage of it when we revamped. It's going to be absolutely incredible. I'm so giddy for that. It's going to be an incredible. There's, I mean there's a ton of other things out there. Dave, do we want to send them other places like we watch them back to her book. So there's a book that we read here in the office to help all of us, um, you know, master this craft of marketing in the book is called great leads. Uh, it's all about writing copy, creating headlines, the different audiences you want to talk to, whether they're really aware of the product or not aware at all. How would you write to those different audiences? Speaker 2:       13:56           If you want any help, we have a ton of different courses. We have traffic secrets that you can use, obviously that's in the affiliate bootcamp, but do you want to learn hundreds and hundreds of different ways to drive traffic to your site or to different products? Traffic Secrets is they're obviously expert secrets, you know, building a tribe. You can do that on secrets. It's all about how to use funnels and utilize them so that the three things that we have is affiliate bootcamp. Obviously, it's absolutely incredible. The paintings is expert secrets funnel scripts. Uh, we have. I wish Tenex secrets was still open, but it's not. I'm sorry guys. We have the one funnel away challenge, like, that's going to be incredible. I think that is worth every penny, especially for you guys. If you're just getting into this and you want to start making money online, invest in one funnel away challenged. Have Steven Julian, Russell take you by the hand to show you what you need to do to create income and to sell your own product, but more importantly to sell other people's products. That's how a of people get started and that's how I got started in entrepreneurship. That's how Steven got started in entrepreneurship, like affiliate marketing is the way is kind of that gateway drug to entrepreneurship. If you asked me, Speaker 3:       15:00           I love it, so guys understand the most important thing for you right now is to learn marketing and the best way to learn marketing is actually to go out and start marketing other products and services and that's what affiliate marketing is all about. We have the facebook, the facebook of group where you can post comments and questions in there were pretty active and they're responding to questions. Their affiliate, and by all means one funnel. A challenge I think is probably as miles said, is if you really want to get started, it's probably the best hundred bucks you will ever spend a. you'll get a ton of value out of it and most importantly, as miles mentioned, I'm a huge believer in the fact that the best way to promote things is to actually already bought it, used it, consumed it. Then you know what they're getting and you're not just saying, well, I heard this might work. Speaker 3:       15:44           The last thing I want to make mention of, and that's the importance of publishing and we always talk about building a list and you can either build, either work your way in or you buy your way in and you can just spend a whole bunch of money trying to buy your way in as far as creating a list, which again, if you've got some extra money, I highly recommend that you do that. The other thing is you can basically work your way in and that's by literally just spending the time going out and publishing. So miles, any publishing secrets are ticked. Speaker 2:       16:09           Tips that you recommend I would publish as often as possible. I think Dave as well, we find this correlation when I'm publishing a lot more on instagram or facebook, that's when people are reaching out to me and asked me, hey, what are you doing? Tell me about clickfunnels. Tell me about this, and it's literally three traffic to me. People are reaching out to me for my affiliate links or you know, that's how I'm making money. There's a correlation between the more that you publish, the more people are going to see you and see what you're doing and be interested in asking for help and asking for guidance. Know, no matter where you're at on your path, there's someone who's a few steps behind you and they're looking up to you and if you can provide that value to them, they're going to follow you and believe it or not, they're going to purchase through your affiliate link because you're providing value to them. Speaker 2:       16:49           Uh, it's the same with me like Russell Brunson. Uh, that's how I, you know, I looked up to him and I still look up to him and now I'm following everything that he does. Like I'm following his facebook and instagram. So publish as often as possible as Steven Martin says, publish, publish your