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The Micah Hanks Program

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Jun 20, 2023 • 1h 7min

The Nuclear Connection: UAP and the Atomic Warfare Complex | MHP 06.20.23.

Throughout the early years of the Cold War, recurrent appearances of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) were documented near several radioactive materials production plants, atomic weapons assembly facilities, and atomic weapons stockpile sites in the United States. What were the objects that were seen, and what was the intention of their operators? Larry Hancock a graduate of the University of New Mexico and a veteran who served in the United States Air Force, is the lead author of a new paper published by the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies titled “UAP Pattern Recognition Study: 1945-1975 US Military Atomic Warfare Complex.” Larry joins us to discuss the background that led to this study of UAP historical patterns, and what it means with relation to nuclear weapons sites on The Micah Hanks Program. The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Summer solstice: The science behind the longest day of the year  In race against clock, expanding fleet of ships searches for submersible lost near Titanic wreck  Woman Who Woke Up Inside Coffin Declared Dead For Second Time What’s That Orbiting the Moon? Data Suggests a Lost Spacecraft Could be Lurking in Lunar Orbit  BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
Jun 13, 2023 • 1h 1min

David Grusch: The UAP Whistleblower Controversy | MHP 06.12.23.

As the developing story of UAP whistleblower David Grusch continues to unfold, new statements from the former member of the U.S. Air Force and intelligence community have erupted in controversy, following a lengthy interview conducted in recent days by journalist Ross Coulthart.  In our ongoing analysis, this week on The Micah Hanks Program we look at Grusch's most recent statements, along with the resulting media response, and finally, what the implications of his claims about acquisitions of technologies stemming from non-human intelligence by the U.S. government may be.  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Bombshell Whistleblower Testimony Suggests Virgin Galactic is Wildly Undervalued House Oversight Committee to hold hearings on UFOs soon Canada attends first-of-its-kind UFO briefing at the Pentagon Skeptics, believers discuss whistleblower's claims    Dr. John Garrison’s body language analysis BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
Jun 6, 2023 • 1h 11min

Craft Retrievals of Non-Human Origin | MHP 06.05.23.

Is the United States in possession of anomalous craft of non-human origin? Has this information been illegally kept from Congress? These are among the questions raised by a bombshell story published in The Debrief by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal who, in 2017, reframed the public debate about unidentified aerial phenomena in an article published in The New York Times. Now, a former intelligence official, David Charles Grusch, has come forward and filed a complaint with the Intelligence Community Inspector General alleging that knowledge of such retrievals of non-human craft has been illegally kept from Congress.  This week on The Micah Hanks Program, Kean and Blumenthal join me to discuss the story, the investigative process behind it, and how it all came together. Then later in the program, co-founder of The Debrief and investigative reporter Tim McMillan joins us to discuss the vetting and research process behind the scenes prior to the article's publication.  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Sonic boom over DC: No survivors found after small plane crashes in Virginia Is it real or made by AI? Europe wants a label for that as it fights disinformation   KEAN & BLUMENTHAL: Intelligence Officials Say U.S. Has Retrieved Craft of Non-Human Origin BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
May 30, 2023 • 1h 15min

The RB-47 Incident: Mystery at 2800 Megacycles | MHP 05.29.23.

In the early pre-dawn hours of July 17, 1957, an Air Force RB-47—an aircraft that served at the time as the backbone of Strategic Air Command’s bomber fleet—was in mid-flight on a composite mission that included gunnery exercises over the Texas Gulf Coast, when its crew had an encounter with the extraordinary.  This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we examine the RB-47 UFO incident, and how the electronic intelligence collected about this 1957 encounter may represent one of the most significant UAP-related events in modern history, potentially offering calibrated scientific data in support of the existence of the phenomenon.   This episode is sponsored by AG1 by Athletic Greens. To find out about the energy boost and other benefits this all-natural supplement can provide, visit The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Study claims New York City is sinking under the weight of its buildings Groundbreaking Israeli cancer treatment has 90% success rate  Hibernation artificially triggered in potential space travel breakthrough  Russian 'spy' whale surfaces in Sweden Investigation and Tracking of UAP Explored in New Publications by Harvard Team  The Micah Hanks Program- AG1 Podcast Brief   RB-47 INCIDENT: RB-47- Federation of American Scientists RB-47 Incident - NICAP Website Dr. James MacDonald’s Report BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
May 23, 2023 • 1h 17min

On the Trail of the Skinwalker: Colm Kelleher Ph.D. on the AAWSAP Investigations | MHP 05.23.23.

Between 2008 and 2010, what is arguably one of the most atypical government investigations into the unexplained was carried out by employees with Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) out of Las Vegas, Nevada, as part of a Defense Intelligence Agency effort known as the Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Applications Program, or AAWSAP.  This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we examine the controversial DIA program with Colm Kelleher, Ph.D., a biochemist who between 1996-2004 led the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) team on Skinwalker Ranch, and in 2008 became deputy administrator of BAASS where he led the day-to-day operations in executing the AAWSAP contract with Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Kelleher shares his reflections about the program, what it discovered, and how it applies to the ongoing efforts by the Pentagon to evaluate unidentified anomalous phenomena.  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Did you feel it? Boom, shaking reported across the Lowcountry Apollo 11’s Eagle Might Still Be Orbiting Around The Moon Details on Mysterious Object That Followed China’s Spaceplane Revealed in Space Threat Assessment  13% of Academics Who Responded to UAP Survey Suspect "Devices of Unknown Intelligence"   Garry Nolan on ET intelligence Garry Nolan: A Stanford Professor's Quest to Resolve Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena COLM KELLEHER: Hunt for the Skinwalker (Amazon)  Skinwalkers at the Pentagon (Amazon) Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
May 16, 2023 • 1h 2min

Black Knight: Dark Satellites, Anomalous Echoes and Alien Probes | MHP 05.15.23.

Since the 1950s, American astronomers and military officials have monitored the orbital space above planet Earth for signs of objects that may represent threats to the United States. However, even prior to the launch of Sputnik in October 1957, strange objects of unknown origin were being detected in orbit above Earth, giving rise to theories about the existence of an alien probe that could have quietly monitored our planet from a once-hidden position in orbit for thousands of years.  This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we dive into the strange history involving what is popularly known as "The Black Knight Satellite", and how a genuine scientific anomaly first detected in the 1920s helped give rise to theories about possible evidence of alien technologies in Earth's orbit.  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: The Hottest Online Game: Hunting for Classified Documents  Prosecutor seeks to free man imprisoned 33 years for murder, citing evidence of innocence  Ancient tablet found on Mount Ebal predates known Hebrew inscriptions In 'crazy' coincidence, 2 earthquakes occur one second apart on different faults, jostling San Diego County  Denmark's mystery tremors caused by acoustic waves from unknown source, officials say   BLACK KNIGHT: Short Wave Echoes and the Aurora Borealis Science: Message from a Star... The Five Most Likely Explanations for Long Delayed Echoes Evidence of Non-Terrestrial Objects Surveilling Earth Could Be Revealed in New Research Effort BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
May 9, 2023 • 1h 7min

Lost: Missing Persons, UFOs, and High Strangeness | MHP 05.08.23.