face off because whether it's a podcast, facebook, instagram, youtube, you know, whatever is best for you. What if you hate writing, then podcast. If you hate talking, then then, right? So just get out there, document your journey, that's the most part. You don't have to come up with content, document what you're doing, other people want to see what you're doing and they want to follow you. So that's my advice is just document Gary v says at Russell, says it, Steven says it, just document what you're doing because people aren't interested. If people want to follow somebody, Speaker 3:       17:30           I love it. So we're going to end on that note as far as document your journey. So if you're just getting starting to feel it, marketing, there's nothing better than documenting that journey because other people are gonna fall behind you and you'll find that your linkedin, everything else, they get clicked on overtime. So document the journey. Again, if you're a writer, that means you're gonna. Write a blog. Steven [inaudible], who is our very first number one affiliate, he did all his through blogs and so write a blog and that for him was how he liked to publish. If you have a preferred to speaking, audio is great. Start a podcast, a anchor dot FM is probably easiest. Fast way of getting started. Were you living when you record push play and it's done and you don't have to worry about all the post editing stuff that a lot of our team best for miles and I on this podcast, so podcast is a huge thing from an audio standpoint as mentioned as far as facebook live, instagram stories, all those things are ways of getting your, of your video and your voice and your face out there and then obviously be saved. Speaker 3:       18:25           They can put on youtube and you can then start building up a whole long history on youtube as well. So the key this year, I hope, if nothing else is learn how to market and learn how to publish. Any other parting words? Speaker 2:       18:37           No, I think that's 100 percent right because you know this one, the only challenge is a great thing, but we have so many other amazing things coming this year. Make sure you guys are prepared for those because it's going to be just incredible and an opportunity for you to learn as a marketer and as an entrepreneur and to make some really good money as an affiliate marketer. So hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode. I'm dave and I were just been so excited about what's coming up this year and we want to make sure our affiliates are ready to go and if you're just getting into it, reach out to us on facebook, you know, getting that Avenger's group start asking questions. There's a lot of experience affiliates in there and they're willing to help. They're willing to share that information and you guys go hit at art and we're looking forward to a huge 2019 like we're trying to tame myself. But it's gonna be an amazing 2019. Thanks for listening everybody. Speaker 3:       19:24           Happy New Year everyone. Again, we'll hope to see you at funnel hacking live and for some reason you have not bought your ticket. I don't know why that would be. What are you doing? Why haven't you bought it yet? For some reason you haven't got to funnel hacking Get your tickets. Come see miles. And I had funnel hacking live and tell us that you heard the podcast, you liked it, and that you're basically an affiliate marketer and uh, can't wait to get started if you didn't like it. Still come to funnel hacking live. Just don't talk to us. Okay? Just kidding. No, don't talk to us. We'll see if funnel hacking live. Everybody. Take care. Speaker 4:       19:54           Hey everybody. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to the podcast. If you don't mind, could you please share this with others, rate and review this podcast on itunes. It means the world to me. We're trying to get to as a million downloads here in the next few months and just crush through over $650,000 and I just want to get the next few 100,000 so we can get to a million downloads and see really what I can do to help improve and, and get this out to more people at the same time. If there's a topic, there's something you'd like me to share or someone you'd like me to interview by means, just reach out to me on facebook. You can pm me and I'm more than happy to take any of your feedback as well as if people you'd like me to interview. I'm more than happy to reach out and have that conversation with you so again, can go to itunes rate and review this, share this podcast with others, and let me know how else I can improve this or what I can do to Speaker 5:       20:41           to make this better for you guys. Thanks.
Jan 15, 2019 • 19min

#1 Metric or KPI to Track in Your Business in 2019 - Dave Woodward - FHR #304

Why Dave Decided to Talk About the #1 Metric or KPI to Track Your Business in 2019: As the new year began, Dave has been thinking a lot about goals and which goals truly measure the success for our businesses. So for your new year come and listen into what Dave has learned about the #1 metric you should be aiming for hitting this year. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: (3:34) Living Your Sale Even Before You Get on Stage (5:08) Russel Brunson: Body Language Whisperer (7:15) ClickFunnels’ Success is Our Customer’s Success (11:30) Your “Raving Fans” Will Always Be Your Best Ad Campaign (14:34) Talking to Your Leaving Customers Quotable Moments: (3:15) “As I sat there I started thinking, ‘What are the metrics, as you go into the new year that you need to focus as a business owner’. What’s the number one thing you really need to pay attention to.” (9:58) “I encourage you, as you take a look at 2019 and the measurements you might be using, the success of your customers is truly the main number you are going to want to be measuring.” (13:06) “I would really look at the value you’re providing this year. What can you do this year to help your customers just casually talk about how your product or service is so amazing” Other Tidbits: Just a fair warning to the fortunate souls who get interviewed by Nathan Latka, you better have your company’s numbers ready to fire off or else it’s going to be a rough go around. Dave is highly determined that most reasons your customers will leave you is beyond numbers and dollars. People are highly emotional and thus should be treated as such instead of dollars. Always remember the hardest dollar to earn in your business is the first, and it could be the same for your customer Important Episode Links: Dave’s Podcast Suggestions - Russel Brunson’s “Marketing Secrets”- Andrew Warner’s “Mixergy”- Nathan Latka’s “The Top”- Rachel & Dave Hollis’ “Rise Together” ---Transcript--- Speaker 1:     00:00         Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here's your host, Dave Woodward. Speaker 2:     00:16         Hey, funnel hackers. So excited to have you back with me today. This is a kind of a fun little podcast. It's come down to the end of the year and it's been fascinating to me as I hear about everyone you know, talking about New Year's resolutions and things are focusing on and we're looking at things and review things I absolutely love doing is listening to podcasts. Obviously as a podcast host, I spend a lot of time listening to other people's podcast too and from a business perspective and the main ones I listened to obviously first and foremost is Russell's a marketing secrets. If you're not listening, that one, add that to your list. In addition to that, I really like Andrew Warner from mixergy and Nathan Lat [inaudible] at the top of both these focus more on business side and sas metrics in and all the things that that being part of click funnels, it's super important to and then from a personal standpoint, I always, I really love a rise together with Rachel, Dave Hollis, so those are some of the main ones I listened to and then there's a host of others that I hit and miss quite a bit but is interesting. Speaker 2:     01:17         As I was listening to Nathan Laka and Andrew Warner this morning, kind of bingeing on quite a few different things they were talking about is we're coming down to the end of the year. You're Nathan spends a lot of time just talking about numbers and metrics and everything else and Andrew's a. If you were there with us in Salt Lake era in Provo, Utah when we had him there interviewing Russell. It was fascinating just to. I love his interview style. The crazy thing about Andrew is I've never known anyone who is truly. I mean, just genuinely interested in other people as much as Andrews. This is a guy who goes out of his way. I was fascinated. I was sitting there at the, uh, at the event I'm usually trying to make sure that any of the speakers or our guests are rustling wells, that they, they're able to kind of get in the state they need to before they actually go on stage. Speaker 2:     02:03         And so like with JP sears and made sure he was kind of sequestered away and same with Russell, but Andrew, he literally loved meeting ingredient everybody and asking them a ton of questions about them, their business, why they were there, what was interesting to them. And as I was kind of reflecting on that and then listening to a lot to Nathan Laka, his whole thing on the opposite, he is, he drills people for numbers. I mean he is a metrics guy and you better know what, again, this is all sas talk, but you better know what your cac as far as your cost to acquire customer. What is your Ltv, your lifetime value, what's your art? But what your, your revenue per user and he literally just go through it all, just drills guys and men and women and whatever on her show. Really trying to find out exactly what are the metrics of the business, what are they doing to make things change and you know, increase top line revenue as well as obviously increasing bottom line revenue. Speaker 2:     02:56         You know, what's your ages goes crazy on this type of. So they're always typically 15, 20 minutes, pretty close to 20 minutes and it's just, I felt sorry for this guy who was going to be in a today because he was relentless and would not let up on this guy. But the thing I found fascinating is I was, as I sat there and started thinking of what are the metrics, as you go into the new year, what are the metrics that you need to focus on as a business owner? What's the number one thing that you really need to pay attention