Few perennial mysteries intrigue us more than people who vanish. Throughout history, there have been countless examples of cases involving individuals who went missing under unusual circumstances, many of which were never found. But are there truly any cases that point to extraordinary phenomena that could have been related to people's disappearances? In this installment of The Micah Hanks Program, following a review of recent UFO-related news, we take a critical look at several modern disappearances and the purported high strangeness that is often associated with such incidents, along with what U.S. crime statistics say. Finally, we address the question of whether unidentified aerial phenomena has actually ever been linked to cases where individuals have vanished under odd circumstances. The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Chilling 'Oppenheimer' Trailer Released, Promises Absolute Carnage Henry Kissinger on a potential artificial intelligence arms race   UFO search: Retired Navy senior chief 'not going to jail' to report what he saw in Afghanistan | Fox News  How science — and politics — are bringing an end to UFOlogy  THE MISSING: This Baffling Disappearance In Wyoming Still Remains Unsolved 20 Years Later  Wyoming family searches for son missing for three years  Dennis Lloyd Martin: 50 Years Ago, This Boy Vanished in the GSMNP International Comission on Missing Persons: Who are The Missing? Missing Persons  How Prevalent is Violence in Missing Persons Cases? | National Institute of Justice  2022 NCIC Missing Person and Unidentified Person Statistics — FBI  Missing Persons | ASU Center for Problem-Oriented Policing BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
May 2, 2023 • 1h 8min

UAP: Knowns, Unknowns, and Uncertainties | MHP 05.01.23.

On June 2, 1964, Charles Davis, a youth living near the town of Hobbs, New Mexico, had been playing outside in full view of his grandmother when a small, top-shaped black object swooped down from the sky and hovered over him, dumping a shower of flames onto the frightened child. Although he said he could feel no pain, Davis was left temporarily disfigured after the incident, and prefers today not to talk about UFOs.  What were the objects that young Charles Davis, and many others have had seemingly terrifying encounters with over the years? In this installment of The Micah Hanks Program, we look at potentially harmful cases involving UAP, and whether they should cause us to rethink many of our presumptions about the nature and possible intention of the phenomenon. This episode is sponsored by AG1 by Athletic Greens. To find out about the energy boost and other benefits this all-natural supplement can provide, visit The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Pentagon Confirms New Details on Mysterious Balloon Being Tracked by U.S. Military Over Hawaii New Satellite Images Reveal First Look at Chinese Airship and Laser Anti-Satellite Weapons Capabilities In a Surprise Move, Russia Says it Will Support International Space Station Operations Through 2028 BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
Apr 26, 2023 • 1h 17min

Garry Nolan: UAP Analysis and Anomalous Pathology | MHP 04.19.23.

Since 2017, reports of unusual encounters U.S. military personnel have had with anomalous aerial phenomena have seen renewed debate among the military, the media, and the academic community. Meanwhile, an undercurrent of cases involving anomalous health incidents has also gradually come to the attention of the intelligence community; but could there be a relationship between the two, and if so, what is it?  This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we are joined by Garry Nolan, a Stanford University professor of pathology who discusses his groundbreaking research into anomalous health incidents, and their possible relationship to UAP, as well as the analysis of materials purportedly recovered from anomalous aerial vehicles. This episode is sponsored by AG1 by Athletic Greens. To find out about the energy boost and other benefits this all-natural supplement can provide, visit The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Southern and northern lights sweep planet in stunning display of auroras  Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson part ways  Don Lemon, CNN Star Anchor, to Leave the Network European nations scramble to evacuate citizens from Sudan amid a lull in fighting Intelligence Community Leaders Meet at Wright Patterson for “Historic” National Security Briefing  BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
Apr 20, 2023 • 1h 26min

The Senate Hearings on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena | MHP 04.19.23.

On April 19, 2023, a hearing by the Senate Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities was held that focused on the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), and its assessment of unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAP.  Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of AARO and witness in attendance for the Senate hearing, discussed common shapes of UAP, as well as their flight dynamics and other reported characteristics, along with a pair of new videos that are part of AARO's current assessments. This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we dive into the recent hearings, and what they convey about the U.S. government's ongoing assessments of the mysteries in our skies.  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: India will surpass China as world's most populous country by mid-year, UN says  Classified Document Leak Reveals Presence of Western Special Forces in Ukraine, and Much More  Pentagon Details Review of Policies for Handling Classified Information  Air Force halts intelligence mission of suspected classified document leaker's unit  New Concerning Details on Chinese Spy Balloon Technology Revealed in U.S. Classified Document Leak  AARO: Senate Hearing on UAP Reveals New Videos and Common Features, but Says No Proof of ET BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at

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