to? It are the. Because we always talk about kpis or are different. You know, what's the number one? If you could only choose one number to focus on, what's that in one number going to be. And uh, it's been fascinating recently. I've had the opportunity, uh, we're looking at a Russell speaking at grant Cardone, a 10 x growth con number three this year. Speaker 2:     03:44         We've spoken at the last two and looking at possibly rolling out a new product for it or I don't know, just kind of toying around with it. And then literally two weeks after that we go right into funnel hacking live. And if you've ever listened to Russell's content, one or things you've heard him talk a ton about is the importance of practicing your content. Very similar to a, to that, of a comedian. He used the analogy that the dean Graziosi spoke about in his little man's retreat retreat where a comedian basically goes on stage and they practice their jokes and they find out which ones work and which ones bomb. And then they go back and tweak and test. And, and so russell does the exact same thing when it comes to stories and he's always testing and trying different stories. But it was really kind of an interesting thing when we came in the office, he's in the process right now of rewriting dotcom secrets and expert secrets. Speaker 2:     04:32         A traffic secrets is going to be released in September of 2019 and we've been talking a lot about the different things to what would you do different as you take a look back and could rewrite dotcom secrets or rewrite expert secrets? Are there logical steps that you would go back and, and put in? Are there things that, how would you change it, what would you do different? And then the same type of thing when we start taking a look at, um, stories and, and presenting things, what are some of the main things that we need to make sure any of our listeners get get right away? And it was fascinating as we've been talking, he got off the phone yesterday with the grant Cardone we were, it was a 15 minute little preview call and came my office. It was fascinating. We sat there and talked about. Speaker 2:     05:16         One of the things that Russell is just amazing at is he sends his body language extremely well. I mean, he just, he has this like this tuning fork. It's Kinda like the tuning fork. He has it literally, he will, he can feel energy through a screen and it's just, it's always fascinating for me is I watched him and I and I sit there and I, I, I'm able to just kind of see what he's, what are the cues he's picking up on and say, you know, David, one of the things for me that was so intriguing was you'll grant and listened to all these things and we've got a good relationship at grand would talk and talk and talk, but grant as well as his listeners, what they really picked up on was when I started telling a story about Jamie Cross and now Jamie crosses a member of our inner circle. Speaker 2:     06:01         I said, what are two Comma Club award winners? She's got an amazing company called Mig soap. If you don't. She's just all natural soaps, absolutely love her soaps. Uh, it was fascinated. He started telling the story about her. That's when people really, it just changed. You could feel the energy on the call change and how we were just sitting there thinking just different things that, what really matters. And we ended up giving away a Christmas gift to all of our employees. They were sweats, custom click model sweats. And on the back of it basically says what we do matters and that we're actually, we were. How, so I'm sorry I'm rambling here. I'm trying to bring all this, all this together for you. Um, we had a partner meeting two weeks ago and our partner meeting, the one we're trying to kind of come up with more of a, a purpose of vision and something that actually would state what we do and liberating. Speaker 2:     07:02         Educate is, are some of the things that we've really focused a ton on as far as the, um, liberated with operation underground railroad and educate with village impact. And so we've been trying to think, you know, different things we could do that would have that kind of an impact on other people. As far as entrepreneurs and what I've been fascinated to pay attention to as far as if you really look at the number one metric that matters the most in your business and for us it's our customer success and I don't mean this in a trite way or just like, oh yeah, I want to make sure our customers are successful. I truly mean when we take a look at what matters the most in the success of clickfunnels, it is making sure that our customers actually have success on the platform, in their business and with the content that we're. Speaker 2:     07:56         We're using. The reason I mentioned this is I was listening to to Nathan's and everyone's podcast and we start talking about all these different measurements as far as how do you acquire customers, your average revenue per customer and all that Kinda stuff. And for us what I've realized is it's not even as it's our customer success, but more important that it's our customer's customer success. Now. It's really hard for us to track our customer's customer success, but it's easier for us to look at actually tracking our customer success and associating that with the fact that if they're having success that their customers must be as well and as I take a look at going into 2019, we've just crossed through 70,000 customers and as impressive as that number is, that number means very little unless they're actually successful. Nathan talks a ton about churn and from a sas or a membership platform, you know it's most memberships, they typically turn out about every three to four months. Speaker 2:     08:53         That's about as long as it lasts. Software is much more different than that. You can get anywhere from two to three times that and sometimes four times that and the interesting thing is I pay attention to to where we're looking for 2019. The number one metric that I want to track more than anything else is the success of our customers. The reason I mentioned that is I've seen as I get interviewed a lot, Russell gets interviewed a lot. Most of our partners do as well. The one thing that people want to hear most about, they're tired of hearing about, Oh yeah, we did 100 million, we did $70,000. That's all great, but that doesn't matter. What they want is they want to know what does this tell us more about the people using your platform? What does the success that they're getting tells their stories, and that's going to be honestly my number one metric I'm going to be looking at for 2019 is what is the success of our customers? Speaker 2:     09:44         What are they actually doing? What? What has click funnels done for them that's then allowed it provided them a tool audit. It's ones and Zeros. It's software. Funnels by itself isn't what's impressive. What's impressive is what our customers do with that platform and so I'd encourage you as you take a look at 2019 in the metrics you might be measuring the success of your customers truly is the most important metric to measure for us. If our customers aren't having success, who cares about the platform? It's why we're taking a look at, at possibly adding an onboarding team. So when people come into a free trial, they actually get onboarded. We're looking at adding the opportunity of migration where for persons with somebody else, how do we help them get over to click phones where they can then use that to have greater success with their customers. Speaker 2:     10:30         When I a person's leaving clickfunnels, I want to know why. What happened? What did we do wrong? What is the, what is it? It's, it's rarely ever dollars and cents. It's, there's more emotion associated with the. And I would really encourage you to start talking to your customers. Find out why are they leaving, why are they canceling? Why are they refunding? There's something wrong, uh, rarely ever. Is it a dollars and cents thing. Everything is based on value. And so if a person is looking for a refund, yes, I mean obviously there's a couple of people you're gonna run across who just are on hard times financially and that's just the way it is for most of them is because you haven't solved that problem that they needed more than anything else. And they, you had them with hope at the beginning, but as they started using your tool or your software or your, your, your product, whether it's a physical product is intellectual product information, product. Speaker 2:     11:19         The promises weren't fulfilled in the way that they expected. So what are your customers' expectations? How do you satisfy those expectations? How do you get just raving fans to where they literally become the people who start building your business because they just naturally talk about it. I was with Dean Graziosi just to a couple of weeks ago down in genius network and was like, Dave, I'm sure I would be your number one affiliate if you guys actually tracked it because I talk about you guys all of the time, but I just say go to click funnels. I never actually use an affiliate link because because you guys have, you have this ability to help entrepreneurs Speaker 3:     11:54         get what they really need and want in their business. And because of that I just talk about it. And so as you take a look at 2019 for your own business, what are the things that you can do to make sure that your customers have greater success? What are the things that you can do to make sure that when they're out there talking with other business owners or with their clients or with friends that they in conversation bring your product up? For me, I've seen that happen with a ton of of our customers as they start talking about some of the success they're having and they associate a lot of it with a platform with, with clickfunnels. The other thing I've seen is they start talking about the books they've read and expert secrets and Dotcom secrets, the impact that that's had, or a video or a podcast. Speaker 3:     12:39         So understand the importance. I'm, as I'm talking about your customers realize it's also about the value you're giving. Are you publishing on a regular basis and is the content that you're publishing, are you publishing it in hopes of just getting, getting likes and reviews and it hopefully just getting shared and engaged? Or are you truly trying to provide content that those who are listening can actually implement in their business and their life and improve their life, whether it's in their business or their personal life, whatever it might be. A lot of you I've mentioned the fact I've been coaching with with Jerrick Robbins. Again, I don't get paid at all for talking about Gerrick, but I've thoroughly enjoyed my experiences last year in coaching with him. Same thing as far as Eric Cafferty, who is the coach. I hired a as far as lifting. I've never been consistent that lifting as much as I have. Speaker 3:     13:30         Then right now, and I talked about Eric all the time. Again, these aren't people who aren't getting paid for anything else. It's just because I truly appreciate the value that they've added to my life. I look at podcast at facebook lives. I again, I mentioned Andrew Warner. I mentioned, uh, Nathan Laka. I don't get paid to talk about them, but I truly want people to know these are people who are giving value to the universe and if you in those businesses and you need that, there are people. I would follow, so I would really look at the value you're providing this year. What can you do that will cause your customers to just casually talk about your product or service being so amazing? What are the things that you're doing that is actually solving the problems that your customers are reached out to you for? Make sure that your number one metric is your customer success. Speaker 3:     14:18         Find a way of tracking, of measuring, of getting testimonials, of providing value to them. The more value you provide to your customers, the greater business is going to grow obviously, but I want to make sure that you're doing it in a way that you genuinely care about them and one of those ways is to is to reach out and call and talk to those people who are leaving or who are getting refunds. Pick up the phone, ask them what happened, how, what did I do wrong? How I'm I'm here to help and to serve and something I'm doing obviously did not serve you. What can I do different? Too often, I think a lot of people in the Internet marketing space are afraid to pick up the phone and talk to somebody. I've loved having Robbie Summers on. It has been we've hired to as our head of sales and every single day what happens is they get. Speaker 3:     15:02         He gets together with the sales team on our retention team and finds out, let's analyze two different people's businesses who left, why did they leave? What can we do different, and then they call those two and say, you know what? We're just looking at your business and realize that this maybe this isn't working or this isn't working, or how about this or what can we do to provide value to you realize that the business these days, the hardest thing to do is to get the first dollar online. The worst thing is to burn through that dollar and to lose that trust, so do whatever it's going to take. Reach out to these customers, find out, talk to them, make sure that you look at your own customers and see what it is that. What is the hope that you're providing? What is the solutions that you're out there to solve and then make sure that you're getting those solved. Speaker 3:     15:46         Uh, we're starting to do reviews now with our customers. For our one funnel away challenge. Uh, we're gonna do the exact same thing with the two Comma Club coaching and trying to actually get reviews from them to find out what are you like, what did, what did you not like, rate us, give us reviews, help us get feedback. You spend so much time acquiring the customer. Please take the time and spend the money to find out what is the satisfaction that they're, are they thrilled with you? What can you do better? Uh, again, I, it's the number one metric I'm, I'm paying attention to this next year as we look at, at. For me, if there was one word I could look at its impact, what is the impact I can have on 70,000 customers? What's the impact that we can have on 100,000 customers? What's the impact we can have on 200,000 customers? Speaker 3:     16:29         Yes. Obviously there's dollars and stuff associated with that on the back end. Those mean absolutely nothing unless the impact is there on the front end. Having a merry, merry Christmas. Enjoy the holidays. Have a happy new year. I hope to see all of you who are listening to this at funnel hacking live. If you haven't gotten your tickets, by all means, go to [inaudible] dot com and get your tickets. Not that we want you there for a dollars and cents. I want you there because I want you to come up and talk to me. I want you to say, you know, Dave, this is what's working in my business. You know what, Dave, this is what's not working. I would appreciate if you guys would do this. You know I love how this is working. I enjoy that feedback. If this podcast is creating any value for you, please reach out and let me know. Speaker 3:     17:09         Send me a personal message on facebook or email me, David clickfunnels or instagram. Let me know if it's working. If it's not, I also want to know that if you're like, you know, Dave, your podcast sucks. I don't like any of this one. Obviously, if it's not working for you, you can listen to somebody else's, but if there's things that that I'm doing wrong or things that you want more from, if there's people you would like me to interview that I haven't interviewed, let me know. I, I truly do want to provide the greatest value to you is I can I value anybody takes the time to listen to these podcasts and again, I appreciate the feedback. Enjoy the holidays, can't wait to see at funnel hacking live. Take care. Know how much we appreciate you, everybody. Speaker 2:     17:50         Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to podcasts. If you don't mind, could you please share this with others? Rate and review this podcast on itunes. It means the world to me where I'm trying to get to as a million downloads here in the next few months and just crush through over 650,000 and I just want to get the next few 100,000 so we can get to a million downloads and see really what I can do to help improve and get this out to more people at the same time. If there's a topic, there's something you'd like me to share or someone you'd like me to interview, by all means, just reach out to me on facebook. You can pm me and I'll be more than happy to take any of your feedback as well as people you'd like me to interview, more than happy to reach out and have that conversation with you. So again, go to Itunes, rate and review this, share this podcast with others and let me know how else I can improve this or Speaker 4:     18:35         I can do to make this better for you guys. Thanks.  

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